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Task 1a: The Lockless Door by Robert Frost

It went many years, But at last came a knock, And I thought of the door With no lock to lock.

I blew out the light, I tip-toed the floor, And raised both hands In prayer to the door.

But the knock came again. My window was wide; I climbed on the sill And descended outside.

Back over the sill I bade a 'Come in' To whoever the knock At the door may have been.

So at a knock I emptied my cage To hide in the world And alter with age.

Task 1b: Poetic Devices of the Poem

1. Stanza The poem consists of 5 stanzas in quatrain form. 2. Rhyme Scheme The poet also used a repeated pattern of words that contains similar sounds at the end of the line. The last words of the second and the fourth line rhyme for every stanza. First stanza Second stanza Third stanza Fourth stanza Fifth stanza 3. Alliteration There are also some repetitions of the initial consonant sounds in the poem. Example: First stanza fourth line Second stanza second line Third stanza second line With no lock to lock. I tip-toed the floor, My window was wide; abcb dcec fghg hibi bjkj


Imagery The poet also uses language that evokes sensory images of sight and sound in the poem. Examples:-

4.1 Sight: Second stanza I blew out the light, I tip-toed the floor, And raised both hands In prayer to the door. Third stanza second to fourth line My window was wide; I climbed on the sill And descended outside.

4.2 Sound: First stanza second line Third stanza first line Fourth stanza second line But at last came a knock, But the knock came again. I bade a 'Come in'


Assonance Repetition of vowel sound can also be found in the poem. Example: Third stanza first line But the knock came again.



The poet uses symbols that mean more than their literal meaning. the knock symbolizes the unknown of potentially threatening and unsettling origin. the door symbolizes the attitude of oneself whether to accept or deny the fear. the cage symbolizes a place of selfcomforts that isolate oneself from another soul.

Task 1c: Reader Response

Jeremiah Ng Yian Juen
Robert Frost is among the favourite poets of mine. This particular poem of his, The Lockless Door, echoes with the deepest feelings of mine. Everybody has the fear for certain thing. The norm is that most of us dare not to face it directly. Instead, we would act cowardly from time to time like the poet as portrayed in the poem.

Firstly, we would pretend that we do not exist, which is the most ridiculous lie we can do to ourselves. We often try to escape from the fear or problem that bothers us. We hope that it will go away or resolve by itself, which is of course impossible. Only when we realize the truth, we are already facing it involuntarily. This happens to me a lot. When the inevitable comes, I always encounter it like a chicken. I am a person who likes to isolate myself from social interactions as best I could unless you are my best pals. To put it simple, I like to keep to my own solitude. The phrase No man is an island does not make any sense to me. I feel perfectly comfortable with nobody bothering me while I dwell in my own hobbies and leisure. I like to be alone. However, this does not seem quite helping with the current choice of my carrier-to-be, to be a teacher. I guess I am just being paranoid of people thoughts on my opinions and expressions. I am afraid of making mistakes. In my world, everything I do is correct because it is my will and my thought. I bet everyone else is just the same with theirs. So, only when it is inevitable, then I will abandon my cage and open the door to let the knock gets in.

Patrick Teng Jing Wei

After I read the poem, The Lockless Door by the American poet, Robert Frost, I know that life is neither long nor short. Thus, we should appreciate what we have. Besides, we have to face every problem and try to hit every gushes that appeared in our life but not to hide from the obstacles. No matter how we keep hiding from the problems, someday somehow the problems will become obstacles which block our way.

Whenever we meet problems, firstly we have to tell our family or our friends instead of hiding them in our minds. Only then, we can resolve our problems. If not, our problems will bare in minds, and we keep digesting the problems in our minds, until we lose sleep and get sick. Our life is stressful enough even though without the unnecessary stress coming from our surroundings. Life is short, instead living in a world with full of stress, I learnt to manage so I will live happier and freely rather than burdened by stress which still ahead us. In order to release myself from stress, I will try to forget it by hang out with my friends. Actually aging is not scary, what is scary is we live in a dull and meaningless life and we do not dare to hit through the challenges in our life. Furthermore, hiding and forgetting will never solve a problem as long as we do not face it, the reminder of the problems will still exists in front of us. Finally, our stress will become greater when alter with age, thus we should adapt to it and overcome it.

