Values Class Skit Script Changed One

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Values Class Skit Script: The Parable of the Prodigal Son

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Narrator (Siyang) Father (Bhume) Older sondaughter (Phurichya) Younger son (Switt) Citizen (Saralee) Servant (Suphaveer)

Props: 1. Bag full of money 2. Backpack [the younger son brings when leaving home] 3. Table with a miscellany of expensive and excessive things [the younger son squandered his money on] 4. Pigs 5. Pot with pods(small pieces of bread) [that the pigs eat] 6. [Best] robe 7. Ring 8. Sandals 9. Fattened calf
10. Plowing


11. 12.

Music A table and


2-3 chairs

Settings (Power point): 1. Home 2. Distant country (market) 3. Famine [in the distant country] 4. Pigs field 5. Roadway to home 6. Field [of home]

Scene 1: Home
Narrator: There is a great parable Jesus told, about a younger brother and an older sister in the days of old. The younger was very bold, while the older did all what she was told. The father had a special love for both of them. But things didnt go on well, because the younger son wanted his share of wealth Younger son: Father, please give me my share of your property now! Im sick of staying at home any longer! Father: If thats what you want, I will give you, even though it will take you far away! (Father, sadly with head bowed, went to get the younger sons share---a bag of money, and gives it to the younger son.) (The younger son took it, showed to the audience, laughed an evil laugh, picked up his backpack, and left home.)

*Both father and younger son walk out of scene---in opposite ways*

Scene 2: Distant Country (market)

Narrator: So the younger son took his money and all he had and set off for a distant country. *Younger son comes into scene* (The younger son roams around the market.) Younger son: I want this! I want that! (Younger son walks around the market and buy several expensive items and put them in his backpack. *Evil laugh*) *Younger son walks out of scene*

Scene 3: Famine
Narrator: The younger son was very excited with the new country, and enjoyed his stay thoroughly. He lived wildly, until he had spent all he had. He had nothing left except for himself. Not soon after, there was a severe famine in the whole country, and he began to be in need. *Younger son comes into scene* (Younger son: sad face---flustered with what to do next with his life.) Younger son: What shall I do now! I have no money left. I have nothing to eat! I will be dying!! No, no. I cant leave myself in such a situation. I need to go find something to do and earn my food! *Younger son runs out of scene*

Scene 4: Pigs Field

Narrator: So he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs. *Citizen comes into scene* *Younger comes into scene after citizen already set her posture---plowing the field* (Younger son walks to a citizen who is doing work.) Younger son: Please sir, have pity! I came to this city thinking I would have a great time. But now my money is finished and I have nothing left! Can you please offer me any job? So I can afford something to eat later on. Citizen: You will have to work very hard, young man. You will have no time to think about the fun youve had. Now come with me. (Citizen gives the younger brother her plowing tool.) (Younger brother gets it, and started plowing. Then he walks to the corner, get pigs food, and feed the pigs--continue the actions while narrator will speak.) Narrator: So the younger brother went to work. He had many chores to do. He had to eat and sleep with the pigs. (Younger son lie down to pretend sleeping with the pigs) *Younger son rise and walks out of scene*

Scene 5: Roadway to Home

Narrator: One day, the younger brother mourned *Younger son comes into scene* Younger brother: How many of my fathers hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! I will set out and go back to my father and apologize to him, for he might forgive me!

Narrator: So the younger son set his plan and went to his father. (Younger son walks along the room while narrator is speaking.) *Father comes into scene* (Father is sitting on a chair in low spirits.) Narrator: While the younger son was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son and threw his arms around him. (Father quickly run to younger brother and hug him.) Younger son: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son. But please, just accept me to stay at your house. I have no where to go. Make me like one of your servants and I will work for you! Father: No. Dont say like this. (Father waved to his servant to come to him) *Servant comes into scene* Father (talking to his servant): Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Lets have a feast and celebrate! (Servant nodded and went to prepare what the father said.) (Servant got the calf and things which will be placed on the floor)

Scene 6: Home
*Father and younger son went into the house and walked to the other side of the room and settle down on a table*

(turn on celebration music)

Scene 7: Field [of home]

*Older daughter comes into scene* (The older daughter is plowing the fields, and then she heard music from the house.) Narrator: Meanwhile, the older daughter was in the field. When she came near the house, she heard music. So she called the servant who is walking toward the house and asked her what was going on. *Servant walks toward the house with things the father ordered, and stops when the older daughter asks her questions* Older daughter: Hey! Why is there music coming from my house? Servant: Your brother has come back, and your father is celebrating and has killed the fattened calf because he has him back safe and sound.

Scene 8: Home
(Servant walks toward the father and younger son, and put down the calf and things the father ordered) (Servant walked in the house with the fattened calf and things the father told to bring for the younger brother.) (Father receives the calf and the things and put them on his son.) *Servant walks out of scene*

Scene 9: Field [of home]

Narrator: The older daughter became very angry and refused to go inside the house. So her father went out and pleaded with her. But she complained.

(Father walks to his daughter to plead her. Daughter makes a being annoyed and angry facial expression.) Older daughter (speaking to father with anger): Look! All these years Ive been salving for you and never disobeyed your orders. Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my friends. But when his son of yours who has squandered your property with prostitutes comes home, you kill the fattened calf for him! Father(said with a lively voice): My daughter, you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found! (Younger brother comes out, father patted him, and the younger brother smiled.)


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