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SAP Funds Management Configuration Pack

Published by Team of SAP Consultants at SAPTOPJOBS

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1 2 3
3.1 3.2

INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................4 MAINTAIN FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AREA: - ...................................................6 ASSIGN FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AREA: - ........................................................7
Assign company code to financial management area ..................................................................... 7 Integration of other components ............................................................................................................. 8

4.1 4.2 4.3

FUNDS MANAGEMENT GOVERNMENT ..................................................................9

Activate Global Funds Management Functions.................................................................................. 9 Define global parameters............................................................................................................................ 10 Assign Fiscal Year Variant to FM Area ................................................................................................. 13

5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4

MASTER DATA ..........................................................................................................14

Fund center ...................................................................................................................................................... 14 Create/Change Hierarchy Variant.......................................................................................................... 15 Assign Hierarchy Variant to FM Area ................................................................................................... 17 Fund Type ......................................................................................................................................................... 20

6.1 6.2

ALLOCATIONS TO ACCOUNT ASSIGNMENTS ....................................................21

Select Derivation Steps .............................................................................................................................. 22 Define Account Assignment Derivation............................................................................................... 23

7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4


Set Up Budget Profiles ................................................................................................................................. 28 Assign Budget Profile to FM Area ........................................................................................................... 31 Budgeting (former budgeting) ................................................................................................................. 32 Number Ranges ............................................................................................................................................... 33

8.1 8.2

AVAILABILITY CONTROL SETTINGS ...................................................................34

Define Tolerances for Availability Control ......................................................................................... 34 Define Specific Tolerances for Availability Control ....................................................................... 36

9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5

FUNDS MANAGEMENT-SPECIFIC POSTINGS.....................................................37

Define Field Status Variant ....................................................................................................................... 37 Assign Field Status Variant to Company Code ................................................................................. 39 Define Field Selection String ................................................................................................................... 40 Define Document Number Ranges.......................................................................................................... 42 Define Document Types.............................................................................................................................. 44

10.1 10.2 10.3

ACTUAL AND COMMITMENT UPDATE/INTEGRATION ................................46

General Settings Assign update profile to FM Area ................................................................ 47 Override Update Profile .......................................................................................................................... 49 Make Other Settings ................................................................................................................................ 50

11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6


Assign Number Range to FM Area ...................................................................................................... 53 Activate/Deactivate Funds Management ....................................................................................... 54 Closing Operations / Enter Default Settings ................................................................................ 56 Commitment Closing Operations ....................................................................................................... 57 Create Number Range for Fiscal Year Change Document ....................................................... 58 Enter Settings for Commitments Carry forward Payment Budget ...................................... 59

1 Introduction Purpose

Funds Management in SAP helps you to create and execute budgets at various levels in your organization. It also helps you make modifications to the budget very easily by entering releases, supplements, returns, and transfers. Implementation Considerations The component Funds Management cannot be used simultaneously with application components Cash Budget Management and or Project Cash Management if you use year-dependent master data in Funds Management. If you want to use Funds Management simultaneously with Cash Budget Management and Project Cash Management, note that Cash Budget Management and Project Cash Management can only process ten-digit commitment items. Dont worry if all this seems a little bit confusing for you. We will clear that as we go ahead. Integration Funds Management is fully integrated with other components in the R/3 System. The components that are integrated depend on the specific requirements of your organization. A basic requirement for use of Funds Management is integration with the General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL) component. Integrating the components Materials Management and Funds Management means that you can, for example, reproduce and monitor procurement transactions from the purchase requisition to the invoice. Features Funds Management enables you to keep:

A thorough check of the revenues and expenditures and thus the funds-relevant business transactions of an organization. A thorough budgetary control, for all areas from Sources of Funds till its application / Utilization in the Business A control of the financial equilibrium of your business, by comparing commitment and actual values with the current budget values.

