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From Unicon Securities Private Limited

00534Fax: 03aaaHGHGDDDDDD3-40053410-41




SESSION: 2008-2010


MBA- Semester III Roll No. -0807470076





I am thankful to the management, colleagues and friends of UNICON INVESTMENT SOLUTION for their overwhelming co-operation to carry out the academic training work. First of all Mr.Priyank Pandey, sales manager of the company, with whom permission I have got the opportunity to do my project work at the company. I am very much grateful to Prof. J.C.Pant, director of DEWAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES. I would expressed my gratitude to our HOD, Prof. Gaurav Kaushik It would not be fair enough at all if I would not thank Mr.Ashish Mittal for providing me the opportunity to do my summer internship at UNICON INVESTMENT SOLUTION. A big thanks you to my internal guide Prof. Manoj Malik faculty co-ordinator for continuous co-operation and support about the training. Thank you to all the stuffs of the different dept. when I have worked, for helping me at the time of need. Thank to those who have helped me to look through the records and information about company, without which I could not complete my project. Thanks to my co-trainees for their friendliness and sharing attitude.
(Sayan Das)

This project was undertaken to understand the working of Unicon , in during summer training, to acquire new clients for Unicon to learn marketing techniques and market analysis of investment sector . The project reflects information about product and services offered by unicon in to their customer. This also includes requirements and ways to acquire clients. The procedure of client acquisition has been explained and the problems faced to handle the clients. In market analysis, the general publics views who are interested to investment sector are taken. It contains various investment sectors which is provided by Unicon.Then I prepared a comparative analysis among those sectors like mutual fund, insurance, equty etc. During the training preord I collect the information and facilities about those sectors. Observe the regular ups and down of investment market. I also observed the strategy of competitors of unicon.

SL no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Topic
Objective Introduction A Study On Marketing Concept & Tools Company Profile Location Across India Management Team Product & Service Information Mission & Vision of the company Literature Review of Investment Research Design Methodology of Project Work Finding in Project Work Limitation SWOT Analysis Conclusion Recommendation Bibliography Questionnaire

Page No
11 12 13 27 32 33 35 57 58 70 72 75 93 94 101 103 105 106


Figure no. Particulars Page no

1.1 1.2

A Simple Marketing System Structure of flows in a modern exchange economy

15 17


The four P components of the Marketing Mix


1.4 1.5

Marketing-Mix strategy Contrast between the sales concepts & Marketing concepts

22 25


Location across India of Unicon



Product of Unicon


Table No

Name of the Table

Interested In Investment Sector

Page No

Prefarable Investment Sector


Interested to Invest in future


Person like his/her priod of investment


People saving from his/her income


6 7 8

Basis of investing Tax Payment Age wise interested & non interested of share trading

89 90 91

Particulars Chart No. 1 Pie chart showing interested person to invest in any sector Bar chart showing preferable investment sector Pei chart showing person interested to invest in future Line chart showing person like his/her period of investment Bar chart showing person interested to save from his income Pie chart showing people like suitable basis of invest his/her money Area chart showing Tax Paid & non paid Bar chart showing the age of respondent person towards share trading 80 Page No.









To study the working procedure of Unicon investment solution as a broking house. To study the unicon investment solutions Competitors weaknesses in relation to unicon. To analyze the product & services of unicon investment solution. To learn the marketing techniques that are used to acquire a client , was the secondary objective of the summer training To study the working procedure of unicon investment solution as a other investment sector like mutual fund, insurance To analyze the customer reflection on investment sector. To study on customer portfolio


How many times have you thought about becoming a more serious investor in the investment sector? Perhaps you would like to become hotshot investor, but you are not sure where to start. Investment market trading does not have to be for the financially well versed anymore, you can make huge sums of money with investment market trading, with little help. No one would aspect that Bill Gates would need to read a newsletter technology trends. Wouldnt he, after all know the most about these trends, since hes in business firsthand? Nothing could be further from the truth. Someone immersed in the technology business needs most to have the right tools and indicators to the where the market is heading. If they dont stay abreast of coming developments, their business will suffer. Its essentially the same reasoning with investment market trading. No matter what you skill level, the need to stay abreast of market trends and stock performance is paramount. Luckily you can access investment market trading expert advice by email each day, by subscribing to investment market trading newsletters. There are numerous investment market trading newsletters and resources on the internet, all attempting to help people become experts of online investment trading. It is important to keep in mind that one can no trust all sources, as some are just in it fir the quick buck. When choosing an investment newsletter or guide, make sure that the sources is legitimate. Although it is important to stay abreast of the current trends, it is more important to make sure that you are not receiving misleading information.



We can distinguish between a social and managerial definition of marketing. Asocial definition shows the role of marketing plays in society. One marketer said that marketings role is to deliver a higher standard of living. Here is a social definition that serves our purpose. Marketing is a social process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering, and freely exchanging products and services of value with others. For a managerial definition, marketing has often been described as the art of selling products, but people are surprised when they hear that the most important part of marketing is not selling! Selling is only the tip of the marketing iceberg. Peter Drucker, a leading management theorist, puts it this way:


There will always, one can assume, be need for some selling. But the aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous. The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service fits him and sells itself. Ideally, marketing should result in a customer who is ready to buy. All that should be needed then is to make the product or service available. The American Marketing Association offers the following definition: Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals. Coping with exchange processes calls for a considerable amount of work and skill. Marketing management takes place when at least one party to a potential exchange thinks about the means of achieving desired responses from other parties. We see marketing management as the art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping, and growing customers through creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value.


Marketing can be further understood by defining several of its core concepts. TARGET MARKETS AND SEGMENTATION:- A marketer can rarely satisfy everyone in a market. Not everyone likes the same soft drinks, hotel room, restaurant, automobile, college and movie. Therefore, marketers start by dividing up the market. Traditionally, a market was a physical place where buyers and sellers gathered to buy and sell good. Economists now describe a market as a collection of buyers and



Industry (a collection of seller)

Market Goods/ Service Money

(a collection of buyers)


Fig.1.1 A simple Marketing System sellers who transact over a particular product and product class (the housing market or grain market); but marketers view the sellers and constituting the industry and the buyers as constituting the market)


Today we can distinguish between a marketplace and a marketspace. The Marketplace is physical, as when one goes shopping in store; marketspace is digital, as when one goes in shopping on the internet. Many observers believes that an increased amount of purchasing will shift into marketspace. Mohan Sawhney has Proposed the concept of a metamarket to describe a cluster of complementary products and services thatare closely relatedin the mind of consumers but are spread across a diverse set of industries.


