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Treasure Coast High School

Treasure Coast High School

Culminating Project Manual

Junior Class
Student Information Guide

Treasure Coast High School

Table of Contents

Page Section
3 Introduction, Vision, and Beliefs
4 9-12 Path to Graduation and the Culminating Project
5 Majors
5 Common Sense Guidelines
6 Culminating Project Approval Form
7 Component A: Culminating Project Proposal
8 Culminating Project Proposal Format
9 Culminating Project Proposal Rubric
10 Addendum Criteria
11 Component B: The In-Depth Project
14 In-Depth Project Rubric
15 Component C: Project Presentation
16 Project Presentation Rubric
17 Component D: Project Reflection
18 Project Reflection Rubric

Treasure Coast High School

The culminating project represents the culmination of a student’s K-12 education. Employers
and universities indicate that workers and students need to be able to bring complex ideas together in
order to be successful. Bringing complex ideas together might include knowing how to merge modern
technologies to manage machinery, serve customers, or locate and use a wide variety of information.
In-depth examination of a culminating project topic requires students to make wide searches and to
extend searches for more and more information. Furthermore, culminating project research requires
students to understand and organize information from a variety of sources, to interpret this
information meaningfully, and to communicate this meaning to others. These are all important skills
for future success in any endeavor.

Businesses also indicate a need for new employees to enter the work world with good time
management and goal-setting skills; these are the same skills that are needed for academic success
after high school. Students and workers must be able to solve problems and make good decisions.
Completing a successful culminating project is a long process with many steps; focusing on one area
of interest will provide the student with guidance in making decisions about choices in life after high
school. Successful completion of this process demonstrates that a student can manage complex,
time-consuming tasks successfully, and can master a body of information about a field and
communicate it to others; it also provides evidence of learning that could be displayed to a
prospective employer or university.

There is a need for a more personalized approach to education—an approach founded in

relevance and rigor. This is an opportunity for students to explore a topic that they feel passionate
about, something that they may have not had the opportunity to study before, or would like to study in
a more in-depth manner. By providing students the opportunity to research their own topics, we can
help them to realize personal aspirations that they may not have had the chance to recognize before.
Students have the chance to explore a personal passion, allowing students to see that the subjects
they learn in school are personally relevant to themselves as well as have real life applications.

Vision Statement
The Titan Culminating Project represents a rigorous and relevant rite of passage celebrating a
senior’s K-12 learning career and growth

Culminating Project Beliefs

 The Ten Design Qualities are key to quality culminating project experiences and products for
students. The Ten Design Qualities include: content and substance, organization of
knowledge, product focus, clear and compelling standards, protection from adverse
consequences for initial failures, affirmation of performance, affiliation, novelty and variety,
choice an authenticity.
 The Culminating Project is an event that exemplified how much the school is part of the
community and the community is a part of the school.
 All students can…CAN!
 Successfully transitioning from high school requires time for students to explore their passions,
interests and talents in-depth and in authentic ways.