Now let us look at Customizing Setting required for implementing Fund Management in SAP R/3 System. Integration of other components All other organizational units, such as the plant and the purchasing organization in Materials Management or the personnel area in Human Resources, are linked to Funds Management via the company code. Let us now go through the configuration steps of Funds Management

2 Maintain Financial Management Area: In this step, you create your financial management (FM) areas. The financial management area is an organizational unit within accounting which structures the business organization from the perspective of Cash Budget Management and Funds Management. SAP IMG - > Enterprise Structure -> Definition - > Financial Accounting - > Maintain financial management area Transaction Code: SPRO

Assign Financial Management Area: -

In order to be able to use Funds Management (FM) integrated with other components, you must link the Organizational Unit of Funds Management, the FM area, with the organizational units of other components. 3.1 Assign company code to financial management area In this IMG activity, you assign each company code which is relevant to Cash Budget Management or Funds Management to a FM area. SAP IMG - > Enterprise Structure -> Assignment - > Financial Accounting - > Assign Company Code to financial management area Transaction Code: SPRO

3.2 Integration of other components All other organizational units, such as the plant and the purchasing organization in Materials Management or the personnel area in Human Resources, are linked to Funds Management via the company code.

4 Funds Management Government

4.1 Activate Global Funds Management Functions Public Sector Management-> Funds Management Government-> Basic Settings-> Activate Global Funds Management Functions (PSM-FM) Transaction: SPRO

In this step we activate/deactivate specific functions in the R/3 system for the component Funds Management (PSM-FM)


Define global parameters

Public Sector Management Fund Management Government basic Setting Define Global Parameter In this step, we check whether we have maintained the required parameters and assignments for each of FM areas:

Fiscal year variant Ranking for generic search Budget profile Status profile Number ranges for actual transactions In addition, we can define a budget profile for funds.

Select the relevant FM Area (1100 in our case) and click on it.


Assign Fiscal Year Variant to FM Area

Public Sector Management-> Funds Management Government-> Basic Settings-> Fiscal Year Variant-> Assign Fiscal Year Variant to FM Area Transaction: OF32

In this step, we assign fiscal year variants to us FM areas. FM Area 1100 Fiscal Year Variant K4

Master Data

5.1 Fund center Public Sector Management Fund Management Government Master Data Fund Center In the following sections, we have the following functions available for the maintenance of funds centers: Creating of hierarchy variants for the definition of funds center hierarchies Assignment of a hierarchy variant valid for a FM area/fiscal year


Create/Change Hierarchy Variant

Public Sector Management Fund Management Government Master Data Fund Center Hierarchy Variant Create/Change Hierarchy Variant Transaction: FMSF We create new hierarchy variants in this section, which are then used to define a funds center hierarchy in master data maintenance.

We have created 1100 as standard hierarchy variant


Assign Hierarchy Variant to FM Area

Public Sector Management Fund Management Government Master Data Fund Center Hierarchy Variant Assign Hierarchy Variant Transaction: FMSG In this section, you determine which hierarchy variants are to be assigned to the FM area and fiscal year as the current valid funds center hierarchy. If you are working in your FM area year-dependently, you must enter the respective fiscal year. If you would like to work yearindependently, you must make "0000" as the entry for the fiscal year. Standard assignment of 1100 to FM areas created and have assigned to 0000 Fiscal Year.

Press Enter and system gives warning message as under:

Confirm your entry by pressing Enter Key, and save the settings


Fund Type

Public Sector Management Fund Management Government Master Data Fund Create Fund Types In the following sections, we have the following functions available for the maintenance of funds. The classification and grouping of funds is possible by defining fund types in the funds master records. We have defined following fund type for 1100:

Fm area 1100 1100

Fund Type Exter Inter

Fund Type Text External Fund Internal Fund

6 Allocations to Account Assignments Public Sector Management Fund Management Government Master Data Allocations to Account Assignments from Other Components In the following steps, we define derivation strategy. This strategy is used to derive the values for Funds Management account assignments (FM account assignments) from other account assignments.

6.1 Select Derivation Steps Public Sector Management-> Funds Management Government-> Master Data-> Allocations to Account Assignments from Other Components-> Select Derivation Steps Transaction: FMRULES

In this step, we define account assignment derivation as a derivation strategy. We do this by choosing the derivation steps relevant for organization from those in the derivation strategy defined by SAP. We use account assignment derivation to automatically determine Funds Management account assignments values from other account assignments as long as a logical dependency exists between them. Steps we have selected out of standard setting given : Function from Account Commitment Item from Account Sales Distribution Assignment (Table FMZUOB) Objects Assigned to Asset Master Data Funds from fund center Master