Resources Money Taxes, Goods

Resource markets

Resources Money Services money

Manufacturer markets


Government markets


Customer markets

Taxes, goods Services, Money

Services Taxes, goods

Money Goods and services

Intermediary markets

Money Goods and services

Fig.1.2 Structure of flows in a modern exchange economy MARKETERS AND PROSPECTS: A marketer is someone seeking a
response (attention, a purchase, a vote, a donation) from another party, called the prospect. If two parties are seeking to sell something to each other, we call them both marketers.



The marketer must try to understand the

target markets needs, wants, and demands. Needs are the basic human requirements. People need food, air, water, clothing, and shelter to survive. People also have strong needs for recreation, education, and entertainment. These needs become Wants when they are directed to specific objects that might satisfy the need. An American needs foods but wants a French fries, and a soft drink. Demands are wants for specific products backed by an ability to pay. Many people want Mercedes; only a few are able and willing to buy one. Companies must measure not only how many people want their product but also how many would actually be willing and able to buy it.

PRODUCT, OFFERING, AND BRAND: Companies address needs by

putting forth a value proposition, a set of benefits they offer to customers to satisfy their needs. The intangible value proposition is made physical by an offering, which can be a combination of products, services, information, and experiences. VALUE AND SATISFACTION: The offering will be successful if it delivers value and satisfaction to the target buyer. The buyer chooses between different offering on the basis of which is perceived to deliver the most value, Value can be

seen as primarily a combination of service, quality, and price, called customer value triad. Value increases with quality and decreases with price. The marketer can increase the value of the customer offering in several ways: Raise benefits Reduce costs Raise benefits and reduce costs Raise benefits by more than the raise in costs Lower benefits by less than the reduction in costs

MARKETING CHANNELS: To reach a target market, the marketer uses

three kinds of marketing channels, Communication channels deliver and receive messages from target buyers, and include newspaper, magazines, radio, television, mail, telephone, billboards, posters, fliers, CDs, audiotapes, and the Internet. Beyond these, communications are conveyed by facial expressions and clothing, the look of retail stores, and many other media. Distribution channels to displays, sell, or deliver the physical product or service(s) to the buyer or user. They include distributors, wholesalers, retailers, and agents. Service channels to carry out transactions with potential buyers. Service channels include warehouse, transportation companies, banks, and insurance companies that facilate transaction.


Marketers clearly face a design problem in choosing the best mix of communication, distribution, and service channels for their offerings.


Competition represents only one force

in the environment in which the marketer operates consists of the task environment and the broad environment. The task environment includes the immediate actors involved in producing, distributing, and promoting the offering. The main actors are the company, suppliers, distributors, dealer, and target customers. Included in the supplier group are material suppliers and service suppliers such as marketing research agencies, advertising agencies, banking and insurance companies, transportation, and telecommunications companies. Included with distributors and dealers are agents, brokers, manufacturer representatives, and others who facilitates and selling to customers. The broad environment consists of six components: demographic

environment, economic environment, natural environmental, technological environment, political-legal environment, and social cultural environment. The marketing program consists of numerous decisions on the mix of marketing tools to use. The marketing mix is the set of marketing tools the firm uses to pursue its marketing objectives in the target market.

Marketing mix

Target Market

Pro duct variety Quality Design

Channels Coverage

List price Discounts Allowances Payment period Credit terms

Sales Promotion Advertising Sales Force Public relations Direct Marketing Location Inventory Transport

Features Brand name Packaging Sizes Services

Fig.1.3. The four P Components of the Marketing Mix

McCarthy classified these tools into four broad groups that he called the four Ps of marketing: Product, Price, Promotion place. he particular marketing variables under each Pare shown in Fig.1.3. Marketing-mix decisions must be made for influencing the trade channels as well as the final consumers


Promotion mix

Sales promtion

Offering mix

Product Services Company Prices

Distribution channels Target customers

Sales force

Public relations

Direct mail, Tele marketing & Internet

Fig.1.4. Marketing-Mix strategy

Figure 1.4 shows the company preparing an offering mix of products, services, and prices, and utilizing a promotion mix of sales promotion,advertising, sales force,


public reletions, directmail, telemarketing, and Internet to reach the trade channels and the target customers.

Other businesses are guided by Product concept, which holds that consumers will favor those products that offer the most quality, performance, or innovative features. Managers in these organizations focus on marketing superior products and improving them over time.

The selling concept holds the consumers and business, if left alone, will ordinarily not buy enough of the organizations products. The organization must, therefore, undertake an aggressive selling and promotion effort. This concept assumes that consumers typically show buying inertia or resistance and must be coaxed into buying. It also assumes that the company has a whole battery of effective selling and promotion tools to stimulate more buying. The selling concept is practiced most aggressively with unsought goods, goods that buyers normally do not think of buying, such as insurance, encyclopedias, and funeral plots.


Most firms practice the selling concept when they have overcapacity. Their aim is to sell what they make rather than make what the market want. In modern industrial economies, productive capacity has been build up to a point where most markets are buyer markets (the buyers are dominant) and seller have to scramble for customers.

The marketing concept holds that the key to achieving its organizational goals consists of the company being more effective than competitors in creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value to its chosen target markets. It crystallized in the mid-1950s and has been expressed in many colorful ways: Meeting needs profitably. Find wants and fill them. Love the customer, not the product. have it your way. (Burger King) youre the boss.(United Airlines ) Putting people first. (British Airlines) Partners for profit. (Milliken & Company).


Theodore Levitt of Havard drew a perspective contrast between the selling and marketing concepts: Selling focuses on the needs of the seller, marketing on the needs of the

buyer. Selling is preoccupied with the sellers need to convert his product into cash, marketing with the idea of satisfying the needs of the customer by means of the product and the whole cluster of things associated with creating, delivering and finally consuming it. (b)The marketing concept Starting Point Focus Means Ends

Selling & Factory Products Promoting

Profits Through sales volume

(a)The Selling Concept

Target Market

Customer Integrated Profits through (b(b)The marketing concept Needs Marketing Customer Satisfaction

(b)The Marketing Concept Fig.1.5. Contrast between the Sales concept & Marketing concept


The marketing concept rests on four pillars: target market, customer needs, integrated marketing, and profitability. They are illustrated in fig.1.5, where they are contrasted with a selling orientation. The selling concepts take an inside-out perspective. It starts with the factory, focuses on existing products, and calls for heavy selling and promoting to produce profitable sales. The marketing concept takes an outside-in perspective. It starts with well-defined market, focuses on customer needs, coordinates all the activates that will affect customers, and produces profits by satisfying customers.