Treasure Coast High School

Titan Path to Graduation and the Culminating Project

Student/Parent Post-HS Exploration Education Student/Advisor
Orientations Activities Planning Activities Conferences
Orientation to High
Parent and Student School Plus Planning, Required conference for students who
orientations addressing Course Offerings and have failed portions of 8th Grade FCAT
school grading policies, materials. to review High School Plus Plan and
9th Grade promotion policies, Career Exploration through update strategies to address areas of
high school registration, Freshmen Seminar. Review and modification academic deficiency.
course offerings and of High School Plus OR
graduation Education Plan as part of
requirements. Career Exploration Required conference for all students.
Career Exploration activities
occur within student
courses. All students Orientation to Required conference for all students to
Parent and Student complete a career Academies, Dual review High School Plus Plan with an
Orientations to High exploration project through Enrollment, etc. advisor. For students who have failed
10th Grade
School opportunities, social studies. portions of 9th Grade FCAT, this
High School Majors and Review and modification conference will include review of
Culminating Project. The project includes a of High School Plus strategies to address areas of academic
research report on a career, Education Plan. deficiency.
a reflection on learning
styles and interests
Parent and Student All students construct
Orientations to High Writing a Proposal for 2-Year High School Required conference for all
School Culminating Project. Plus Education Plan students to review High School Plus
opportunities, High (demonstrating a plan Plan with an advisor. For students
School Majors and for senior year and the who have not earned passing
11th Grade
Academies, college Career and Post-HS year after) FCAT score, this conference will
planning, Training Exploration include review of strategies to
Culminating Project, activities occur within All students will address areas of academic
and Post-Secondary Academies/elective complete a post- deficiency.
Preparation courses. secondary schooling
requirements. application.
Orientations provided
by counseling staff and
Parent and Student Students complete a 40
others to assist
Orientations to High hour project through
students with final
School opportunities electives program.
preparations for
Academies/ Majors, Students Present Culminating
12th Grade transition to post-
college planning Career and Post-HS Project and connect it to their post-
secondary goals.
Culminating Project, Training Exploration high school plans.
and Post-Secondary occur through
Students identify post-
Preparation Academies/electives.
high school goals as
part of Culminating

Students who are working to complete 75 hours of service learning could use it as their project.

Treasure Coast High School
Major Area of Interest
Students at TCHS will select a major course of study consisting of four credits in a related area. Options

 AICE  Health Science/Public Service

 American Sign Language  International Business
 Band  Manufacturing, Pre-Engineering
 Chorus  New Media Technology
 Criminal Justice and Law  Spanish
 Culinary Arts  Sports, Recreation, Entertainment
 Drama Marketing
 Engineering  Teacher Education
 Health Science/Medical

Common Sense Guidelines

Student in-depth projects must be legal, parent-approved, advisor-approved and, in general, require
students to “keep their feet on the ground.” Topics are limited for two reasons: to promote a serious
framework for learning (projects must be an applied learning project related to a major) and to avoid
issues of safety/ liability. Student Project Proposals may be turned down for safety reasons, by the
student’s advisor and/or principal.

The “No” list includes:

 No water projects (canoeing, kayaking, powerboat racing, water-skiing, jet skiing, white water
raft trips, rafting, shark chumming, scuba-diving, etc.)
 No feet-in-the-air projects (bungee-jumping, skydiving, hang gliding, helicopter or plane-flying,
hot air ballooning, etc)
 No mountain climbing, spelunking, rappelling, extreme snowboarding or skiing.
 No horseback riding or training of horses.
 No in-line skating or skateboarding or bicycling.
 No weapons or the making of weapons.
 No racing of any motorized vehicle (auto racing, car bashes, soapbox races, stunting, tractor
pulls, etc.)
 No paint-balling.
 No athletic camps.
 No cheer/drill competitions.
 No tattooing/body piercing or branding.

This list is not all-inclusive; other project proposals may be rejected as deemed appropriate.

Treasure Coast High School
In-Depth Project Approval Form

Student (Print Name) Home Phone Number

Student Signature Teacher (Print Name)

Parent/Guardian (Print Name) Project Teacher Signature

Parent/Guardian Signature

Answer the following questions on this sheet or in an essay attached to this sheet.

1. What do you plan to do for your in-depth project?

2. Describe your product, event, or service.

3. What prior knowledge do you have about your topic and how is this a “learning stretch” for

4. How is working on this in-depth project related to your post-high school goals?

Treasure Coast High School
Component A: Titan Culminating Project Proposal

Proposal Content
Prior to writing your proposal, you must have a project approval form completed and approved.

 What exactly do you plan to do? (Remember this is the introduction to your proposal. It should
be a brief description of your project. Remember, introductions should catch the reader’s
 Estimate the length of time to complete your product, service, or design.
 By what date will this project be completed?
 Why are you doing this project? (What motivated you to choose this particular project? List all
your reasons.)
 What skills, knowledge, experience, and personal qualities do you have that will help you
complete this project? (What do you know and what can you do already that will help you
complete this project?)
 What do you expect to learn from this project? (Include both what you will lean in technical
knowledge about a topic or area your project covers, and what general skills you will acquire
by planning and completing a major undertaking on your own. List everything you will learn.)
 How will you fund or find resources for your project? (Explain in detail how you will pay for the
costs of your project. Include a budget if necessary. Remember, you are not required to
choose a project that will be costly.)

