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Hello my name is jair leyton and Im going to talk about this cute animal.

kangaroo derives of gangurru, a word of the Guugu Yimidhirr (an aboriginal Australian language), which was referring to the gray kangaroo.
Lieutenant James Cook on August 4, 1770 was written the name by very first time in english

And in the other hand a legend says that the name kangaroo would come to ask Westerners that animal's name (Kan Chu Ru) which Aborigines answered, their meaning, however, was not the name of the animal, but rather the phrase "do not understand" . This myth was refuted in the 70s by linguist John B. Haviland in his research with Guugu Yimithirr.

The kangaroo is an agile and wild animal. It comes from Australia and this countrys identidified with him.

Large hind legs and tail, of which let it jump up to nine meters. It had a marsupials bag situated on his belly. In this place are the breasts that will let to feed the baby.

A kangaroo in standing reaches a height of 1m 30cm,or 4 feet both male and female. They can weigh up to fifty kilograms and live between twenty and twenty-five years.

The fresh grasss the favorite food and travell long distances for it.

The speed of comfortable displacement of the red kangaroo is of 20-25 km/h, but it can reach speeds of up to 70 km/h in short distances, and can support a speed of approximately 40 km/h for almost two km.

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