Unicon Investment Solutions P 45/90 1st, 2nd, 3rd Floor, Connaught Place, New Delhi -110001 Mumbai Corporate Office Unicon Investment Solution Ground Floor, Jhawar House Building 285, Princess Street, Mumbai-400002 Kolkata regional office Unicon Investment Solution 56 Hemant Basu Sarani, Stephen House, 4th Floor, Opp-B.B.D Bagh Bus Stand, Kolkata-700001.

PHONE NO.: 011 - 43529700 / 400 / 500(Delhi Corporate office)

022-66181200 / 100(Mumbai Corporate Office) 033-4005437/424(Kolkata regional office)


Unicon has been founded with the aim of providing world class investing experience to hitherto underserved investor community. The technology today has made it possible to reach out to the last person in the financial market and give him the same level of service which was available to only the selected few. We give personalized premium service with reasonable commissions on the NSE, BSE & Derivative market through our Equity broking arm Unicon Securities Pvt. Ltd. With our sophisticated technology you can trade through your computer and if you want human touch you can also deal through our Relationship Managers out of our more than 100 branches spread across the nation. UNICON is a financial services company which has emerged as a one-stop investment solutions provider. It was founded in 2004 by two visionary and flamboyant entrepreneurs, Mr. Gajendra Nagpal and Mr. Ram M. Gupta, who


possess expertise in the field of Finance. The company is headquartered in New Delhi, and has its Corporate office in Mumbai with regional offices in Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad and Noida UNICON is a professionally managed company, lead by a team with outstanding managerial acumen and cumulative experience of more than 200 years in the financial markets. The company is supported by more than 3500 Uniconians and has an extensive network of over 100 branches, 600 plus business partner locations & 2500 remisers providing it with a national footprint. With a customer base of over 200,000, the UNICON Group has an eye for the intricate financial needs of its clients and caters to both their short term and long term financial needs through a comprehensive bouquet of investment services. These services range from offline & online trading in equity, commodities and currency derivatives to debt markets to corporate finance and portfolio management services. The company has a sizable presence in the distribution of 3rd party financial products like mutual funds, insurance products and property broking. It also provides expert Advisory on Life Insurance, General Insurance, Mutual Funds and IPOs. The distribution network is backed by in-house back office support to provide prompt and efficient customer service


The Equity broking arm UNICON Securities Pvt. Ltd offers personalized premium services on the NSE, BSE & Derivatives market. The Commodity broking arm Unicon Commodities Pvt. Ltd offers services in Commodity trading on NCDEX and MCX. The UNICON group also has a PCG division providing investments solutions for High Net Worth Individuals. The Corporate Advisory Services arm Unicon nking services to corporates. UNICON can boast of some of the most respected names in the Private Equity space like Sequoia Capital and Nexus India Capital as its share holders.




Management Team
Mr. Gajendra Nagpal Founder & CEO Mr. Ram M Gupta Co-Founder & President Mr. Y.P. Narang Head - Fixed Income Group Mr. Sandeep Arora Chief Operating Officer Mr. Vikas Mallan Chief Financial Officer, Head Distribution Mr. Subhash Nagpal


Director - Strategic Planning & Distribution Ms. Deepa Mohamed Head -HR & Training Ms. Anjali Mukhija Chief Compliance Officer Mr. Vijay Chopra National Head (Business Alliances) Mr. Anurag Nayar Chief Technology Officer Mr. Ashish Kukreja Head HNI Client Relation




Unicon customers have the advantage of trading in all the market segments together in the same window, as we understand the need of transactions to be executed with high speed and reduced time. At the same time, they have the advantage of having all Advisory Services for Life Insurance, General Insurance, Mutual Funds and IPOs also.Unicon is a customer focused financial

Fig no 2.2-Product of Unicon


services organization providing a range of investment solutions to our customers. We work with clients to meet their overall investment objectives and achieve their financial goals. Our clients have the opportunity to get personalized services depending on their investment profiles. Our personalized approach enables clients to achieve their Total Investment Objectives.

Equity Commodity Depository Distribution NRI Services Back Office Fixed Income Investment Banking


UniconPlus Browser based trading terminal that can be accessed by a unique ID and password. This facility is available to all our online customers the moment they get registered with us. Features: Trading at NSE,BSE and Derivatives on single screen. Add multiple scrips on the market watch. Greater exposure for trading on the available margin. Common window for display of market watch and order execution. Real time updating of exposure and portfolio while trading. Offline order placement facility. Stop-loss feature.

Competitive Brokerages. Banking integration with ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank & Axis Bank. Proxy link to enable trading behind firewalls. UniconSwift Application based terminal for active traders. It provides better speed, greater analytical features & priority access to Relationship Managers. Features: Trading at NSE,BSE and Derivatives on single screen. Add any number of scrips in the Market Watch. Tick by tick live updation of Intraday chart. Greater exposure for trading on the margin available Common window for market watch and order execution. Key board driven short cuts for punching orders quickly. Real time updation of exposure and portfolio. Facility to customize any number of portfolios & watch lists. Market depth, i.e. Best 5 bids and offers, updated live for all scripts. Facility to cancel all pending orders with a single click. Instant trade confirmations.


Banking integration with ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank & Axis Bank,& Bank of India,& Corporation Bank, & Karnataka Bank, & Oriental bank of Commerce, & South Indian Bank, & Vijay Bank and Yes Bank. Stop-loss feature.

Unicon offers a unique feature of a single screen trading platform in MCX and NCDEX.Unicon offers both Offline & Online trading platforms. You can Walk in or place your orders through telephone at any of our branch locations Online Commodity Internet trading Platform through UniFlex. Live Market Watch for commodity market (NCDEX, MCX) in one screen. Add any number of scrips in the Market Watch. Tick by tick live updation of Intraday chart. Greater exposure for trading on the margin available Common window for market watch and order execution. Key board driven short cuts for punching orders quickly. Real time updation of exposure and portfolio. Facility to customize any number of portfolios & watchlists. Market depth, i.e. Best 5 bids and offers, updated live for all scripts.


Facility to cancel all pending orders with a single click. Instant trade confirmations. Stop-loss feature.

