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Warehouse Performance(QUESTIONNAIRE)

Input (resource) metrics

1. Labor: Q: What are the annual direct labor hours? Q: What are the annual indirect hours? 2. Space Q: What is the space usage for the warehouse (sq. ft.)? 3. Inbound goods delivery frequency Q: What is the total overall inbound goods delivery frequency per year? 4. On -hand inventory Q: What is the average on-hand inventory summed over all SKUs (measure in item units)? Q: What is the average on-hand inventory summed over all SKUs (measure in dollars)? 5. Investment

Output metrics
1. Orders Q: Total units shipped. Using the terminology below this would be how many items or eaches were sold. Q: Total orders picked/shipped: this is orders as shipped; if a customer order is planned for multiple shipments, then count each shipment. 2. Broken case lines picked/shipped Q: Total annual broken case lines picked/shipped: total number of lines picked in broken case and shipped. Q: Total annual broken case items picked/shipped: total number of items picked in broken case and shipped. 3. Full case lines picked/shipped Q: Total annual full case lines picked/shipped: total number of lines picked in full case and shipped. Q: Total annual full case items picked/shipped: total number of lines picked in full case and shipped. 4. Pallet items picked/shipped Q: Total annual pallet items picked/shipped: total number of items (pallets) picked in pallets and shipped. Q: Total annual pallet lines picked/shipped: total number of items (pallets) picked in pallets and shipped. 5. SKU span Q: How many unique SKUs are stored in the warehouse (including SKUs for which there was no activity)? Q: What is the number of active SKUs, i.e., SKUs for which you had either inbound or outbound shipments during the year? 6. Storage Function Q: What is the total number of SKUs picked as broken case? Q: What is the number of pallet storage locations? Q: How many square feet of (pallet) floor storage space is there in your warehouse? 7. Buffering capacity

Q: What fraction of SKUs in your warehouse had an inventory turnover of less than once per year? Q: What fraction of your average inventory is in SKUs whose inventory turnover is less than once per year?? Q: What is the average replenishment (inbound) order quantity per SKU (in units)? Q: How many SKUs had replenishment (inbound) orders during the reporting period?

1. Time period Q: For what time period does the reported information apply? 2. Type of warehouse Q: Is your warehouse owned by a publisher or is it a wholesale or distribution warehouse? 3. Customer types Q: What customer types does your warehouse service? (please list all with proportion of total lines by type) 4. Product types Q: What product types does your warehouse carry?(please list all with the proportion of total lines by type) 5. Ship-to locations Q: How many unique ship-to addresses does your warehouse service? 6. Packaging material Q: How many unique packaging materials are ordered for use in the shipping function? List the major categories Q: How many different carton sizes are used routinely in your shipping department? 7. Packaging labels Q: How many unique label types are used in your shipping department? 8. Customer defined packaging Q: What fraction of orders shipped require customer-specified packaging and/or labeling? 9. Inventory turns Q: How many times was the inventory turned last year? Q: Is your estimate based on operational data or financial data? 10. Shipping consolidation

Q: What characteristic is the basis of order consolidation? 11. Value-adding activity Q: Are there value-adding activities in your warehouse? (Yes/No) Q: If you have value adding activities, what is the total direct plus indirect labor hours for the value adding activityes during the reporting period? 12. Customer services provided Q: Does your warehouse provide on-the-fly order adjustment to your customers? Q: Does your warehouse provide billing information with goods shipped to your customers? Q: Does your warehouse provide product information with goods shipped to your customers? Q: Does your warehouse provide shipping summaries with goods shipped to your customers? Q: Does your warehouse provide proof of delivery? Q: Does your warehouse provide advanced shipping notice to your customers? Q: Does your warehouse provide in-transit tracking to your customers? Q: Does your warehouse provide labeling services? Q: Does your warehouse pack and hold orders? Q: How large is your pack and hold area (sq. ft.)?

