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curves for the response of a ge(li) detector to gamma rays in the energy range u p to 11 mev.pdf d57dadf1d01.pdf deadtime corrections reduced by electronics.pdf determination of peak area.pdf efficiency calibration of semiconductor detectors in the x-ray region.pdf experimental study and theoretical consideration of the isomeric ratio in the ph otonuclear reaction 197au(, n)196m,gau in the giant dipole resonance region.pdf f3bf127ad01.pdf gas photodetectors with solid photocathodes.pdf giant dipole resonance in photonuclear experiments of various types discrepancie s, reasons, methods of overcoming, consequenses.pdf giant dipole resonance in the absorbtion and emission of gamma quanta by interme diate and heavy nuclei.pdf improved methods in the analysis of non-statistical beta spectra.pdf laser ultra sensitive analysis of low elements concentrations.pdf low-level radioactivity measurements.pdf neutron spectroscopy investigations with gelina.pdf nuclear fission simulation.pdf nuclear fission.pdf nuclear power plants.pdf on sources of systematic errors in efficiency tracer measurements.pdf peak area determination for ge(li) detector data.pdf photofission cross-sections of 2~ 232th and 23su above i gev.pdf photofission cross sections of several nuclei with mono-energetic gamma rays.pdf photopeak method for the computer analysis of gamma-ray spectra from semiconduct or detectors.pdf plugin-nuclear%2009%2008%2027_clean.pdf precision measurement of thermal neutron beam densities using a 3he proportional counter.pdf precision measurements of gamma-ray intensities and energies in the decay of 152 g, 154eu, 56co, 110mag and 125sb.pdf preparatio of thin sources, a review.pdf radioactive x-ray standards.pdf relative nuclidic masses.pdf relative measurements of cross sections for the photofission on the bremsstrahlu ng spectrum.pdf relative photofission cross sections of seral fissionable materials.pdf remediation of radioactive waste by stimulated radioactive decay.pdf separation and identification of complete fusion reaction products, further deve lopment of the methods (mass determination of heavy nuclei).pdf shielding against neutrons in the energy range 50 to 400 mev.pdf simple and accurate calibration technique for measuring -ray energies and ge(li) detector linearity.pdf some general aspects of radioactivity measurement methods.pdf some special problems in coincidence measurement.pdf special methods of source preparation.pdf spin structure of nucleons experimental status.pdf statement of results of experiments and their accuracy.pdf statistical methods applicable to counting experiments and evaluation of experim ental data.pdf study on the isomeric ratios of (,p).pdf the isomeric ratios in some photonuclear.pdf the natural nuclear reactor at oklo a.pdf tracer method for pure beta emitter measurement.pdf treatment of errors in low-activity measurements.pdf you are entitled to access the full text of this document.pdf 130710 a method for the analysis of complex peaks occurring in gamma ray pulse height d istributions.pdf

an automatic single channel spectrometer for quick quantitative analysis.pdf background of coincidence type beta-ray scintillation spectrometer.pdf backscattering and noise in a scintillation detector for a beta-ray spectrometer .pdf finite solid angle corrections for nai(tl) crystals when pulse height selection is employed.pdf some considerations on counting statistics.pdf theory of shower -spectrometers.pdf 140710 a convenient calibration technique for neutron detectors.pdf a fast coincidence system for semiconductor detectors.pdf a high efficiency 4n neutron detector.pdf a method for absolute calibration of ge(li) detectors using effective interactio n depth.pdf a monte carlo code for predicting the response of a ge---nai(t1) compton supress ion spectrometer.pdf a new method of element analysis using nuclear resonance scattering of gamma ray s.pdf a new technique for calibrating a nai(tl) scintillometer used to measure gamma d ose-rates in archaeological sites.pdf a simple and accurate measurement method of current density of an electron accel erator for irradiation.pdf a simple method for determination of nuclear lifetimes in the region 10100 days a nd its application to the decay of 181hf.pdf a thick target method for the measurement of neutron differential scattering cro ss sections.pdf an analytic approximation to the peaks obtained from ge(li) and si(li) detectors used in gamma spectrum analysis.pdf an automatic correction of the photoefficiency in ge(li)-spectrometry.pdf area estimation for filtered gamma ray spectra.pdf bias in a least square method of analysing decay data.pdf calculated absolute photopeak efficiency values for true coaxial ge(li) detector s in the -ray energy region 0.13.0 mev with annular source geometry.pdf calculation of angular correlation attenuation factors and efficiencies for lith ium drifted germanium detectors.pdf calibration of ge(li) detectors for level structure study in proton and neutron capture reactions.pdf comparison of calculated and experimental scintillation crystal photofractions.p df detection efficiency of a plastic scintillator for neutrons between 0.2 and 3 me v.pdf determination of detector efficiencies for gamma ray energies up to 12 mev i. ex perimental methods.pdf determination of detector efficiencies for gamma ray energies up to 12 mev ii. m onte carlo calculation.pdf determination of the 235u content in enriched samples by the fission track regis tration technique.pdf efficiency evaluation of gamma-ray solid-state detectors.pdf efficiency of ge(li) and si(li) planar detectors in the 25 kev energy range.pdf energy deposition in thick targets by high energy protons measurement and calcul ation.pdf experimental determination of the slow-neutron wavelength distribution.pdf figure-of-merit measurements for ge(li) detectors.pdf finite solid angle corrections to angular correlations for square ge(li) gamma d etectors.pdf fitting techniques for k x-ray multiplets in ge(li) spectra.pdf gamma-ray spectra from inelastic scattering in niobium.pdf geometrical - factor determination using a monte carlo approach.pdf high-purity germanium crystal growing.pdf insensitive zones in the intrinsic region of ge(li) coaxial detectors.pdf

light collection on a photocathode from a cylindrical scintillator.pdf measurement of total photonuclear cross sections using a novel method of photon spectroscopy.pdf monte carlo calculation of source-to-detector geometry.pdf monte carlo calculations for the photofractions and energy loss spectra of ge(li ) semiconductor detectors.pdf monte carlo calculations of gamma ray response characteristics of cylindrical ge (li) detectors.pdf multiple scattering of fast neutrons in 10b-glass scintillators.pdf neutron induced reactions in silicon semiconductor detectors.pdf peak total-ratios for nai(tl)-crystals a criticism.pdf photopeak and double-escape peak efficiencies of germanium lithium drift detecto rs.pdf pixe set-up for routine analyses.pdf precision measurements of gamma-ray intensities. ii. 152eu, 154eu and 192ir.pdf proton recoil spectrometer for neutron spectra between 50 and 450 mev.pdf proton-excited x-ray analysis on whole blood using a small accelerator.pdf pulse shape distributions from gamma-rays in lithium drifted germanium detectors .pdf quy trnh chun phn tich kich hoat.doc radioactive neutron source spectra from 9be(, n) cross section data.pdf radon concentration in the soil air measured by track detectors.pdf some statistical considerations in the location of mssbauer lines.pdf sum peak formation in neutron damaged ge(li) detectors a method to identify dama ged crystals.pdf the determination of non-linear parameters and their standard deviations from le ast-squares residuals.pdf the effect of high gamma-ray doses on the track-registration properties of natur al mica.pdf the energy calibration of neutron velocity spectrometers.pdf the rate of energy loss and intrinsic resolution of silicon detectors.pdf total absorption of 100 mev protons with a ge(li) detector.pdf variation of the intrinsic efficiency of a cylindrical planar ge(li) gamma-ray d etector with source distance.pdf 18300-87.pdf 25905-83.pdf 859-2001 .pdf 150710 a detector for (n, ) cross section measurements.pdf a method to improve the energy calibration of a ge(li) spectrometer.pdf a method to measure average neutron activation cross-sections by neutron sources the average neutron activation cross-section of some (n, p) reactions for a 241 am---be source.pdf a new method for calibrating low intensity neutron sources.pdf a simplified procedure for reactivation of ge(li)-detectors.pdf a single-difference bremsstrahlung unfolding technique for the measurement of hi gh energy photonuclear cross sections.pdf a technique for measurement of thermal neutron distributions at the surfaces of cylinders.pdf a tissue equivalent semiconductor detector for in-vivo dosimetry.pdf calculation of bremsstrahlung spectra from a thick tungsten radiator as a functi on of photon energy and angle.pdf calibration of the efficiency of a si(li) photon spectrometer in the energy regi on 5 to 125 kev.pdf cascade summing in gamma-ray spectrometry in marinelli-beaker geometries the thi rd efficiency curve.pdf coincidence summing corrections in ge(li)-spectrometry at low source-to-detector distances.pdf coincidence-summing corrections for extended sources in gamma-ray spectrometry u sing monte carlo simulation.pdf

computer program for neutron activation analysis with the slowpoke reactor.pdf counting yield calibration of nai(tl) detectors for complex geometry samples by use of californium-252.pdf determination of the optimum-size californium-252 neutron source for borehole ca pture gamma-ray analysis.pdf deterministic analytical method for the caculation of semiconductor detectors in gamma ray spectrometry.pdf development of a monte carlo code for the caculation of gamma ray trasport in th e natural enviroment.pdf development of etched nuclear tracks.pdf efficiency calibration of semiconductor x-ray detectors in the energy range 3200 kev.pdf energy calibration a new method with a ge detector.pdf epithermal neutron activation analysis of food.pdf errors in instrumental neutron activation analysis.pdf erros in instrumental neutron activation analysis.pdf gamma-ray measurements of naturally occurring radioactive.pdf instrumental neutron activation analysis as a means of evaluation of reference s ample homogeneity.pdf international intercomparison of gamma-ray emission-rate measurements by means o f germanium spectrometers and 152eu sources.pdf measurement of fast neutrons using nuclear track detectors.pdf method for determination of silicon in plant materials by neutron activation ana lysis.pdf monte carlo dose calculations for breast.pdf monte carlo simulation of the backscatter region in photon-excited energy disper sive x-ray fluorescence spectra.pdf neutron energy spectra of 252cf, am-be source and of the d(d,n)3he reaction.pdf on the efficiency calibration of semiconductor x ray detectors.pdf on the use of the single escape peak in ge(li) spectroscopy.pdf practicable monte carlo calibration of hpge detectors for.pdf precise -ry energies for calibration of ge semiconductor spectrometers to 3.5 me v.pdf pulse shape analysis in coaxial ge(li)-detectors.pdf radiation transport calculations for hiroshima and nagasaki.pdf radiochemical activation analysis of arsenic, selenium and antimony in biologica l samples.pdf radium determination in soil samples using a gamma-ray coincidence spectrometer. pdf self-absorption corrections for well-type germanium detectors.pdf some aspects of x-ray fluorescence spectrometers for trace element analysis.pdf some important considerations in the use of solid state nuclear track detectors for radon gas concentration measurements.pdf some important factors affecting the track registration characteristics of solid state nuclear track detectors.pdf spectrum interpretation problems with well-type ge(li) detectors due to self-abs orption variations.pdf statistical errors of dose estimation in personnel neutron monitoring with albed o dosimeters.pdf the accuracy of k1-standardized inaa applied to a gold-lined well-type detector. pdf the attenuation of fast neutrons in shielding materials.pdf the effect of the neutron spectra unfolding method on the fast neutron dose dete rmination.pdf the hpge as a defined-solid-angle detector for low-energy photons.pdf the investigation of the resolution enhancement transformation and the analysis of complex overlapping peaks in gamma-ray spectra.pdf the limit of precision in nuclear and analytical chemistry.pdf the track lengths of heavy ions in mica.pdf the use of photon activation analysis for the determination of sm, eu, gd and dy

in boron carbide.pdf track registration and development efficiencies of solid state nuclear track det ectors.pdf two different technique measurements of the neutron spectrum of an am---be sourc e.pdf use of the absolute method in neutron activation analysis application to natio nal bureau.pdf use of the semi-absolute method in neutron activation analysis.pdf variable sampling-time technique for improving count rate performance of scintil lation detectors.pdf .pdf 180710 atom3.rar detektory_ionizirujustschich_izlushenij.rar gamma.djvu windjview-1.0.3-setup.exe yadernaya_fizika.rar 190610 1 (version 1).xls 13846721-fortran-90-handbook.pdf 26615863-cac-ham-va-thu-tuc-trong-pascal.pdf 6997618-compaq-visual-fortran-norman-lawrence.pdf coincidence summing corrections for the natural decay series in g-ray spectromet ry.pdf coincidence-summing in gamma-ray spectrometry by excitation of matrix x-rays.pdf con ng ma.doc corrections for self-attenuation in gamma-ray spectrometry of bulk samples.pdf efficiency transfer and coincidence summing corrections for g-ray spectrometry.p df fast procedures for coincidence-summing correction in g-ray spectrometry.pdf hpge detector photopeak efficiency calculation including self-absorption and coi ncidence corrections for marinelli beaker sources using compact analytical expre ssions.pdf improvements in quantitative source preparation.pdf making a bamboo flute.pdf mcpt a monte carlo code for simulation of photon transport in tomographic scanne rs.pdf monte carlo calculations of the total-to-peak ratio in gamma-ray spectrometry.pd f monte carlo simulation of the self-absorption corrections for natural samples in gamma-ray spectrometry.pdf photon monte carlo simulation.pdf simulation of nuclear decay.pdf s quay v.doc the monte carlo simulation of radiation.pdf 2010-07-21 dsci0576.jpg dsci0577.jpg dsci0578.jpg dsci0579.jpg dsci0581.jpg dsci0582.jpg dsci0583.jpg dsci0584.jpg dsci0585.jpg dsci0586.jpg dsci0587.jpg dsci0588.jpg dsci0589.jpg dsci0590.jpg

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img_0287.jpg img_0288.jpg img_0289.jpg img_0290.jpg thumbs.db 210710 a measurement of the half-life of 90sr.pdf a monte carlo code for multiple neutron scattering events in a thick sample for (n, ) experiments.pdf a personal computer based data acquisition system for the direct standardization of radionuclides.pdf a survey of the physical processes which determine the response function of sili con detectors to alpha particles.pdf absolute activity measurements with the windowless 4-csi(tl)-sndwich spectromete r.pdf an experimental study of symmetric and asymmetric peak-fitting parameters for al pha-particle spectrometry.pdf an intercomparison of 222rn measurement systems in european laboratories.pdf anticoincidence counting of low intensity isomeric transitions.pdf characterization of a windowless si(li) detector in the photon energy range 0.15 kev.pdf compact x-ray source based on compton backscattering.pdf determination of isotopes of uranium and thorium in low-level environmental samp les.pdf determination of photon emission probabilities of radionuclides using a si(li) d etector calibrated by the primary standard source, bessy.pdf direct activity measurement of pure beta-emitting radionuclides by the tdcr effi ciency calculation technique.pdf direct mathematical method for calculating full-energy peak efficiency and coinc idence corrections of hpge detectors for extended sources.pdf experimental and simulated efficiency of a hpge detector with point-like and ext ended sources.pdf fitting of low-statistics peaks in alpha-particle spectra.pdf investigation of the background gamma spectrum in an underground environment.pdf measurement and calibration of large-area alpha-particle sources at nist.pdf measurement of 75se activity by correlation and coincidence counting.pdf measurement of the activity of radioactive samples in marinelli beakers.pdf measurements of (n,) neutron capture cross-sections with liquid scintillator dete ctors.pdf measurements of the thermal neutron cross section of 90sr(n,)91sr reaction.pdf monte carlo simulation of alpha spectra in low-geometry measurements.pdf neutron detection using gso scintillator.pdf optimal shielding conditions for low level ge detectors.pdf optimization of geometric parameters for marinelli beaker to maximize the detect ion efficiency of an hpge detector.pdf precise, continuous determination of source position and emission angle in synch rotron radiation sources.pdf quy trnh chun phn tich kich hoat.doc quy trnh tiu chun phan tich huynh quang.doc relative neutron detector efficiency and response function measurements with a 2 52cf neutron source.pdf resolution enhancement of gamma-spectroscopy data from neutron-damaged coaxial n -type hpge-detectors.pdf scintillation material for determination of radionuclides in water.pdf simulation of signal in irradiated silicon pixel detectors.pdf standards, calibration and quality assurance of 222rn measurements in sweden.pdf study of the background components for a ge(hp) detector in environmental radioa ctivity measurements.pdf the equilibrium factor f between radon and its daughters.pdf the re-evaluation of decay data for the u-238 chain.pdf

the yield ratio of i and xe isotopes in the photofission fragments of heavy nucl ei.pdf validation of a method for computer calculation of germanium detector efficienci es.pdf 240710 a computer program to evaluate the complex probability integral.pdf a computer-coupled quality control procedure for gamma-ray scintillation spectro metry.pdf a dual element, coaxial, ge (li) gamma ray spectrometer.pdf a ge(li) spectrometer for studying neutron capture gamma rays.pdf a general solid angle calculation by a monte carlo method.pdf a high-energy gamma-ray detector with angular and spectral resolution.pdf a measurement of the first moment of the range distribution of (n, 2n) recoils i n au and nb.pdf a method for generating single gamma-ray shapes for the analysis of spectra.pdf a method for unfolding spectra without assuming an analytic form for the peak sh ape.pdf a method of computer analysis of a nai(tl) -ry spectrum.pdf a new method in gamma-ray spectroscopy a two crystal scintillation spectrometer with improved resolution.pdf a new peak search method for an automatic spectrum analysis program.pdf a simple method for charged-particle identification.pdf a simple method for peak area determination of doublets.pdf a simple method for the automatic evaluation of particle tracks in mica.pdf a source of well-defined annihilation gamma-rays.pdf a special purpose discriminator for delayed neutron spectrum measurements.pdf a spherical dose equivalent neutron detector.pdf an activation analysis technique for determining groups of trace elements in roc ks and chondrites.pdf an energy-dispersive method for resonance neutron-capture gamma-ray spectroscopy .pdf analytic and graphical methods for assigning errors to parameters in non-linear least squares fitting.pdf analytic approximations to peak shapes produced by ge(li) and si(li) spectromete rs.pdf automated identification of isotopes in neutron activated samples.pdf calibration of a sampling total absorption detector designed for neutrino experi ments.pdf choice of collimators for a crystal spectrometer for neutron diffraction.pdf continuum reduction in the spectral response of ge(li) pair spectrometers.pdf control of lithium drift current in silicon and germanium.pdf decay constant for spontaneous fission of 238u and 232th.pdf dependence of the ge(li) efficiency slope on the source-to-detector distance.pdf detec, a subprogram for simulation of the fast-neutron detection process in a hy dro-carbonous plastic scintillator.pdf detection efficiency of plastic scintillation counters for neutrons in the energ y range 20130 mev.pdf detection of gamma-rays by means of organic scintillators.pdf determination of arsenic in germanium by the combination of isotope dilution and activation analysis.pdf determination of fission fragment energies using solid-state detectors.pdf determination of nuclide concentrations in solutions containing low levels of ra dioactivity by least-squares resolution of the gamma-ray spectra.pdf determination of rare earth elements in rocks and meteorites by the radioactivat ion method.pdf determination of rare earths in rare-earth concentrates by neutron activation an alysis.pdf determination of uranium and thorium ores using gamma spectrometry.pdf direct determination of short-lived radon daughter products on air filters by li quid scintillation counting using a delayed-coincidence technique.pdf

efficiency calibration of 3 3 nai(tl) crystals.pdf efficient detector for high energy neutrons.pdf enhancement of the fast-neutron detection efficiency of solid-state nuclear trac k detectors (ssntds).pdf extended detectors in neutron time-of-flight diffraction experiments.pdf fast and simple radiochemical method for the separation of uranium, thorium and lanthanum.pdf ge(li) summing spectrometers of special type.pdf general properties of peaks in the sum-coincidence spectrum,.pdf high sensitivity scintillation spectrometer for background neutrons.pdf high temperature behaviour and long-term stability of lithium drifted silicon su rface-barrier detectors.pdf improved nai scintillation spectrometer for the study of continuous x-ray spectr a.pdf influence of source-detector distance on relative intensity and angular correlat ion measurements with ge(li) spectrometers.pdf instrumental neutron activation analysis utilizing pulsed irradiations.pdf intensity measurements and shielding of a fast-neutron beam for biological and m edical applications.pdf krisa computer program for the least-squares resolution of gamma-ray spectra by h alf-life and gamma-ray energy.pdf low-level tritium measurements in water.pdf measurement of elastic neutrons by organic scintillators.pdf measurement of fast-neutron dose using a proton-recoil telescope.pdf measurement of lifetimes up to one second of isometric nuclear states populated in the decay of radioactive sources.pdf measurement of the quantum efficiency of scintillation counters for x rays.pdf method for improving the performance of x-ray fluorescence analysis systems at h igh count rates.pdf n-type cdte semiconductor detectors as x- and low-energy gamma-ray room-temperat ure spectrometers.pdf position-sensitive detectors (p.s.d.) for neutron diffraction.pdf precision and accuracy of rare earth determinations in rock samples using instru mental neutron activation analysis and a ge(li) detector.pdf quantitative trace-element analysis by proton-induced x-rays.pdf rapid estimation of the sensitivity of some non-dispersive x-ray methods of anal ysis.pdf semiconductor detector as a fast neutron spectrometer.pdf spectrometric properties of a high-efficiency fast-neutron detector.pdf spectrometry of low-energy - and x-rays with ge(li) detectors.pdf statistical spread in pulse size of the scintillation spectrometer.pdf the effects of high gamma doses on the response of plastic track detectors.pdf the resolution of a position-sensitive scintillation detector for neutrons.pdf the response of scintillation detectors to internally induced radioctivity.pdf trace-element analysis by x-ray fluorescence with an external proton beam.pdf - coincidence spectrometry of high-energy nuclear reaction targets.pdf 250610 anhan-doanvietphuong(2).mp3 bonganhdauroi-kimtieuphuong.mp3 chap-canh(2).mp3 chap-canh.mp3 con-mua-tinh-yeu.mp3 deanhduocyeu-chithien.mp3 hoangtuvacongchua.mp3 love-you.mp3 mo-ve-ngay-hom-qua.mp3 tinh-yeu-duy-nhat(2).mp3 world_cup_2010.xls 250710