Unicon Depository Services offers dematerialization services as a participant in Central Depository Services Limited (CDSL), through its Depository operations. The company believes in efficient and cost-effective and integrated service support to its brokerage business. Unicon Securities Private Limited, as a depository participant, will offer depository accounts for individual investors as well as corporates which will enable them to transact in the dematerialized segment, without any hassles. Depository offer a safe, convenient way to hold securities as compared to holding securities in paper form. Our service provides an integrated single platform for all our clients ensuring a risk free, efficient and prompt


depository process. Facilities Offered by Unicon * De-materialization: You can submit your physical shares at the Unicon branch for dematerialization into electronic form. * Re-materialization: You can also request for Re-materialization which enables you to convert the dematerialized shares into physical form. * Transfer: Inter and intra depository services are available through which you can transfer shares. * IPO: You can apply for IPO using your demat account details and on allotment the securities are transferred directly to your demat account. * Corporate Actions:


While holding your stock in demat account, in case you are eligible for any bonus and rights issues the allotment would be transferred to your demat account. * Easi: You can view your demat account over the Internet and avail a host of services. This facility empowers our clients to view, download, print updated holdings with respective valuations. * Estock Login Process:Enter your client id as your Demat account number. The password would be your bank account number linked with your Demat account. Please change the password as soon as you login. This is in your own interest and security.


Unicon is fast emerging as a leader in the Insurance and Mutual Funds distribution space. Unicon has over 100 branches and a huge number of Business Development Executives who help to source and service the customers throughout the country. Unicon is fast becoming the preferred Vendor Independent distribution houses because of providing efficient service like free pick-up of collection of cheques/DDs, Keeping track of the premiums etc to its customers. Unicon offers the following distribution products:IPO's Mutual Funds Insurance Properties


At Unicon you can invest in the Primary markets (Initial Public Offerings) online without going through the hassles of filling up any IPO application forms or any other paperwork. We shall make sure that you do not miss the opportunity to subscribe/invest in a good IPO issue by providing you an online IPO application form, transfer of funds online through secured payment Gateways of leading banks like ICICI, HDFC, AXIS bank. In addition to the above we shall provide you with the In-Depth analysis of the IPO issues which shall be hitting the Indian Markets in near future, IPO Calendar, analysis on the recent IPO listings, prospectus, offer documents and other IPO research reports so as to help you take an informed decision to invest in the IPO issues. Online IPO facility is open to all our registered clients at no cost whatsoever. All you need is the following to subscribe online to the IPO issues: A trading account with Unicon A Demat account with Unicon An access to the net banking facility with the Banks through which Unicon has operational Gateway facility (ICICI, HDFC and AXIS Bank).

You must have signed a Power of Attorney (POA) agreement for applying in IPOs online.


Mutual Fund
Unicon Provides expert advice to its clients for their investments in equity & debt markets through Mutual Funds. Our experts advice you the best investment solutions that suit you and help you to reach your financial goals. We help you ascertain your risk profile & guide you with the right product mix which reduce your tax liability, increase your savings & enhance your wealth. Whether you have a conservative, medium or aggressive investment risk appetite, our experts would guide you to build a portfolio to optimize the return of interest Classification of mutual fund : 1. By structure Open-ended scheme Closed-ended scheme Interval schemes



By investment objective Growth schemes Income schemes Balanced schemes Money market schemes


By Other Schemes Tax saving schemes Special schemes Index Schemes Sector specific schemes


Unicon offers all products of General Insurance under one umbrella. Unicon comprises of a team of distinguished professionals from insurance, finance and other management disciplines who have vast business & managerial experience. Unicon team evaluates the client's business environment and studies the risk profile. based on the results of these evaluations, Unicon team then suggests the most cost effective , integrated insurance package that is perfectly suited to the client's risk profile. Unicon has a nationwide network of branches all over India, equipped with top quality infrastructure facilities, to provide you prompt & efficient service. Life Insurance Unicon offers you a Peace of Mind by offering various life insurance plans for your unique & specific needs. Our philosophy is that for every financial problem, there is a solution also. And we are here to give you complete financial solutions. At the same time we offer you very Prompt & Reliable

Policy related service for enduring relationship. We offer a very wide range of products to fulfill your particular requirements. You can always have an access to our 83 Branch Offices situated at prime locations of the city, or you can call our Relationship Manager to guide on your Investments. Following is the glimpse of Life Insurance Plans Protection Plan Investment Plans Child Plans Retirement/Pension Plans Saving Plans NRI Plans Health Plans


Unicon is a specialized property broking company. Our highly experienced and professional teams, present retail, office, industrial and residential property opportunities to a broad base of clients. Whether it is a residential or commercial development, Unicon offers a total solution to our clients inclusive of market research, marketing strategy, interaction with the professional teams and sales or leasing of the property. Unicons professional team of consultants will assist you to identify suitable premises that satisfy your requirements. We will help you negotiate favorable leases and assist with the preparation of all documentation. Whether you are looking for a home or a place to conduct business Unicon shall find you one


NRI Services
With India becoming the epicentre of growth the Global Indian feels the need to be connected to the domestic growth story. Unicon now offers a convenient and hassle-free way of Investing in the Indian Securities Market to the people who are living outside India and wish to participate in the Indian Growth story. Procedure for NRI operations in Indian Capital Markets:-

The NRI can deal with only one bank at any point of time. He is allowed to invest only 5% of the paid up capital of a company. The aggregate paid up value of equity of any company purchased by all NRI's and OCBs cannot exceed 10 percent of the paid up capital of the company and in the case of convertible debentures, the aggregate paid up value of each series of debentures purchased by all NRI's and OCBs


cannot exceed 10 % of the paid up value of each series of convertible debentures. He can enter only into delivery based trades, all deliveries must only be routed through beneficiary accounts and not directly through the broker. Shares bought by him cannot be sold unless the payout of the same is received from exchange. All purchase and sale transactions have to be reported to the RBI by the designated bank. Original brokers contract notes have to be submitted to the designated Bank branch, within 24 hours of the transaction. He will be required to make bill to bill payments/ settlements. No adjustments of purchase against sale consideration should be done. Shares cannot be bought against the shares sold in the same settlement. All Purchase and Sales will be dealt separately for payments / receipts. Sale proceeds of any transaction not reported/approved by the RBI is allowed to be credited to the NRE/NRO savings/demat account. The transaction will have to be reversed in the account and losses if any will be borne by the client. All tax liabilities arising out of buying and selling of securities will be handled by the designated bank


Back Office
Unicon through its online back-office aims to increase the transparency and provides you the link to view the details of your account online anytime and anywhere. Here you have the advantage of viewing the following reports online: Sauda Details Financial Ledger Net position for the day Net position Detail (for the complete financial year)


Fixed Income
Offerings The Fixed income vertical of UNICON Group deals in Sovereign Paper and Money Market/Fixed Income Instruments Broadly, it undertakes following: Dealing in all types of money market instruments viz. Commercial paper (Origination & Placement), Certificate of Deposit and Treasury Bills both in Primary and Secondary market. Dealing in Government securities (including securities of Oil, Fertilizer & Food Bonds) and other PSU/ Corporate bonds with counterparties like Banks, Primary Dealers, Mutual Funds, Insurance Companies, Regional Rural Banks, Cooperative Banks, Central & State PSUs, Housing Finance Companies, NBFCs & Corporates. Retailing of Central, State Government Securities and Bonds to PF Trusts, Universities Advisory Services to PF Trusts. Arrangers for Private placement of Bonds & placing it with Banks, Mutual funds, Insurance Companies & Corporates. Securitization of receivable portfolio of Housing Finance Companies, Banks & NBFCs by way of Pass through certificates.