Order Description
1. Order characteristics Q: What is the average number of titles (lines) per order? Q: What is the average number of items per title (line)? 2. Rush order Q: What fraction of orders that are rush orders (%)? Q: What fraction of lines picked are rush orders (%)? 3. Response time Q: What is the planned average response time for your warehouse? Q: What fraction of orders shipped meet this response time criterion? 4. Pick seasonality Q: What is the average pick seasonality in your warehouse? 5. Pick variability Q: What is the average pick variability in the low season for your warehouse?

Q: What is the average overall pick variability in high season for your warehouse? 6. Order characteristics Q: What is the average weight (lb) per order shipped? Q: What is the average cube (cube ft) per order shipped?

Warehouse Equipment and Operations

1. Pick planning consolidation Q: How many pick zones are in your warehouse? Q: What criterion is used to batch orders in your picking operation? 2. Planning horizon Q: What is the overall average planning horizon? 3. WMS Q: Do you use a WMS package? What vendor, or developed locally? Q: Does your WMS provide replenishment ordering strategies (reorder point and order quantity, e.g.)? Q: Does your WMS provide picking strategies (order batching, picker routing, e.g.)? Q: Does your WMS provide velocity-based slotting? 4. IT capabilities Q: Does the warehouse use pick to light? For what percentage of pick lines? For how many slots? Q: Does the warehouse use pick to voice? For what percentage of pick lines? For how many slots? Q: Does the warehouse use radio frequency (RF) communication to dispatch putaway? Retrieval? For what percent of lines picked? Q: Does the warehouse use bar-coding for item identification? Q: Does the warehouse use bar-coding for locations? For what percent of storage locations? Q: Does the warehouse use radio frequency identification (RFID)? For what percent of SKUs? ?For what percentage of locations? 5. Practices 1. What is your average storage space utilization based on slots occupied? What is your average storage space utilization based on storage capacity actually used? 2. Do you use velocity-based slotting? For what fraction of putaway? Definition of fraction? (# of slots or number of SKUs?)

3. Do you use task interleaving for putaway, relocate, and retrieval/picking? For what fraction of storage/retrieval transactions? 4. Do you use a sortation conveyor or other automated sortation? 5. Do you perform crossdocking? What percentage of items shipped are crossdocked? How many pallets are crossdocked? 6. Maintenance intensity: What fraction of your operating budget is maintenance expense? 7. Supervision intensity: What fraction of your operating budget is supervision and management? 8. Labor turnover: What is your annual labor turnover for full time employees? (headcount attrition + new hires)/(beginning headcount) 9. What percentage of your direct labor hours are performed by temporary workers? These workers my be from a temp. agency or seasonal workers. 10. Is your labor force part of a collective bargaining unit? If so, what is the organization? 11. What is your average inventory accuracy, measured as the percent difference between inventory data and inventory audit? Compute as |(actual audit)/audit|. (Note: you may use the results of recent audits to estimate overall inventory accuracy.) 12. What is your average shipment quality, measured as percent error in items shipped? Compute as sum over lines of |(items ordered items shipped)/items ordered|. Note: if you ship the wrong item, the quality for that line is zero. 6. Inventory fragmentation Q: On average (over all titles) how many locations are there for each title? Q: On average (over all picking locations) how many titles are stored in each picking location?

Supplier and SKU Information

1. Supply complexity Q: How many suppliers do you have? 2. SKU use pareto Q: How many unique SKUs represent 80% of items shipped? 3. SKU cube pareto Q: How many SKUs represent 80% of inventory cube? 4. SKU Churn

Q: What fraction of SKUs changes from year to year? (SKUs dropped last year+SKUs added last year)/(beginning total SKUs last year)

Warehouse Description
1. Warehouse location Q: Where is your warehouse located (city, state, ZIP code)? 2. Facility occupation duration Q: How long has this company been operating this warehouse? 3. Multi-story building Q: Is your warehouse a multi-story building? (Yes/No) 4. Mezzanine Q: How many square feet of mezzanine are used in your warehouse? 5. Self evaluation Q: What are your self-identified constraints (things keeping your warehouse from being even more efficient)? Q: What are your self-identified opportunities (things your warehouse may be able to or is taking advantage of that increase your warehouse efficiency)

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