a convenient method for discriminating between natural and depleted uranium by g -ray spectrometry.pdf a cylindrical mirror photoelectron spectrometer with position-sensitive detector used for x-ray analysis.pdf a method for determination of the 152eu activity.pdf a neutron activation analysis procedure for the determination of uranium, thoriu m and potassium in geologic samples.pdf a new method for determining the radon emanation coefficients and radon producti on rates in different building materials using solid state nuclear track detecto rs.pdf a new method for evaluating radon and thoron a-activities per unit volume inside and outside various natural material samples by calculating ssntd detection eff iciencies fo.pdf a new method for sealing containers with liquid samples for radioactivity measu rements.pdf a nonlinear integral equation with applications to neutron transport theory.pdf a physically founded model of the efficiency curve in gamma-ray spectrometry.pdf a scintillation detector of protons and neutrons, products of a ddreaction.pdf a search for trace elements in some human intracranial tumors by instrumental ne utron activation analysis.pdf absorbed doses in structural materials exposed to fusion neutrons.pdf activation cross sections for the element rhenium.pdf allowance for self-absorption in the gamma-ray spectrometry of volume sources.pd f an accurate procedure for the determination of low levels of platinum group elem ents in standard materials by neutron activation analysis.pdf an alternative method for the measurement of thermal neutron flux (modified cadm ium ratio method).pdf an application of neutron activation analysis to biological materials.pdf an approach to processing and evaluation of gamma-ray spectra associated with ne utron activation analysis.pdf an optimum method for the determination of rare earth elements by neutron activa tion analysis.pdf an overview of neutron transport problems and simulation techniques.pdf analysis by adsorption and scattering of radiation.pdf analysis of neutron flux noise due to coolant parameter fluctuations in a vvr cor e.pdf analytical formulae for well-type nai (tl) and hpge detectors efficiency computa tion.pdf analytical performance of some methods for the determination of trace elements i n lichens used as air quality assessment.pdf angle a pc-code for semiconductor detector efficiency calculations.pdf angular response of a hpge detector to gamma-rays in in situ measurements.pdf application of a low-level anti-coincidence gamma-spectrometer for environmental radioactivity measurement.pdf application of cold neutron prompt-gamma activation analysis in environmental st udies of aquatic plants.pdf application of reactor pulsing to neutron activation analysis.pdf application of reference materials in the accurate calibration of the detection efficiency of a low-level gamma-ray spectrometry assembly for environmental samp les.pdf assessment of natural radiation exposure levels and mass attenuation coefficient s of lime and gypsum samples used in turkey.pdf assessment of the capabilities of monte carlo electron transport models using th e continuous slowing down approximation.pdf attenuation of the flux of fission neutrons in iron-water mixtures.pdf automatic activation analysis of fertilizers and plant samples by fast neutrons. pdf biological effects of low doses of ionizing radiations particle tracks in radiob iology.pdf

calculation of radiation dose to the lens of the eye using monte carlo simulatio n.pdf calculation of self-attenuation factors for well-type geometry.pdf characteristic absolute efficiency response curves of a high purity germanium de tector in the energy range 501500 kev.pdf coincidence summing in -ry spectra and determination of the intensity of weak cr ossover transitions.pdf combination of neutron activation, atomic absorption spectroscopy and convention al methods in the elemental analysis of silicate rocks.pdf comparison of analytical methods used to determine 235u, 238u and 210pb from sed iment samples by alpha, beta and gamma spectrometry.pdf control analysis of235u in nuclear fuel by a neutron absorption method.pdf cross section of the u238 (n, 2n) u237 reaction for 15 mev neutrons.pdf determinaion of uranium and thorium in rock samples from harargaj anticline by i nstrumental neutron activation analysis.pdf determination between 129i and 127i ratios in environmental samplesusing neutron activation analysis.pdf determination of absorbed dose for photon and electron beams from a linear accel erator by comparing various protocols on different phantoms.pdf determination of arsenic, cadmium and zinc in river water by neutron activation analysis.pdf determination of fluorine in glasses by cyclic activation analysis using a calif ornium-252 neutron source.pdf determination of ko-factors of short-lived nuclides (t1 min) by thermal neutron a ctivation technique.pdf determination of rare earths in geological samples by neutron activation analysi s.pdf determination of rare earths in low grade uranium ores and srm-rock by instrumen tal neutron activation analysis.pdf determination of thallium in biological samples by thermal neutron activation an alysis and low-level beta-counting.pdf determination of the activity ratios of 231pa to 235u and 227 th to 235u in ore samples using gamma-spectrometry.pdf determination of the prompt k0,h factors and partial -ry production cross secti ons for b, n, si, p, s and cl.pdf determination of three parameters of a depth profile of foreign atoms in bulk ma terial using pixe analysis part ii influence of the errors of theoretical quan. pdf determination of trace elements in cigarette tobacco with the k0-based naa metho d using es-salam research reactor.pdf determination of trace elements of egyptian crops by neutron activation analysis .pdf development of a complex method for the determination of actinoides.pdf direct determination of 226ra in norm tenorm matrices by gamma-spectrometry.pdf disequilibrium of uranium isotopes in some syrian groundwater.pdf dosimetry of intermediate-energy neutrons.pdf dosimetry with radiochromic films a document scanner technique, neutron response , applications.pdf easurement of the effective cross section in th232 for thermal neutrons and the resonance integral for neutron absorption.pdf edxrf versus inaa in a pollution control of soil.pdf effective cross sections for fission of u233, u235, pu239 and pu240 by neutrons with energies from 30 kev to 5 mev.pdf efficiency calibration of a well-type ge detector for voluminous samples in cyl indrical geometry.pdf efficiency calibration of an hpge detector in the 0.12.5 mev energy range for am -be neutron source-based pgaa applications.pdf efficiency calibration of semiconductor detectors by primary standard sources an d monte carlo calculations.pdf electron transport through foils.pdf

epithemal neutron activation analysis. some comments.pdf erformance of alpha spectrometry in the analysis of uranium isotopes in environm ental and nuclear materials.pdf error estimation of the single comparator method due to uncertainties of literat ure data for thermal and epithermal neutron activation cross-sections.pdf estimating the activity of radioisotopes produced in intermittent irradiation of targets in nuclear reactors.pdf estimation of 235u concentration in some depleted uranium samples by high resolu tion gamma-ray spectrometry using 185 kev and 1001 kev gamma-energies of 235u an d 234mpa.pdf evaluation of analytical instrumentation. part xx instrumentation for energy dis persive x-ray fluorescence spectrometry.pdf evaluation of digital pulse processing-based gamma-ray spectroscopy under neutro n activation analysis conditions.pdf fast neutron spectra and transmission measurements.pdf fast neutron spectrometer based on cr-39 proton sensitive track detector.pdf fulltexta semi-empirical method for calculation of true coincidence corrections for the case of a close-in detection in -ry spectrometry.pdf fulltextoptimization of shielding containers for isotopic neutron sources.pdf gamma activity and geochemical features of building materials estimation of gamm a dose rate and indoor radon levels in sicily.pdf gamma spectrometry for u and pu isotopic.pdf half-lives and intensities of x-ray and -ry emission of 113sn, 117msn, and 119ms n.pdf hyperlab a new concept in gamma-ray spectrum analysis.pdf influence of the effective mass on the relative neutron density distribution ins ide a large sample in prompt-gamma neutron activation analysis.pdf installation and calibration of kayzero-assisted naa in three central european c ountries via a copernicus project.pdf instrumental neutron activation analysis based on k0-standardization method as c ompared with other methods in the analysis of the iaea inter-comparison test.pdf interactions of slow neutrons with the chromium isotopes.pdf intercomparison of efficiency transfer software for gamma-ray spectrometry.pdf interpolation and extrapolation of gamma detection efficiency curve as a functio n of distance.pdf interpolation and extrapolation of nai detector efficiencies.pdf investigation of the space-energy distribution of neutrons from the br-5 reacto r in an iron-ore medium.pdf low-level gamma-ray spectrometry for environmental samples.pdf measurement of high dose rates by photon activation of indium foils.pdf measurement of soil radioactivity levels and radiation hazard assessment in sout hern rechna interfluvial region, pakistan.pdf measurement of the mass attenuation coefficient for elemental materials in the r ange 6 to 82 using x-rays from 13 up to 50kev.pdf measurement of the radioactivity of238u,232th,226ra,137cs and40k in soil using d irect ge(li) -ry spectrometry.pdf measurements of neutron spectra for energies below 0.5 mev by a time-of-flight m ethod.pdf method of obtaining an average value for the nuclear constants involved in fast reactor calculations, taking into account the neutron values.pdf modern performance control of gamma-ray spectrometers for inaa.pdf monte carlo calculation of energy spectrum and spatial distribution of photons f rom positron annihilation.pdf monte carlo calculation of epithermal neutron resonance self-shielding factors i n wires of different materials.pdf monte carlo determination of full energy peak efficiency for a hpge detector.pdf monte carlo determination of inomogenity effect on gamma-ray detection efficency in soil samples.pdf monte-carlo modeling of a nai(tl) scintillator.pdf multielement analysis of food spices by instrumental neutron activation analysis

.pdf multielement determination of typical diet reference materials by neutron-induce d prompt gamma-ray analysis using k 0 standardization.pdf multielemental determination in water by neutron activation analysis.pdf neutron activation analysis of arsenic species.pdf neutron activation analysis of asbestos from canada.pdf neutron activation analysis of iodine in soil.pdf neutron activation analysis of samples of unknown composition.pdf neutron activation analysis of steel for sub ppm amounts of lanthanum and gold w ithout determining the chemical yield.pdf neutron activation analysis still a reference method for air particulate matter measurements.pdf neutron detectors based on silicon photomultipliers.pdf neutron measurements in space.pdf neutron resonance parameters of122te and123gte.pdf neutron scattering.pdf neutron sensitivity of lr 115 ssntd using different (n, ) radiators.pdf neutron yields and thermal neutron fluxes in a leadwater system bombarded by high energy protons.pdf neutron-gamma-ray transmission gauge.pdf new gravitational experiment with ultracold neutrons.pdf new improved methods of x-ray detection.pdf on quantitative determination of radon concentration by -ry spectrometry of aer osol filters.pdf on the applicability of the effective solid angle concept in activity determinat ion of large cylindrical sources.pdf on the use of reference materials in gamma-ray spectrometric efficiency calibrat ion for environmental samples.pdf optical resolution of beam cross-section measurements by means of synchrotron ra diation.pdf optimization of instrumental neutron activation analysis for studying the chemic al composition of silicate rocks.pdf performance optimization of k0-inaa.pdf photon radiation dose enhancement at material interfaces.pdf possibilities of the short-term thermal and epithermal neutron activation for an alysis of macromycetes (mushrooms).pdf program deimos32 for gamma-ray spectra evaluation.pdf prompt gamma activation analysis (pgaa) and short-lived neutron activation analy sis (naa) applied to the characterization of legacy materials.pdf propagation of uncertainties in sample properties to the uncertainty of the coun ting efficiency in gamma-ray spectrometry.pdf quantitative gamma-ray spectroscopy of 237239np.pdf radiation monitoring with semiconductor spectrometers-dosimeters.pdf radiochemical neutron activation analysis of biological materials past, present and future.pdf radiochemical neutron activation analysis of trace impurities in high purity alu minum.pdf radionuclide measurement using hpge gamma spectrometry.pdf radon activity concentrations and effective doses in ancient egyptian tombs of t he valley of the kings.pdf radon concentration in soil gas a comparison of methods.pdf rapid determination of halogens in milk by instrumental neutron activation analy sis.pdf scattering of medium-energy neutrons.pdf selected radionuclides and heavy metals in skeletons of birds of prey from easte rn poland.pdf self-absorption correction for gamma spectrometry of powdered milk samples using marinelli beaker.pdf self-attenuation factors in gamma-ray spectrometry.pdf selfconsistent fit of spectra.pdf

semi-empirical determination of detector absolute efficiency in inaa of volumino us samples.pdf simultaneous determination of thorium and uranium in ores and srms by instrument al neutron activation analysis.pdf simultaneous determination of trace uranium and vanadium in biological samples b y radiochemical neutron activation analysis.pdf skin dose measurement by using ultra-thin tlds.pdf spectra and dose with ann of 252cf, 241ambe, and 239pube.pdf standardizing conditions for measuring absorbed and equivalent gamma and neutron doses.pdf structural dynamics of water by neutron spectrometry.pdf study of efficiency calibrations of hpge detectors for.pdf table for true summation effect in gamma-ray spectrometry.pdf the estimation of differential counting measurements of positive quantities with relatively large statistical errors.pdf the messenger gamma-ray and neutron spectrometer.pdf the neutron flux of a252cf neutron activation analysis device using the mcnp cod e.pdf the response of high-purity germanium detectors to x-rays with energy in the reg ion of the ge k-absorption edge.pdf thermal-neutron fission cross section of236pu.pdf thin film thickness determination with neutron activation analysis.pdf trace element determination in beauty products by k0-instrumental neutron activa tion analysis.pdf trace element levels of aerosols at an urban area of korea by instrumental neutr on activation analysis.pdf ultrasensitive determination of low concentrations of elements using laser spect roscopy.pdf use of the semi-absolute method in neutron activation analysis.pdf validation experiment for large-sample prompt-gamma neutron activation analysis. pdf -decy studies of neutron-rich nuclei.pdf 260710 222rn detection at the mbq on m3 range in nitrogen gas and a new rn purification technique for liquid nitrogen.pdf a gamma-spectrometry system for activation analysis.pdf a national campaign for coincidence-summing correction in g-ray spectrometry.pdf a new absolute method for the standardization of radionuclides emitting low-ener gy radiation.pdf a semi-empirical formula for hpge detector efficiency calibration.pdf a source for measurement of the absolute intensities of 226ra gamma-radiation in equilibrium with decay products.pdf a study of radon and thoron release from egyptian building materials using polym eric nuclear track detectors.pdf absolute calibration of 60co by using sum-peak method and an hpge detector.pdf activation analysis of large samples.pdf activity concentration of radium-226 in agricultural soils.pdf an anticoincidence-shielded gamma-ray spectrometer for analysis of low level env ironmental radionuclides.pdf an improvement of uncertainty in activity standardization with efficiency tracer technique.pdf analysis of gamma-ray spectra from hpge detectors in field conditions without ex plicit energy calibration.pdf analysis of uranium using delayed neutron emission.pdf application of multidimensional spectrum analysis for neutron activation analysi s.pdf application of rotating disk electrode technique for the preparation of np, pu a nd am a-sources.pdf application of the can technique and radon gas analyzer for radon exhalation mea surements.pdf

automated construction of detector models for efficiency interpolation in gammaray spectrometry.pdf bibliographic collection - radon in the environment.pdf cascade summing corrections for hpge spectrometers by the monte carlo method.pdf comparative use of inaa and icp-ms methods for environmental studies.pdf concerning the low uranium and thorium yields in the electrodeposition process o f soil and sediment analyses.pdf correction for neutron self-shielding in large-sample prompt-gamma neutron activ ation analysis.pdf determination of corrections to true summations of photons for measurements in m arinelli beakers.pdf determination of multi-element profiles of soil using energy dispersive x-ray fl uorescence (edxrf).pdf determination of natural radioactivity in public drinking water quality assessme nt.pdf determination of neutron flux distribution in an am-be irradiator using the mcnp .pdf determination of the production rate of low intensity isomeric transitions.pdf determination of the spatial response of neutron based analysers using a monte c arlo based method.pdf determination of traces of uranium and thorium in environmental matrices by neut ron activation analysis.pdf determination of uranium isotopes in environmental samples by alpha-spectrometry .pdf development of high efficiency, multi-element cdznte detectors for portable meas urement applications.pdf experimental investigation of statistical models describing distribution of coun ts.pdf fitting methods for constructing energy-dependent efficiency curves and their ap plication to ionization chamber measurements.pdf high accuracy measurement of the relative efficiency curve and determination of gamma-ray relative intensity for 38cl.pdf how to calculate lead concentration and concentration uncertainty in xrf in vivo bone lead analysis.pdf improvements in the two media method for measurements of gamma-ray linear attenu ation coefficients.pdf instrumental neutron activation analysis of large samples a pilot experiment.pdf is the k0 method accurate for elements with high q0 values.pdf low-background gamma spectrometry for environmental radioactivity.pdf low-level radioactivity measurements in an ocean shellfish matrix.pdf maintaining accuracy in gamma-ray spectrometry at high count rates.pdf mcnp modelling of scintillation-detector g-ray spectra from natural radionuclide s.pdf measurement and prediction of neutron spectra in the kalpakkam mini reactor (kam ini).pdf measurement of radon and radon progenies at the german radon reference chamber.p df measurements of activation induced by environmental neutrons using ultra low-lev el g-ray spectrometry.pdf measurements of photon emission probabilities from the decay of 226ra and daught ers.pdf monte carlo calculations of the response features for nai detectors.pdf monte carlo simulation of a clinical linear accelerator.pdf monte carlo simulation of gamma-ray response functions for a proportional counte r used for neutron measurement.pdf multi-element analysis of emeralds and associated rocks by k0 neutron activatio n analysis.pdf nai detector neutron activation spectra for pgnaa applications.pdf natural gross radioactivity in various surface and tap waters in elazig, turkey. pdf

natural radioactivity in soil samples of kocaeli basin, turkey.pdf natural radioactivity in soils and rocks within the greater accra region of ghan a.pdf neutron activation techniques in environmental studies.pdf neutron and gamma-ray spectra of 239pube and 241ambe.pdf neutron spectra from isotopic (, n) sources.pdf neutron-radiation analysis of rocks and ores using ge(li) spectrometer.pdf neutron-resonance capture analysis of materials.pdf nuclear data for applications.pdf nuclear fuel cycle recent developments and future directions.pdf optimization of the parameters affecting the solid state detector efficiency in alpha-spectrometry.pdf performance of dose calibrators in brazilian hospitals for activity measurements .pdf precise efficiency calibration of an hpge detector source measurements and monte carlo calculations with sub-percent precision.pdf precise monte carlo simulation of gamma-ray response functions for an nai(tl) de tector.pdf prompt gamma-ray activation analysis fundamentals and applications.pdf propagation of the uncertainties of sample position to the uncertainty of the co unting efficiency in gamma-ray spectrometry.pdf quality control of gamma-ray spectrometry measurements.pdf radon measurement by coincidence gamma-ray spectrometry.pdf russian roulette efficiency in monte carlo resonant absorption calculations.pdf selective sorption of radioactive cesium and strontium on stannic molybdophospha te ion exchanger.pdf sequential method for the determination of uranium, thorium and 226ra by liquid scintillation alpha spectrometry.pdf simultaneous determination of ra and th nuclides, 238u and 227ac in uranium mini ng waters by g-ray spectrometry.pdf solvent extraction techniques in the study of short-lived radionuclides.pdf some irregularities observed in the analysis results of k0-naa.pdf study of the nai(tl) efficiency by monte carlo method.pdf the calculation of neutron self-shielding factors of a group of isolated resonan ces.pdf the concept of the reflection cross section of thermal neutrons.pdf the measurement of natural radioactivity in fish and the impact on humans.pdf the radon emanation power of building materials, soils and rocks.pdf the use of sources emitting coincident -rys for determination of absolute effici ency curves of highly efficient ge detectors.pdf transfer of the efficiency calibration of germanium gamma-ray detectors using th e gespecor software.pdf uranium content measurements in building materials using track detection.pdf use of gamma-ray spectroscopy for direct detection of thermal neutrons.pdf use of nuclear techniques for the measurement of trace elements in food.pdf validation of a neutron activation analysis method using k0-standardization.pdf 270710 a calorimeter for neutron flux measurement.pdf a compact neutron coincidence spectrometer, its measured response functions and potential applications.pdf a high-sensitivity detection system for radon in air.pdf a large-area neutron detector based on double scattering.pdf a method for removing the emissions of natural uranium in the analysis of thoriu m alpha spectra.pdf a neutron spectrometer based on solid-state nuclear-track detectors.pdf a new method and apparatus for measuring the mean energy of cyclotron beams.pdf a sensitive continuum analysis method for gamma ray spectra.pdf a study on the position resolution of position-sensitive 3he proportional counte rs.pdf analytical peak fitting for gamma-ray spectrum analysis with ge detectors.pdf

