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A concept is an original idea or thought from occurrences.

a concept is a kind of unit in terms of which one thinks; a unit smaller than a judgement, proposition, or theory, but one which necessarily enters into these. A concept is abstract, universal psychical entity that serves to designate a category or class of entities, events or relations. At the concrete level, the concept is a mental picture of some real object or event. At the level of abstract and complex, the concept is the synthesis of a number of conclusions have been drawn from experience with a particular object or event. A concept is the element of a proposition rather in the way that a word is the element of a sentence. Concepts are abstract in that they omit the differences of the things in their extension, treating them as if they were identical. Concepts are universal in that they apply equally to every thing in their extension. In modern logic, a preposition is what comes out with utter a sentence. In other words, this is the meaning of that sentence, and not the sentence itself. Different sentences can express the same proposition, if it means the same.

The word theory has a different meaning in the fields of knowledge are different depending on the methodology and context of the discussion. In general, the theory is an analysis of the relationship between the fact that one with the other facts on the set of facts There are 3 concept: - Empirical: Easily observable -Inferential: Can be observed Indirect -Abstract: cant observed

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