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8) When the account It was intended to prevent Al-Kateb was closed, a from entering transactions after the specific

c sign was to closing date be placed in the The nature of the specific sign was books to reflect not explained but refer to a unique the closure of the mark account

9) All similar transactions recorded in the preliminary book were to be posted to the specialized books maintained for that type of transaction

The posting requirement is for the purpose of the preparation of financial statements, such as AlKhitmah & Al-Khitmah Al-Jameah It is most likely that they were ledgers

10) The posting of similar transactions was to be performed by persons independent from those who recorded the transactions in the daily and other books

11) The balance (AlHasel), had to be extracted.

The calculation of Al-Hasel, in conjunction with the requirements of procedure 3, 4, 8, and 9, indicates that the concept of debit & credit were practiced by Muslim.

12) A monthly and/or yearly report was to be prepared 13) At the end of each financial year, a report was to be prepared

These procedures requires Al-Kateb to prepare monthly and annual reports Represented the essence of the stewardship function

14) Annual reports prepared by AlKateb were to be reviewed (audited) and compared with prior year reports and with records maintained in the main Dewan

Reflected the importance of audit function. Indicates that auditing was used for a number of purposes, including comparison of results with budgets and assurances about the propriety of the books

Various accounting systems were developed & implemented in Muslim society Zakat was the major factor contributing to the development of accounting systems, books, recording and control procedures Includes other features; monthly & yearly statement, budgeting, auditing and internal control

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