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SEM Report: Potential Recruitment Variables Impact on Enrollment

(from more to less predictive)

Significantly predictive of enrollment, though more turbulent

Admissions Applications
Predict enrollment pretty closely and remain just slightly higher than enrollment.

Somewhat predictive of enrollment, but not closely. Enrollment remains higher and steadier

Not closely related to enrollment until Spring 2010, at which point they appear to mirror enrollment Personnel changes around 2008-09 might have changed tracking methods Need to standardize tracking of inquiries

Fin. Aid Awarded

Consistent with, not predictive of, enrollment. Peaks and dips are simultaneous.

Waitlisted Students
Mirrors enrollment pretty closely, although more turbulent. If anything, seems reactive, rather than predictive, to enrollment

Advising Traffic
Seems unrelated to enrollment. Remains significantly higher than enrollment most of the time.

Outreach Events
Hard to tell because tracking of outreach events has been too inconsistent

Relationship to Enrollment

Naturally, more Lack of advising Personnel changes peaks in fall, more enforcement between 2008-10, ??? valleys in summer. around 2006-07, decrease in number However, a major more around of outreach events surge in waitlisted 2008. Hard to students in Fall enroll now w/o 2011, but not in seeing advisor enrollment. Why? Encourage Keeping it Continue to offer Ensure optimal Track orientation Track outreach inquiring free of cost optimal financial aid offerings of attendance to events more students to fill might awards to students commonly examine future consistently, and Action Step #1 out entire encourage and promote waitlisted courses, relationship to attempt to track admission app. more scholarships and try to pull as enrollment inquiries/attendance students to many students from at them test here waitlist as possible Implement heavier Follow up w/ Follow up Need to Disaggregate types Perhaps more Continue to send Research best marketing students after w/ students make sure of aid awarded, if online offerings of students evals avenues for strategies prior to application after they follow-up not already done. commonly after all advising recruiting students Action Step #2 the anticipated submitted test to inquiries waitlisted courses sessions; perhaps (i.e. whats the yield). start of lower is occurring to boost enrollment more follow-up May need to record unemployment w/o overloading for prospective more student info/do periods. space and personnel students more follow-up Note: These variables were chosen based on what LWIT, peer institutions, and professional organizations commonly examine to predict enrollment trends. Contextual Information Informing Relationship

Would be helpful to see longer range of trends, but enrollment data not tracked earlier than 2001. Implicit relationship does match expectation. Appoint someone to track unemployment vs. enrollment rates on regular basis to monitor trends.

Students may apply in order to take COMPASS/get advised, but never enroll

Financial aid awarded to students intending to enroll. Probably tied closely to unemployment, as is enrollment

August 2012

SEM Report: Potential Recruitment Variables Impact on Enrollment

Action Steps detail Unemployment o #1: Determine who is the best representative to monitor unemployment vs. enrollment trends on regular basis. E.g. Director of Enrollment Services, Outreach Coordinator, Workforce Development representative? This should happen at least each quarter so that trends may be predicted and appropriate action taken. o #2: Heavier marketing prior to the anticipated start of (and perhaps during) lower unemployment periods, since these tend to be times of lower enrollment. Focus particularly on unique/high-demand programs and those that suit employed students. Perhaps explore partnerships with certain employers to create programs that would promote employees professional development/advancement. Admissions applications o #1: Instead of having students simply fill out half-sheet for SID to take COMPASS or seek advising, have them fill out entire admissions application. There may be some resistance to this, but other schools do this without many problems. It may simply require employees to assure students that they arent committing to anything yet, dont have to pay anything to apply, etc. However, once they fill it out, more follow-up can occur. o #2: Continue to send Ready, Set, Go! email to students who apply, and make sure it contains relevant information for them to move on to the next step. COMPASS testing o #1: No detail, simply continue to advertise free testing to students. o #2: Since no follow-up is occurring with students after they test, besides giving them their scores, there should be more of this. It could be done in the same way as with admissions applications, via a Ready, Set, Go! email. This would include information about retesting, in case the student is unhappy with their results, as well as information about how to register for the classes they tested into. Inquiries o #1: Determine what is currently being tracked as an inquiry by departments involved in recruiting (including faculty for selective programs, etc.). Should be as comprehensive as possible, without blending data that should be disaggregated. Could include: information session attendance, requests for info packets, email/phone inquiries from prospective students, outreach event attendance/requests for more information. To prevent duplication of tracking
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SEM Report: Potential Recruitment Variables Impact on Enrollment