application of a germanium detector as a low flux neutron monitor.pdf application of a new monte carlo method for determination of summation and selfattenuation corrections in gamma spectrometry.pdf application of pulse shape discrimination technique to improve the energy resolu tion of a gas scintillation proportional counter.pdf assessment of the photoelectron number for photomultipliers under conditions of low light intensities.pdf attenuation of the neutron dose equivalent in labyrinths through an accelerator shield.pdf automated peak searching and fitting of data from gamma-ray coincidence experime nts.pdf basics of a detector for direct measurement of radon and thoron concentrations i n air.pdf calculations of the photon dose behind concrete shielding of high energy proton accelerators.pdf coincidence summing in gamma and x-ray spectrometry.pdf composite space charge density functions for the calculation of gamma sensitivit y of self-powered neutron detectors, using warren's model.pdf computer interactive graphics fitting of efficiency curves for ge detectors.pdf correction for sample self-absorption in activity determination by gamma spectro metry.pdf cross section models for cold neutron scattering from liquid hydrogen and liquid deuterium.pdf dead-time effects in time-of-flight measurements.pdf determination of detection efficiency for radon and radon daughters with cr 39 t rack detector a monte carlo study.pdf determination of efficiencies of semiconductor gamma-ray detectors for inhomogen eous samples.pdf determination of the upper limit of a peak area.pdf efficiency corrections for the - coincidence counting rates measured by the multidetector correlation system.pdf electronic ticket.doc empirical efficiency and volume relationships for hpge detectors.pdf empirical-theoretical determination of the neutron response function for teflon encapsulated tld-600 using the harshaw model 8800 hot-gas reader.pdf estimation of bounds for statistical and systematic uncertainties of the covaria nce matrix in relative neutron cross-section measurements.pdf experimental solid-angle correction for gamma angular correlations.pdf gamma-ray spectroscopy of voluminous sources corrections for source geometry and self-attenuation.pdf geometry dependence of the empirical relationship between volume and efficiency for ge detectors.pdf high-efficiency fast-neutron detectors.pdf implementation of dedxs a differential energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy syst em.pdf ion dose determination using beam chopper techniques.pdf large solid angle spectrometer for the measurements of differential (n, chargedparticle) cross sections.pdf low-level neutron monitoring by use of germanium detectors.pdf measurement of photomultiplier quantum efficiency.pdf measurements and calculations of the gamma response of neutron scintillators.pdf monte carlo simulation of the response of nai scintillator to medium energy neut rons.pdf neutron-chamber detectors and applications.pdf new techniques in photon counting detectors.pdf omparison of calculated and measured response functions for germanium detectors. pdf on the use of the covariance matrix to fit correlated data.pdf optimization of counting time in the radioactivity measurement of gaseous sample s with inner counting method.pdf

optimization of the counting time for the determination of 222rn daughters.pdf precision energy measurements of gamma rays from 44ti and 133ba.pdf quantities and units in radiation protection dosimetry.pdf radon in soil-air and in groundwater related to major geophysical events a surve y.pdf simplex method for optimization of experiments application to electrodeposition in alpha spectrometry.pdf some formulas for estimating tracking errors.pdf statistical properties of a peak-search algorithm for -ry spectrometry as relate d to currie's detection limits.pdf statistical uncertainties in live time and detector efficiencies.pdf the x-ray energy response of silicon part a. theory.pdf transition radiation detectors.pdf 28-290710 a comparative study of efficiencies for different detector geometries for source excited energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence systems.pdf a comparison of detection-limit computations for four commercial gamma-ray analy sis programs.pdf a comparison of detection-limit computations for four commercial gamma-ray analy sis programs_2.pdf a comparison of empirical and semiempirical efficiency calculations for ge detec tors.pdf a compton scattering spectrometer for determining x-ray photon energy spectra.pd f a computer-based spectrometry system for assessment of body radioactivity.pdf a fast approximation to the complementary error function for use in fitting gamm a-ray peaks.pdf a fast method for pixe and xrf target preparation of aqueous samples.pdf a fully automatic peak-search program for the evaluation of gauss-shaped diffrac tion patterns.pdf a fundamental study of neutron spectra unfolding based on the maximum likelihood method.pdf a measurement of the half-life of 137cs.pdf a measurement of the half-life of 137cs_2.pdf a method for measuring the neutron flux from an am---be source using a nal(tl) s cintillator.pdf a method to improve alpha particle spectral resolution.pdf a monte carlo approach to x-ray fluorescence analysis at low energies using an a nnular 55fe source.pdf a monte carlo model for the detection efficiency of cylindrical geometry used in fission isomer studies.pdf a neutron coincidence spectrometer.pdf a neutron coincidence spectrometer_2.pdf a new method for curve fitting to the data with low statistics not using the 2-me thod.pdf a new method for measuring the statistical resolution of scintillation detectors .pdf a new method for the determination of goodness-of-fit in gamma spectroscopy.pdf a pattern recognition approach in x-ray fluorescence analysis.pdf a pattern recognition approach in x-ray fluorescence analysis_2.pdf a personnel thermoluminescence dosimeter for the measurement of , and neutron dose .pdf a radially dependent photopeak efficiency model for si(li) detectors.pdf a semi-empirical model for the gamma-ray response function of germanium detector s based on fundamental interaction mechanisms.pdf a semi-empirical model for the x-ray si(li) detector response function.pdf a semiempirical procedure for the simple calculation of the signal intensity in pixe analysis of thick samples.pdf a simple approximate formula for the incoherent scattering cross section of x an d -rays.pdf

a study of neutron detection efficiency of an organic scintillation detector thr ough simulation of detection processes.pdf a technique for the evaluation of signal enhancement with application to gamma r ay spectra.pdf absolute activity determinations on large volume geological samples independent of self-absorption effects.pdf absolute photopeak efficiency values for planar ge-detectors in the -ray energy r egion 30600 kev with self-absorption in the source.pdf an analytic solution to the rayleigh scattering cross section integral.pdf an improved method for the shape analysis of backscattering spectra.pdf an intermediate energy neutron source.pdf an investigation of the selective sampling technique by monte carlo simulation m ethods.pdf an xrf method for the determination of the efficiency of si(li) detectors in an extended-source geometry by using thick specimens.pdf analytical approach to the analysis of spectra from time-of-flight measurements. pdf analytical functions for fitting peaks from ge semiconductor detectors.pdf application of a recursion formula to air sampling of radon daughters.pdf application of a resonance capture detector to the precise measurement of neutro n total cross sections.pdf application of a resonance capture detector to the precise measurement of neutro n total cross sections_2.pdf application of sequential probability ratio test to uranium enrichment verificat ion.pdf approximated total and full energy peak intrinsic efficiencies of gamma detector s for measuring systems design.pdf automatic analysis of -ray spectra including multiplets.pdf background reduction of x-ray fluorescence spectra in a secondary target energy dispersive spectrometer.pdf background subtraction and peak search from threefold gamma event data.pdf background subtraction and peak search from threefold gamma event data_2.pdf calculated absolute photopeak and total pair-production efficiency values of wel l-type nai-detectors in the -ray region 3-10 mev.pdf calculation and experimental determination of the fast neutron sensitivity of os l detectors with hydrogen containing radiators.pdf calibration procedure for a fast neutron time-of-flight spectrometer.pdf comparison among methods for calculating fwhm.pdf comparison among methods for calculating fwhm_2.pdf continuum estimation and peak analysis for in-beam gamma ray spectra.pdf correction factors of detection efficiency of proton recoil fast neutron detecto rs calculated by the monte carlo method.pdf correction of the continual scanning record of radioactivity distribution i smoo thing.pdf correction of the continual scanning record of radioactivity distribution ii dec onvolution.pdf correlation between deep-level parameters and energy resolution of p-type high p urity ge -detetors.pdf ross section for reactions between neutrons and matter.pdf dead time correction for the prediction of gamma-ray spectra.pdf detector-efficiency calibration for high-energy gamma-rays.pdf detector-efficiency calibration for high-energy gamma-rays_2.pdf determination of solid angle corrections for precise gamma-gamma directional cor relation experiments with ge-detectors.pdf determination of the efficiency of gamma detectors from particle-gamma angular c orrelations.pdf determination of the optimal length of cylindrical sources for specific gamma ac tivity measurements.pdf determination of uranium and or plutonium using x-ray fluorescence analysis exci ted by 192ir sealed sources.pdf

development of the detector response function approach in the least-squares anal ysis of x-ray fluorescence spectra.pdf differential coherent scattering cross-section measurements.pdf dose-rate conversion factors for external gamma exposure.pdf dosimetry and biological results of mice irradiations in mixed neutron-gamma fie lds.pdf dosimetry of high fast neutron fluxes.pdf dosimetry system for neutrons and gamma rays.pdf efficiency calibration of ge spectrometers for measurements on environmental sam ples.pdf efficiency calibration of germanium-spectrometers in the energy range from 122412 kev.pdf efficiency of si(li) x-ray detectors at low energies.pdf elemental analysis by neutron inelastic scatter gamma rays with a radioisotope n eutron source.pdf empirical polynomials for computing gamma-ray interaction cross sections and coe fficient in ge and nai(tl).pdf empirical relation between efficiency and volume of hpge detectors.pdf energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence analysis with synchrotron radiation.pdf enhancement of peak-to-total ratio in gamma-ray spectroscopy.pdf enhancement of peak-to-total ratio in gamma-ray spectroscopy_2.pdf environmental radioactivity.pdf environmental radioactivity_2.pdf errors in experiments with small numbers of events.pdf evaluation of a neutron shield for actively shielded gamma-ray telescopes.pdf evaluation of low temperature ashing of biological materials as a preconcentrati on method for pixe analysis.pdf experimental and theoretical determination of the fast neutron sensitivity of di fferent radiator-tl detector combinations.pdf experimental determinations of directional-correlation solid-angle attenuation f actors for ge(li) -ray detectors comparison of experimental and calculated values .pdf experimental verification of internal dosimetry calculations construction of a h eterogeneous phantom based on human organs.pdf extension of the semiempirical germanium detector response function to low energ y gamma rays.pdf fast neutron dosimetry using a cr-39 plastic track detector.pdf fluorescent sources for an energy dispersive compton spectrometer.pdf gamma and neutron dosimetry based on electrical conductivity of tl phosphors.pdf gamma ray intensity standards for calibrating ge(li) detectors for the energy ra nge 2001700 kev.pdf gamma-ray emission probabilities in the decay of 65ni and 125sb.pdf gamma-ray emission probabilities in the decay of 65ni and 125sb_2.pdf gamma-ray emission probabilities of the daughters of 238u.pdf gamma-ray emission probabilities of the daughters of 238u_2.pdf gamma-ray interaction in ge a monte carlo simulation.pdf gamma-ray source properties and compton scattering.pdf geochemistry of trace elements in the extraterrestrial matter examined by the xray fluorescence method with synchrotron radiation.pdf h.txt half-life determination of 125i.pdf half-life determination of 125i_2.pdf inaa and flame aas of various vegetable reference materials.pdf intrasource absorption and scattering effects in the angular correlation of gamm a rays.pdf isomeric yield ratios for the formation of 44m,gsc in the 45sc(,n), natti(,xnp), n atfe(,xn5p) and natcu(,xn8p) reactions with 2.5 gev bremsstrahlung.pdf iterative codes for fitting complete spectra.pdf liquid scintillation technique for the determination of the thermal neutron flux density due to 59co and 197au monitors.pdf

looping variation observed in environmental gamma-ray measurement due to atmosph eric radon daughters.pdf measurement of k-shell fluorescence yields for the elements in the range 22 less -than-or-equals, slant z less-than-or-equals, slant 52 excited by 14.4 and 122 k ev photons.pdf measurement of the gamma-ray emission probabilities of 75se.pdf measurement of the gamma-ray emission probabilities of 75se_2.pdf measurement of the neutron lifetime by magnetic storage of free neutrons.pdf measurement of the neutron lifetime by magnetic storage of free neutrons_2.pdf measurements and calculations on the shielding effect of small slabs for 14 mev neutrons.pdf measurements of covariance for cascading gamma rays.pdf measurements of the gamma-ray emission probabilities of 75se.pdf measurements of the gamma-ray emission probabilities of 75se_2.pdf mechanism for fast neutron damage of ge(hp) detectors.pdf method for an automatic search of two-dimensional peaks in neutron diffraction s pectra.pdf monte carlo calculation of electron transport coefficients in counting gas mixtu res i. argon-methane mixtures.pdf monte carlo calculation of electron transport coefficients in counting gas mixtu res ii. mixtures containing neon and carbon dioxide.pdf monte carlo improvement of dose uniformity in gamma irradiation processing using the geant4 code.pdf monte carlo simulation of a transition radiation detector.pdf monte carlo simulation of complex germanium detector systems and compton suppres sion spectrometers.pdf monte-carlo calculations of gamma-ray backscattering.pdf natural line-width effects in gamma- and x-ray emission rate measurements with s emiconductor detectors.pdf near-optimum procedure for half-life measurement by high-resolution gamma-ray sp ectroscopy.pdf near-optimum procedure for half-life measurement by high-resolution gamma-ray sp ectroscopy_2.pdf neutron detection efficiency for ne213 and bc501 scintillators at energies betwe en 25 and 200 mev.pdf neutron detection efficiency for ne213 and bc501 scintillators at energies betwe en 25 and 200 mev_2.pdf neutron dosimetry using activation of thermoluminescent caso4.pdf neutron lifetime determination by ultracold neutron storage.pdf neutron lifetime determination by ultracold neutron storage_2.pdf new approach to detection limit determination in spectroscopy.pdf nuclide activities determined from -ray spectra from ge detectors a review with g auss viii as the example.pdf on a new method for testing and calibrating ionizing particle detectors.pdf on improving ge detector energy resolution and peak-to-compton ratios by pulse-s hape discrimination.pdf on the determination of the shape parameters of the -ray multiplicity distributio n with a low efficiency multicounter system.pdf on the determination of the shape parameters of the -ray multiplicity distributio n with a low efficiency multicounter system_2.pdf on the photopeak efficiency of germanium gamma-ray detectors.pdf optical absorption of cr-39 as a means of -ray and neutron dosimetry.pdf peak-by-peak correction of ge(li) gamma-ray spectra for photopeaks from backgrou nd.pdf performances of large volume p-type hpge detectors.pdf performances of large volume p-type hpge detectors_2.pdf photon emission probabilities of 201tl.pdf photon emission probabilities of 201tl_2.pdf photon emission probabilities of 44ti, 65zn, 88y, 89sr, 147pm, 204ti and 210pb.p df

photon emission probabilities of 44ti, 65zn, 88y, 89sr, 147pm, 204ti and 210pb_2 .pdf pixe calibration and correction of matrix effects in the case of thick samples.p df precise determination of gamma-ray peak areas.pdf precise determination of gamma-ray peak areas_2.pdf precision measurement of the emission probability for the 1.52 mev gamma ray of 42k.pdf precision measurement of the emission probability for the 1.52 mev gamma ray of 42k_2.pdf preparation of targets for measuring g-factors of isomeric states and for fissio n studies of muonic 235u and 238u.pdf quantitative xrf of solid samples using an iterative matrix correction code.pdf quy trnh chun phn tich kich hoat.doc quy trnh tiu chun phan tich huynh quang.doc quy trnh tiu chun phan tich huynh quang_2.doc radiation accident dosimetry.pdf radiation dosimetry through spectral definition.pdf response of coaxial ge(li) detectors to narrow beams of photons for stripping of x-ray bremsstrahlung spectra.pdf samples for x-ray fluorescence analysis using synchrotron radiation.pdf scintillation efficiency of gas proportional scintillation counters.pdf scintillation light transport and detection.pdf secondary fluorescence correction in thick target pixe analysis.pdf self-shielding correction for the resonance activation detectors na, mn and co.p df semi-empirical systematics for the cross-sections of the reactions (n,), (n,p) an d (n,2n) at 14.5 mev neutrons on the basis of experimental data measured by lanz hou university.pdf sensitive x-ray fluorescence analysis of geological samples using synchrotron ra diation.pdf sensitivity of a low-level ge(li) spectrometer applied to environmental aquatic studies.pdf shielding of gamma radiation by typical european houses.pdf simulations of neutron response and background rejection for a scintillating-fib er detector.pdf simulations of neutron response and background rejection for a scintillating-fib er detector_2.pdf simultaneous measurement of neutron flux and neutron detector efficiency.pdf some current advances in biophysical applications of ionizing radiation for heal th preservation.pdf some notes on peak fitting with an inadequate model in the analysis of ge(li) ga mma spectra.pdf some physical problems of very low 222rn concentration measurements with the pro portional counter.pdf spectral measurement of angular neutron flux on the restricted surface of slab a ssemblies by the time-of-flight method.pdf statistical evaluation for peak center in the presence of background.pdf test and calibration of a coincidence setup by a radioactive source.pdf the contribution of carbon interactions to the neutron counting efficiency of or ganic scintillatorsthe contribution of carbon interactions to the neutron counti ng.pdf the experimental isomeric cross-section ratio in the nuclear activation techniqu e.pdf the fitting of solid state detector spectra.pdf the impact of natural radioactivity in solder on low background experiments.pdf the influence of background neutrons on (n,) activation measurements in the neutr on energy region 2.07.7 mev.pdf the optimization of gamma spectra processing in prompt gamma neutron activation analysis (pgnaa).pdf

the use of coherent gamma-ray scattering for the characterisation of materials.p df uncertainties in peak area determination of a 152eu gamma source.pdf uncertainties in the 2 fit for nuclear radiation spectra.pdf use of indirectly measured spectra in fundamental parameters x-ray fluorescence analysis.pdf use of k on k ratios in elemental analysis of thick samples.pdf use of the spectral analysis for estimating the intensity of a weak periodic sou rce.pdf use of the spectral analysis for estimating the intensity of a weak periodic sou rce_2.pdf x- and gamma-ray intensity measurements in 137cs and 203hg decays.pdf x- and gamma-ray standards for detector efficiency calibration.pdf x- and gamma-ray standards for detector efficiency calibration_2.pdf x-ray fluorescence escape peaks in gamma-ray spectra detected by cdte detectors. pdf 280610 bao_gi_cho_n_ma_ng___tun_hng___bao_gio_cho_den_mua_dong___tuan_hung___nghe_nhc_onlin ownload_bi_ht_bao_20gio_20cho_20den_20mua_20dong.mp3 gi_ng_m_p___khnh_phng_ft._qunh_nga___nhc_tr_gio_20dong_20am_20ap_20_20khanh_20phuo 0quynh_20nga_20_5bnct_2043633934017798797500_5d.mp3 mm_ci_khi_anh_ra_i___janny_heo___nghe___ti___xem_lyrics_b9e408a4da9eefbb966afdeeb24a4 9a1.mp3 so 843.pdf tb d.c thai thay d.c can 1-7-2010.doc xun___h___thu___ng_..._ri_li_xun___xun_h___nghe___ti___xem_lyrics_4e2d328dab1573508 e3f5aad6.mp3 _ma_ng_tri_qua___tr_my___de_mua_dong_troi_qua___tra_my___nghe_nhc_online___download_b de_20mua_20dong_20troi_20qua.mp3 290610 a computer method for analysing gamma ray scintillation spectra.pdf album_nhac_hoa_tau_hay___tainamlh___nghe___ti___chia_s_nhc_66f8ca8b2d405cb8da47941b 4fabd51c.mp3 an empirical method for determining the relative efficiency of a ge(li) gamma-ra y detector.pdf calculated gamma ray photofractions for well-type scintillation detectors.pdf calculated total efficiencies of coaxial ge(li) detectors.pdf con ng ma.doc finite solid-angle corrections for ge(li) detectors.pdf list_nhc_ha_tu___cc_hay_con_20thuyen_20khong_20ben_20_sao_dan_20tranh_dan_20bau_20_2 0nhac_20cu_20dan_20toc_20_5bnct_205495772076_5d.mp3 list_nhc_ha_tu___cc_hay_goi_20nho_20que_20huong_20_sao_dan_20tranh_dan_20bau_20_20nh ac_20cu_20dan_20toc_20_5bnct_200619089746_5d(1).mp3 list_nhc_ha_tu___cc_hay_goi_20nho_20que_20huong_20_sao_dan_20tranh_dan_20bau_20_20nh ac_20cu_20dan_20toc_20_5bnct_200619089746_5d.mp3 list_nhc_ha_tu___cc_hay_secret_20garden_20_20violin_20_5bnct_200327199745_5d(1).mp3 list_nhc_ha_tu___cc_hay_secret_20garden_20_20violin_20_5bnct_200327199745_5d(2).mp3 list_nhc_ha_tu___cc_hay_secret_20garden_20_20violin_20_5bnct_200327199745_5d(3).mp3 list_nhc_ha_tu___cc_hay_secret_20garden_20_20violin_20_5bnct_200327199745_5d.mp3 list_nhc_ha_tu___cc_hay_song_20from_20secret_20garden_20_20secret_20garden_20_5bnct_ 206970559186_5d(1).mp3 list_nhc_ha_tu___cc_hay_song_20from_20secret_20garden_20_20secret_20garden_20_5bnct_ 206970559186_5d(2).mp3 list_nhc_ha_tu___cc_hay_song_20from_20secret_20garden_20_20secret_20garden_20_5bnct_ 206970559186_5d(3).mp3 list_nhc_ha_tu___cc_hay_song_20from_20secret_20garden_20_20secret_20garden_20_5bnct_ 206970559186_5d(4).mp3 list_nhc_ha_tu___cc_hay_song_20from_20secret_20garden_20_20secret_20garden_20_5bnct_ 206970559186_5d.mp3