6.2 Define Account Assignment Derivation Public Sector Management Fund Management Government Master Data Allocations to Account Assignments from Other Components Define Account Assignment Derivation Transaction: SPRO In this step, we have defined account assignment derivation. We can use account assignment derivation to automatically determine the values of FM account assignments from other account assignments, as long as there is a logical dependency between them. The account assignment derivation consists of a sequence of derivation steps - known as the derivation strategy. It is used to sequentially derive the values for FM account assignments from other account assignments. Each derivation step describes how a number of target fields adopt the values from a number of target fields. There are a number of different Derivation Step Types that can be used to represent different kinds of logical dependency between source and target fields:

Derivation Rule Table Access Assignment Initialization Enhancement Function Call

Create Step 1. Choose Create Step. If we want to add a new step to the derivation strategy, select the step before which we want to insert the new step and choose Create Step. 2. Choose the derivation step type that we want from those offered to you. 3. Enter a text and source and target field for the derivation step. For the source and target fields, we can determine Field characteristics. a) Source Field we can determine that initial values are permitted. This means that a derivation is carried out if the source field is not filled. b) Target Field Following parameters can be determined for the target field: Tue new value is not copied if a value from a previous derivation step already exists The new value is copied even if the new value is blank (Space). Tue new value is copies when the new value is filled. Note: - If we use this setting we can determine, for example, that the derived value cannot be overwritten manually. c) Source Fields and Target Fields In addition to the derivation step type "Derivation Rule", we can determine that either the entire field contents, or only a part of the field contents is included.

4. If the derivation step should only be performed according to specific conditions, for example, only for specific account assignment values, enter this on the Condition tab page. The derivation step is only executed when all conditions for the fields are fulfilled. 5. Define Step Characteristics on the Characteristics tab page, for example, if an error message should be issued, if no target value can be determined. a) An error message should be issued if the derivation step is not successfully derived. Otherwise the strategy will not be continued. b) The execution of the strategy should be terminated if a suitable value is found in the derivation step. Otherwise the strategy is completed. Note: If we are using derivation step type "Derivation Rule", we can make the following additional entries:

We can use the Maintain Rule Entries function to specify which values should be entered in the target fields from which account assignment values in the source fields. We can make these assignments in master data maintenance in Funds Management under Assignments -> Edit Account Assignment Derivation. We can make additional specifications on the Characteristics tab page; for example, we can allow the entry of a validity date for a step and therefore make it time-dependent.

We have maintained following derivation rules for meeting 1100 specific requirement: Cost Element to Commitment Item Fund From Commitment Item Fund Center-Commitment Item & Cost Center Fund Center From Internal Order Fund Center From Cost Center

Budgeting and Availability Control (Former Budgeting)

Public Sector Management Fund Management Government Budgeting and Availability Control (Former Budgeting) In the following steps we make the system settings for budget allocation and budgetary control. For this we require to maintain following:

Budget profiles and budget versions Number ranges for the budget documents Tolerance limits for the availability control

7.1 Set Up Budget Profiles Public Sector Management Fund Management Government Budgeting and Availability Control (Former Budgeting) Budget Profiles -> Set Budget Profile Transaction: OF12 In this step, we:

Create new budget profiles Define the parameters for new budget profiles Change existing budget profiles.

To be able to budget in an FM area, we must first create at least one budget profile and assign it to the FM area, or we can opt to use an existing one. We can create budget profiles for budgeting annual values and/or overall values. We can only budget overall values if we are using a fund. We define we fund as part of master data maintenance. If we create a budget profile for annual values, we can also specify that the annual budget is distributed to one period or, based on a particular distribution key, to several periods in all budgeting transactions (such as budget entry, releases). Periodic display of the annual budget is only for statistical purposes. Active availability control always checks against the annual budget. A periodic breakdown of overall values is not possible. The following control parameters are relevant for budgeting:

Budget profile

We must define the budget profile in the FM area to which it is to apply

Time horizon

Period into the past, from the start year, for which budgeting is possible Period into the future, from the start year, for which budgeting is possible

Budgeting start year


If we specify a start year, we can postpone the current year. Budgeting of overall and/or annual values

Period values

This control parameter only takes effect if we work with annual values.