Task 2a: Report Writing

A Report on the Futsal Competition organized by PPISMP MT/BI/BC 2, IPG Kampus Batu Lintang 1.0 Introduction: On 31 July 2010, a Futsal competition was held from 8.00a.m. to 12 noon at IPG Kampus Batu Lintang. This was part of the GERKO assessment

for our class in the third semester. Among the aspects evaluated were Futsal skills, organization and management skills and refereeing skill. The main objective of the competition was to integrate the 100 trainees who had participated in the event. Advisors for the competition were Mr. Wong, Mr. Wahid and Mr. Khairul. 2.0 Organizing the Competition: An organizing committee was set up. The committee was further divided into three groups each responsible for the task of drawing the courts, managing the competition and refereeing. Two courts were drawn. The management team was responsible for borrowing equipment from the GERKO store and organizing the matches while the refereeing team was assigned to draw up the rules and regulation for the competition and monitoring the on-goings of the matches. Every trainee was involved in the different tasks organizing the competition. 3.0 Participants Four male teams and female teams competed among themselves. Each team must be made up of three different ethnic groups in order to inculcate the spirit of social integration among the trainees. 4.0 Rules The Futsal competition applied the Double KO rule for both genders. 5.0 Equipment

The equipments used were footballs, scoreboards, whistles, goalkeepers gloves and jerseys from the GERKO store. 6.0 Time Each match was divided into two sessions with each session lasting seven minutes and a one-minute rest in between the sessions. 7.0 Day of the Competition On the day of the competition, Mr. Wong, lead advisor, gave a briefing on safety precautions and sportsmanship. After the warming up session, matches were carried out straight away on the courts. Everything went quite smoothly with no injuries reported. The matches finished at 11.30a.m. As soon as the results were analyzed, the prize-giving ceremony was conducted with the presence of all the advisors. Then, all the trainees stayed behind to clean the field for rubbish produced. 8.0 Results Champion Chelsea Wonder Girls First Runner-up Manchester United Footsal Gaga-s Second Runner-up Liverpool Maths Girls

Team Male Female 9.0

Problems and recommendations: Among the problems encountered was the extremely hot weather on

that day. Besides, the uneven ground hindered the true potential of the players. This also proved that the matches were not up to the standard of real Futsal which is an indoor game. Due to financial inability to rent the indoor stadium and the fact that the only gymnasium of our institute was occupied,

we were forced to use the field of the institute. It is recommended that we should look for sponsorship to lessen our financial problem. 10.0 Conclusion: In nutshell, we learnt a lot through organizing this competition. Teamwork is absolutely essential and vital in organizing an event like this. Without the cooperation from every committee members, things will hardly go according to plan.

Prepared by, (BOB TENG) Secretary Class Project Committee PPISMP MT/BI/BC 2 July 2009 Date:

Verified by, (Jack Ricky) Chairperson Class Project Committee PPISMP MT/BI/BC 2 July 2009 Date:

Task 2b: Reflection Jeremiah Ng Yian Juen

This assignment taught me a lot of things. First and foremost, it reminded me of the beauty of poems. Just like book, poem is where the lines connect the poets mind to the reader. I learnt

to appreciate it more. With just a few words, a poet can touch ones heart and share the particular state of mind that the poet implanted in the poem. Secondly, I learnt the important poetic devices which help make up a good poem besides a poets muse. They allow a poem to become more lively and interesting. They help to attract the readers attention. With this knowledge, I am able to understand a poem much deeper and clearer. Apart from that, I also learnt the proper way of report writing. I never like formal writing because it restricts the expression of personal feelings and emotions. It is too serious for me. Nevertheless, recounting in a formal way is unavoidable for me in my carrier-to-be I guess.