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bai 10 kiemsoat lieu nn[1].ppt bai 11 - huong dan cap phep.ppt bai 2 tuongtacbucxa voi vat chat.ppt bai 3 cac phuong phap ghi do buc xa.ppt bai 4.xa hinh cong nghiep (tia gamma va tia x).ppt bai 5 huong dan dam bao at, xu ly khan cap an ninh cac nguon px_hiep sua.doc emergency plan ndt.doc bai 6 hieu ung sinh hoc cua bx.ppt bai 8 gioi han lieu , tcvn 6866.ppt bai 9 nguy_hiem_chieu_ngoai.ppt bai_7 he_thong_quan_ly_atksbx_va_vbqppl.ppt cao chi.ppt d. q. son.ppt dao tao an toan buc xa trong x-quang y te (12-2005) atbx trong van hanh may x-quang2.ppt bia lop tap huan atbx 12-2005.doc bia tieu de.ppt cac yeu cau ve cong tac quan ly atbx, bss 115; tcvn 6869.ppt cacmoinguyhiemchieungoai & bienphapphongchong (b).pps gioi han lieu doi voi nv&dc-tcvn 6866[1].ppt hieu ung sinh hoc cua buc xa.ppt hieu ung sinh hoc cua bx-modified version.ppt khai niem co ban ve bx ion hoa & cac dai luong.ppt nguy_hiem_chieu_ngoai (a. quang).ppt principles of nuclear reactors-huy+chi.ppt tap huan atbx_khai niem-dai luong do.ppt thietbi x-quang (nhung van de lien quan den an toan).doc thietkechechanchox-quang.ppt tuongtacbucxa.ppt vanbanluatcoquanquanly-hiep-1[1].ppt decommisioning-hatuan 2-10-06.ppt decommission decom-clearncelevel.pdf decom2-japan.pdf decommisioning-hatuan.ppt decommisioning-japan.pdf decommissioning.pdf decomnupec.pdf deitrich basic principles of nuclear safety 2006 (tuesday 1) basic principles of nuclear safety 2006 (tuesday 1) basic safety principles hanoi 2006.ppt reactor system diagrams.pdf basic principles of nuclear safety 2006 (tuesday 1).zip code of conduct 2006 (monday 2) code of conduct 2006 (monday 2) code of conduct hanoi 2006.ppt safety standards and pub'ns hanoi 06.ppt code of conduct 2006 (monday 2).zip iaea safety program 2006 monday 1 iaea safety program 2006 (monday 1) iaea safety program hanoi 2006.ppt ines brochure.pdf nuclear safety e and t materials 2005.ppt iaea safety program 2006 monday management systems 2006 (wednesday 1) management systems 2006 (wednesday 1) iaea management system standards.ppt iaea safety standard gs-r-3.ppt

ms for op'g org of rrx.ppt management systems 2006 (wednesday 1).zip site evaluation 2006 (tuesday 2) site evaluation 2006 (tuesday 2) iaea reqts for site evaluation hanoi 2006.ppt usnrc environmental protection considerations.ppt usnrc site safety considerations.ppt site evaluation 2006 (tuesday 2).zip l. v. hong at-lodl-2006.ppt at-nmdhn-2006.ppt bc-pptatdinh-2006.ppt nhan 20030605 revue technique - qms ems sms auto.xls du an lai chau_2003.ppt national project framwork_seminar.ppt nt-huyen thuthien.doc tnam1.doc pr2.ppt radiochemistry2003a[1].ppt operational_safety- thong.ppt radiation protection.ppt t. n. toan basic_~1.ppt radiat~1.ppt thumbs.db ung pho su co px - vtbac's lectures-oct-2006.pps v. t bac.ppt viet hung communication - bptc3.ppt he thong quan ly atksbx vn.ppt reqts for rr design hanoi 05[1].ppt reqts for rr design [1].ppt safety culture 1 - bptc3.ppt safety culture 2 - bptc3.ppt van hoa an toan - bptc3.ppt yeu cau thiet ke an toan 1.ppt 88462bb692ccc61237 amd64 filterpipelineprintproc.dll msxpsdrv.inf msxpsinc.gpd msxpsinc.ppd mxdwdrv.dll xpssvcs.dll i386 filterpipelineprintproc.dll msxpsdrv.inf msxpsinc.gpd msxpsinc.ppd mxdwdrv.dll xpssvcs.dll (2) printzessa.i.ljagushka.2009.d.hdrip.vano.avi 8 fulltext.pdf gamma attuation effect.pdf

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1_index1033.trs 1_index1049.trs baseinfo.trs description.trs lock.trs stopwords.trs accountingenru_abrv.lsd americanaenru.lsd americanaenru.lsd_index 1_attributes.trs 1_coords.trs 1_doccoords.trs 1_index0.trs 1_index1033.trs 1_index1049.trs baseinfo.trs description.trs lock.trs stopwords.trs americanaenru_abrv.lsd autoenru.lsd autoenru.lsd_index 1_attributes.trs 1_coords.trs 1_doccoords.trs 1_index0.trs 1_index1033.trs 1_index1049.trs baseinfo.trs description.trs lock.trs stopwords.trs autoenru_abrv.lsd autoruen.lsd autoruen.lsd_index 1_attributes.trs 1_coords.trs 1_doccoords.trs 1_index0.trs 1_index1033.trs 1_index1049.trs baseinfo.trs description.trs lock.trs stopwords.trs autoruen_abrv.lsd biologyenru.lsd biologyenru.lsd_index 1_attributes.trs 1_coords.trs 1_doccoords.trs 1_index0.trs 1_index1033.trs 1_index1049.trs baseinfo.trs description.trs lock.trs stopwords.trs biologyenru_abrv.lsd biologyruen.lsd

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description.trs lock.trs stopwords.trs patentsenru.lsd patentsenru.lsd_index 1_attributes.trs 1_coords.trs 1_doccoords.trs 1_index0.trs 1_index1033.trs 1_index1049.trs baseinfo.trs description.trs lock.trs stopwords.trs patentsenru_abrv.lsd patentsruen.lsd patentsruen.lsd_index 1_attributes.trs 1_coords.trs 1_doccoords.trs 1_index0.trs 1_index1033.trs 1_index1049.trs baseinfo.trs description.trs lock.trs stopwords.trs patentsruen_abrv.lsd pda essentialenru.lsd essentialruen.lsd phrasebookruen.lsd phrasebookruen.lsd_index 1_attributes.trs 1_coords.trs 1_doccoords.trs 1_index0.trs 1_index1033.trs 1_index1049.trs baseinfo.trs description.trs lock.trs stopwords.trs physicsenru.lsd physicsenru.lsd_index 1_attributes.trs 1_coords.trs 1_doccoords.trs 1_index0.trs 1_index1033.trs 1_index1049.trs baseinfo.trs description.trs lock.trs stopwords.trs physicsenru_abrv.lsd physicsruen.lsd physicsruen.lsd_index 1_attributes.trs

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tivation analysis and implications for.pdf effects of target temperature on analytical sensitivities of cold-neutron captur e prompt _-ray activation analysis.pdf elemental concentrations in geochemical reference samples by neutron capture pro mpt gamma-ray spectroscopy.pdf elimination of the influence of the enhancement effect on calcium determination in a cement raw mix by non-dispersive x-ray radioisotope fluorescence analysis.p df energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence analysis applied to biomonitoring on alps.p df enhanced sensitivity for the determination of selenium by inaa.pdf environmental radiochemistry and radioactivity.pdf environmental, toxicological and biomedical research on trace metals radiochemic al separations for neutron activation analysis.pdf epithermal neutron activation analysis and detection limit calculation for trace amounts of thorium at nanogram level, in israeli geological samples.pdf evaluation by activation analysis of elemental retention in biological samples a fter low temperature ashing.pdf evaluation of a system for routine instrumental neutron activation analysis.pdf evaluation of geochemical standard reference materials for analysis microconcent ration.pdf evaluation of the theoretical error for the lightning peak current as measured b y lightning location systems.pdf experimental and simulated efficiency of a hpge detector in the energy range of 0.06 _ 11 mev.pdf f6f16c91d01.pdf fast computer analysis of the _ spectrum from ge(li) detectors.php fluorescent excitation analysis in medicine.pdf fulltext.pdf further studies in the advance prediction of gamma-ray spectra and detection lim its in instrumental neutron activation analysis.pdf gamanal pc a program for gamma-ray spectrum analysis using a microcomputer.pdf gamma and x rays detection.pdf gamma spectrometric monitoring of environmental radioactivity using a mobile equ ipment.pdf group separation of rare earth elements by liquid-liquid extraction for the neut ron activation analysis of silicate rocks.pdf history of development and applications of nuclear analytical methods in the cze ch republic.pdf homogeneously doped silica matrices for trace element standards in neutron activ ation analysis.pdf identification of a modern imitation of an old scientific instrument by means of neutron activation analysis.pdf improved inter-element correction factors for the determination of.pdf improvement of correlated sampling monte carlo.pdf improvements and some results of the n f activation method for dating fossil bon e.pdf improving accuracy in routine instrumental activation analysis.pdf in-line determination of u, pu and np in process streams by energy-dispersive xray fluorescence analysis (edxrf).pdf instrumental neutron activation analysis limits of detection in the presence of interferences.pdf internal standard method for determination of gallium and some trace elements in bauxite by neutron activation analysis.pdf introduction to measurements & error analysis.pdf investigation of element speciation in atmosphere.pdf mathematical techniques for quantitative elemental analysis by energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence.pdf measurement of annihilation radiation in activation analysis enhancement of spec ificity through triple coincidence.pdf

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pdf activation analysis of large samples.pdf activities in the iaea x-ray fluorescence laboratory.pdf advanced gamma spectrum.pdf alpha emitters from uranium.pdf alpha emitting radionuclides in drainage from quinta do bispo and cunha baixa ur anium mines (portugal) and associated radiotoxicological risk.pdf amp-pan column tests for the removal of 137cs from actual and simulated ineel hi gh-activity wastes.pdf an anticoincidence-shielded ge(li) gamma-ray spectrometer and its application to radioanalytical chemistry problems.pdf an automated neutron activation system for short-lived nuclides.pdf an easy method for ra-226 determination in river waters by liquid-scintillation counting.pdf an epithermal technique to resolve activation interferences.pdf an improved marinelli beaker for liquid samples.pdf an improved method for determination of uranium isotopic composition in urine by alpha spectrometry.pdf an improved method for the determination of uranium isotopes in environmental sa mples by alpha-spectrometry.pdf an intercomparison of monte carlo codes used in.pdf an introduction to the numerical analysis of spectral methods back-matter.pdf front-matter.pdf fulltext1.pdf fulltext2.pdf fulltext3.pdf analyses of radionuclides in soil, water, and agriculture products near the urge iria uranium mine in portugal.pdf analysis by nuclear reactions and activation.pdf analysis for the rare-earth elements by neutron activation and ge(li) spectromet ry.pdf analysis methods for airborne radioactivity.pdf analysis of jamaican soils and sediments by energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrometry.pdf analysis of major and trace elements icp-aes.pdf analysis of multicomponent systems by fast neutron activation.pdf analysis spectrum for nuclides of evential samples.pdf angle a pc-code for semiconductor detector efficiency calculations.pdf anticosmic-shielded ultralow-background germanium detector systems for analysis of bulk environmental samples.pdf application guide.pdf application of pulse decay discrimination liquid scintillation counting for indo or radon measurement.pdf application of reference materials for quality assessment in neutron activation analysis-use of information theory.pdf application of the relative uranium-series disequilibrium in soil to locate and or confirm precisely active fault traces a new technique.pdf applications of neutron activation analysis in determination of natural and manmade radionuclides, including pa-231.pdf applied nuclear physics.pdf applying mev ion beam techniques to geochemical issues cross-fertilize nuclear p hysics and geosciences.pdf ari54.0769.01.pdf article-vol2-num4-id85.pdf article-vol3-num2-id141.pdf artificial radionuclides in oils from the underground nuclear test site (perm re gion, russia).pdf assessment of some industrial pollutants and their impact on the environment.pdf atomic and nuclear analytical methods

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is.pdf development of a polyethylene proportional.pdf direct analysis of air filter samples for alpha-emitting isotopes.pdf direct and precise determination of environmental radionuclides in solid materia ls using a modified marinelli beaker and a hpge detector.pdf doe fundamentals handbook.pdf dose nuetron explorer.pdf dossier_currentconcerns_uranium-contamination.pdf download neu can.doc dynamial. thory studies.pdf e5854312d01.pdf earth 3d space survey screensaver.txt edo04simeng.ppt efficiency detector a method of efficiency calibration for disk.pdf a semiempirical approach for the determination of hpge detector photopeak effici ency aiming at k0-inaa.pdf a.ho 1.pdf 2.pdf 22.pdf 3.pdf 3111.pdf 4.pdf 5.pdf analysis of the in uence of germanium dead layer on detector.pdf efficiency calibration of semiconductor detectors by primary standard.pdf experimental and simulated ef ciency of a hpge detector with.pdf geant4 code for simulation of a germanium gamma-ray.pdf high accuracy measurements and monte carlo calculations.pdf the use of monte carlo calculations in the determination of a ge detector ef cienc y curve.pdf an accurate method for the determination of 226ra activity concentrations in soi l.pdf application of a simple monte-carlo model to determine efficiencies of baf2 and ge(li) detectors.pdf background limitations in x-ray fluorescence analysis.pdf caculated peak efficiency of ge detector for volume source.pdf calculated peak efficiency of ge detector for volume source.pdf calculation of the absolute peak efficiency of ge and ge(li) detectors for diffe rent counting geometries.pdf calculation peak efficiency of ge detector for volume suorce.pdf calibration detector measurement for large.pdf calibration of hpge gamma-ray planar detector system.pdf detector characterization for efficiency calibration in different.pdf determination of full energy peak efficiency of hpge detector from 59.5 to 1332. 5 kev.pdf determination of gamma ray efficiency curves for volume samples by the combinati on of montee carlo simulations and point source calibration.pdf determination of gamma-ray efficiency curves for volume samples by the combinati on of monte carlo simulations and point source calibration.pdf effect of cascade coincidences on the efficiency calibration of a gamma-x detect or.pdf efficiency calibration studies.pdf efficiency calibration of an extended-range.pdf efficiency calibration of germanium detectors with internal standards.pdf efficiency calibration of hpge detector in far and close geometries.pdf efficiency calibration studies for gamma spectrometric systems the influence of different parameters.pdf efficiency calibration studies.pdf

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to hectograms.pdf instrumental photon activation analysis of coal fly ashes using the internal sta ndard method coupled with the standard addition method.pdf integrated optimization of radiometric monitoring and measurement systems.pdf interaction neutron with matter.pdf interaction of actinides with natural microporous materials a review.pdf introduction to nuclear reaction models.pdf introduction.doc investigations towards an improved marinelli beaker for gamma detectors.pdf jwang_prl.pdf kich thich huynh quang tia x.pdf kji-p1-p2.doc laboratory of radiation biology.pdf large sample neutron activation analysis correction for neutron and gamma attenu ation.pdf lecture notes in physics front-matter.pdf fulltext1.pdf fulltext2.pdf fulltext3.pdf fulltext4.pdf fulltext5.pdf fulltext6.pdf fulltext7.pdf fulltext8.pdf lectures.pdf linear accelerator for tritium produciion.pdf linear doseeffect relation for radiation and chemical carcinogenic risk.pdf maintaining accuracy in gamma-ray spectrometry at high count rates.pdf mantler.pdf mass sp_ctometry.pdf mat1.doc mathematical methods for physics and engineering.pdf mau in.doc measurement of absolute intensity of 1001 kev gamma-ray of 234mpa.pdf measurement of activity concentrations of 40k, 226ra and 232th for assessment of radiation hazards from soils of the southwestern region of nigeria.pdf measurement of radioactive samples in marinelli beakers by gamma-ray spectrometr y.pdf measurement of radium and thorium isotopes in environmental samples by alpha-spe ctrometry.pdf measurement of the enhancement effect in different series in x-ray fluorescence analysis.pdf measurement of the radioactivity of 238u, 226ra, 210pb, 228th, 232th, 228ra, 137 cs and 40k in tea using gamma-spectrometry.pdf measurement of the radioactivity of238u,232th,226ra,137cs and40k in soil using d irect ge(li) -ray spectrometry.pdf measurement techniques in nuclear and particle physics.pdf measurements of u- and ra-isotopes in rainwater samples.pdf method of separating uranium from iron and thorium.pdf methodological developments and applications.pdf methodological problems of activation analysis using radionuclide neutron source s.pdf methods for au 995 and ag 99.9% analysis.pdf microsampo personal computer based advanced gamma spectrum analysis system.pdf modification to the monte carlo n-particle (mcnp) visual editor.pdf modul do phong xa.doc monitor.xls monitoring of releases of238pu,239,240pu,241am,242cm and244cm in airborne efflue

nts of nuclear power plant at dukovany in the czech republic in 1994, 1995, 1996 and 1997.pdf monitoring strontium.pdf monte carlo simulation of a neutron detector (bf3 .pdf monte carlo simulationof radioactivity gamma ray spectra recorded by anai detect or in the marine enviroment.pdf monte-carlo methods and applications in neutronics, photonics and statistical ph ysics 1 some aspects of nuclear data evaluation at bruyeres-le-chatel (brc).pdf 10 implicit monte carlo methods and non-equilibrium marshak wave radiative trans port.pdf 11 back-matter.pdf 12 front-matter.pdf 13 energy conservation in radiation hydrodynamics. application to the monte carl o method used for photon transport in the fluid frame.pdf 14 non deterministic methods for charged particle transport.pdf 15 monte-carlo treatment of nonlinear collisional effects in charged particle tr ansport.pdf 16 methods of monte carlo electron transport in particle-in-cell codes.pdf 17 monte carlo methods in classical statistical mechanics.pdf 18 equation of state of molecular fluids.pdf 19 a special purpose computer for the electrical conductivity of disordered medi a.pdf 2 nuclear data for mcnp.pdf 20 meca a multiprocessor concept specialized to monte carlo.pdf 21 high-energy particle monte carlo at los alamos.pdf 22 monte-carlo algorithms for neural dynamics.pdf 23 back-matter.pdf 24 front-matter.pdf 25 monte carlo simulations of fermion systems the determinant method.pdf 26 monte carlo sampling strategies for lattice gauge calculations.pdf 27 vectorization and multitasking with a monte carlo code for neutron transport problems.pdf 28 vectorized monte carlo neutron transport.pdf 29 sabrina an interactive solid geometry modeling program for monte carlo.pdf 3 main features of the multipurpose monte-carlo linear transport code sicomore.p df 30 monte carlo electron photon transport.pdf 31 adjoint monte-carlo method with fictitious scattering in deep penetration and long-distance detector calculations.pdf 32 biaf code for reliability studies.pdf 33 biasing in random number space.pdf 34 perturbation calculations by the correlated samples method.pdf 35 back-matter.pdf 36 front-matter.pdf 37 non statistical monte-carlo.pdf 38 low-discrepancy point sets in transport codes.pdf 39 a first collision source method for coupling monte carlo and discrete ordinat es for localized source problems.pdf 4 mcnp - a general monte carlo code for neutron and photon transport.pdf 40 complementarity of monte-carlo and deterministic methods.pdf 41 monte-carlo eigenvalue calculation.pdf 42 a set of problems solved by tripoli 2 a 3 d monte-carlo system.pdf 43 fast breeder reactor neutronic propagation analysis by monte-carlo methods.pd f 44 application of monte carlo methods to criticality calculations for pressurize d water reactors.pdf 45 benchmark calculations summary of the results presented at the conference.pdf 46 group cross sections calculations.pdf 47 back-matter.pdf