Distribution key

The distribution key specification is only effective with the Annual values and Period values flags. The selected distribution key then appears as the default value in all budgeting transactions and can e overwritten if required. The distribution keys delivered in the standard system cannot be changed. We can however create our own distribution keys.


Standard view display as well as the budget value when we access the function (such as distributed value, assigned value, cumulative value) Default values for decimal places and scaling factor Against annual Against annual

Availability control
o o

In 1100 we have maintained following Annual budget profiles: 000001 : General budget/plan profile

7.2 Assign Budget Profile to FM Area Public Sector Management Fund Management Government Budgeting and Availability Control (Former Budgeting) Budget Profile Assign Budget Profile to FM Area

We define budget profile(s) for 1100 FM area in this step. The assignment made here is becomes a default profile for Fund Mgt Area however it can be override while maintaining Fund Master.

7.3 Budgeting (former budgeting) Public Sector Management-> Funds Management Government-> Budgeting and Availability Control (Former Budgeting)-> Budgeting (Former Budgeting)-> Enter Budgeting Settings Transaction: OFGD

In the following steps, we make the essential settings for budgeting

7.4 Number Ranges Public Sector Management-> Funds Management Government-> Budgeting and Availability Control (Former Budgeting)-> Budgeting (Former Budgeting)-> Number Ranges-> Expand Number Ranges for Budgeting Transaction: OK11 In the following work steps we define the number ranges for the hierarchy documents and the entry documents for each FM area.

Availability Control settings

Public Sector Management Fund Management Government Budgeting and Availability Control (Former Budgeting) Availability Control settings Following are the various steps for Availability Control Settings

8.1 Define Tolerances for Availability Control Public Sector Management Fund Management Government Budgeting and Availability Control (Former Budgeting) Availability Control settings Define Tolerances for Availability Control Transaction: OF20 Availability control can promptly identify an excessive funds assignment in a Budget Structure and trigger various actions. We configure availability control separately for each FM area/budget profile/activity group combination. For each action and combination we can define an absolute and/or relative tolerance limit for the Payment Budget .If an absolute or relative tolerance limit is reached or exceeded, the R/3 System triggers the action we specified (warning, warning with Mail to funds center manager, error message). We need to maintain the following parameters in availability control:

FM area Budget profile Action (warning or error)

% Usage at which warning or error for a FM Area and Budget Profile should get activated.
Transaction All types of transactions All types of transactions Purchase Requisition Purchase Requisition Purchase Order Purchase Order Direct Posting Direct Posting All types of transactions All types of transactions Action 1 1 2 1 3 2 3 2 2 1 1 Usage in % 95 100 95 100 95 100 95 100 100 100 Active (Y/N) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N

Budget Profile FM0002 FM0002 FM0002 FM0002 FM0002 FM0002 FM0002 FM0002 FM0002 000003

8.2 Define Specific Tolerances for Availability Control Public Sector Management Fund Management Government Budgeting and Availability Control (Former Budgeting) Availability Control settings Define Specific Tolerances for Availability Control Transaction: OF23 In this step, we have defined specific availability control tolerances for an FM area and particular Budget structure elements. This allows to override the tolerances set in the step "Define tolerances for availability control" for particular budget structure elements. To do this, enter a budget structure element, a budget profile and a year, from which the tolerance limits should apply, for an FM area. In Lta Perspective we have defined the Exception rules for FM Account assignment for Fund 11 and Assignment of Budget Profile 000003 for all Fm assignment related to Fund 12, 13, 14 and MSI Fund.

9 Funds Management-Specific Postings

Public Sector Management Fund Management Government Fund Management Specific Posting In the following steps we enter the settings which are a prerequisite for processing business transactions in Funds Management. 9.1 Define Field Status Variant Public Sector Management Fund Management Government Fund Management Specific Posting Earmarked Funds and Funds Transfers Field Control for Earmarked Funds and Funds Transfers Define Field Status Variant Transaction: FMU3 We can create as well as delete field status variants in this step. After creation we must then assign a field status variant to each FM area. We enter a field status variant to as many FM areas as we want. By assigning a field status variant and field status group to a field selection string, we can control document entry for the various business transactions very differently in us FM areas. The field selection string determines which fields are optional, required or hidden when entering documents. In this Configuration we have adopted a standard field status variant given by the SAP: FMRE

9.2 Assign Field Status Variant to Company Code Public Sector Management Fund Management Government Fund Management Specific Posting Earmarked Funds and Funds Transfers Field Control for Earmarked Funds and Funds Transfers Assign Field Status Variant Transaction: SPRO In this work step we assign a field status variant to company codes. We assign as field status variant to as much company codes, as we want We have assigned Standard SAP field status FMRE variant to 1100 Company Code.