What is your detailed plan for approaching and completing your project? The plan is the main part of
your proposal. It should be detailed and specific.
 Explain exactly and in detail everything you will do, step by step, to complete your project.
Include all of the require elements of your project:

o Identify the components of the project

o Put the components in chronological order
o Estimate the time required for each component and assign a reasonable deadline to
o Determine a personal management tool for completing the culminating project (such as
a calendar, timeline, flowchart, etc.)
o Include a budget projection
o Include an annotated bibliography
 What resources will you think you need?

 How will you know you learned something from this project?
 How will you connect this project to your post-high school plans?

Treasure Coast High School
Component A: Titan Culminating Project Proposal

Proposal Format
All acceptable proposals must meet the following format requirements.

 Title of Proposal/Project
 Student Name
Title Page
 Teacher’s Name

 Page number on each page.

 Complete sentences.
 Capitalization, punctuation, and spelling correct.
 Grammar correct. (Do not use contractions. Do not use second
person “you.”)
Conventions and
 Tense is consistent.
 Citations are in the proper format.
 Word-processed in a 10-12 point readable font (Times New
Roman or Arial)
 Appropriate use of white space: double spaced with one-inch

Six minimum pages, including:

 Title page

Treasure Coast High School

4 Exceeding Target
3 Meeting Target- Proficient
2 Approaching Target
1 Well below target Title
Date Major
Teachers: Indicate the correct score by circling the
correct number.
Teacher Advisor
Titan Culminating Project Proposal
Content and Ideas Organization
4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1
 The title is appropriate, interesting and reflects content.  Organization is appropriate for the audience and purpose.
 Thesis/position arguable and reflects the complexity of the topic, and  Ordering/sequencing of information/evidence leads the reader through the
clearly states a point of view in the introduction. text.
 Demonstrates understanding of the issue and information presented..  Parts of the paper connect with one another and the thesis.
 Supporting examples/data/commentary relevant, current, sufficient to  Multi-paragraph paper organized with sequential introduction, body and
develop position and persuade audience; counter arguments. concluding paragraphs.
 Conclusion reasserts thesis and summarizes position, and if appropriate,  Thesis stated in introductory paragraphs.
suggests effective solution/action.  Body paragraphs use topic sentences, supporting details, commentary and
concluding sentences.
 Transitions connect main ideas and paragraphs.
Style (Voice, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency) Conventions
4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1
 Variety of sentence lengths, sentence beginnings, and structures.  Complete sentences.
 Vocabulary/word choice varied, precise, and persuasive.  Capitalization, punctuation, spelling correct.
 Consistent voice appropriate to audience.  Grammar correct.
 Reader recognizes the writer is interested in the topic (senses the person  Tense consistent.
behind the words).  Citations (if present) essentially correct.
 Word-processed; format appropriate.
 Bibliography/works cited essentially correct.
Managing Socially and Personally Using Information Resourcefully
4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1
Students demonstrate the ability to proactively manage their time by:  Recognize that a problem may exist and that there is a need to identify a
 Identifying components of the project competent resource person who can provide assistance.
 Prioritizing and putting the components in chronological order  Determine questions to ask.
 Use a predetermined standard (a rubric), estimate the time required of  Ask the resource person.
each component and assign reasonable deadline to each  Determine what resources to investigate.
 Determine the most useful management tool for completing the task (i.e.
calendar, timeline, Gantt Chart, flowchart, lists).
 Use the management tool to monitor progress and make adjustment

Thinking Strategically The Writing Process

4 3 2 1 The writer shows evidence of using the writing process (check all
 Identify the end goal. boxes that apply):
 Identify multiple ways of reaching that goal, and select the most
feasible.  Prewrite
 Brainstorm the steps and resources/materials.  Draft
 Categorize and sequence the steps.  Share-respond
 Predict all possible outcomes and consequences and develop a  Revise
back-up plan if applicable.  Edit

Treasure Coast High School

Addendum Criteria
Sometimes, due to circumstances beyond control, some students may need to focus on something
other than what is in their project proposal. Then, an addendum to the proposal is needed. The
addendum must meet the same requirements as far as format and content are concerned. In
addition, the addendum should include:

 Why you are making changes to your original plan.