48 front-matter.pdf 49 the direct simulation monte-carlo method applied to dilute gas dynamics.pdf 5 partmc a partticle transport monte-carlo code.pdf 50 using last event estimator for detection calculations.pdf 51 back-matter.pdf 6 monte carlo in the beginning and some great expectations.pdf 7 biasing techniques in tripoli-2 system using the monte carlo method in three-d imensional geometries.pdf 8 mcnp variance reduction overview.pdf 9 principle of the random walk method for radiative transfer equations and appli cation.pdf front-matter.pdf monte-carlo modeling of silicon x-ray detectors.pdf multielement analysis of foods by neutron capture prompt _-ray activation analys is.pdf multiparameter neutron activation analysis.pdf nang luong phan tich kich hoat.xls natural versus induced radioactivity.doc natural_-radioactivity due to226ra in sea water in the ussruiysk zaliv.pdf nemo_nima474_p93-100.pdf nemo_nima474_p93-100.pdf.gz neutron 621_pans-ii-part1.pdf a study offast neutron interactions in high-purity.pdf development of a position sensitive neutron.pdf development of neutron well coincidence.pdf neutron detectors.pdf neutron activation analysis by combined capture and decay gamma-spectrum method. pdf neutron activation analysis for 39 elements in small or precious geologic sample s.pdf neutron activation analysis of some building materials.pdf neutron fluence and dose standards.doc neutron interactions with matter.pdf neutron measurement.pdf neutron scattering-induced background enhancement in prompt _-ray activation ana lysis.pdf neutron sources.pdf neutron spectrometry.pdf neuron resonanl1 avraging.pdf new folder 10123137.pdf 2003-06-00005.pdf 226.pdf 25-2-73.pdf 429-431.pdf 510319.pdf a method for the correction of self-absorption of low energy photons for use in routine inaa.pdf a possible non-specific carrier for gold analysis in rocks.pdf a quick method to determine uranium concentration by gamma spectroscopy its appl ication for extraction of uranium from wet phosphoric acid.pdf a spectrophotometric method for uranium determination.pdf a800582f.pdf actinides in the environment.pdf advances in accelerator based analysis techniques.pdf analysis by absorption and scattering of radiation.pdf analysis of stainless steel samples by energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence (edx rf) spectrometry.pdf analytical methods for the environmental quantification of uranium isotopes meth

od of validation and environmental application.pdf application of naa standardization methods using a low power research reactor.pd f behaviour of transuranium elements in the environment.pdf capabilities of elemental analysis by edxrf for geochemistry.pdf claire_rb7.pdf detection of geological faults using a nuclear method.pdf determination of nanogram quantities of gold in biological tissues by nondestruc tive neutron activation analysis.pdf determination of spontaneously fissioning actinide activity by neutron correlati on method.pdf determination of subtrace quantities of technogenic plutonium in the environment and living organisms.pdf development of a portable neutron-multiplicity counter and metrological controls .pdf diffusion of actinides in glasses containing simulated radioactive wastes.pdf direct determination of thorium in uranium oxide by x-ray fluorescence.pdf direct uranium extraction from dihydrate and hemi-dihydrate wet process phosphor ic acids by liquid emulsion membrane.pdf effects of meteorological conditions on outdoor radon daughters concentrations i n montreal.pdf energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence analysis of gallstones.pdf estimate of the error in least-squares regression parameters.pdf experimental design for soil gas radon monitoring.pdf geochemical aspects and distribution of long-lived radionuclides in marine sedim ents from palomares.pdf high accuracy determination of235u in nondestructive assay standards by gamma sp ectrometry.pdf instrumental neutron activation analysis of semiconductor grade silicon.pdf investigations of the separation of np, pa, u, th and ree in geological samples. pdf kj00004197227.pdf latest achievements in the analytical chemistry of actinides.pdf list-mode coincidence data analysis for highly selective and low background dete ction of gamma-nuclides in activated samples.pdf low-level determination of plutonium by gamma and l x-ray spectroscopy.pdf measurement of210pb from a sediment core off the coast of california.pdf measurements of actinide nuclides in water samples from the primary circuit of a nuclear power plant.pdf method for estimating the excitation functions of isomeric levels for an activat ion-data library.pdf method of absolute estimation of the quality of a software for doublet deconvolu tion in semiconductor gamma-ray spectrometry.pdf methodology for rapid assessment of the radon potential of soils.pdf neutron activation analysis for ultra low contents of uranium and thorium in alu minium and silica.pdf neutron activation analysis study of distribution of certain elements between pl ant and soil.pdf neutron methods of actinide assay and their metrological support.pdf neutron spectrum calibration using the cd-ratio for multi-monitor method with a synthetic multi-element standard.pdf neutron-activation analysis of thorium in acrylic samples.pdf omotola%20and%20onojah.pdf optimization of a radioanalytical procedure for the determination of uranium iso topes in environmental samples.pdf optimization of the parameters affecting the solid state detector efficiency in alpha-spectrometry.pdf plutonium body burden in the chelyabinsk region.pdf precise non-destructive x-ray fluorescence method for uranium and thorium concen tration measurements.pdf

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sh marine environment, lillebaelt.pdf concept of the influence coefficient.pdf consideration of matrix effects in xrf analysis.pdf correction for intensity data in energy dispersive x-ray diffractometr.pdf correction method for the matrix effect in x-ray fluorescence spectrometric anal ysis.pdf correction of line interference in x-ray fluorescence trace analysis. applicatio n to yttrium determination in silicate rocks.pdf correction of line interference in x-ray.pdf correction of matrix e ects via scattered radiation in x-ray uorescence.pdf corrections to the conventional approach to si(li) detector efficiency.pdf d90f790cd01.pdf debate on some algorithms relating concentration.pdf demystification of algorithms and influence coefficients.pdf description of an xrf system for multielemental analysis.pdf description of compton peaks in energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectra.pdf detection efficiency of energy-dispersive detectors with low-energy windows.pdf detection limit and estimate of uncertainty of.pdf detection limits of heavy elements obtained with.pdf detector calibration and measurement of fundamental parameters for x-ray spectro metry.pdf determination of absorption correction by the lsquotwo massesrsquo method for xr f analysis of intermediate samples.pdf determination of calcium in uranium by x-ray fluorescence.pdf determination of cu, ni, zn and pb contents in soil near the d-61 bratislava-trn ava highway by radionuclide x-ray fluorescence analysis.pdf determination of fe and zn in healing plants by radionuclide x-ray fluorescence analysis.pdf determination of gold, platinum and uranium in south african ores by high-energy xrf spectrometry.pdf determination of low atomic number elements by x-ray fluorescence fundamental p arameter method.pdf determination of mn, fe, cu, zn, and pb in particulate matter, raw and final mat erials of a brick factory by radionuclide x-ray fluorescence analysis.pdf determination of rare earth elements by radioisotope induced x-ray emission spec troscopy.pdf determination of rb and sr concentrations in rocks by radioisotope x-ray fluores cence analysis.pdf determination of rb and sr concentrations in rocks by radioisotope x-ray fluores cence analysis.pdf determination of selected elements by radionuclide x-ray fluorescence analysis after the separation on different kinds of sorption materials.pdf determination of slopes of calibration lines in multi element xrf analysis of th in films using polychromatic excitation from mo, au, w, and cr anodes and one st andard.pdf determination of the solid angle of an si(li) detector.pdf determination of trace amounts of metals in saline water by energy dispersive xr f using the naddtc preconcentration.pdf determination of trace element levels in human scalp hair in occupationally expo sed subjects by xrf.pdf determination of trace elements in biological samples by energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence analysis.pdf determination of trace rare earth.pdf determination of trace thorium.pdf determination of traces of heavy metals in.pdf determination of uranium in sea water by x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy.pdf determination of uranium by xrf analysis following its preconcentration with som e organic precipitants.pdf determination of uranium in the concentration range of 0.001 to 40% in minerals and ores in energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence.pdf

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otal addition method.pdf evaluation of the interelemental effect in x-ray fluorescence analysis by the to tal addition method.pdf evaluation of the uncertainty of element determination using the energy-dispersi ve x-ray fluorescence technique and the emission-transmission method (p 317-335) .pdf evaluation of uncertainty of measurement in quantitative xrf analysis i. scatter ed radiation method.pdf evaluation of uncertainty of measurement in.pdf evaluation on determination of iodine in coal by.pdf experimental study on coherent scattering of 59,54 kev gamma rays by ag in, and sn.pdf exrs 2008 x ray spectrometry.pdf extending the quantitative analytical capabilities of the edxrf technique for pl ant-based samples.pdf f3567ef7d01.pdf fast determination of trace elements on aerosol-loaded filters by x-ray fluoresc ence analysis considering the inhomogeneous elemental distribution.pdf fast, simple method of powder pellet preparation for x-ray fluorescence analysis .pdf filtration of amplitude spectra for reducing the background level in x-ray fluor escence analysis.pdf fit of edxrf spectra with a genetic algorithm.pdf flourescence analysis.pdf fluorescence polarization studies of rat intestinal microvillus membranes.pdf fluorescent x-ray-analysis of uranium using internal standard and.pdf for x-ray fluorescence analysis.pdf full spectrum calculations of edxrf spectra.pdf fundamental parameter method 563864.pdf a020525ed01.pdf accuracy evaluation of results obtained by.pdf analysis with polarized x-rays.pdf application of the backscatter fundamental.pdf development of a monte carlo library least-.pdf how accurate are modern fundamental parameter.pdf implementation of the monte carlo - library least-squares.pdf monte carlo simulation of energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence and.pdf regularization procedure for the fundamental parameters method in x-ray fluoresc ence analysis.pdf the fundamental algorithm an exhaustive study of the.pdf theory of the implementation of the fundamental parameter method for the x-ray f luorescence determination of low-atomic-number elements.pdf fundamental parameter method using scattering x-rays.pdf fundamentals and practice of xrf.pdf geochemistry of pore water and sediments recovered.pdf geometrical efficiency, solid angle contribution and gradient for a triaxial sys tem equipped with a fluorescent source and x-ray tube an analysis to enhance the compton scattered photons.pdf geometry considerations in radioisotope x-ray fluorescence spectrometry.pdf handbook of practical x-ray fluorescence analysis 1.pdf 10.pdf 2.pdf 3.pdf 4.pdf 5.pdf 6.pdf 7.pdf 8.pdf

9.pdf handbook of practical x-ray fluorescence analysis.pdf handbook of x-ray spectrometry 1.pdf dk1838_ch00.pdf dk1838_ch01.pdf dk1838_ch02.pdf dk1838_ch03.pdf dk1838_ch04.pdf dk1838_ch05.pdf dk1838_ch06.pdf dk1838_ch07.pdf dk1838_ch08.pdf dk1838_ch09.pdf dk1838_ch10.pdf dk1838_ch11.pdf dk1838_ch12.pdf dk1838_ch13.pdf dk1838_ch14.pdf handbook of x-ray spectrometry.pdf heavy element determinatioiv in health-related.pdf heavy metal assessment in sediments of the ave.pdf heavy metals and some other elements in medicinal plants. determined by x-ray fl uorescence analysis.pdf high-sensitivity xrf analyzer (olivia) using a multi-crystal pyrographite assemb ly to reduce the continuous background.pdf implementation of a spectrum fitting procedure using a robust peak model.pdf improved digital filtering for automated spectral deconvolution in energy disper sive x-ray fluorescence analysis.pdf improved technique for quantitative edxrf analysis of powdered plant sample.pdf improved technique for quantitative edxrf.pdf improvement of a txrf setup to obtain detection limit.pdf improvement of matrix effects correction in x-ray fluorescence analysis through the optimum relation.pdf improvement of matrix effects correction in x-ray fluorescence analysis through the optimum relation.pdf improvements through pulse shape analysis in x-ray spectrometry using si(li) det ectors.pdf in situ applications of x ray.pdf independent method of au determination in.pdf inelastic and elastic scattering differential cross-sections of 59.5 kev photons for cu and zn targets.pdf influence of detection limit on the measured concentration distribution of trace elements.pdf influence of the energy of primary radiation on the sensitivity of x-ray fluores cence analysis.pdf influence ofdifferent soil parameters on the transfer factor.pdf intensities for non-parallel x-ray beams.pdf interelement corrections in spectrochemistry.pdf investigation of a correction procedure.pdf investigation of geochemical composition of.pdf investigation of the influence of particle size on the quantitative analysis of glasses by energy-dispersive micro x-ray fluorescence spectrometry.pdf k and ca content of fresh green tea, black tea, and tea residue determined by xray fluorescence analysis.pdf limitations to accuracy in extracting.pdf long term statistics of x-ray spectrometers.pdf lutz, j.; energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence analysis of ancient copper alloys .pdf major element rock analysis by x-ray.pdf

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fulltext31.pdf fulltext32.pdf fulltext33.pdf fulltext34.pdf fulltext41.pdf fulltext42.pdf fulltext43.pdf fulltext44.pdf fulltext51.pdf fulltext52.pdf fulltext62.pdf fulltext63.pdf fulltext64.pdf fulltext65.pdf fulltext66.pdf fulltext71.pdf standardization and quality assurance in fluorescence measurements ii back-matter10.pdf back-matter3.pdf back-matter8.pdf front-matter.pdf front-matter1.pdf front-matter10.pdf front-matter2.pdf front-matter3.pdf front-matter4.pdf front-matter41.pdf front-matter5.pdf front-matter6.pdf front-matter7.pdf front-matter8.pdf front-matter9.pdf fulltext101.pdf fulltext102.pdf fulltext11.pdf fulltext12.pdf fulltext13.pdf fulltext14.pdf fulltext15.pdf fulltext21.pdf fulltext22.pdf fulltext31.pdf fulltext32.pdf fulltext42.pdf fulltext51.pdf fulltext52.pdf fulltext53.pdf fulltext61.pdf fulltext62.pdf fulltext63.pdf fulltext64.pdf fulltext71.pdf fulltext81.pdf standardization of methods of analysis for heavy metals in sediments.pdf standardless x-ray analysis of bulk specimens.pdf standardless x-ray fluorescence spectrometry.pdf study of matrix effect with a full-field imaging x-ray fluorescence microscope.p df study on the effectiveness, precision, and reliability of x-ray.pdf systematic procedure for the preparation of sets of.pdf

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n.pdf x-ray fluorescence in some rare earth and high z elements.pdf x-ray fluorescence method for the determination of rare earths, uranium and thor ium in allanites.pdf x-ray fluorescence spectrometry for high throughput analysis of atmospheric aero sol.pdf x-ray fluorescence spectroscopic studies of elements in referactory materials so il alloys.pdf x-ray fundamental parameter methods for the determination of some elements in hy drocarbons by wdxrf.pdf x-ray radiometric analysis of ores and minerals using apparatus based on semicon ductor detectors.pdf x-ray spectra and image analysis by means of inversion methods..pdf x-ray spectrometric analysis of trace element.pdf x-ray spectrometric method for the determination of uranium in solution by a cel lulose disc technique.pdf x-ray spectrometric methods for the determination of plutonium and uranium in th eir mixed oxide samples.pdf x-ray_19_3.pdf xrf analysis - theory, experiment, and regression.pdf xrf analysis of harmful metals collected onto filters.pdf xrf basic principles.pdf xrf determination of 17 trace elements in geological samples using an extended c ompton scattering correction procedure.pdf xrf.pdf xyfiuorescencedeerminatioofox-ray fluorecence determination of chromium.pdf .pdf .pdf .pdf xcom.doc xicma.xls xrf-sherman.pdf xu ly pho gamma a combined set of automatic and interactive programs for instrumental neutron ac tivation analysis.pdf a comparative study of computer programs used for analyzing gamma-ray spectra in activation analysis.pdf a comparison of photopeak area computation methodologies.pdf a computer language for reducing activation analysis data.pdf a computer program for automatic gamma-ray spectra analysis with isotope identif ication for the purpose of activation analysis.pdf a computer program in algol-60 for the location andevaluation of peaks in ge(li) gamma ray spectra.pdf a digital photopeak integration in activation analysis.pdf a method for systematically analyzing ge(li) photopeaks.pdf a new algorithm for automatic photopeak searches.pdf a nonlinear wavelet method for data smoothing of low level gamma ray spectra.pdf a pc-based computer program for quality assessment of inaa results of emission a nd air particulate samples.pdf a program for evaluation of gamma-spectra (ana).pdf a program in basic language for analysis of gamma spectra using on line minicomp uters.pdf a simple program in basic language for analysisof gamma-spectra using an on-line minicomputer.pdf a statistical approach to the choice of channel-width in gamma-ray spectrometry. pdf a versatile data processing system for nuclear gamma rays spectroscopy with a mi nicomputer.pdf accurate gamma ray spectrum analysis.pdf algorithm xxx l2wpma, a fortran 77.pdf

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.pdf .pdf .pdf .pdf - .pdf - -.pdf teracopy-portable complete.wav directory opus.txt error.wav license.txt options.ini portable readme.txt teracopy.exe transfer.log whatsnew.txt under world rotl_clip1.flv rotl_clip2.flv rotl_clip3.flv rotl_clip4.flv rotl_clip5.flv rotl_clip6.flv usb 10.2.chien-nen.pr09.tien.pdf v school on neutron physics, 1986 440_1986_00-contents.pdf e. svab, s.n. ishmaev. amorphous alloys studied by high resolution neutron diffr action.pdf e.g. adelberger. parity and time reversal violation in nuclei.pdf g.w. neilson. neutron scattering from aqueous electrolyte solutions.pdf h. rauch. beam bunching with perfect crystals and magnetic fields.pdf h. rauch. new results and future projects in prefect crystal interferometry.pdf h. weigmann. neutron spectroscopy with gelina.pdf i. padureanu, s. rapeanu. the structure of liquids.pdf j. plestil, d. hlavata. small-algle neutron scatterin investigation of the struc ture of polymer solutions.pdf jerzy a. janik. recent achievements in dynamics of molecules in condensed phases via neutron scattering.pdf k. parlinski. incommensurate phases in molecular crystals.pdf k. pesz. fractal models of structures and processes.pdf robert e. chrien. neutron resonance averging.pdf

t. springer. metal physics investigations by means of neutron scattering.pdf w. goetze. expected anomalies of the neutron cross section near the liquid-glass transition.pdf .. , .. . .. . .pdf .. . .pdf .. , .. . .. . .pdf .. . , .. , . . . , .. . . , . . .pdf . . .pdf .. . .pdf .. . .pdf .. . .pdf .. . - (n,g)- (p,g)-.pdf .. . .pdf .. , .. . .pdf .. . -2 .pdf .. , .. . - .pdf vat ly hat nhan bai giang dthn c13, tiep.doc c13.doc c14.doc c15.doc ch. 12.doc gammavar.pdf hk.pdf iaea-0169-volume3.pdf iaea-0186-volume1.pdf iaea-0186-volume3.pdf iaea-0199.pdf iaea-tecdoc-0351.pdf iaea-tecdoc-0572.pdf iaea-tecdoc-0619.pdf iaea-tecdoc-1168.pdf iaea-tecdoc-1506.pdf indc-ccp-0043.pdf indc-ccp-431.pdf indc-ccp-432.pdf indc-jap-0050.pdf indc-jpn-0098.pdf indc-nds-0096.pdf indc-nds-0115.pdf indc-nds-0116.pdf indc-nds-0130.pdf indc-nds-0133.pdf indc-nds-0152.pdf indc-nds-0157.pdf indc-nds-0191.pdf indc-nds-0195.pdf indc-nds-0197.pdf indc-nds-0200.pdf indc-nds-0206.pdf indc-nds-0219.pdf indc-nds-0220.pdf indc-nds-0239.pdf indc-nds-0272.pdf

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f.s. dzheparov. some moder4n problema in beta-nmr spectroscopy theory.pdf g. pepy. conformation of side chain liquid crystal polymers, studied by small an gle neutron scattering.pdf h.j. bunge. texture analysis by neutron diffraction.pdf h.j. lauter, j.a.c. bland, r.d. bateson and a.d. johnson. magnetic moments in ul trathin films determined by spin-polarised neutron reflection.pdf j. rossat-mignod, l.p. regnault, c. vettier, et al. inelastic neutron scattering study of superconducting yba2cu3o(6+x).pdf j.b. suck. neutron inelastic scattering from alloys with non-crystallographic po int symmetries (quasicrystals).pdf j.d. axe. the complementarity of x-rays and neutrons.pdf l. pintschovius, w. reichardt, a. yu. rumiantsev, et al. lattice dynamics of la( 2-x)sr(x)cuo4.pdf m. fontana, m. ricco, b.rosi. molecular reorientational dynamics in nematic liqu id crystals.pdf m.i. bulgakov, a.d. gul'ko, s.v. stepanov, et al. modern problems of beta-nmr ex periment.pdf n. pyka, w. reichardt, l. pintschovius, g. collin. lattice dynamics of yba2cu3o( 7-d).pdf neutron spectroscopic studies of the relation between superconductivity and the crystal field in high-temperature superconductors.pdf p.hiismaki. coded aperture techniques for high resolution neutron powder diffrac tion.pdf r. currat. neutron investigation of modulated crystals.pdf r. papoular, j. schweizer. data treatment for spin densities fourier inversion, multipolar expansion and maximum entropy.pdf r.m. ibberson, w.i.f. david. high resolution neutron powder diffraction at isis. pdf s.v. maleyev. quantum frustrations and unfamiliar antiferromagnetism of cuo2.pdf sunil k. sinha. neutron scattering studies of magnetism in the high-tc materials .pdf t. riste. studies in pattern formation and nonlinear dynamics by real-space and real-time neutron scattering.pdf v. khavryutshenko, i. natkaniec, e. sheka. neutron scattering spectroscopy in su rface chemistry computational and real experiments.pdf w. buehrer. neutron scattering investigations if superionic conductors with emph asis on silver iodide.pdf w. knop, h.b. stuhrman, r. wagner, et al. polarized neutron scattering from dyna mic polarized targets in biology.pdf .. , .. . .pdf .. , .. , .. . - .pdf .. . ().pdf vii school on neutron physics, 1995 073e6eb7d01.pdf a. ioffe (hmi, berlin, germany). neutron optics and practical applications.pdf a. steyerl and s.s. malik (univ. of rhode island, kingston, usa). fundamental p hysics with ultracold neutrons.pdf a.a. goverdovsky (ippe, obninsk, russia). nuclear viscosity effects in fission f ragment mass distributions and exotic fission modes.pdf a.b. popov (flnp jinr, dubna). subject and methonds of neutron spectroscopy (in russian).pdf a.m. balagurov (flnp jinr, dubna). neutron diffraction (in russian).pdf a.m. sukhovoj (flnp jinr, dubna). cascade g-decay of neutron resonances hypothes es and experiment.pdf b. g. yerozolimsky (harvard university, usa). beta-decay of the free neutron (in russian).pdf f. fillaux (lasir, cnrs, france). a new look at proton dynamics on solids vibrat ion spectroscopy with neutrons.pdf g. bauer (psi, villigen, switzerland). modern neutron sources for neutron scatte

