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Small-Group Time Planning Form

Originating Idea Children have been observing the changes in weather and how the leaves fall and change colors Materials Acorns, leaves, grass, acorn tops, shoe box, stones, pebbles Curriculum Content Science and Technology: Classification _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Beginning
Opening Statement Set out the shoe box filled with all the items from nature. Hove the children take turns putting their hands inside and feeling the items


What will children do? Earlier The children will feel the items and say if they are hard or soft Middle Children will feel the items and say if they are hard, soft, big, small Later children will feel the items and classify them by texture, size, and whether it is hard or soft

How will you scaffold their learning?

Strategies: Introduce new vocab to encourage the child to describe the items more

Strategies: Encourage the child to use more descriptive words

Strategies: Ask them to predict if an item is soft or hard put new items in the box to explore

warning and transition to next part of routine At the end of the activity open the box. Have the children sort the items into two different boxes as they see fit


Follow-up Ideas Add separate containers of items to the house area or the sand and water table

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