 An explanation of the changes you are making in your project and how those changes differ from
the original plan

 A detailed description of what you plan to do, and evidence that it is of equal or greater difficulty to
the original plan.

Your reasons for changing your project must be very important and/or unavoidable or they will not be
approved. Your project teacher and mentor/advisor must approve the addendum before you
implement it.

The Addendum must be 1-2 pages in length and must be typed in the same format as the proposal.

Treasure Coast High School
The In-Depth Project
Suggested number of hours: 40
The in-depth project in a field of study requires students to apply their learning and demonstrate their ability to

There are three types of problem-solving

Type 1: Designing a product, service, or system/design
Type 2: Improving the design of an existing system
Type 3: Planning or organizing an event

Required thinking skills in problem-solving include:

 Constructing meaning from information
 Creative problem-solving
 Investigation
 Design-making
 Systems analysis and design
 Strategizing

Type 1: Design a product, service, or system/design

Identify needs that could be met by new products, services, or systems, and create solutions for meeting them.

Medical and Visual and Engineering, Business and Science and
Public Service Performing Arts Manufacturing Marketing Natural
and Resources
Design a playground Create an art portfolio Calibrate a prototype Design and patent Research why people
area for your school for art school, for analytic chemistry your own shoe. commit hate crimes
which considers the including an in-depth equipment and create a resource
needs of the study of your favorite guide for the
community style: surrealism community
Translate an Translate a famous Develop a robotics Organize and hold a Study a local canal
instructional manual work from another project to participate Dance-a-thon to raise and determine how
or important language into English in a state or national money for a local healthy the canal is
document into for publication competition charity. and what can be done
another language for to improve the canal.
publication, in order to
serve a community
Research why people Translate an
commit hate crimes instructional manual
and create a resource or important
guide for the document into
community another language for
publication, in order to
serve a community
Create a book and
website of original
poetry to publish on-
Create an onstage
stand-up comedy
routine for a hearing
impaired audience

Treasure Coast High School

Problem-Solving Type 2: Improve the design of an existing system

Develop an understanding of the way systems of people, machines, and processes work; troubleshoot problems in their
operation; and develop strategies for improving their effectiveness.
Medical and Arts and Engineering, Business and Science and
Public Service Communication Manufacturing Marketing Natural
Upgrade one of Upgrade your Troubleshoot and Lead a plan to revise Use principles of
TCHS’s web pages school’s web page repair the problems in an in-school biology to design a
after gathering after gathering the operation of a fundraiser in order to more effective system
research on how the research on how the vehicle. improve the for watering and
page is viewed and page is viewed and organization and feeding plants in the
used by the used by the results of the school greenhouse.
community. community. fundraiser.
Develop a brochure Develop a new Remodel a car’s
for elementary process for sharing stereo system to
students on good morning increase the sound
nutrition and plan an announcements with quality
event at an students that
elementary school to encourages student
teach the concepts in voice and student
your brochure. listening.
Design and
implement a plan to
remodel a garage
Customize a
computer software
program to better suit
a specific use and
install it

