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Buddhist architecture

The Buddhist architecture has deeply implanted () in the Indian soil. There is the birthplace of the Buddha's teachings. Distinctiveof Buddhist architectural structures and sculptures such as Caves, Stupas and temples which have been mere () spectators () of different eras () quietly speaks about the phases of the Buddhist stages. Caves are the oldest form of the Buddhist architecture. They are also known as the rock-cut ( ) monasteries. In India, the most significant cave is Ajanta caves. The Indian Buddhist monkscarried this art of cave hewing to Dunhuang, China, where the earliest cave temples were built in the 4th century. The Stupas holds the most important place among all the earliest Buddhist sculptures. Stupas is a dome-shaped () monument () that used to hold Buddhists' relics () or to remember the significant facts of Buddhism. Though () the Stupas are the most prominent ( ) sculptures throughout the world, but Myanmar or Burma is credited to have more Stupas than anywhere else. The Buddhist temples in India are the superb () examples of the temple architecture .The most prominent one at Bodh Gaya in Mahabodhi temple, the place of the Buddha's enlightenment (). Similarly (), other temple such as those at Sri Lanka, Thailand, China, Japan and Cambodia with the famous Angkor Wat temple. There all are presents an excellent example of the Buddhist architecture. Angkor Wat is a temple complex at Angkor, Cambodia that built by the king Suryavarman II in the early 12th century as his state temple and capital city. It is the only one to have remained a significant () religious centre since its foundation first Hindu which dedicated () to the god, Vishnu, then Buddhist. It is the largest religious building in the world. The temple is at the top of the high classical style of Khmer architecture. It has become a symbol of Cambodia that appearing on its national flag, and it is the country's prime attraction for visitors. From those statements we can see that how important Buddhist is in Cambodia. The modern name for Angkor Wat is called City Temple.

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