Investment Banking
Overview The Investment Banking arm of Unicon Capital Services (P) Ltd. caters to the funding requirements of corporates. Our wide experience and market knowledge as a leading securities firm ensures that clients requirements are met at optimum cost. By constantly improving our knowledge capital and remaining focused on client needs, we aim to create significant value for our clients by helping them execute the right capitalization strategy. We also intend to initiate merchant banking services (Capital Markets Fundraising) in the short term (Merchant Banking License pending) Offerings Private Equity (PE) Syndication We specialize in the syndication of the private equity for the Indian companies in high-growth markets on their capitalization/re-capitalization strategies, which helps them to achieve their growth targets. Our team of professionals ensures complete confidentiality, strong focus on implementation and quick turnaround


time. Access to key decision makers at PE funds gives us an edge in optimal structuring and efficient closure of transactions. We service our clients through various stages of the PE deal namely collateral preparation, investor shortlisting, commercial term sheet, due diligence and final closure. Mergers & Acquisitions(M&A) Advisory We provide both buy-side and sell-side advisory services as part of our M&A advisory offering. We advise clients during the entire transaction process right from target identification to deal closure. We have an experienced and highly qualified team with more than 40+ man-years of experience which specializes in identification and short listing of potential targets, strategic planning of an acquisition and arranging capital for the transaction, if needed. Debt Syndication Our offerings include: Project Finance / Term Loans for Expansion - Arranging Long-term loans for setting up new projects from Financial Institutions and Banks External Commercial Borrowings (ECBs) - Arranging LIBOR-linked loans Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCB)-Arranging FCCB Loans Working Capital Facilities - Arranging fund-based and non-fund based limits for clients from Banks at competitive rates Trade Finance - Arrangement of trade finance (Buyer's / Suppliers Credit) Inter-Corporate Deposits Borrowing and Placement


Mission & Vision of The Company

Mission :
To create long term value by empowering individual investors through superior financial services supported by culture based on highest level of teamwork, efficiency and integrity.

Vision :
To provide the most useful and ethical Investment Solutions - guided by values driven approach to growth, client service and employee development.




Definition 1 In finance, the purchase of a financial product or other item of value with an expectation of favorable future returns. In general terms, investment means the use money in the hope of making more money. Definition 2 In business, the purchase by a producer of a physical good, such as durable equipment or inventory, in the hope of improving future business.


An individual who commits money to investment products with the expectation of financial return. Generally, the primary concern of an investor is to minimize risk while maximizing return, as opposed to a speculator, who is willing to accept a higher level of risk in the hopes of collecting higher-than-average profits.


The place where the customers are able to invest their money through a third party in various type of sector like stock, mutual fund, bond etc. with a willing of a return of a good profit. It obviously may be a loss of return.


Equity Mutual fund Insurance Commodity Property Depository IPO Real estate Fixed income Bond

Equities are a type of security that represents the ownership in a company. Equities are traded (bought and sold) in stock markets. Alternatively, they can be purchased via the Initial Public Offering (IPO) route, i.e. directly from the company. Investing in equities is a good long-term investment option as the returns on equities over a long time horizon are generally higher than most other investment avenues. However, along with the possibility of greater returns comes greater risk.

A mutual fund allows a group of people to pool their money together and have it professionally managed, in keeping with a predetermined investment objective. This investment avenue is popular because of its cost-efficiency, riskdiversification, professional management and sound regulation. You can invest as little as Rs. 1,000 per month in a mutual fund. There are various general and thematic mutual funds to choose from and the risk and return possibilities vary accordingly.

In law and economics, is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent loss. Insurance is defined as the equitable transfer of the risk of a loss, from one entity to another, in exchange for a premium, and can be thought of as a guaranteed and known small loss to prevent a large, possibly devastating loss. An insurer is a company selling the insurance; an insured or policyholder is the person or entity buying the insurance. The insurance rate is a factor used to determine the amount to be charged for a certain amount of insurance coverage, called the premium. Risk management, the practice of appraising and controlling risk, has evolved as a discrete field of study and practice.


A commodity is some good for which there demand is, but which is supplied without qualitative differentiation across a market. It is a product that is the same no matter who produces it, such as petroleum, notebook paper, or milk.[1] In other words, copper is copper. The price of copper is universal, and fluctuates daily based on global supply and demand. Stereos, on the other hand, have many levels of quality. And, the better a stereo is [perceived to be], the more it will cost. One of the characteristics of a commodity good is that its price is determined as a function of its market as a whole. Well-established physical commodities have actively traded spot and derivative markets. Generally, these are basic resources and agricultural products such as iron ore, crude oil, coal, ethanol, salt, sugar, coffee beans, soybeans, aluminum, rice, wheat, gold and silver. Commoditization occurs as a goods or services market loses differentiation across its supply

In the book, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon most famously declared that property is theft. Proudhon believed that the common conception of property conflated two


distinct components which, once identified, demonstrated the difference between property used to further tyranny and property used to protect liberty. He argued that the result of an individual's labor which is currently occupied or used is a legitimate form of property. Thus, he opposed unused land being regarded as property, believing that land can only be rightfully possessed by use or occupation (which he called "possession"). As an extension of his belief that legitimate property (possession) was the result of labor and occupation, he argued against such institutions as interest on loans and rent.

Investing in bank or post-office deposits is a very common way of securing surplus funds. These instruments are at the low end of the risk-return spectrum.

IPO stands for Initial Public Offering. As the name suggests its the process wherein a company goes to public for the first time for raising money by offering ownership in the company. In this process a private limited company becomes Public Limited Company. The main aim of coming to IPO is to raise funds for expanding the business. The structure of a public limited company is different from that of a privately held


company. Once it becomes public it must disclose its financial reports on a regular basis (In most cases, Quarterly) to public. It has to appoint share holders elected directors who take key decisions of business. But if the promoter holds major percentage he still can influence the decisions. It does not need to pay interest on the capital raised from Public. Even it doesnt need to repay the capital. Only in case of liquidation/bankruptcy it needs to pay the residual amount after paying bank loans, debentures, preferential shares etc.