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dwup.in_ filefldw.ch_ fltmgr.in_ hiddigi.in_ hidserv.in_ howtow.ch_ hscmui.ca_ hscsp_w3.ca_ ie.in_ ieaccess.in_ iis.in_ ims.in_ inetres.ad_ inetres.ch_ input.in_ irbus.in_ irbus.sy_ keyboard.in_ koc.in_ ks.in_ kscaptur.in_ ksfilter.in_ lsans.tt_ lsansd.tt_ lsansdi.tt_ lsansi.tt_ machine.in_ mchgr.in_ mdac.in_ medctroc.dl_ medctroc.in_ mediactr.ca_ miscw.ch_ mmopt.in_ mpe.in_ mshdc.in_ msoe50.in_ mstape.in_ multimed.in_ nabtsfec.in_ ndisip.in_ netfw.in_ netfx.ca_ netfxocm.dl_ netfxocm.in_ netip6.in_ netmscli.in_ netoc.in_ netrass.in_ nettcpip.in_ netupnph.in_ netwzc.in_ nt5inf.ca_ obrb0401.dl_ obrb0404.dl_ obrb0405.dl_ obrb0406.dl_ obrb0407.dl_ obrb0408.dl_ obrb040b.dl_

obrb040c.dl_ obrb040d.dl_ obrb040e.dl_ obrb0410.dl_ obrb0411.dl_ obrb0412.dl_ obrb0413.dl_ obrb0414.dl_ obrb0415.dl_ obrb0416.dl_ obrb0419.dl_ obrb041d.dl_ obrb041f.dl_ obrb0804.dl_ obrb0816.dl_ obrb0c0a.dl_ oobe.in_ p2p.in_ pchealth.in_ pnpscsi.in_ query.as_ rinorprt.si_ ristndrd.si_ rwnh.dl_ sceregvl.in_ scsi.in_ sdbus.in_ search.as_ secedit.ex_ secrecs.in_ seo.dl_ sffdisk.in_ shell.in_ shl_img.in_ slip.in_ smartcrd.in_ smtpadm.dl_ smtpapi.dl_ smtpsnap.cn_ smtpsnap.dl_ smtpsnap.hl_ spconw.ch_ spiisupd.ex_ spra0401.dl_ spra0402.dl_ spra0404.dl_ spra0405.dl_ spra0406.dl_ spra0407.dl_ spra0408.dl_ spra040b.dl_ spra040c.dl_ spra040d.dl_ spra040e.dl_ spra0410.dl_ spra0411.dl_ spra0412.dl_ spra0413.dl_ spra0414.dl_ spra0415.dl_

spra0416.dl_ spra0418.dl_ spra0419.dl_ spra041a.dl_ spra041d.dl_ spra041e.dl_ spra041f.dl_ spra0425.dl_ spra0426.dl_ spra0427.dl_ spra0804.dl_ spra0816.dl_ spra0c0a.dl_ sprb0401.dl_ sprb0404.dl_ sprb0405.dl_ sprb0406.dl_ sprb0407.dl_ sprb0408.dl_ sprb040b.dl_ sprb040c.dl_ sprb040d.dl_ sprb040e.dl_ sprb0410.dl_ sprb0411.dl_ sprb0412.dl_ sprb0413.dl_ sprb0414.dl_ sprb0415.dl_ sprb0416.dl_ sprb0419.dl_ sprb041d.dl_ sprb041f.dl_ sprb0804.dl_ sprb0816.dl_ sprb0c0a.dl_ sprc0401.dl_ sprc0404.dl_ sprc0405.dl_ sprc0406.dl_ sprc0407.dl_ sprc0408.dl_ sprc040b.dl_ sprc040c.dl_ sprc040d.dl_ sprc040e.dl_ sprc0410.dl_ sprc0411.dl_ sprc0412.dl_ sprc0413.dl_ sprc0414.dl_ sprc0415.dl_ sprc0416.dl_ sprc0419.dl_ sprc041d.dl_ sprc041f.dl_ sprc0804.dl_ sprc0816.dl_ sprc0c0a.dl_ streamip.in_

swflash.in_ sysoc.in_ syssetup.in_ tabletoc.dl_ tabletpc.ca_ tabletpc.in_ tape.in_ tsoc.in_ update1w.ch_ usbport.in_ usbvideo.in_ vbicodec.ax_ wbemoc.in_ whatneww.ch_ wind_w.ch_ wkstamig.in_ wordpad.in_ wstcodec.in_ wstpager.ax_ wstrendr.ax_ ip6fw.sy_ ipconf.ts_ ipconfig.ex_ ipevldpc.dl_ iphlpapi.dl_ ipinip.sy_ ipmontr.dl_ ipnat.sy_ ipnathlp.dl_ ippromon.dl_ ipp_0001.as_ ipp_0002.as_ ipp_0004.as_ ipp_0005.as_ ipp_0006.as_ ipp_0007.as_ ipp_0010.as_ ipp_0013.as_ ipp_0014.as_ ipp_util.in_ iprip.dl_ iprtrmgr.dl_ ipsec.sy_ ipseconp.ch_ ipseconw.ch_ ipsecsnp.dl_ ipsecsvc.dl_ ipseldpc.dl_ ipsink.ax_ ipsmsnap.dl_ ipv6.ex_ ipv6mon.dl_ ipv6p.ch_ ipxroute.ex_ ipxwan.dl_ ir41_32.ax_ ir41_qc.dl_ ir41_qcx.dl_ ir50_32.dl_ ir50_qc.dl_

ir50_qcx.dl_ irda.sy_ irenum.sy_ irftp.ex_ irmon.dl_ irprops.cp_ isapnp.sy_ isatq.dl_ iscomlog.dl_ isdpc.dl_ isendpc.dl_ isign32.dl_ isp.ht_ isp2busy.ht_ ispcnerr.ht_ ispdtone.ht_ isphdshk.ht_ ispins.ht_ ispnoanw.ht_ isppberr.ht_ ispphbsy.ht_ ispsbusy.ht_ isptype.ht_ isptype.js_ ispwait.ht_ isrdbg32.dl_ istart duass.dl_ ediskeer.dl_ nt5inf.ca_ starterlcw.ex_ sysoc.in_ syssetup.in_ itircl.dl_ itss.dl_ iuengine.dl_ ivfsrc.ax_ ixsso.dl_ iyuv_32.dl_ jgdw400.dl_ jgpl400.dl_ jndomain.ht_ jndom_a.ht_ joy.cp_ jscript.dl_ jscript.mu_ jsproxy.dl_ kartika.tt_ kbd101.dl_ kbd106.dl_ kbd106n.dl_ kbdax2.dl_ kbdbhc.dl_ kbdclass.sy_ kbdfi1.dl_ kbdhid.sy_ kbdibm02.dl_ kbdinbe1.dl_ kbdinben.dl_ kbdinmal.dl_

kbdiultn.dl_ kbdlk41a.dl_ kbdlk41j.dl_ kbdmaori.dl_ kbdmlt47.dl_ kbdmlt48.dl_ kbdnepr.dl_ kbdno1.dl_ kbdpash.dl_ kbdsmsfi.dl_ kbdsmsno.dl_ kbdukx.dl_ kd1394.dl_ kdcsvc.dl_ kdsui.dl_ kdsusd.dl_ kerberos.dl_ kernel32.dl_ keybd.ht_ keybdcmt.ht_ keyboard.sy_ keymgr.dl_ kmddsp.ts_ kmixer.sy_ kmsvc.dl_ knperdpc.dl_ knprodpc.dl_ koc.dl_ kperdpc.dl_ kprodpc.dl_ krnl386.ex_ krnlprov.dl_ ks.sy_ ksproxy.ax_ kstvtune.ax_ ksuser.dl_ kswdmcap.ax_ ksxbar.ax_ l2store.dl_ l3codeca.ac_ lang chajei.im_ chtmbx.dl_ chtskdic.dl_ chtskf.dl_ cintime.dl_ cintlgnt.im_ cintsetp.ex_ cplexe.ex_ dayi.im_ hwxjpn.dl_ imekr61.im_ imekrcic.dl_ imekrmbx.dl_ imjp81.im_ imjp81k.dl_ imjpcd.di_ imjpcic.dl_ imjpcus.dl_ imjpdct.dl_

imjpdct.ex_ imjpdsvr.ex_ imjpinst.ex_ imjpinst.in_ imjpmig.ex_ imjprw.ex_ imjputy.ex_ imjputyc.dl_ imlang.dl_ imscinst.ex_ imskf.dl_ miniime.tp_ padrs404.dl_ padrs804.dl_ phon.im_ pintlcsa.dl_ pintlcsd.di_ pintlcsd.dl_ pintlcsk.di_ pintlgc.im_ pintlgd.im_ pintlgdx.im_ pintlgi.im_ pintlgix.im_ pintlgl.im_ pintlgne.ch_ pintlgnt.ch_ pintlgnt.im_ pintlgr.im_ pintlgs.im_ pintlphr.ex_ pmigrate.dl_ quick.im_ romanime.im_ simsun.tt_ tintlgnt.im_ tintlphr.ex_ tintsetp.ex_ tmigrate.dl_ unicdime.im_ uniime.dl_ voicepad.dl_ voicesub.dl_ winar30.im_ wingb.im_ winime.im_ winpy.im_ winsp.im_ winzm.im_ langbar.ch_ lanpol.xs_ lanv1.xs_ laprxy.dl_ lbrtfdc.sy_ lcladvd.xm_ lcldocs.xm_ lclmm.xm_ lhmstsc.ch_ lhmstsc.ex_ lhmstscx.dl_

lhmstscx.mu_ lhrdesk.ch_ licdll.dl_ license.ch_ licmgr10.dl_ licwmi.dl_ licwmi.mf_ licwmi.mo_ linkinfo.dl_ lmhsvc.dl_ lmmib2.dl_ lmrt.dl_ loadperf.dl_ locale.gp_ locale.nl_ localsec.dl_ localspl.dl_ localui.dl_ locator.ex_ log.dl_ logagent.ex_ login.cm_ logman.ex_ logon.sc_ logonui.ex_ logui.oc_ lonsint.dl_ lpdsvc.dl_ lpk.dl_ lprhelp.dl_ lprmon.dl_ lsasrv.dl_ lsass.ex_ ltmdmnt.sy_ ltmdmntt.sy_ ltotape.sy_ luna.ms_ lwadihid.sy_ magnify.ex_ magnify.gi_ makecab.ex_ market.ma_ mcastmib.dl_ mciavi32.dl_ mciqtz32.dl_ mciseq.dl_ mciwave.dl_ md5filt.dl_ mdlib.wm_ mdmbtmdm.in_ mdmcxsf2.in_ mdmetech.in_ mdmgen.in_ mdmhamrw.in_ mdminst.dl_ mdmirmdm.in_ mdmlt3.in_ mdmntstm.in_ mdmrpci.in_ mdmsuprv.in_

mdmusrk1.in_ mdmvv.in_ mdmxsdk.dl_ mdmxsdk.sy_ memstpci.sy_ merlin.ac_ merlin.gi_ metada51.dl_ mf.sy_ mf3216.dl_ mfc40u.dl_ mfc42.dl_ mfc42u.dl_ mfcsubs.dl_ mgmtapi.dl_ micross.tt_ midimap.dl_ migapp.in_ migdial.ht_ migip.du_ migism.dl_ migism.in_ migisma.dl_ miglibnt.dl_ miglist.ht_ migload.ex_ migpage.ht_ migrate.ex_ migrate.is_ migrate.js_ migrate.ob_ migregdb.ex_ migsys.in_ miguser.in_ migwiz.ex_ migwiz.ht_ migwiz.in_ migwiz.ma_ migwiz2.ht_ migwiza.ex_ migx25a.du_ migx25b.du_ migx25c.du_ mimefilt.dl_ mlang.dl_ mmc.ex_ mmc30.dl_ mmc30r.dl_ mmcbase.dl_ mmcex.dl_ mmcexr.dl_ mmcfxc.dl_ mmcfxcr.dl_ mmcndmgr.dl_ mmcperf.ex_ mmcs.ch_ mmcshext.dl_ mmfutil.dl_ mmsys.cp_ mmsystem.dl_

mnmdd.dl_ mnmsrvc.ex_ mobsync.dl_ mobsync.ex_ modem.sy_ modemui.dl_ modew.ch_ mof.xs_ mofcomp.ex_ mofd.dl_ monitor.gi_ monitor2.gi_ more.co_ moricons.dl_ mouclass.sy_ mountmgr.sy_ mouse.gi_ mouse.ht_ mouse4.gi_ mouseimg.gi_ mousetut.js_ mousewn1.gi_ mouse_a.ht_ mouse_b.ht_ mouse_c.ht_ mouse_d.ht_ mouse_e.ht_ mouse_f.ht_ mouse_g.ht_ mouse_h.ht_ mouse_i.ht_ mouse_j.ht_ mouse_k.ht_ moviemk.ch_ moviemk.ex_ moviemk.in_ mp43dmod.dl_ mp4sdmod.dl_ mpe.sy_ mpg2data.ax_ mpg2splt.ax_ mpg4dmod.dl_ mpg4ds32.ax_ mplay32.ex_ mplayer2.cn_ mplayer2.ex_ mplayer2.hl_ mplayer2.in_ mplogo.gi_ mplogoh.gi_ mpr.dl_ mprapi.dl_ mprdim.dl_ mpvis.dl_ mqac.sy_ mqad.dl_ mqbkup.ex_ mqdscli.dl_ mqise.dl_ mqlogmgr.dl_

mqoa.dl_ mqqm.dl_ mqrt.dl_ mqrtdep.dl_ mqsec.dl_ mqsnap.dl_ mqsvc.ex_ mqtgsvc.ex_ mqtrig.dl_ mqupgrd.dl_ mqutil.dl_ mrxdav.sy_ mrxsmb.sy_ msacm32.dl_ msadce.dl_ msadcer.dl_ msadcf.dl_ msadcfr.dl_ msadco.dl_ msadcor.dl_ msadcs.dl_ msadds.dl_ msadds32.ax_ msaddsr.dl_ msader15.dl_ msado15.dl_ msado20.tl_ msado21.tl_ msado25.tl_ msado26.tl_ msado27.tl_ msadomd.dl_ msador15.dl_ msadox.dl_ msadp32.ac_ msadrh15.dl_ msafd.dl_ msapsspc.dl_ msasn1.dl_ msaud32.ac_ mscandui.dl_ mschap2.xs_ mschapv2.xs_ mscms.dl_ msconf.dl_ msconfig.ex_ msconv97.dl_ mscpx32r.dl_ mscpxl32.dl_ msctf.dl_ msctfime.im_ msctfp.dl_ msdadc.dl_ msdadiag.dl_ msdaenum.dl_ msdaer.dl_ msdaora.dl_ msdaorar.dl_ msdaosp.dl_ msdaprsr.dl_

msdaprst.dl_ msdaps.dl_ msdarem.dl_ msdaremr.dl_ msdart.dl_ msdasc.dl_ msdasql.dl_ msdasqlr.dl_ msdatl3.dl_ msdatsrc.tl_ msdatt.dl_ msdaurl.dl_ msdfmap.dl_ msdmo.dl_ msdtc.ex_ msdtclog.dl_ msdtcprx.dl_ msdtcstp.dl_ msdtctm.dl_ msdtctr.mo_ msdtcuiu.dl_ msdv.sy_ msdvbnp.ax_ msdxm.oc_ msdxmlc.dl_ msexch40.dl_ msexcl40.dl_ msfs.sy_ msftedit.dl_ msgina.dl_ msgpc.sy_ msgr3en.dl_ msgrocm.dl_ msgsvc.dl_ msh261.dr_ msh263.dr_ mshta.ex_ mshtml.dl_ mshtml.tl_ mshtmled.dl_ mshtmler.dl_ msi.dl_ msicw.is_ msident.dl_ msidle.dl_ msieftp.dl_ msiexec.ex_ msihnd.dl_ msimain.sd_ msimg32.dl_ msimn.ex_ msimsg.dl_ msimtf.dl_ msinfo.dl_ msinfo32.ch_ msircomm.sy_ msiregmv.ex_ msisip.dl_ msjet40.dl_ msjetol1.dl_

msjint40.dl_ msjro.dl_ msjter40.dl_ msjtes40.dl_ mskssrv.sy_ mslbui.dl_ mslogo.jp_ msltus40.dl_ mslwvtts.dl_ msmqconw.ch_ msmqocm.dl_ msmsgs.ca_ msmsgs.in_ msn.is_ msn7.ca_ msn9.ca_ msncli.ex_ msnetmtg.in_ msnetobj.dl_ msnms.ic_ msnmsgs.ms_ msnmsn.in_ msnsspc.dl_ msnsusii.ex_ msobcomm.dl_ msobdl.dl_ msobe.is_ msobmain.dl_ msobshel.dl_ msobshel.ht_ msobweb.dl_ msoe.ch_ msoe.dl_ msoeacct.dl_ msoeres.dl_ msoert2.dl_ msoobe.ex_ msorc32r.dl_ msorcl32.dl_ mspaint.ch_ mspaint.ex_ mspaint.hl_ mspatcha.dl_ mspbde40.dl_ mspclock.sy_ mspeap1.xs_ mspeapv1.xs_ mspmsnsv.dl_ mspmsp.dl_ mspqm.sy_ msprivs.dl_ msrating.dl_ msrd2x40.dl_ msrd3x40.dl_ msrepl40.dl_ msrle32.dl_ mssap.dl_ msscds32.ax_ msscp.dl_ msscript.mu_

msscript.oc_ mssha.dl_ msshamsg.dl_ mssmbios.sy_ mst120.dl_ mst123.dl_ mstape.sy_ mstask.dl_ mstaskw.ch_ mstee.sy_ mstext40.dl_ mstime.dl_ mstinit.ex_ mstlsapi.dl_ mstsweb.ca_ msutb.dl_ msv1_0.dl_ msvbvm60.dl_ msvcirt.dl_ msvcp60.dl_ msvcrt.dl_ msvcrt40.dl_ msvfw32.dl_ msvidctl.dl_ msw3prt.dl_ mswdat10.dl_ mswebdvd.dl_ mswmdm.dl_ mswrd6.wp_ mswrd8.wp_ mswsock.dl_ mswstr10.dl_ msxactps.dl_ msxbde40.dl_ msxml.dl_ msxml2.dl_ msxml3.dl_ msxml6.dl_ msxml6r.dl_ msyuv.dl_ mtlmnt5.sy_ mtlstrm.sy_ mtstocom.ex_ mtxclu.dl_ mtxdm.dl_ mtxex.dl_ mtxlegih.dl_ mtxoci.dl_ mtxparhd.dl_ mtxparhm.sy_ muisetup.ex_ mup.sy_ mutohpen.sy_ mydocs.dl_ mymusic.in_ nabtsfec.sy_ nac.dl_ napipsec.dl_ napmontr.dl_ napprov.mo_

napschem.mo_ napstat.ex_ narrator.ex_ ncobjapi.dl_ ncprov.dl_ ncpsres.dl_ nddeapi.dl_ nddeapir.ex_ nddenb32.dl_ ndis.sy_ ndisip.sy_ ndisnpp.dl_ ndistapi.sy_ ndisuio.sy_ ndiswan.sy_ ndproxy.sy_ ndptsp.ts_ net.ex_ net1.ex_ netapi32.dl_ netbeac.in_ netbios.sy_ netbt.sy_ netcfgp.ch_ netcfgw.ch_ netcfgx.dl_ netdde.ex_ netid.dl_ netklsi.in_ netlogon.dl_ netman.dl_ netmeet.ht_ netnm.in_ netoc.dl_ netplwiz.dl_ netrap.dl_ netrndis.in_ netrtsnt.in_ netsetup.cp_ netsh.ex_ netshell.dl_ netstat.ex_ nettun.in_ netui0.dl_ netui1.dl_ netwlan.in_ netwlan2.in_ netwlan5.im_ netwlan5.sy_ networkp.ch_ networkw.ch_ netwv48.in_ new oobedisc.ht_ oobedkn.ht_ oobedn.ht_ newbtm1.jp_ newbtm8.jp_ newdev.dl_ neweula.ht_

neweula2.ht_ newmark1.jp_ newmark8.jp_ news.pn_ newstrys.wm_ newtop1.jp_ newtop8.jp_ nextdown.jp_ nextoff.jp_ nextover.jp_ nextup.jp_ nic1394.sy_ nlhtml.dl_ nmas.dl_ nmasnt.dl_ nmchat.dl_ nmcom.dl_ nmft.dl_ nmmkcert.dl_ nmnt.sy_ nmoldwb.dl_ nmpgmgrp.ex_ nmwb.dl_ nmwhiteb.ch_ noanswer.ht_ notepad.ex_ notify.wa_ npdrmv2.dl_ npdrmv2.zi_ npds.zi_ npdsplay.dl_ npfs.sy_ nppagent.ex_ npptools.dl_ npwmsdrm.dl_ nscirda.sy_ nsepm.dl_ nslookup.ex_ nt5.ca_ ntbackup.ex_ ntchowto.ch_ ntdefp.ch_ ntdefw.ch_ ntdsapi.dl_ ntevt.dl_ ntio.sy_ ntio404.sy_ ntio411.sy_ ntio412.sy_ ntio804.sy_ ntkrnlmp.ex_ ntkrnlpa.ex_ ntkrpamp.ex_ ntlanman.dl_ ntlsapi.dl_ ntmarta.dl_ ntmsapi.dl_ ntmsdba.dl_ ntmsmgr.dl_ ntmssvc.dl_

ntmtlfax.sy_ ntoc.dl_ ntoskrnl.ex_ ntprint.dl_ ntshrui.dl_ ntvdm.ex_ ntvdmd.dl_ nuskin.wm_ nusrmgr.cp_ nusrmgrp.ch_ nusrmgrw.ch_ nv4_disp.dl_ nv4_disp.in_ nv4_mini.sy_ nvct.in_ nvdm.in_ nvts.in_ nwapi32.dl_ nwlnkipx.sy_ nwprovau.dl_ nwrdr.sy_ nwwks.dl_ oakley.dl_ obeip.du_ obelog.dl_ obemetal.dl_ obemtllc.dl_ obepopc.dl_ objsel.dl_ obrb041b.dl_ obrb0424.dl_ occache.dl_ ocgen.dl_ ocmanage.dl_ ocmsn.dl_ odbc16gt.dl_ odbc32.dl_ odbc32gt.dl_ odbcad32.ex_ odbcbcp.dl_ odbcconf.dl_ odbcconf.ex_ odbcconf.rs_ odbccp32.cp_ odbccp32.dl_ odbccr32.dl_ odbccu32.dl_ odbcint.dl_ odbcji32.dl_ odbcjt32.dl_ odbcp32r.dl_ odbctrac.dl_ oddbse32.dl_ odexl32.dl_ odfox32.dl_ odpdx32.dl_ odtext32.dl_ oeaccess.in_ oeimport.dl_ oemcoa.jp_