Treasure Coast High School

Problem-Solving Type 3: Plan or organize an event

Take responsibility for all aspects of planning and organizing an event or activity from concept to completion, making good
use of the resources of people, time, money, materials, and facilities.
Health and Arts and Engineering and Business and Science and
Human Services Communication Technology Marketing Natural
Organize a clinic to Organize a play to be Analyze how 9 Organize a clinic to Conduct a student
teach the basics of a performed for 8 graders receive high teach the basics of a survey to determine
sport, art, or hobby. graders explaining school orientation sport, art, or hobby. what after school
high school culture/ services and design a programs should be
plan to improve upon offered at your school
those services. and present the
findings to
Stage a dance-a-thon Organize a poetry Take lead on Design and sell a T-
to raise money for a slam and use organizing a shirt with the
local charity proceeds from the ceremony for a sixth proceeds going to
poetry slam to publish grade graduation, or support a school club.
a text of collected an eighth grade
poetry from graduation, or your
participants own graduation.
Coordinate and
organize a conflict
resolution team at
your school
Volunteer to work in a
retirement home and
create an oral history
collection of the lives
of those who live in
the retirement home.

Treasure Coast High School

Component B: In-Depth Project

4 Exceeding Target Name
3 Meeting Target—Proficient for Graduation
2 Approaching target Assignment
1 Well below target Title

Teachers: Indicate the correct score by circling the Major

correct number.
Teacher Advisor Date Subject

Titan In-Depth Project

 Type 1: Designing a product, service or
Thinking Strategically/Problem-Solving
4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1
 Select and interpret information from a variety of resources to construct  Plans and implements the steps needed to create the product, service or
meaning, solve problems, and perform tasks. system.
 Develop an effective solution to a realistic complex problem, using  Develops a design that establishes criteria for judging success of the design.
creative problem-solving strategies.  Makes adjustments needed to conform with specified standards of quality and
 Clearly identify barriers, criteria, information, insights, and values in safety.
making an appropriate choice from among feasible alternatives.  Evaluates the quality of the design by gathering information from resources
such as impact studies, product testing, and market research and compares it
to similar products, services, or systems.
 Type 2: Improving the design of an
Managing Socially and Personally
existing system
4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1
Demonstrate perseverance.  Fully explain the way a system works by describing its components and their
Students demonstrate perseverance at an independent level by demonstrating interconnectedness by:
the following:  Identifying the operating principles underlying the system (i.e.
 Continuing to work, and if necessary, reworking until he/she has achieved mathematical, scientific, organizational)
a predetermined high standard of quality.  Evaluating the way the system operates
Resolve problems.  Devising strategies for putting the system back in operation or improving
Resolve problems in a way that shows consideration of various points of view: its performance
 Articulate causes of conflicts.  Evaluating the effectiveness of the strategies for improving the system and
 Listen to and empathize with other perspectives. supporting the evaluation with evidence.
 Generate a variety of solutions and their consequences, and choose an
acceptable solution to all.
Using Information Resourcefully  Type Three: Planning or organizing an
4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

 Read, write, speak, listen and observe to gather and interpret information. Develop a plan that
 Define the task prior to beginning a search for information.  Is sensible in terms of goals of the event or activity.
 Use information-seeking strategies.  Is logical and achievable.
 Reflects research into relevant precedents and regulations.
 Know the location of information and how to access it.
 Takes account of all relevant factors.
 Examine information for errors in reasoning.
 Communicates clearly so that a peer or colleague could use it.
 Use information appropriately.  Implement and adjust the plan in a way that:
 Synthesize information from many different sources.  Makes efficient use of time, money, people, resources, and facilities.
 Evaluate own information-gathering process and determine whether it  Reflects established priorities.
was successful in relationship to the task.  Responds effectively to unforeseen circumstances.
 Evaluates the success of the event or activity using qualitative or
quantitative methods.
 Makes recommendations for planning and organizing subsequent similar
events or activities.

Treasure Coast High School
Titan Project Presentation
The presentation component consists of four parts:

1. Product
The student will present his/her in-depth project or a documented representation of what has
been created (Product, Event or Service). This may take a variety of forms depending on the
nature of the project:
a. Actual product
b. Video of the work
c. Notebook documenting progress of the work


2. Technology/multi-media/visuals
What is required depends on the equipment available and expertise available in setting up the
equipment. However, each student must provide a visual aid or aural aid to support his or her
presentation. Possibilities include: posters, tri-folds, videotapes, audiotapes, multi-media
production, etc.

