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Category Closed Game Opening Move Sequence 1 d4 d5, 2 c4 dxc4 ECO Codes D20 and D29 Queen's Gambit

bit Accepted which usually referred to by abbreviation QGA, unsurprisingly has a long history since Queen's Gambit openings have been around since fifteenth century at least. It is the third most popular of Queen's gambit openings; Queen's Gambit Declined (1 d4 d5. 2 c4 e6) and Slav Defense (1 d4 d5. 2 c4 c6) are more popular. In contrast to those openings which require subtle maneuvering in a rather cramped position, QGA allows Black more freedom. In addition to the main sequence of moves, positions in this opening can be reached through different sets of moves When the Black captures the c pawn later on in the game. Queen's Gambit Accepted falls under the category of Closed Game openings that begin with 1 d4 d5. Its ECO codes range from D20 and D29. Moves and Variations 1 d4 d5 2 c4 dxc4 Though this is called a gambit, Black actually cannot hold on to the pawn in any of the main book variations. White can in fact force Black to return the pawn by 3 Qa4+ Nc6, 4 e3. However this is not the best line of play for White. In any case Black will attempt to keep the pawn at the cost of disastrous weakening of his game. By 2 ... dxc4 Black will try to gain time to develop his pieces freely even though he is temporarily giving up control of the center. White can use the opportunity to seize initiative and attack Black's position. Black will try to undermine the center by c5 and cxd4, and then by creating an isolated pawn in d file in White's center carry over some advantage to endgame. White's attempts to prevent isolated pawn may result in ceding of some control in center and an even sided game. In other words this opening offers players bit of everything Main variations in QGA branch off from White's third move.

3 Bf3 is considered the main line in Queen's Gambit Accepted. White goes on with his development and blocks e5 ignoring the pawn on c4. It will be regained after moves, e3 and Bcx4 later on. White can also turn the opening to true gambit opening by playing; 3 Nf3 Nf6 (if a6 4 e4!?), 4 Nc3 a6, 5 e4 even though this allows Black to play b5. White can play 3 e3 to follow another popular line of play. Here the recapture of pawn by Bishop is given priority. White can also set a trap if 3 ... b5?, 4 a4 c6, 5 axb5 cxb5??, 6 Qf3 winning a piece. However Queen-side Bishop will find it hard to develop after this. For a more belligerent line of play White can try 3 e4, taking control of center. For More Chess Openings Click Here Chess Openings

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