oemig50.ex_ oemiglib.dl_ oemlogo.gi_ oempriv.ht_ offfilt.dl_ ohci1394.sy_ ole32.dl_ oleaut32.dl_ olecli32.dl_ olecnv32.dl_ oledb32.dl_ oledb32r.dl_ oledlg.dl_ oleprn.dl_ olepro32.dl_ onex.dl_ onex_v1.xs_ oobebaln.ex_ oobeinfo.in_ oobestyl.cs_ oobeutil.js_ opengl32.dl_ opnfiles.ex_ osk.ex_ osloader.ex_ osloader.nt_ osuninst.dl_ p2p.dl_ p2pgasvc.dl_ p2pgraph.dl_ p2pnetsh.dl_ p2psvc.dl_ p3.sy_ p6disp.gp_ p6font.gp_ packager.ex_ page1.as_ paint.pn_ parhmse.in_ paris.jp_ parism.jp_ parport.sy_ partmgr.sy_ passwrdp.ch_ passwrdw.ch_ pautoenr.dl_ pberr.ht_ pca200e.sy_ pchdt_p3.ca_ pchdt_w3.ca_ pchshell.dl_ pchsvc.dl_ pci.sy_ pciidex.sy_ pcl4res.dl_ pcl5eres.dl_ pcl5ures.dl_ pclxl.dl_ pclxl.gp_ pcmcia.sy_

pcx500.sy_ pdh.dl_ perfctrs.dl_ perfdisk.dl_ perfmon.ex_ perfnet.dl_ perfos.dl_ perfproc.dl_ perm2.sy_ perm2dll.dl_ perm3.sy_ perm3dd.dl_ phone.ic_ phone.in_ phone.ob_ phone.ve_ photowiz.dl_ pid.dl_ pinball.ex_ ping.ex_ pisa.jp_ pisam.jp_ pjl.gp_ pjlmon.dl_ plotter.dl_ plotui.dl_ plylst1.wp_ plylst10.wp_ plylst11.wp_ plylst12.wp_ plylst13.wp_ plylst14.wp_ plylst15.wp_ plylst2.wp_ plylst3.wp_ plylst4.wp_ plylst5.wp_ plylst6.wp_ plylst7.wp_ plylst8.wp_ plylst9.wp_ plyr_err.ch_ pmh.dl_ pngfilt.dl_ pnrpnsp.dl_ policman.dl_ polstore.dl_ portcls.sy_ powercfg.cp_ powercfg.ex_ powerfil.sy_ powrprof.dl_ ppa3.sy_ prague.jp_ praguem.jp_ printp.ch_ printui.dl_ printw.ch_ processr.sy_ proctexe.oc_

prodkey.gi_ prodkey.ht_ profmap.dl_ progman.ex_ progress.gi_ proquota.ex_ provthrd.dl_ proxycfg.ex_ prvcyms.ht_ ps5333.in_ ps5ui.dl_ psapi.dl_ psbase.dl_ psched.sy_ pscript.hl_ pscript.nt_ pscript5.dl_ psisdecd.dl_ psisrndr.ax_ pstorec.dl_ pstorsvc.dl_ ps_schm.gd_ ptpusd.dl_ pulse.ht_ pwsdata.dl_ qagent.dl_ qagentrt.dl_ qasf.dl_ qcap.dl_ qcliprov.dl_ qdv.dl_ qdvd.dl_ qedit.dl_ qedwipes.dl_ qic157.sy_ qmark.ac_ qmark.gi_ qmgr.dl_ qmgr.in_ qmgrprxy.dl_ qprocess.ex_ quartz.dl_ query.dl_ qutil.dl_ racpldlg.dl_ ramdisk.in_ ramdisk.sy_ rasadhlp.dl_ rasapi32.dl_ rasauto.dl_ raschap.dl_ rasdlg.dl_ rasl2tp.sy_ rasman.dl_ rasmans.dl_ rasphone.ex_ rasppp.dl_ raspppoe.sy_ raspptp.sy_ rasqec.dl_

rassapi.dl_ rastapi.dl_ rastls.dl_ rawxml.xs_ rcbdyctl.dl_ rcimlby.ex_ rcnterr.ht_ rcp.ex_ rdbss.sy_ rdchost.dl_ rdpclip.ex_ rdpdd.dl_ rdpdr.sy_ rdpsnd.dl_ rdpwd.sy_ rdpwsx.dl_ rdsaddin.ex_ rdshost.ex_ rdtone.ht_ recagent.sy_ recycle.wa_ redbook.sy_ redir.ex_ redshd.gi_ refdial.ht_ reg.ex_ reg.is_ reg1.ht_ reg3.ht_ regapi.dl_ regdial.ht_ regopt.ch_ regsvc.dl_ regsvr32.ex_ regwizc.dl_ remasst.ch_ remotepg.dl_ remotesp.ts_ repdrvfs.dl_ resutils.dl_ revert.wm_ rexec.ex_ rfcomm.sy_ rhndshk.ht_ rhttpaa.dl_ riafres.dl_ riafui1.dl_ riafui2.dl_ riched20.dl_ ringin.wa_ ringout.wa_ rmcast.sy_ rndismp.sy_ rndismpx.sy_ rnoansw.ht_ rnomdm.ht_ rocket.sy_ root cmpnents mediactr

i386 bdatunepia.dl_ bdatunepia.ld_ debugsvc.dl_ down_gem.pn_ down_otto.pn_ ehchsime.dl_ ehcir.dl_ ehcir.ir_ ehcir.ld_ ehcircl.dl_ ehcirfty.ld_ ehcm.dl_ ehcm.ld_ ehcmfty.ld_ ehcommon.dl_ ehcommon.ld_ ehdebug.dl_ ehdrop.dl_ ehentt.dl_ ehepg.dl_ ehepg.ld_ ehepgdat.dl_ ehepgdat.ld_ ehepgdatfty.ld_ ehepgdec.dl_ ehepgfty.ld_ ehepgnet.dl_ ehglid.dl_ ehiepg.dl_ ehiepg.ld_ ehiextens.dl_ ehiplay.dl_ ehiplay.ld_ ehiplayfty.ld_ ehiproxy.dl_ ehiproxy.ld_ ehiproxyfty.ld_ ehituner.dl_ ehituner.ld_ ehitunerfty.ld_ ehiuserxp.dl_ ehiuserxp.ld_ ehiuserxpfty.ld_ ehividctl.dl_ ehividctl.ld_ ehividctlfty.ld_ ehiwmp.dl_ ehiwmp.ld_ ehiwmpfty.ld_ ehjpnime.dl_ ehmsas.ex_ ehplayer.dl_ ehproxy.dl_ ehrec.ex_ ehrecobj.dl_ ehrecobj.ld_ ehrecobjfty.ld_ ehres.dl_ ehreschs.dl_

ehresde.dl_ ehresfr.dl_ ehresja.dl_ ehresko.dl_ ehsched.ex_ ehshell.ex_ ehshell.ld_ ehshellfty.ld_ ehsqdb20.dl_ ehsqqp20.dl_ ehsqse20.dl_ ehtray.ex_ ehui.dl_ ehuihlp.dl_ gacutil.ex_ gemmas~1.mc_ mcdftreg.in_ mcskin.wm_ medctrro.ex_ otto.mc_ snchk.ex_ tabletpc i386 cskbc.dl_ ctxtgr.dl_ dakbc.dl_ dekbc.dl_ deskres.dl_ epad.in_ eskbc.dl_ fikbc.dl_ frkbc.dl_ hukbc.dl_ inkball.ex_ inkdiv.dl_ inked.dl_ inkobj.dl_ inkseg.dl_ isftkbd.dl_ itipcmp.dl_ itkbc.dl_ jakbc.dl_ jntfiltr.dl_ jnwdrv.dl_ jnwdui.dl_ jnwmon.dl_ journal.ex_ kbchook.dl_ kbcres.dl_ kbdsur.ex_ keypad.in_ kokbc.dl_ loginkey.dl_ mshwuk.dl_ mshwusa.dl_ msink.dl_ msinkres.dl_ mspvwctl.dl_ nbdoc.dl_ nbtute.ht_

nlkbc.dl_ nokbc.dl_ numpad.in_ oobewrap.ex_ overtute.ht_ pipanel.dl_ pipanel.ex_ pipres.dl_ plkbc.dl_ pt-brkbc.dl_ pt-ptkbc.dl_ rukbc.dl_ sftkbd.in_ sftkbdlc.dl_ sklib.dl_ softkbd.ex_ spdesk.dl_ splshwrp.ex_ spsreng.dl_ sptute.ht_ stikynot.ex_ svkbc.dl_ sympad.in_ tabc2g.cf_ tabcal.ex_ tabsrv.dl_ tabsys.ca_ tabtip.ex_ tabtipps.dl_ tab_hb.ch_ tcserver.cf_ tcserver.ex_ tip.ch_ tipband.dl_ tipcmpps.dl_ tipincol.dl_ tiplib.dl_ tipres.dl_ tipskins.dl_ tiptsf.dl_ tiptute.ht_ tpc_oobe.dl_ tpc_oobe.xm_ tpgwlnot.dl_ trkbc.dl_ tutaicod.gi_ tutaicol.gi_ viewer.ht_ viewer.xm_ webpad.in_ wisptis.ex_ zh-chskb.dl_ zh-chtkb.dl_ rpberr.ht_ rpcref.dl_ rpcrt4.dl_ rpcss.dl_ rpulse.ht_ rrcm.dl_ rsaenh.dl_

rsh.ex_ rshx32.dl_ rsmps.dl_ rsnotify.ex_ rsop.mo_ rsopw.ch_ rstrui.ex_ rsvpsp.dl_ rtcshare.ex_ rtipxmib.dl_ rtl8139.sy_ rtoobusy.ht_ rtuner.wm_ rtutils.dl_ rundll32.ex_ runonce.ex_ rw001ext.dl_ rw330ext.dl_ rw430ext.dl_ rw450ext.dl_ s3gnb.dl_ s3gnbm.sy_ safemode.ht_ safrcdlg.dl_ safrdm.dl_ safrslv.dl_ samlib.dl_ sample1.jp_ sample2.jp_ samsrv.dl_ sapi.cp_ sapi.dl_ savedump.ex_ sbe.dl_ sbeio.dl_ sbp2port.sy_ scarddlg.dl_ scardsvr.ex_ sccbase.dl_ sccsccp.dl_ scecli.dl_ scesrv.dl_ schannel.dl_ schedsvc.dl_ sclgntfy.dl_ scntlast.ht_ sconnect.ht_ sconnect.js_ scrcons.ex_ script.dl_ scripta.dl_ scrnsave.sc_ scrobj.dl_ scrobj.mu_ scrrun.dl_ scrrun.mu_ scsiport.sy_ scsiscan.sy_ sctasks.ex_ sdbinst.ex_

sdbus.sy_ sdhcinst.dl_ secdrv.sy_ seclogon.dl_ secur32.dl_ security.dl_ security.ht_ sendcmsg.ch_ sendcmsg.dl_ sendmail.dl_ sens.dl_ sensapi.dl_ serenum.sy_ serial.sy_ servdeps.dl_ services.ex_ sessmgr.ex_ sethc.ex_ setup.ex_ setup50.ex_ setupapi.dl_ setupdd.sy_ setupldr.ex_ setupn.ex_ setupqry.dl_ setupqry.in_ setup_wm.ex_ sfc.dl_ sfcfiles.dl_ sfc_os.dl_ sffdisk.sy_ sffp_mmc.sy_ sffp_sd.sy_ sfloppy.sy_ shdoclc.dl_ shdocvw.dl_ shell32.dl_ shfolder.dl_ shgina.dl_ shimeng.dl_ shimgvw.dl_ shlwapi.dl_ shmedia.dl_ shmgrate.ex_ shrpubw.ex_ shscrap.dl_ shsvcs.dl_ shutdown.ex_ signup.ma_ sigtab.dl_ sigverif.ex_ siint5.dl_ simpdata.tl_ sisagp.sy_ sisnic.sy_ skeys.ex_ skins.in_ skipdown.jp_ skipoff.jp_ skipover.jp_

skipup.jp_ sla30nd5.sy_ slayerxp.dl_ slbcsp.dl_ slbiop.dl_ slcoinst.dl_ slextspk.dl_ slgen.dl_ slip.sy_ slnt7554.sy_ slntamr.sy_ slnthal.sy_ slrundll.ex_ slserv.ex_ slwdmsup.sy_ sl_anet.ac_ smbali.sy_ smbbatt.sy_ smbclass.sy_ smbinst.ex_ smi2smir.ex_ smlogcfg.dl_ smlogsvc.ex_ smss.ex_ smtpsvc.dl_ snd.ht_ sndrec32.ex_ sniffpol.dl_ snmp.ex_ snmpapi.dl_ snmpcl.dl_ snmpincl.dl_ snmpmib.dl_ snmpsmir.dl_ snmpsnap.dl_ snmpthrd.dl_ snmptrap.ex_ softkbd.dl_ sonyait.sy_ sonydcam.sy_ sort.ex_ sortkey.nl_ sorttbls.nl_ spad.ch_ spgrmr.dl_ spider.ex_ splitter.sy_ spolconw.ch_ spoolss.dl_ spoolsv.ex_ spra041b.dl_ spra0424.dl_ sprb041b.dl_ sprb0424.dl_ sprc041b.dl_ sprc0424.dl_ sptip.dl_ sqldb20.dl_ sqloledb.dl_ sqloledb.rl_

sqlqp20.dl_ sqlse20.dl_ sqlsrv32.dl_ sqlsrv32.rl_ sqlunirl.dl_ sqlxmlx.dl_ sqlxmlx.rl_ sr.sy_ srchctls.dl_ srchui.dl_ srclient.dl_ srrstr.dl_ srsvc.dl_ srv.sy_ srvsvc.dl_ sr_uip.ch_ sr_uiw.ch_ ss3dfo.sc_ ssbezier.sc_ ssdpapi.dl_ ssdpsrv.dl_ ssflwbox.sc_ ssinc51.dl_ ssmarque.sc_ ssmypics.sc_ ssmyst.sc_ sspifilt.dl_ sspipes.sc_ ssstars.sc_ sstext3d.sc_ sstub.dl_ state.ic_ staxmem.dl_ stclient.dl_ stddtype.gd_ stdnames.gp_ stdole2.tl_ stdole32.tl_ stdprov.dl_ stdschem.gd_ stdschmx.gd_ sti.dl_ stimon.ex_ sti_ci.dl_ stobject.dl_ storprop.dl_ stream.sy_ streamip.sy_ strmdll.dl_ strmfilt.dl_ support.ic_ svcext51.dl_ svchost.ex_ swenum.sy_ swmidi.sy_ sxs.dl_ synceng.dl_ syncui.dl_ sysaudio.sy_ sysdm.cp_

sysfiles.in_ sysinfo.ex_ sysmain.sd_ sysmod.dl_ sysmoda.dl_ sysmon.oc_ sysocmgr.ex_ sysrestp.ch_ sysrestw.ch_ syssetup.dl_ system.ad_ system.ch_ sys_srv.ch_ t2embed.dl_ tada.wa_ tahoma.tt_ tahomabd.tt_ taoff.gi_ taoffh.gi_ taon.gi_ taonh.gi_ tape.sy_ tapi3.dl_ tapi32.dl_ tapisrv.dl_ taskkill.ex_ tasklist.ex_ taskmgr.ex_ tcpip.sy_ tcpip6.sy_ tcpmib.dl_ tcpmon.dl_ tcpmon.in_ tcpmonui.dl_ tdc.oc_ tdi.sy_ tdibth.in_ tdpipe.sy_ tdtcp.sy_ termcap._ termdd.sy_ termmgr.dl_ termsrv.dl_ texttbl.xs_ textvalu.xs_ tffsport.sy_ thanks10.pn_ thanks8.pn_ themeui.dl_ timedate.cp_ times.tt_ timesbd.tt_ timezone.ht_ tip.ht_ title.wm_ tlntadmn.ex_ tlntsess.ex_ tlntsvr.ex_ tlntsvrp.dl_ toobusy.ht_

tools.dl_ tour.js_ tourbg.gi_ tourstrt.ex_ tp4mon.ex_ tpause.gi_ tpauseh.gi_ tplay.gi_ tplayh.gi_ tracerpt.ex_ tracert.ex_ trebuc.tt_ tree.co_ triedit.dl_ trkwks.dl_ tscdsbl.ba_ tscfgwmi.dl_ tscfgwmi.mf_ tscfgwmi.mo_ tscinst.vb_ tscuinst.vb_ tsddd.dl_ tsgqec.dl_ tshoot.ch_ tshoot.dl_ tsoc.dl_ tspkg.dl_ tsweb1.ht_ ttfsub.gp_ tty.dl_ tty.in_ ttyres.dl_ ttyui.dl_ tunga.tt_ tunmp.sy_ twain_32.dl_ twclient.ch_ twclient.hl_ twext.dl_ txflog.dl_ tyrol.jp_ tyrolm.jp_ tzchange.ex_ uagp35.sy_ udfs.sy_ udhisapi.dl_ uihelper.dl_ ulib.dl_ umandlg.dl_ umpnpmgr.dl_ unidrv.dl_ unidrv.hl_ unidrvui.dl_ unimdm.ts_ unimdmat.dl_ uniplat.dl_ unires.dl_ unregmp2.ex_ untfs.dl_ update.sy_

updshell.ht_ uploadm.ex_ upnp.dl_ upnpcont.ex_ upnphost.dl_ upnpui.dl_ ups.ex_ url.dl_ urlmon.dl_ usb101et.sy_ usb8023.sy_ usb8023x.sy_ usbaudio.sy_ usbcamd.sy_ usbcamd2.sy_ usbccgp.sy_ usbehci.sy_ usbhub.sy_ usbintel.sy_ usbmon.dl_ usbohci.sy_ usbport.sy_ usbprint.sy_ usbscan.sy_ usbser.sy_ usbstor.sy_ usbuhci.sy_ usbui.dl_ usbvideo.sy_ user32.dl_ useract.ch_ usercpl.ch_ userenv.dl_ userinit.ex_ username.ht_ usmtdef.in_ usp10.dl_ utilman.ex_ utopiaas.wa_ utopiacl.wa_ utopiacr.wa_ utopiade.wa_ utopiaer.wa_ utopiaex.wa_ utopiama.wa_ utopiame.wa_ utopiami.wa_ utopiaop.wa_ utopiaqu.wa_ utopiare.wa_ utopiawi.wa_ utopia~1.wa_ utopia~2.wa_ utopia~3.wa_ utopia~4.wa_ uxtheme.dl_ vbajet32.dl_ vbisurf.ax_ vbscript.dl_ vbscript.mu_

vchnt5.dl_ vdmdbg.dl_ vdmredir.dl_ venice.jp_ venicem.jp_ verclsid.ex_ verdana.tt_ verifier.dl_ verona.jp_ veronam.jp_ version.dl_ vfwwdm32.dl_ vga.sy_ vgx.dl_ viaagp.sy_ viaide.sy_ vidcap.ax_ videobg.gi_ videoprt.sy_ vidsamp.gi_ viewprov.dl_ viz.wm_ volsnap.sy_ vrinda.tt_ vssapi.dl_ vssvc.ex_ w2k3rd.ms_ w2k3s1rd.ms_ w32time.dl_ w3ssl.dl_ w3svc.dl_ w95upgnt.dl_ wab.ex_ wab32.dl_ wab32res.dl_ wabfind.dl_ wabimp.dl_ wabmig.ex_ wacompen.sy_ wadv01nt.sy_ wadv02nt.sy_ wadv05nt.sy_ wadv07nt.sy_ wadv08nt.sy_ wadv09nt.sy_ wadv11nt.sy_ wam51.dl_ wamreg51.dl_ wanarp.sy_ watchdog.sy_ watv01nt.sy_ watv02nt.sy_ watv04nt.sy_ watv06nt.sy_ watv10nt.sy_ wavemsp.dl_ wbemcntl.dl_ wbemcomn.dl_ wbemcons.dl_ wbemcore.dl_

wbemdisp.dl_ wbemess.dl_ wbemperf.dl_ wbemprox.dl_ wbemsvc.dl_ wbemtest.ex_ wbemupgd.dl_ wceusbsh.sy_ wch7xxnt.sy_ wdigest.dl_ wdmaud.dr_ wdmaud.sy_ wdma_ali.in_ wdma_int.in_ wdma_via.in_ webcheck.dl_ webclnt.dl_ webfldrs.ms_ webpub.ch_ webvw.dl_ welcome.ht_ wextract.ex_ wfp0.in_ wfp1.in_ wfp2.in_ wfp3.in_ wfp4.in_ wfp5.in_ wfp6.in_ wfp7.in_ wfp8.in_ wiaacmgr.ex_ wiadefui.dl_ wiadss.dl_ wiascr.dl_ wiaservc.dl_ wiashext.dl_ wiavideo.dl_ wic.dl_ wicext.dl_ win32k.sy_ win32spl.dl_ winbrand.dl_ winhlp32.ex_ winhttp.dl_ wininet.dl_ winipsec.dl_ winlogon.ex_ winmm.dl_ winnls.dl_ winrnr.dl_ winscard.dl_ winshfhc.dl_ winspool.dr_ winsrv.dl_ winsta.dl_ wintrust.dl_ winver.ex_ wkssvc.dl_ wlanapi.dl_