9.3 Define Field Selection String Public Sector Management Fund Management Government Fund Management Specific Posting Earmarked Funds and Funds Transfers Field Control for Earmarked Funds and Funds Transfers Define Field Selection String In this step, we can define the field selection strings - that is, we can specify which fields are ready for entry, required or hidden during Earmarked funds and transfers. In another step, we must assign a field status variant and field status group to the field selection string. Activities 1. Determine which fields on the document entry screen are ready for input required to be hidden displayed only

In Lta we Have Modified MITTELVORMC - Funds Reservations for Making ,following Fields to be Mandatory while Entering the Fund Reservation Document Number . Item amount Funds Center Commitment Item Fund Item Text

9.4 Define Document Number Ranges Public Sector Management Fund Management Government Fund Management Specific Posting Earmarked Funds and Funds Transfers Define Document Number Ranges In this work step we create number ranges for the documents. For every Number range we state amongst other things the following: a number interval, from which document numbers are chosen The type of Number assignment (internal or external) We assign every number range in a further work step to one or several document categories. The number range takes effect via the document type when entering and posting a document. In Standard Setting 02 has been defined as the Number Range for the Fund Reservation.

9.5 Define Document Types Public Sector Management Fund Management Government Fund Management Specific Posting Earmarked Funds and Funds Transfers Define Document Types In this step, we create the document types for the documents in Funds Management. Document types are used to classify the documents. We can define characteristics for each document type, which control how the document is entered, or they may be recorded in the document itself. For each document type, we must specify: A number range interval A field status group The field status group, together with the field status variant, determines, by way of its assignment to a field selection string, which fields are optional, required or hidden when we post documents in we FM area. We can also control: Which field contents are copied from the reference document Which style sheet the system should use when printing a document type Which tolerance limits are checked when earmarked funds are reduced Whether the document is to be included in Workflow Whether the G/L account should automatically be derived from the FM account assignment The G/L account can only be derived automatically when we are using requests.

Here we have adopted a standard document type setting given by SAP and we are using Fund Reservation, Document Type 11 for 1100.

10 Actual and Commitment Update/Integration Public Sector Management Fund Management Government Actual and Commitment Update/Integration In the following sections we find out:

Which system settings are required for updating commitment and actual data How we set the Funds Management integration to other SAP components according to 1100 requirements.


General Settings Assign update profile to FM Area

Public Sector Management Fund Management Government Actual and Commitment Update/Integration General Settings Assign Update Profile to FM Area Transaction: OF37 In the following steps we make settings so that actual and commitment data from the Funds Management feeder systems are recorded. The essential control parameters, for updating in Funds Management, are summarized in update profiles pre-defined by SAP. Here we select the update profile relevant to LTA specific and assign it to FM area. We can override settings supplied in the standard per update profile In this step we define update profile per FM area. We make the following specifications in the existing update profiles: With which budget categories we want to work Payment budget Payment budget and commitment budget Which document date (such as purchase order, invoice, payment) is to be used when assigning commitment/actual data to a period in Funds Management, that is in which period the actual data is displayed in the information system for the payment budget and/or the commitment budget Update period from posting date/document date. Update period from due date Whether the commitments and budget are allowed to be carried forward at the fiscal year change and for which value types.

FM Area 1100

Update profile 000102

Description Payment Budget , invoice Basis & Posting Date


Override Update Profile

Public Sector Management Fund Management Government Actual and Commitment Update/Integration General Setting Assign Update Profile to FM Area In this step, we can override the valid settings of an update profile in the standard. Here we have made settings for activating Periodic-Based Encumbrance Tracking for update profile 000102.