Real estate is a legal term (in some jurisdictions, notably in the USA, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia) that encompasses land along with anything permanently affixed to the land, such as buildings, specifically property that is fixed in location.[1] Real estate law is the body of regulations and legal codes which pertain to such matters under a particular jurisdiction and include things such as commercial and residential real property transactions. Real estate is often considered synonymous with real property (also sometimes called realty), in contrast with personal property (also sometimes called chattel or personalty under chattel law or personal property law).



A type of investing or budgeting style for which real return rates or periodic income is received at regular intervals at reasonably predictable levels. Fixedincome budgeters and investors are often one and the same - typically retired individuals who rely on their investments to provide a regular, stable income stream. This demographic tends to invest heavily in fixed-income investments because of the reliable returns they offer. Individuals who live on set amounts of periodically paid income face the risk that inflation will erode their spending power. Fixed-income investors receive set, regular payments that face the same inflation risk. The most common type of fixed-income security is the bond; bonds are issued by federal governments, local municipalities or major corporations.

Bonds are fixed income instruments which are issued for the purpose of raising capital. Both private entities, such as companies, financial institutions, and the central or state government and other government institutions use this instrument as a means of garnering funds. Bonds issued by the Government carry the lowest level of risk but could deliver fair returns.



An investor's plan of distributing assets among various investments, taking into consideration such factors as individual goals, risk tolerance and horizon.


Perfect stance, perfect stroke Future proof investment Adding color to investment Empowering investment

In the globalised Indian market when sphere of the market is growing day by day it is in absolute necessity for any investor(may be an individual or corporate sale)to take careful steps so as to avoid any pitfulys.So the only solution Right action for right time. As if India is still considered a 3rd word country so exposure to opportunities is still considered a canopy in the desert .Therefore timing is necessary and the extent of investment is what matters the most.


This is no taking parrot who can predict the future because the future is uncertain. This nature is future is what makes the investment all the more risky. Anywise investor should be well acquainted with his limitation. He should know how much he can invest so that if any future loss occurs he can easily makes his way out of that. A very safe of investment is long term. In this way future can be secure well in advance.


Any individual are corporate invests to earn money on such money in simple words to enhance the rolling of money. So that uninterested flow of money does not stop in order to do that any sensible investor should invest in different sector so that he can hedge the risk and increase his leverage. Because market is playground of demand and supply and this cannot be predicted by anyone so it will be wise to invest in different fields rather than sticking to single field and decrease the risk of future loss.


This topic may be called a collective concept of above point. How can any investor string than his investment? Simply be investing at right time at right place and gain from the market irrespective of its nature example-bull or bear. A good and strong investment may be called with a decent share portfolio. Long term investment should always be encouraged because they are less prone to risk




Why did I choose this Company?

There had been many reasons for opting to conduct this survey in this company. One of the prime reasons is that the company administration was very co-operative and supportive. It has a good reputation in market. So ,I think it is a great opportunity to me to learn the administrative work to make a good position of company in competitive market.

Why did I choose Marketing?

The company is a body with various departments as their body parts/organs. The marketing department is the brain of a company. Marketing is typically seen as the task of creating, promoting, and delivering goods and services to consumers and business. Effective marketing can take many forms: It can be entrepreneurial, formulated, or entrepreneurial; and marketers are involved in marketing many types of entities: goods, services, experiences, events, persons, places, properties, organizations, information, and ideas. Marketing has the aim of building longterm, mutually satisfying relations with key parties-customers, suppliers, and distributions-in order to earn and retain their long-term preference and business. Marketing is the building of a unique company asset called a marketing network. The marketing concepts hold that the key to achieving organizational goals consists of deterring the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitors. It starts with a well-defined market, focuses on customer needs, coordinates all the activities that will affect customers, and produces profits by satisfying customers.




Research Methodology can be defined as: 1. "the analysis of the principles of methods, rules, and postulates employed by a discipline" 2. "the systematic study of methods that are, can be, or have been applied within a discipline"; 3. "a particular procedure or set of procedures."

DATA SOURCES: primary data, secondary data. PRIMARY DATA

Primary data is data that is collected for the first time in the processing of the analysis View point of General public of a famous corporate sector of Kolkata named sector-v, salt lake Knowledge of team manager of unicon investment solution Knowledge of employees of unicon investment solution

Under secondary sources, we collect information from internal and external sources. We made use of internet And miscellaneous sources (such as brochures, pamphlets, library) under external sources.

The population for the study is general public of a famous corporate area in Kolkata named sector-v during the survey period, extending from June 25, 2009 to August 18, 2009. During the survey period, a total of 65 people were asked several questions. The people were given eight questions about interest in investment, preferable investment sector, future plan for investment, period of investment, volume of savings from income, basis of investment, tax payment, annual income etc.each question have 4-5 option. Many people choose 1 or more option of same question. so first of all I count the the answer of several question ,then I calculate the percentage of collected data. Then I was put the data in different type of chart to understand collected data easily. A sample questioner is attached at below. By analyzing the collected data I understood about the investment market. I was also understood about the view point of customer upon investment sector.




In calculating Marketing in investment sector I have considered the opinion of 65 people

Interest in investment:
People were asked if they are invested or not. Out of 65, 44 people say yes they are already invest, and only 21 person say no they are not invested right now.

Preferable investing sector:

People were asked about their preferable investing sector among equity, mutual fund, insurance, and other sector like real estate, ulip, fd etc. here the many respondent choose more than 1 option. The results are following: Equity Mutual fund Insurance Others Total : 14 respondents : 19 respondents : 27 respondents : 04 respondents : 64 respondents


Interest on future investing:

People were asked if they have any interest to invest in future. 31 persons said that yes they are invest in future but 17 persons said no they have no interest to invest in future.

Period of investing:
People are asked about their term of investment.5 option were given. The results show below: 1-5yrs. 5-10yrs. 10-15yrs. 15-20yrs. Total : 21 respondents : 14 respondents : 03 respondents : 12 respondents : 50 respondents

Savings from income:

People were asked with 4 options about their volume of savings from income. The results show below: 5%-10% :09 respondents


10%-15% 15%-20% 20% & above Total

:15 respondents :14 respondents : 11 respondents : 49 respondents

Basis of investing:
People were asked how was they invest their money among 4 option of Monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, yearly. Results show below: Monthly Quarterly Half-yearly Yearly Total : 22 respondents : 10 respondents : 07 respondents : 18 respondents : 58 respondents

Tax payments:
People were asked if he/she paid any tax for his or her investment. 42 persons were responds of this question.25 said yes and 17 said no they were not paying any tax.

Age wise analyzed of interested person of equity market:


During the survey period I was meet different people of several ages. Here I saw the young generation and middle aged people are more interest on equity market. Because they are newly joined the corporate, and they are loved to taking risk because they have enough time to recover if any loss will happened.

