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OCR Further Pure 1

Complex Numbers
Chapter assessment
1. Find the complex number z which satisfies (2 + i) z + (3 2i) z* = 32 . 2. The complex number is given by = 2 + 5i. (i) Write down the complex conjugate *. (ii) Find the modulus and argument of . + * (iii) Find in the form a + bi. [3] 3. (i) Show that z1 = 2 + i is one of the roots of the equation z 4z + 5 = 0. Find the other root, z2. 1 1 4 (ii) Show that + = . z1 z2 5 (iii) Show also that Im (z1 + z2) = 0 and find Re (z1 z2). [4] [5]

[1] [3]

[3] [3]

4. The cubic equation z 3 + z 2 + 4 z 48 = 0 has one real root and two complex roots and . (i) Verify that = 3 and find and in the form a + bi. Take to be the root with positive imaginary part, and give your answers in an exact form. [5] (ii) Find the modulus and argument of each of the numbers , , , giving the arguments in radians between and . Illustrate the three numbers on an Argand diagram. [5] (iii) On your Argand diagram, draw the locus of points representing complex numbers z such that arg( z ) = arg . [2] 5. You are given that the complex number = 1 + 4i satisfies the cubic equation z 3 + 5 z 2 + kz + m = 0 , where k and m are real constants. (i) Find and in the form a + bi. [3] (ii) Find the value of k, and show that m = 119. [4] (iii) Find the other two roots of the cubic equation. Give the arguments of all three roots. [7] (iv)Verify that there is a constant c such that all three roots of the cubic equation satisfy z+2 =c.

MEI, 14/03/06


OCR Further Pure 1

Draw an Argand diagram showing the locus of points representing all complex numbers z for which z + 2 = c . Mark the points corresponding to the three roots of the cubic equation. [6] 6. (i) On an Argand diagram, mark the points A and B representing the complex numbers 0 + 9i and 12 + 0i respectively. Describe in words the locus L1 of points representing complex numbers w which satisfy w 9i = w 12 . Draw L1 on your diagram. [5] The locus L2 consists of the points representing complex numbers z for which z 9i = 2 z 12 . (ii) By writing z = x + yi, where x and y are real, obtain an equation relating x and y, and hence show that L2 is a circle. Give the centre and radius of this circle. [7] (iii) Hence write down an equation for L2 in which z occurs only once. [2] Total 70 marks

MEI, 14/03/06


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