3. The Presentation
The student will present his or her product, event or service in a formal presentation that has been
prepared and rehearsed. Not including set-up time, the presentation should be twenty minutes in
length, plus up to ten minutes to respond to questions from the panel. The student should connect
their in-depth project to their major and their post-high school plans.

4. Responses to the Panel

Student responses to the panel should be appropriate and informative. The student is poised,
maintains good eye contact and speaks with interest and proper pacing. The student’s volume is
clear and audible and the student enunciates clearly. The student states topics clearly, uses
appropriate word choice and appears organized.

5. Evaluation of the Presentation

All student presentations will be evaluated by a panel of members. Panel members will evaluate
the student’s presentation for communicating effectively and for meeting the standards on the in-
depth project.

Treasure Coast High School
Titan Presentation Rubric
Name Scale
4 Exceeding Target
Date 3 Meeting Target—
Proficient for
Evaluator 2 Approaching target
1 Well below target

Presence 4 3 2 1
Proper Posture
Moves deliberately for effect
Aware of visual aids and where to stand so the audience can see them
Good Eye Contact
Maintains eye contact with audience
Eyes sweep the audience
Speaker is aware when someone raises a hand to ask a question
Speaker does not read word for word from his/her presentation notes
Facial Expression
Appears interested
Voice 4 3 2 1
Student speaks at an appropriate pace (not too slow or too fast)
Student avoids creating uncomfortable pauses in speech, and yet gives the audience time to think
Student’s tone of voice shows interest in the project
Student’s tone of voice varies for effect and interest (avoids becoming monotone)
The audience can clearly hear the student from the back of the room
Voice is clear and audible, without shouting
Student speaks clearly
Student has practiced unfamiliar words so that they are pronounced correctly
Content 4 3 2 1
States topic clearly.
Provides interesting and relevant examples/details which are skillfully selected and effectively blended.
Word Choice
Student uses appropriate word choices
Student avoids slang and/or inappropriate language in a school setting
Language choice is precise, deliberate, and effective.
The presentation flows logically from one idea to another
Contains an introduction, body and conclusion
Uses a variety of transitions to move speech fluently from point to point.

Treasure Coast High School
Component E: Titan Culminating Project Reflection

Reflection Content
Reflect in 2-3 pages on what you have learned as a result of completing your culminating project and
presentation and its connection to your post-high school goals.

Make sure and discuss:

1. What have you have learned as you progressed from 9th grade to 12th grade.
2. How what you have learned ties into your post-high school plans.
3. The connection of your project to your post-high school plans and what you have
learned as a result of completing your project.
4. Your own strengths and weaknesses as a learner.
5. Your interest in your high school major.
6. Post-high school goals.

Reflection Format
All acceptable reflections must meet the following format requirements.

 Title of Project
 Student Name
Title Page
 Advisor Teacher’s Name

 Page number on each page.

 Complete sentences.
 Capitalization, punctuation, and spelling correct.
 Grammar correct. (Do not use contractions. Do not use second
Conventions person “you.”)
and  Tense is consistent.
Presentation  Citations, if any, are in the proper format.
 Word-processed in a 10-12 point readable font (Times New
Roman or Arial)
 Appropriate use of white space: double spaced with one-inch

Content 2-3 pages.

Treasure Coast High School

Scale Levels of Proficiency

Present- This is present
in the student’s All students must meet have all eight
reflection on their writing criteria present in their reflection on Assignment
portfolio. their portfolio. Title
Not Present- This is not
present in the student’s Date Subject
reflection on their writing
Teachers: Check the correct column to determine in the criteria is
present in the student’s reflection or not present. Teacher Advisor

Titan Culminating Project Reflection—Student

Criteria Present
1. Reflects on self as a lifelong learner.
2. Reflects on own growth/progress over time.
3. Reflects on own strengths.
4. Reflects on own areas for growth.
5. Reflections indicate student is making connections between project
and post-high school plans.
6. Communicates own attitude towards major.
7. Sets future goals for learning.
Teacher Comments

Titan Culminating Project Reflection


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