ว่าด้วย 'อาเซียน': ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างอาเซียนกับภายนอก

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( 19 2556)

'': (8)


..2520 -

..2546 - (ASEAN-Japan Commemorative Summit)

30 -
- (Tokyo Declaration for the Dynamic and Enduring
ASEAN-Japan Partnership in the New Millennium)
- (ASEAN-Japan Plan of Action)
18 ..2554 - 14
- 5 ( ..2554-2558)
..2554 - (ASEAN-Japan Joint Cooperation
Committee - AJJCC) (Committee of Permanent
Representatives to ASEAN - CPR)
(Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia - TAC) ..
2547 (Counter Terrorism

Declaration on Drug-Free ASEAN 2015
20 ..2555

..2554 2
255 ..2553 17 ..2553
8.3 11.1
- (ASEAN-Japan Closer Economic
Partnership - AJCEP) ..2551

- (Japan-Thailand Economic Partnership Agreement - JTEPA)
(Japans Task Force for ASEAN
Connectivity) (ASEAN
Connectivity Coordinating Committee - ACCC)
Plan on ASEAN Connectivity) 1 ..2554
6 9 2555
- 18 ..2555 -
ASEAN-Japan 10-Year Strategic Economic Cooperation Roadmap

..2524 - (ASEAN-Japan Centre)

JapanEast Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths - JENESYS 5 ..2550
3 6

3 ..2556
(Tamiflu) Personal Protective
Equipment - PPE
Integration Fund (JAIF) (Initiative for

ASEAN integration - IAI) (Mekong-Japan Cooperation)

4 ( ..2555)
- 15 19 ..2555

(1) - 40
2556 (2) -
RCEP (3)
Plan on ASEAN Connectivity)
(AHA Center) Disaster Management
Network for the ASEAN Region ASEAN Regional Forum Disaster Relief Exercise (ARF DiREx)
(Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre)
(Asian Disaster Reduction Centre) (
- 14 ..2554)
(6) (7)

- Japan-East Asia Network for Students
and Youths - JENESYS Kizuna Project
- (1)

Tokyo Strategy 2012

- (4) Asian Disaster
Reduction Centre (ADRC) Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre (ADPC)


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