Make Other Settings

Public Sector Management Fund Management Government Actual and Commitment Update/Integration General Setting Make Other Settings Transaction: OFUP When we post business transactions in the Materials Management and Financial Accounting components, the system passes on the data to Funds Management (FM). The actual data is updated there and displayed in the information system. In this step, we can define: How postings and transactions which affect the warehouse are updated in FM We make these settings in accordance with the Warehouse concept we have chosen for Unassigned purchase orders/requisitions and Goods issues. When the goods receipt should be included in Funds Management The process by which tax should be displayed Whether the derivation of FM Account assignments only occurs for real Controlling Objects or for statistical Controlling objects. Whether it is possible to enter the FM account assignment at component and activity level for the integration of maintenance orders Which documents should be used for determining the Carry forward level In this we have made following Configuration: For Unassigned Purchase Order: manual Account Assignment Good Issue : Cash Balance It Stat GR/IR Update: Gr and Invoice Update

11 Define Number Ranges for Actual Transactions Public Sector Management Fund Management Government Actual and Commitment Update/Integration Basic Setting Fm Lines Define Number Ranges for Actual Transactions Transaction: OF19 In this step, we define number ranges in each FM area for the actual data documents in Funds Management. For each number range, we specify the following: Number range key We must store the number range key in the FM area, to which it is to apply. We do this in the step "Assign number range to FM area" below. Number range from which the document numbers are to be selected The type of number assignment (internal or external) The numbers are always assigned internally for Funds Management.


Assign Number Range to FM Area

Public Sector Management Fund Management Government Actual and Commitment Update/Integration Basic Setting Fm Lines Assign Number Range to FM Area Transaction: OF33 In this step, we store, for each FM area, a number range interval for actual data documents.


Activate/Deactivate Funds Management

Public Sector Management Fund Management Government Actual and Commitment Update/Integration Activate/Deactivate Funds Management Transaction: SPRO In this step, we activate Funds Management (FM) account assignment derivation and the update of documents from the components pressured for FM to FM for particular company codes. If we have combined a number of company codes under an FM area, we have the option of only activating particular company codes or leaving other company codes deactivated. If we only activate account assignment derivation, the documents are given an FM account assignment in accordance with the assignment in account assignment derivation during posting in the components prestored for FM. If we also activate the update, the documents are also updated in FM. We can implement Funds Management in two steps if we only activate account assignment derivation. In the first step we only activate account assignment derivation. If we want to activate the update of documents at a later time, we can activate the update in a second step and reconstruct the documents. We can deactivate the update again in FM if necessary. No checks are carried out on postings in the components prestored for FM after the update has been deactivated.

The prerequisite is that the corresponding assignments from company codes to FM areas are not removed. If we want to stop the update and account assignment derivation, we have to deactivate account assignment derivation as well. If we do not want to use FM anymore, we can delete all master data and transaction data as soon as we have deactivated account assignment derivation and update. We have Activated Fund Management area for 1100 Company Code.


Closing Operations / Enter Default Settings

Public Sector Management Fund Management Government Closing Operations Enter Default Settings In this step, we define, for an FM area, which closing operations may be carried out at the fiscal year change Carrying forward commitments Carrying forward budget for commitments Carrying forward residual budgets In Lta perspective we allowed the Carrying forward for commitments.


Commitment Closing Operations

Public Sector Management Fund Management Government Closing Operations Commitment Closing Operations We can carry forward commitments which were posted in the current year but which will not be reduced until the following year, to the new fiscal year. In the following steps, we can enter system settings which also meet the different requirements for carrying forward particular value types (such as purchase orders, invoices)


Create Number Range for Fiscal Year Change Document

Public Sector Management Fund Management Government Closing Operations Commitment Closing Operations Create Number Range for Fiscal Year Change Document Transaction: OFY6 In this step, we create a number range interval for fiscal year change documents for each FM area. Fiscal year change documents are created for Funds Management documents that are carried forward to a new fiscal year. We have Define 01 as a Number Range Interval.

11.6 Enter Settings for Commitments Carry forward Payment Budget Public Sector Management Fund Management Government Closing Operations Commitment Closing Operations Enter Settings for Commitments Carry forward Payment Budget In this step, we specify per FM area, fiscal year and value type (for Purchase order, purchase Req & Fund Reservation), whether carrying forward commitments for the payment budget to the new fiscal year is basically allowed or not. We have made settings for allowing Carry forward in Purchase order; purchase Req & Fund Reservation during Fiscal year change.

We have now finished settings for Fund Management

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