wlan_bec.xs_ wlan_beu.xs_ wlan_bmc.xs_ wlan_bmu.xs_ wlan_eco.xs_ wlan_ecp.xs_ wlan_ecu.xs_ wlan_ehc.xs_ wlan_ehu.xs_ wlan_etc.xs_ wlan_etu.xs_ wlan_mcc.xs_ wlan_mcu.xs_ wlan_mpc.xs_ wlan_mpu.xs_ wlan_onx.xs_ wlan_wlp.xs_ wldap32.dl_ wlluc48.sy_ wlnotify.dl_ wm1.gi_ wm2.gi_ wm3.gi_ wm4.gi_ wm5.gi_ wm6.gi_ wm7.gi_ wm8.gi_ wm9.gi_ wmaccess.in_ wmadmod.dl_ wmadmoe.dl_ wmasf.dl_ wmdm.in_ wmdmlog.dl_ wmdmps.dl_ wmerrenu.ca_ wmerror.dl_ wmfsdk.in_ wmi.dl_ wmi.mo_ wmiacpi.sy_ wmiadap.ex_ wmiapres.dl_ wmiaprpl.dl_ wmiapsrv.ex_ wmic.ex_ wmicookr.dl_ wmidcprv.dl_ wmidx.dl_ wmipcima.dl_ wmipdskq.dl_ wmipiprt.dl_ wmipjobj.dl_ wmiprov.dl_ wmiprvsd.dl_ wmiprvse.ex_ wmipsess.dl_ wmisvc.dl_ wmiutils.dl_

wmm2ae.dl_ wmm2eres.dl_ wmm2ext.dl_ wmm2filt.dl_ wmm2fxa.dl_ wmm2fxb.dl_ wmm2res.dl_ wmm2res2.dl_ wmnetmgr.dl_ wmp.dl_ wmp.in_ wmp.oc_ wmpasf.dl_ wmpaud1.wa_ wmpaud2.wa_ wmpaud3.wa_ wmpaud4.wa_ wmpaud5.wa_ wmpaud6.wa_ wmpaud7.wa_ wmpaud8.wa_ wmpaud9.wa_ wmpband.dl_ wmpcd.dl_ wmpcore.dl_ wmpdxm.dl_ wmphoto.dl_ wmplay.ch_ wmplayer.ad_ wmplayer.ch_ wmplayer.ex_ wmploc.dl_ wmploc.js_ wmpns.dl_ wmpocm.in_ wmpshell.dl_ wmptour.cs_ wmptour.ht_ wmpui.dl_ wmsdmod.dl_ wmsdmoe.dl_ wmsdmoe2.dl_ wmspdmod.dl_ wmspdmoe.dl_ wmstream.dl_ wmv8ds32.ax_ wmvcore.dl_ wmvdmod.dl_ wmvdmoe2.dl_ wmvds32.ax_ wordpad.ex_ wow32.dl_ wpaback.jp_ wpabaln.ex_ wpabtm.jp_ wpaflag.jp_ wpakey.jp_ wpatop.jp_ wpnpinst.ex_ write.wp_

ws2help.dl_ ws2_32.dl_ wscenter.mo_ wschelp.ch_ wscntfy.ex_ wscript.ex_ wscript.mu_ wscsvc.dl_ wscui.cp_ wsecedit.dl_ wshbth.dl_ wshcon.dl_ wshext.dl_ wshext.mu_ wship6.dl_ wshirda.dl_ wshom.mu_ wshom.oc_ wshrm.dl_ wshtcpip.dl_ wsiintxx.sy_ wsnmp32.dl_ wsock32.dl_ wstcodec.sy_ wstdecod.dl_ wtsapi32.dl_ wtv0.in_ wtv1.in_ wtv2.in_ wtv3.in_ wtv4.in_ wtv5.in_ wuapi.dl_ wuau.ad_ wuau.ch_ wuauclt.ex_ wuauclt1.ex_ wuaucpl.cp_ wuaueng.dl_ wuaueng1.dl_ wuauhelp.ch_ wuauserv.dl_ wucltui.dl_ wups.dl_ wuweb.dl_ wvchntxx.sy_ wxprd.ms_ wxpsp1rd.ms_ wxpsp2rd.ms_ wzcdlg.dl_ wzcsapi.dl_ wzcsvc.dl_ xactsrv.dl_ xcopy.ex_ xenroll.dl_ xfp.xm_ xml.xs_ xmllite.dl_ xmlprov.dl_ xmlprovi.dl_

xmlp_bdg.xd_ xmlp_bec.xd_ xmlp_beu.xd_ xmlp_ecp.xd_ xmlp_ecu.xd_ xmlp_fcd.xd_ xmlp_fcw.xd_ xmlp_hlp.xd_ xmlp_loc.xd_ xmlp_mas.xd_ xmlp_mcc.xd_ xmlp_mcu.xd_ xmlp_mpc.xd_ xmlp_mpu.xd_ xmlp_reg.xd_ xmlp_ssd.xd_ xmlp_wiz.xd_ xmlp_wp.xd_ xolehlp.dl_ xpballn.wa_ xpbatcrt.wa_ xpbatlow.wa_ xpblkpop.wa_ xpcrtstp.wa_ xpdef.wa_ xpding.wa_ xperror.wa_ xpexcl.wa_ xphdfail.wa_ xphdinst.wa_ xphdrem.wa_ xpinfbar.wa_ xplogoff.wa_ xplogon.wa_ xpmenu.wa_ xpmin.wa_ xpnetdg.ex_ xpnetdg.xs_ xpnotify.wa_ xpob2res.dl_ xpprint.wa_ xprecycl.wa_ xprestor.wa_ xpringin.wa_ xprngout.wa_ xpshutdn.wa_ xpsp1res.dl_ xpsp2res.dl_ xpsp3res.dl_ xpstart.wa_ xpstartu.wa_ xptht00p.ht_ xptht00w.ht_ xptht01p.ht_ xptht01w.ht_ xptht02p.ht_ xptht03p.ht_ xptht04p.ht_ xptht05p.ht_ xptht05w.ht_

xptht06p.ht_ xptht08p.ht_ xptht09p.ht_ xptht09w.ht_ xptht10p.ht_ xptht11p.ht_ xptht13p.ht_ xptht13w.ht_ xptht14p.ht_ xptht14w.ht_ xptht15p.ht_ xptht15w.ht_ xptht16p.ht_ xptht16w.ht_ xptht17p.ht_ xptht17w.ht_ xptht18p.ht_ xptht18w.ht_ xptht19p.ht_ xptht19w.ht_ xptht20p.ht_ xptht21p.ht_ xptht23p.ht_ xptht23w.ht_ xptht24p.ht_ xptht24w.ht_ xptht25p.ht_ xptht25w.ht_ xptht26w.ht_ xptht27d.jp_ xptht28w.ht_ xptht29w.ht_ xptht30w.ht_ xptht31w.ht_ xptht32w.ht_ xptht33w.ht_ xptht34w.ht_ xptht35w.ht_ xptht36w.ht_ xptht38w.ht_ xptht39w.ht_ xptht40w.ht_ xrxscnui.dl_ xrxwiadr.dl_ xslmap.xm_ zipfldr.dl_ admin.dll admin.exe asms 10 msft windows gdiplus gdiplus.dll policy msft windows gdiplus 51 msft windows system default policy msft windows system default 52 msft windows net dxmrtp dxmrtp.dll rtcdll rtcdll.dll rtcres rtcres.dll policy msft windows networking dxmrtp rtcdll 60 msft vcrtl atl.dll mfc42.dll mfc42u.dll msvcp60.dll windows common controls comctl32.dll policy 60 comctl msft vcrtl 70 msft windows mswincrt msvcirt.dll msvcrt.dll policy msft mswincrt aspnet_filter.dll aspnet_isapi.dll aspnet_perf.h aspnet_perf.ini aspnet_perf2.ini aspnet_regiis.exe aspnet_state.exe aspnet_wp.exe author.dll author.exe autochk.exe autofmt.exe blank.txt cabinet.dll caspol.exe cfgwiz.exe compdata drvmain.chm drvmain.inf krnlchk.htm krnlchk.txt nv_agp.htm nv_agp.txt powershell.htm powershell.txt rdpmui.htm rdpmui.txt sharedct.htm sharedct.txt wepos.htm wepos.txt winflp.htm winflp.txt corperfmonext.dll corperfmonsymbols.ini csc.exe cscomp.dll cu52178.nlp dbghelp.dll drvmain.sdb drw

dwwin.exe ediskeer.dll empty.txt eventlogmessages.dll exts.dll faq.htm faxpatch.exe fp4amsft.dll fp4anscp.dll fp4apws.dll fp4areg.dll fp4atxt.dll fp4autl.dll fp4avnb.dll fp4avss.dll fp4awebs.dll fp4awel.dll fp98sadm.exe fp98swin.exe fpadmcgi.exe fpadmdll.dll fpcount.exe fpencode.dll fpexedll.dll fpmmc.dll fpmmcsat.dll fpremadm.exe fpsrvadm.exe fusion.dll biosinfo.inf compdata drvmain.chm drvmain.inf ntcompat.inf dosnet.inf drvindex.inf hivecls.inf hivedef.inf hivesft.inf hivesys.inf hwcomp.dat intl.inf layout.inf ntprint.inf pid.inf pidgen.dll txtsetup.sif unattend.txt win9xupg migdb.inf vscandb.inf win95upg.inf winnt32.msi ieexec.exe ieexecremote.dll iehost.dll dosnet.inf

layout.inf pid.inf txtsetup.sif dosnet.inf hivedef.inf layout.inf pid.inf txtsetup.sif dosnet.inf hivedef.inf layout.inf pid.inf txtsetup.sif dosnet.inf layout.inf pid.inf txtsetup.sif ilasm.exe imagehlp.dll images faq_arup.gif faq_atpl.css faq_bg2.jpg faq_frwl.gif faq_inex.gif faq_mply.gif faq_ouex.gif faq_pblk.gif faq_prgs.jpg faq_shld.gif faq_wupd.gif dosnet.inf layout.inf txtsetup.sif cpanel_p.chq cpanel_w.chq dosnet.inf filefldp.chm filefldw.chm howtop.chm howtow.chm inetres.chm layout.inf miscp.chm miscw.chm msinfo32.chm mstaskw.chm ntchowto.chm spad.chm spconw.chm tshoot.chm txtsetup.sif whatnewp.chm whatneww.chm wind_p.chq wind_w.chq installpersistsqlstate.sql installsqlstate.sql installsqlstatetemplate.sql

installutil.exe biosinfo.inf compdata drvmain.chm drvmain.inf ntcompat.inf dosnet.inf drvindex.inf hivecls.inf hivedef.inf hivesft.inf hivesys.inf hwcomp.dat intl.inf layout.inf ntprint.inf pid.inf pidgen.dll txtsetup.sif unattend.txt win9xupg migdb.inf vscandb.inf win95upg.inf winnt32.msi ipevlpid.dll ipselpid.dll isenpid.dll ispid.dll dosnet.inf layout.inf txtsetup.sif jsc.exe kbdnec.dll knhowtok.chm knnewpk.chm knnewwk.chm knperpid.dll knpropid.dll knupdpk.chm knupdwk.chm kperpid.dll kpropid.dll ksecdd.sys lhmstsc.mui licdll.dll licwmi.mof logowin.gif lvback.gif medctrro.cmd microsoft.jscript.dll microsoft.visualbasic.dll mscorcfg.dll mscorcfg.msc mscordbc.dll mscordbi.dll mscoree.dll mscorie.dll

mscorjit.dll mscorld.dll mscorlib.dll mscorlib.ldo mscorlib.tlb mscorpe.dll mscorrc.chs.dll mscorrc.cht.dll mscorrc.dll mscorrc.ger.dll mscorrc.ja.dll mscorrc.kor.dll mscorsec.dll mscorsn.dll mscorsvr.dll mscortim.dll mscorwks.dll msdaipp.dll msgsc.dll msgslang.dll msmsgs.exe mso.dll msoek.chm netfxupdate.exe netsetup.exe secupd.dat secupd.sig newalert.wav newemail.wav ngen.exe ntdll.dll ntfs.sys ntldr online.wav oschoice.exe perfcounter.dll rdsktpw.chm re52184.nlp readmesp.htm regasm.exe regcode.dll regedit.exe regsvcs.exe remasstk.chm mcpreins.exe netfx i386 ic readme.htm setup.exe win51ic.sp3 ip readme.htm

setup.exe win51ip.sp3 setupxp.htm setregni.exe setupldr.bin setuptxt winxp_logo_horiz_sm.gif shtml.dll shtml.exe smartnav.htm smartnav.js smartnavie5.js spcmdcon.sys spcompat.dll spdwnwxp.exe spmsg.dll spnpinst.exe sprecovr.exe spuninst.exe spupdsvc.exe spupdwxp.exe stub_fpsrvadm.exe stub_fpsrvwin.exe sy52106.dll sysocmce.inf system.configuration.install.dll system.directoryservices.dll system.drawing.dll system.drawing.ldo system.enterpriseservices.dll system.enterpriseservices.thunk.dll system.ldo system.messaging.dll system.runtime.remoting.dll system.runtime.serialization.formatters.soap.dll system.serviceprocess.dll system.web.dll system.web.regularexpressions.dll system.xml.dll system32 ntdll.dll smss.exe tagfile.1 tcptest.exe tcptsat.dll telnet.exe togac.exe

tscupdc.dll type.wav uninstallpersistsqlstate.sql uninstallsqlstatetemplate.sql vbc.exe vbc7ui.chs.dll vbc7ui.cht.dll vbc7ui.dll vbc7ui.ger.dll vbc7ui.ja.dll vbc7ui.kor.dll vsavb7rt.dll win9xmig acrobat migrate.dll cmmgr migrate.dll devupgrd migrate.dll dmicall migrate.dll eastman migrate.dll fax migrate.dll hptools migrate.dll ibmav migrate.dll icm migrate.dll iemig migrate.dll mapi dll migrate.dll modems migrate.dll msgqueue migrate.dll msp migrate.dll neckbd migrate.dll necpa migrate.dll necwps migrate.dll octopus migrate.dll oewab migrate.dll print migrate.dll pws migrate.dll rumba

migrate.dll setup migrate.dll transact migrate.dll wia migrate.dll wmp migrate.dll win9xupg cabinet.dll imagehlp.dll msvcrt.dll setupapi.dll w95upg.dll winnt.exe winnt32.exe winnt32a.dll winnt32u.dll winntbba.dll winntbbu.dll winntupg netupg.inf netupgrd.dll nv4prep.dll setupapi.dll winxp_logo_horiz_sm.gif wsdueng.dll xpmsgr.chm xpmsgrk.chm xptht26p.htm xptht33d.jpg xptht41w.htm xptht78d.jpg xptht79d.jpg xptht80d.jpg _networkingperfcounters.ini update branches.inf fixccs.exe nv4prep.exe setupapi.dll spcompat.dll spcustom.dll spnpinst.exe update.exe update.inf update.msi update.ver updatebr.inf updspapi.dll eula.txt change.log.2 rp17 rp15 change.log.1 change.log.1 restorepointsize change.log.2

rp19 change.log.1 restorepointsize rp20 change.log.1 restorepointsize rp24 change.log.1 change.log.2 02962c6451d468bbb4be49 rp25 change.log.1 inetres.adm ieakmmc.chm ieeula.chm iesupp.chm iexplore.chm inetcpl.cpl ieapfltr.dat admparse.dll advpack.dll browseui.dll corpol.dll custsat.dll dxtmsft.dll dxtrans.dll extmgr.dll hmmapi.dll icardie.dll ieakeng.dll ieaksie.dll ieakui.dll ieapfltr.dll iedkcs32.dll ieencode.dll ieframe.dll iepeers.dll ieproxy.dll iernonce.dll iertutil.dll iesetup.dll ieui.dll imgutil.dll inseng.dll jscript.dll jsproxy.dll licmgr10.dll msfeeds.dll msfeedsbs.dll mshtml.dll mshtmled.dll mshtmler.dll msls31.dll msrating.dll mstime.dll occache.dll pngfilt.dll shdocvw.dll shlwapi.dll spmsg.dll

url.dll urlmon.dll vbscript.dll vgx.dll webcheck.dll wininet.dll ie4uinit.exe iedw.exe ieudinit.exe iexplore.exe msfeedssync.exe mshta.exe spuninst.exe spupdsvc.exe winfxdocobj.exe html.iec inetcorp.iem inetset.iem ieuinit.inf occache.ini webcheck.ini install.ins msfeeds.mof msfeedsbs.mof admparse.dll.mui advpack.dll.mui extmgr.dll.mui hmmapi.dll.mui html.iec.mui icardie.dll.mui ie4uinit.exe.mui ieakeng.dll.mui ieaksie.dll.mui ieakui.dll.mui iedkcs32.dll.mui iedw.exe.mui ieframe.dll.mui iepeers.dll.mui iernonce.dll.mui iesetup.dll.mui ieui.dll.mui ieunatt.exe.mui iexplore.exe.mui inetcpl.cpl.mui inseng.dll.mui licmgr10.dll.mui msfeedsbs.dll.mui mshta.exe.mui mshtml.dll.mui mshtmled.dll.mui mshtmler.dll.mui msrating.dll.mui occache.dll.mui urlmon.dll.mui webcheck.dll.mui winfxdocobj.exe.mui wininet.dll.mui tdc.ocx icrav03.rat ticrf.rat

mshtml.tlb feeddisc.wav infobar.wav navstart.wav popupblk.wav update iecustom.dll legitlibm.dll updspapi.dll idndl.exe iereseticons.exe iesetup.exe nlsdl.exe update.exe xmllitesetup.exe update.inf update.exe.manifest eula.rtf update.ver restorepointsize restorepointsize restorepointsize rp26 change.log.1 restorepointsize rp27 change.log.1 s-1-5-21-4280102871-2693284551-98148562-1005 rp28 change.log.1 rp29 change.log.1 change.log.2 a0003966.dll a0003965.dll a0003964.dll a0003963.exe a0003962.exe rp32 a0003960.dll a0003959.exe a0003958.inf a0003957.ver rp30 change.log.1 restorepointsize restorepointsize change.log.1 info2 restorepointsize restorepointsize rp33 change.log.1 restorepointsize rp35 change.log.1 restorepointsize restorepointsize rp39 change.log.1 change.log.2 restorepointsize rp40 change.log.1 lingvouniversal (en-vi)ev_v12_v14_7.lsd lingvouniversal (ru-vi)re_v12_v14_6.lsd lingvouniversal (vi-en)ve_v12_v14_6.lsd lingvouniversal (vi-ru)er_v12_v14_6.lsd lvuniversal 01(en-vi)ee_v12_v14_6.lsd lvuniversal 02(en-vi)ee_v12_v14_6.lsd lingvouniversal (en-vi)ev_v12_v14_8.lsd lingvouniversal (ru-vi)re_v12_v14_7.lsd lingvouniversal (vi-en)ve_v12_v14_7.lsd lingvouniversal (vi-ru)er_v12_v14_7.lsd lvuniversal 01(en-vi)ee_v12_v14_7.lsd lvuniversal 02(en-vi)ee_v12_v14_7.lsd lvuniversal 02(en-vi)ee_v12_v14_1_user(2).lsd lvuniversal 01(en-vi)ee_v12_v14_1_user(2).lsd lingvouniversal (vi-ru)er_v12_v14_1_user(2).lsd lingvouniversal (vi-en)ve_v12_v14_1_user(2).lsd lingvouniversal (ru-vi)re_v12_v14_1_user(2).lsd lingvouniversal (en-vi)ev_v12_v14_1_user(3).lsd restorepointsize rp42 change.log.1 restorepointsize rp44 change.log.1 restorepointsize rp45 change.log.1 restorepointsize rp46 change.log.1 rp47 change.log.1 restorepointsize change.log.2 restorepointsize rp49 change.log.1 restorepointsize

rp50 change.log.1 restorepointsize rp51 change.log.1 rp52 change.log.1 desktop.ini thumbs.db img_1377.jpg restorepointsize .sohacache rp53 change.log.1 change.log.2 guilty.of.romance.2011.bluray.720p.dts.x264-lookmane-soha.mp4 restorepointsize restorepointsize rp55 change.log.1 a0002098.wa_ a0002097.wa_ a0002096.wa_ a0002095.wa_ a0002094.wa_ a0002093.wa_ a0002092.wa_ a0002091.wa_ a0002090.wa_ a0002089.wa_ a0002088.wa_ a0002087.wa_ a0002086.wa_ a0002085.wa_ a0002084.wa_ a0002083.wa_ a0002082.wa_ a0002081.wa_ a0002080.wa_ a0002079.wa_ a0002078.wa_ a0002077.wa_ a0002076.wa_ a0002075.wa_ a0002074.wa_ a0002073.wa_ a0002072.wa_ a0002071.wa_ a0002070.wa_ a0002069.wa_ a0002068.wa_ a0002067.wa_ a0002066.wa_ a0002065.wa_ a0002064.wa_ a0002063.wa_ a0002062.wa_ a0002061.wa_ a0002060.wa_ a0002059.wa_

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