DSNG "The Old Way": Continued

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IP-basedinteractiveDSNG:The missinglink oftapeless TV newsproduction In the tapeless revolution o TV news production, Digital Satellite News Gatheringis lagging behind.

This article shows that the existing gap between the ast evolvingnews production technology and the moreclassical DSNG in rastructure can easily beclosed with of-the-shel Newtec products.The migration is smooth as these products support simultaneously the new and old ways o working. The end o the tape Over the past years, most television news production acilities have undergone tremendous technicalevolutions. What was yesterday a bulky combination o expensive tape decks, analog editing desks, large librarieso video tapes and webs o coax cables is today a slick ITenvironment where all content is stored as computer leson compact hard disk servers, exchanged in IP ormatover standard Ethernet cabling and edited on regulardesktop PCs. Modern cameras even capture sound andimage directly on an onboard hard disk or memory card,so that the good old video tapes seem to be bound orthe media museum or a well deserved retirement nextto vinyl records and computer diskettes. Tapeless video production always use original mediacontent. Editing is in act virtual, as only low resolutionpreviews are used during the manipulations. The nalconsolidation is only per ormed at the very end o the process, at play-out time, using the original highresolution material stored on the servers. And becausethey are computer les, the digital duplicates are o equalquality as the originals. New work ows in the studios This new type o environment induces signi cant changesin the work ows and processes o journalists and editors.Access to years o archives is made instantaneous andis assisted with sophisticated metadata and voice-recognition search engines. Archives can be accessedover the Internet and exchanged with other broadcasters.Content can be contributed or distributed via the Internetand wireless networks. Regional of ces are virtuallyintegrated in the editing in rastructure o the main TVstudios. Video sequences can be edited and previewedsimultaneously by several people. Changes and voice-over can be added up to the very last minute be ore nalplayout.In summary, the migration towards a tapeless newsproduction increases productivity, reduces costs andincreases the speed preparation and delivery o newscontent. DSNG the old way Continued 9

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