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Chapter 3 Charismatic and Transformational Leadership

Leadership by Dubrin 6th edition

The Meaning of Charisma

Charisma is a special quality of leaders whose purposes, powers, and extraordinary determination differentiate them from others. In general use, the term charismatic means to have a charming and colorful personality, such as that shown by such some stars. Charisma is a positive and compelling quality of a person that makes many others want to be led by that person.

Charisma a Relationship between the Leader and Group Members

It involves a relationship or interaction between the leader and the people being led. The people accepting the leadership must attribute charismatic qualities to the leader. Charismatic leaders use impression management to deliberately cultivate a certain relationship with group members. Their influence extends beyond the immediate work group and beyond reporting relationships. Seeing Jung in a business magazine, consumers willing to give Avon products.

The Effect of Charisma Halperts Dimensions of Charisma

1-) Referent power, the ability to influence others because of ones desirable traits and characteristics. If we like a leader, he or she might be able to exercise referent power. 2-) Expert power, the ability to influence others because of ones specialized knowledge, skills, or abilities. 3-)The ability to get group members excited about their work, to experience job involvement.

Types of Charismatic Leaders

1-) A socialized charismatic : is a leader who restrains the use of power in order to benefit others. Attempts to bring group members values in line with his or her values. Formulates and pursues goals that fulfill the needs of group members and provide intellectual stimulation to them. Followers of socialized charismatic's are empowered, and responsible.

2-) Personalized charismatic : Such individuals serve primarily their own interests and so exercise few restraints on their use of power. Personalized charisma tics impose self-serving goals on constituents, and they offer consideration and support to group members only when it facilitates their own goals.
Followers of personalized charisma tics are typically obedient, submissive, and dependent.

Types of Charismatic Leaders (Cont.)

3) The office-holder charismatic. For this type of leader, charismatic leadership is more a property of the office occupied than of his or her personal characteristics. 4) Personal (not personalized) charismatic's: gain very high esteem through the faith others have in them. A personal charismatic exerts influence whether he or she occupies a low- or high-status position because he or she has the right traits, characteristics, and behaviors. 5) The divine charismatic: Originally, charismatic leadership was a theological concept: a divine charismatic was someone endowed with a gift of divine grace.

Characteristics of Charismatic Leaders

A transformational leader is one who brings about positive, major changes in an organization. Visionary because they offer an exciting image of where the organization is headed and how to get there. Masterful communication skills. Able to make group members feel capable.

Characteristics of Charismatic Leaders (Cont.)

Emotional expressiveness and warmth are also notable. Warm gestures and frequent (nonsexual) touching of group members, is also characteristic of charismatic leaders. Romanticize risk (they enjoy risk). Uses unconventional strategies to achieve success. Self-promoting personality. Being dramatic and unique.

The Vision Component of Charismatic Leadership

Vision: the ability to imagine different and better future conditions and ways to achieve them. Mission is a purpose, and reason for being. Vision statement is likely to be more inspirational when it combines three elements: 1. A reason for being beyond making money. 2. Timeless, unchanging core values. 3. Ambitious but achievable goals.

Samples for Vision Statements

Samples for vision statements: Google: To make nearly all information accessible to everyone all the time. Microsoft Corporation: To enable people throughout the word to realize their potential.

The Communication style of Charismatic Leaders

1-) Management by Inspiring: To inspire her associates to higher performance, she often said: You see, a bee shouldnt be able to fl y; its body is too heavy. a-) By using Metaphors and Analogies for its wings. But the bumblebee doesnt know that and it flies very well. Mary Kay to encourage women. Metaphors and analogies are inspiring.

The Communication style of Charismatic Leaders (Cont.)

b-)Gearing Language to Different Audiences: effective leaders must also choose the level of language that will suit their audience. 2-) Management by Story Telling (Anecdote): charismatic and transformational leaders is that they make extensive use of memorable stories to get messages across.

The Development of Charisma Techniques for Developing Charisma:

Developing some of the traits, characteristics, and behaviors of charismatic people: 1-Create Visions for Others: A vision uplifts and attracts others. 2-Be Enthusiastic, Optimistic, and Energetic: ample sleep, rest, 15-minute nap during a day, shower and nap before meetings. Exercise every day 10 minuets walk day, healthy food, and finish your do list.

The Development of Charisma Techniques for Developing Charisma (Cont.)

3-Be Sensibly Persistent: almost-never-accept-no attitude. 4-Remember Names of People associating a persons name with a visual image. The best system of name retention remains to listen carefully to the name, repeat it immediately, and study the persons face. 5-Develop Synchrony with Others: A practical method of being in synch with another person is to adjust your posture to conform to his or her posture. The other person stands up straight, and so do you; when he or she slouches, you do also.

The Development of Charisma Techniques for Developing Charisma (Cont.)

6- Develop a Personal Brand, Including Making an Impressive Appearance: it will help develop your reputation. Your personal brand also helps you attract people to accept your leadership. 7- Creating a polished impressive appearance: a person can make slight gains in projecting a charismatic image.

The Development of Charisma Techniques for Developing Charisma (Cont.)

7-Be Candid Charismatic people, especially effective leaders, are remarkably candid with people. 8-Display an In-Your-Face Attitude the preferred route to being perceived as charismatic is to be a positive, warm, and humanistic person.

Transformational and Transactional Leadership

Transformational leader helps bring about major, positive changes by moving group members beyond their self-interests and toward the good of the group, organization, or society. Transactional leader focuses on more routine transactions, rewarding group members for meeting standards (contingent reinforcement).

How Transformation Take Place THE LEADER Take these Steps:

1. Raises peoples awareness. 2. Helps people look beyond self-interest. 3. Helps people search for self-fulfillment. 4. Helps people understand need for change. 5. Invests managers with sense of urgency. 6. Is committed to greatness. 7. Adopts a long-range, broad perspective and at the same time observing organizational issues from a broad rather than a narrow perspective. 8. Builds trust. 9. Concentrating resources on areas that need the most change. All these steps lead to Transformations.

Attributes of Transformational Leaders

Transformational leaders: Are charismatic agreeableness and extraversion. Create a vision. By communicating a vision, they convey a set of values that guide and motivate employees. Encourage the personal development of their staff. Supportive leadership. Practice Empowerment. Innovative thinking. Lead by example (traveling and eating at time of cut back. Moral reasoning.

The Impact of Transformational and Charismatic Leadership on Performance

The impact of transformational leadership is that at its best it can arouse followers to a higher level of thinking. Transformational leaders appeal to the ideals and values of their constituents, thereby enhancing commitment to a carefully crafted vision. Followers are inspired to develop new ways of thinking about problems.

Overall Validity of transformational Leadership

Transformational leadership showed the highest overall relationships on six criteria: (a) follower job satisfaction. (b) follower leader satisfaction. (c) follower motivation. (d) leader job performance. (e) group or organization performance. (f) rated leader effectiveness.

Business Unit Performance and Team Level Performance

Empirical research indicates that leaders who display more individualized consideration, intellectual stimulation, and charisma (transformational leaders) have high business unit performance.

Team Level Performance Transformational and charismatic leadership also have positive effects on work teams. Leadership polarity: leaders are often either revered or vastly unpopular. Martha Stewart is a prime example of a leader who experiences leadership polarity.

The Dark side of Charismatic Leadership

One concern about charismatic and transformational leadership is that the concept is murky. Many non charismatic leaders are effective. Another concern is that some charismatic leaders are unethical and devious, suggesting that being charismatic does not necessarily help the organization. A true charismatic and transformational leader is highly concerned about human welfare and attaining organizational goals.

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