By analyzing the collected data now I have a clear idea about the investment sector, that where is the risk factor, where is the instant profit, which is the better between long-term and short term investment, preferable basis of investment etc.

Interest in investment:
67.70% respondents said that they are already invest their money to the investment sector like equity, mutual fund, insurance etc. and only 32.30% respondents they have no interest to invest their money right now. But among those 32.30% many are said that they are invest their money at near future. By this analyze I understood that a major part of society are interest to invest their money, because they want to secure their life, they are also not depend on their salary. They want to open a extra income by the investment sector.


Table No.1 showing interested in investment sector Interest Yes No % of population 67.70 32.30 No of person 43 21

Chart No.1 Pie chart showing interested person to invest in any sector





Preferable investment sector:

There are many investment sector like equity, mutual fund, insurance,others like ulip,real easte etc. In equity market there are profit may come in short time. It depends on sensex/nifty point. The points have no certainty. To invest in this sector people have need of a good experience about share market, a good guidelines, good observation etc. The sensex and nifty depends almost 200 reasons like good announcement of govt., good weather report, good foreign investment, good news of company etc. This market may cause either a good return of profit or a great loss. In India there are two stock exchanges named Bombay stock exchange (BSE) and National stock exchange (NSE).sensex is the point of BSE and nifty is the point of NSE. There are almost 12000 company listed under BSE and 5000 company listed under NSE. The transaction is processed by buy and sell of that companys share. If the price of share is high at the time of selling of share than the amount of buy then the client get profit and if the market is down then the client faced loss. So market has a quick return but no guaranty of profit. So only 21.88% people invest to the equity market. Mutual fund has less risk than equity market. This market is more stable. It depends on NAV value. But its return is not so quick. The return will come min. 6 months after invest. And profit was not much as equity, but this market has a


certainty. Risk factor is minimum. For that reason inspite of low return than equity 29.69% people invest their money in mutual fund. By investing money in this market people also invest their money to the equity market, debt market and money market also. Because after collect the money from the market the huge amount is invested by the fund manager to those sector. And the return from that sector is distributed to skim holder. So in this market risk is always minimum. Insurance sector has no risk. The client has to give several premiums gradually. And after the specified period he or she will get back his or her money with interest. And also between the limit periods if the customer has any accident then he/she will get back his or her money with interest. This market is totaling secure. So 42.19% of people invest in insurance sector. There is also some sector like real estate, ulip, lic etc. have minimum profit in long term. so only 6.15% people choose that kind of market.


Table No.2 showing preferable investment sector Investment sector

Equity Mutual fund Insurance Others

% of population
21.88 29.69 42.19 6.25

No. of person
14 19 27 4

Chart No.2 Bar chart showing preferable investment sector

% of population
45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 equity mutual fund insurance 6.25 others 21.88 29.69 42.19

% of population


Interest in future Investment:

64.59% of people have also an interest to investment in future. Among those people some are not investment right now. And 35.41% of people have no interest in future. This said that investment market have a great future. This market is never falls down in future.

Table No.3 showing investment in future Investment in future Yes No % of population 64.59 35.41 No of person 31 17

Chart No.3 Pie chart showing person interested to invest in future



Yes No


Period of investing:
The analysis shows that maximum people are investing for short term basis. Because of risk factor. To avoid the risk factor people 42% of people invest for 15yrs.this type of people want to quick return from market.5-10yrs. Have 28%.but 10-15yrs have only 6% people. And more than 20 yrs. Have only 2% of people. But 10-15 yrs. Have 24% of people. So market reflects that the consumer prefer either short term or long term but not more than 20yrs.For that reason 10-15 yrs. Have only 6% of people. The people who are investing for long term are want to secure their future properly.

Table No.4 showing person like his/her period of investment No of year 1-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 More then 20 %of population 42 28 06 24 02 No of person 21 14 03 12 01


Chart No.4Line chart showing person like his/her period of investment









0 1-5 year 5-10 year 10-15 year 15-20 year more than 20


Savings from income:

By this analyze I come to know that maximum people want to save a big amount from his income for his secured future.30.62% people said that they are invest 10%-15% from their income. Also 28.58% people save 15%-20% from their savings. But very big amount that above 20% does not save by so many people. It is 22.44%.and only 18.36% people save 5%-10% from their income. So it can be said that people save neither a very big amount nor a small amount. But they are save a reasonable amount by investment.

Table No.5 showing saveings from his/her income Percentage of savings from income 1.5%-10% 10%-15% 15%-20% 20% & more 09 15 14 11 18.36 30.62 28.58 22.44 No of person % of population


Bar chart showing person interested to save from his income

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 9.5%-10% 18.36

30.62 28.58 22.44




Basis of investment:
Here I see that people liked invest their money either monthly or yearly basis than quarterly and half-yearly basis.37.94% people have a trend to invest their money by monthly basis. Also 31.03% invest their money by yearly basis.comperatively there are a less trend to invest money by quarterly and half-yearly basis. Only 17.24% and 12.06% people are investing their money quarterly and half-yearly basis gradually.


Table No.6 showing basis of investing Basis of investing Monthly Quarterly Half-yearly yearly No of person 22 20 7 18 % of population 37.94 17.24 12.06 31.03

Chart No.6 Pie chart showing people like suitable basis of invest his/her money



12.06 17.24

Quarterly Half-yearly yearly


Tax payment:
Because of more interest on mutual fund and insurance sector the percentage of tax payment people also more.59.53% people paid tax and 40.47 % people not paid any tax for their investment.

Table No.7 Showing Tax Payment TAX PAY YES NO OF PERSONS 25 % OF POPULATION 38.46

Chart No.7 Area Chart Showing Tax Paid And Non Tax Paid


40 30 38.46 20 10 0 YES NO 26.15



Co-relation between age and share trading: Share trading being a risky business which is associated with to a personality who likes to live in the edge ,as a result youngsters having less responsibilities on their shoulders likes to take more risk compare to older counterparts Whereas persons specially in Indian family have a customs of being the spearhead of the family contributing all the necessary expenses avoid taking too much risk.This above concepts is true for share investment also and is reflected below.