Patrick Teng Jing Wei

After our English lecturer gave us the assignment, she started explained to us about the assignment so that we would know what we should do in the assignment. This time, our assignment given was about preparing a report about any activities that we had organized and doing an analysis on any poem that we like. Besides, our lecturer told us not to hesitate about our

assignment and advised us to complete our tasks the earlier the better. This assignment must be done by pair work, so I paired up with Jeremiah Ng. The second day of it, we started to gather to discuss about our assignment. Finally, we had decided to prepare a report about Futsal Competition whereas the poem that we selected was The Lockless Door by Robert Frost. Undoubtly, in the process of completing this assignment was very hard. In this assignment, I had face the biggest problem, which is I could not surf the Internet in the college. Thats what makes me so frustrated. In order to overcome it, I have to surf the Internet at Cyber Caf. In addition, I even faced the problem in understanding the assignment at first. Fortunately Jeremiah is willing to help me. In nutshell, I also learnt that cooperation between teammates is so important not only in doing assignment, but also vital to achieve success in life. After this assignment, I think my relationship with my friends is getting better than ever. I really want to thank him. Without him, I think I will never have done a successful assignment. Last but not least, I also wanted to thank my lecturer for willing to guide and help us to complete our assignment perfectly.

The Lockless Door. Reprinted from A Miscellany of American Poetry 1920. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Howe, 1920.

Poetic Devices. Judi Moreillon. Fall 2003. Retrieved 24 August 2010 from:

The Poetry of Robert Frost Summary and Analysis. Retrieved 24 August 2010 from:

"The Lockless Door" (1923) Analysis This poem is made up of five stanzas of four lines each. Each line is very short and written in the dance-like tumbling meter of two feet per line with one to three syllables per foot.

The poem is based on an autobiographical event that occurred early in Frosts career. Throughout his childhood, Frost was extremely afraid of the dark, to the point where he slept on a bed in his mothers room through his high school years. In 1895, Frost was staying alone in a cottage on Ossipee Mountain when he heard a knock on the old, lockless door. Frost was too terrified to answer the door but jumped through a window in the back and then called Come in! from the outside. The next morning, Frost returned to the cottage and found one of his neighbors in a drunken slumber on the floor. In the poem, Frost takes the comic event and creates a more ominous force outside the lockless door. He uses the term whatever instead of whoever in order to express the knocks unknown and potentially threatening origin, as well as the abstract nature of the narrators own fear. Frost also highlights the narrators terror by using short, stilted lines and placing the stress on the final syllable of each statement. In the final stanza, Frost gently mocks the terrified narrator (and himself) by pointing out that a simple knock is enough to make the narrator completely leave his home for the safety of the New England winter. Frost also suggests that the narrator is losing an opportunity to save himself from isolation: this is the first knock on the door for many years and possibly the first chance that the narrator has had to meet another person for an equally long amount of time. Rather than communicating with another person in his cage, however, the narrator chooses to abandon it completely. Significantly, the narrator still invites the person outside to come in, but only after he has established a detached position outside the house. He is willing to offer hospitality, but cannot bring himself to offer the hospitality on a personal level: even if the person does enter the house, the narrator will not be there to welcome him. Yet, in his effort to escape the person at his door, the narrator inadvertently escapes his own enforced isolation. Since he cannot reenter his house (not knowing who is in there), the narrator is suddenly forced to interact with the rest of the world and finally alter with age, adapting to others than only himself.




Alliteration repetition of the initial consonant sounds terrible truths and lullaby lies assonance repetition of vowel sound mystery disguised within consonance imagery repetition of consonant sounds, but not vowel sounds gloomy woman


language that evokes sensory images drip of ruby teardrops (aural/sound) to wake up where the green grass grows (visual/sight) lips like cool sweet tea (oral/taste) streaming through a velvet sky (tactile/touch) the stench of the underworld (olfactory/smell)

internal rhyme rhyming that occurs within the line (rather than at the end) metaphor comparison of unlike things (made without using like or as) onomatopoeia a word that imitates the sound it represents personification giving human qualities or characteristics to animals or objects from my soul rhyme a pattern of words that contains similar sounds at the end of the line life for me is wild and free rhyme scheme a repeated pattern of rhymed words at the end of the line lusty eyes (A) tears of amber fall Boo! Who? I am the "Lone Star" piece of me emerges

passionate cries (A) rich blood, (B) bitter sweat (C) she/he loves (D) and dies (A) simile a comparison using like or as the page notes dance across like stars twinkle in the night sky stanza a group of poetic lines (also called a verse) Like glistening sun and moon like day and gloomy night like pure earth and gentle clouds

transformation - life and death symbol an object or action that means more than its literal meaning always open like a rosebud about to bloom (a young girl)

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