and to enable the sharing of relevant data between departments involved in recruitment, perhaps Sharepoint, Google Docs, etc. could be used as centralized tracking device for certain inquiries. The sharing of this information should be regulated to protect student privacy, but it could make inquiry-tracking less sporadic. o #2: Information given to inquiring students should always include a next steps guide, depending on the inquiry. In areas where no follow-up is occurring, such as perhaps outreach events, there should be increased effort to do so (i.e. more opportunities for students to sign in, share contact info, etc.). In areas where follow -up is naturally occurring, such as requests for information to be sent, existing documents could be revised to better promote prospective students next steps. Recruiting current students to participate in outreach events and/or contact prospective students might be a more approachable method than relying solely on staff. Advising traffic o #1: Now that orientations are becoming mandatory, their frequency and attendance should be consistently tracked so that future influence on enrollment may be analyzed. Additionally, they should include built-in opportunities for students to pursue their next steps (e.g. can meet one-on-one or set up an appointment with an advisor at the end to register for classes). o #2: Evaluations should continue to be sent to every student who meets with an advisor outside of orientation (drop-in or appointment). Among those indicating they are prospective or new students and who include their contact info, follow-up should occur to help them take appropriate next steps. If not enough students are submitting evaluations/including their contact info, perhaps advisors can personally follow-up with prospective/new students to determine their progress (if staffing/time allows). Yield should be determined for students who use advising services and then enroll, via SIDs or email addresses used for sign-in. If not an optimal yield, this is further support for followup with prospective students after advising. Outreach events o #1: Outreach events are already tracked in Access database, but the number of contacts made with prospective students is not consistently tracked; this should happen. Each event should include an optional sign-in for students who want more information, so that event attendance can be better tracked and so that follow-up can occur.

August 2012

SEM Report: Potential Recruitment Variables Impact on Enrollment

o #2: In addition to the above, this requires determining a yield for those who ultimately enroll in classes, etc. Perhaps a standard time frame can be developed for doing this, depending on what is logical. E.g. 4 quarters after the event occurred, check databases to see if student took a COMPASS test, applied, or enrolled.

August 2012

SEM Report: Potential Recruitment Variables Impact on Enrollment

Graphed Data WA State Unemployment Rate vs aFTE by Quarter: Summer 2001-Spring 2012


0 A121 A122 A123 A124 A231 A232 A233 A234 A341 A342 A343 A344 A451 A452 A453 A454 A561 A562 A563 A564 A671 A672 A673 A674 A781 A782 A783 A784 A891 A892 A893 A894 A901 A902 A903 A904 B011 B012 B013 B014 B121 B122 B123 B124

aFTE (in hundreds)


Note: Unemployment data from

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SEM Report: Potential Recruitment Variables Impact on Enrollment

Admission Applications vs. aFTE by Quarter: Summer 2001 - Spring 2012









0 A121 A122 A123 A124 A231 A232 A233 A234 A341 A342 A343 A344 A451 A452 A453 A454 A561 A562 A563 A564 A671 A672 A673 A674 A781 A782 A783 A784 A891 A892 A893 A894 A901 A902 A903 A904 B011 B012 B013 B014 B121 B122 B123 B124 aFTE Admissions Apps.

Note: Admission applications from all sources.

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SEM Report: Potential Recruitment Variables Impact on Enrollment

COMPASS Tests vs aFTE by Quarter: Fall 2005 - Spring 2012






0 B011 B012 B013 B014 B121 B122 B123 A562 A563 A564 A671 A672 A673 A674 A781 A782 A783 A784 A891 A892 A893 A894 A901 A902 A903 A904 B124



Note: Data prior to A562 not tracked.

August 2012

SEM Report: Potential Recruitment Variables Impact on Enrollment

Inquiries vs. aFTE by Quarter: Summer 2001 - Spring 2012





0 A121 A122 A123 A124 A231 A232 A233 A234 A341 A342 A343 A344 A451 A452 A453 A454 A561 A562 A563 A564 A671 A672 A673 A674 A781 A782 A783 A784 A891 A892 A893 A894 A901 A902 A903 A904 B011 B012 B013 B014 B121 B122 B123 B124 aFTE Inquiries

Note: Inquires from all sources.

August 2012

SEM Report: Potential Recruitment Variables Impact on Enrollment

Financial Aid Awarded vs. aFTE by Quarter: Fall 2005 Spring 2012






aFTE Students Awarded Fin. Aid (yearly)

Note: Financial aid data prior to A781 not provided. Yearly amounts broken up evenly between quarters.

August 2012

SEM Report: Potential Recruitment Variables Impact on Enrollment

Waitlisted Students vs. aFTE by Quarter: Fall 2005 Spring 2012










aFTE Waitlisted Students

August 2012


SEM Report: Potential Recruitment Variables Impact on Enrollment

Advising Traffic vs aFTE by Quarter: Spring 2005 - Spring 2012
3500 3400 3300 3200 3100 3000 2900 2800 2700 2600 2500 2400 2300 2200 2100 2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 A454 A561 A562 A563 A564 A671 A672 A673 A674 A781 A782 A783 A784 A891 A892 A893 A894 A901 A902 A903 A904 B011 B012 B013 B014 B121 B122 B123 B124


Advising Traffic

Note: Data prior to A454 not tracked.

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SEM Report: Potential Recruitment Variables Impact on Enrollment

Outreach Events vs. aFTE by Quarter: Fall 2005 Spring 2012






0 A562 A563 A564 A671 A672 A673 A674 A781 A782 A783 A784 A891 A892 A893 A894 A901 A902 A903 A904 B011 B012 B013 B014 B121 B122 B123 B124 aFTE Outreach Events

Note: Outreach data not tracked consistently.

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