Table No.8 showing the interested & non interested of share trading:-

Age Group 18-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71&Above TOTAL

Persons Interested 5 4 2 2 1 0 14

Person Not Interested 12 20 09 07 03 0 51


Chart no.8 Bar chart showing the age of respondents persons towards share trading:-


20 20





5 5 4 3 2 2 1 0 0 0 18-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71&Above


TIME: Time duration of project work was short, and this was a biggest limitation in my project work. Therefore this report may not be authentic. But still I tried my best to cover each sector. SAMPLE SIZE: My sample size was 65 among which there was 1 non respondant.And some respondents gave multiple answers. For example Period of investment: Here the total respondent was 50 instead of 64 i.e. covering almost 78% the reason being misllenious work such as political strike, weather hazards etc. MONEY: Since I did not get any reimbursements for the expenses spent by me for this research work so it was not possible for me to conduct the extended field work. NOT RESPOND: Among this 65 respondent 1 did not respondent and among those 64
not all questions were answer.







A SWOT analysis focuses on the internal and external environments, examining strengths and weaknesses in the internal environment and opportunities and threats in the external environment.


As products of Unicon is a extremely innovative product with very less cost. Services like online trading facility, institutional and domestic broking, customized research reports with almost 80% efficiency etc give Unicon an edge over its competitors. Unicon provides other support services that make retail investors more confident and assured with their trading. SMS alerts (allowing traders and investors to make the most of the available opportunities), Softer, intangible features like imagery, equity driving preference. Through efficient trading processes Investors can place their orders directly on the Internet, do all the information seeking and basically own the investing process. DISTRIBUTION NETWORK we have a growing network of 150 branches and more than 300 business partners spread across 180 cities in India and a fully operational international office at London


OUR target is to have 350 branches and 1000 business partners in 300 cities of India and more than 7 International offices by the end of 2006. Unlike a traditional broking firm, Unicon group works on the philosophy of partnering for wealth creation. PRODUCTS Companys product line is quite flexible in the sense that there is a product for every kind of investors. Also all the products cover all the loop holes of all the products offered by the other competitors like low cost, user friendly online trading services etc.

BRANDING Though the company has a efficient products but large part of investment interested population does not know the company. The most basic expectation for a trader or investor when one begins trading is that one must get timely delivery of shares and proceeds from sale of shares. Also ones cash balances with the broker must be safe and secure. Though this confidence in the broker comes with time and experience, good and transparent practices also play a major role in imbibing confidence in traders


COMPETITION FROM BANKS Most of the banks due to good branding have the faith of the customers of their banking database. So they enjoy the liberty of huge database and customers find it more reliable to trade there rather than with a unknown broker. Also banks like HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank have the advantage of linking the trading accounts of their customers to saving accounts. This makes trading easier, and at the same time a trader withdraws exactly as much money from his account as is needed to complete the trade. Similarly sales proceeds are credited directly to saving account.

The external environment analysis may reveal certain new opportunities for profit and growth. EVER-INCREASING MARKET After the NSE brought the screen based trading system stock markets are now more secured which has attracted lot of retail investors and the demand is increasing day by day. This has resulted in improved liquidity and heavy volumes on transactions. Unicon is one of the early entrants here. As to how much it will roar and how swift it can swoop on the market, the future alone can


answer such queries. Unicon has been a mega player and is known for being a mover of stocks. It is also known for putting big deals through and enjoys good networking with the FIIs. It has been dynamic enough to move with the times and capture the opportunities that the market throws up from time to time. IMPROVING TECHNOLOGY In country like India technology is always improving which gives the company a chance to keep on improving their product with time whereas for the small players like local brokers it will be difficult to keep the same pace as the changing technology. Also with SEBI lying down some strict guidelines small brokers are finding it harder to retain the customers with no research department and small capital. The traditional business model is highly dependent on a large network of sub-brokers, and many established players may not have systems (technology, customer service, etc.) capable of directly servicing so many retail customers. UNFULFILLED NEEDS OF THE CUSTOMERS With so many competitors offering their products in the market but no one is able to completely satisfy the customers. Some have the problem of lack of information or some were scared of volatility of the stock markets. Unicon has the opportunity to tap this unsatisfied set of customers and to make hold in the market. The Internet serves to break all barriers to information, as it offers an extremely hassle-free


investing platform. And, Unicon hopes to fully utilize and capitalize on this platform. This original idea by Unicon itself was born out of the consumer's need for a more transparent, easy to understand and convenient option of investing in stock EDUCATION LEVEL The education level in the country is improving year after year as far as technology goes. With that the understanding of the stock market is also increasing and a lot of retail investors are steeping in the markets which are being shown by increasing volumes, transactions and indices.

NEW COMPETITORS A lot of new competitors are trying to enter the market in this bullish run to taste the flavor of this cherry. This is creating a lot of competition for large players like Unicon and it is creating little confusion in the minds of the customers about the services provided by the broker. Also many banking firms are entering into the market with huge investment. Competitors like ICICI, kotuku, HDFC, 5-paisa etc. are posing a lot of threats to the company, Religare.



Online trading is totally based on the technology which is quite complex. Typically, the technology solution has to start from the Internet front-end (or the screen that you see when you begin trading). Then it needs to get into the 'middle tier' of risk management systems that assess data from banks and depository participants (DP), calculate client risk at that point in time, and give the 'Go/No go' advice to the trade. So technology is a kind of threat because unless until it is working properly it is good but internet is not that safe. Though a lot of cyber laws are being made but not yet executed.




I am very lucky to get chance to doing my project in this Unicon Investment solution. Public have a good responds about the investment market. Public prefer the risk factor than quick profit. Investment sector has a good market in future. Public preferred short term investment than long term. Public dont want to save a very big amount or small amount from their income, but they want to save medium amount from their income Public preferred to invest either monthly or yearly basis than quarterly and yearly basis Major part of public paid tax for their investment Young generations are more interested to the equity market. So, it can be concluded that there are a good aspect of investment sector in market if they take proper marketing strategy. Because everyone want to save something. And investment sector is right place to earn for saving.





After doing my project work, by survey of market position following recommendation is required for Unicon to take top position in investment sector. Need different strategy for different sector of equity, mutual fund, insurance. For equity market they need to pull the young generation 0f 20-35yrs. Who are ready to take risk as client. Also need to look after the old client properly. For mutual fund and insurance sector they need to convince the client who is ready to invest for long term as well as short term. Unicon have to search those clients who are investing their money monthly and yearly basis. It is more profitable for the company get those clients who are investing 10%-20% from their income because these types of people has a large number in market. So these types of people increase the no of client of the company which is the profitable for the company. Unicon should build up a good relation with their customer. Unicon should give extra facilities to their client than other broking houses.










(IF YES) YOUR PERIOD OF INVESTING? A) 1-5Yrs. B) 5-10Yrs. C) 10-15Yrs. D) 15-20Yrs. E) MORE THAN 20Yrs. HOW MUCH YOU SAVE FROM YOUR INCOME? A)5%-10% B)10%-15% C)15%-20% D) 20% & ABOVE





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