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To whom it may concern

It is to certify that the project title SWOT Analysis of State Bank of India is an original work of Mr. Matul student of B.B.A. Dronacharya college. It gives me immense pleasure to certify that the work embodied in the research project has been carried out under my supervision. The data reported in the project report are genuine to the best of my knowledge and project is worth of consideration for the award of BBA degree.

Project Guide : Miss Shivani Lect. B.B.A.

I feel immense pleasure in presenting the project report

SWOT Analysis of SBI This whole effort is the result of guidance, assistance and inspiration of several people, who helped me throughout my study and in the preparation of this report. I find no words to express my great gratitude and thanks to all of them. I am really grateful to my project guide, MS.Shivani, because without her help and guidance it wouldnt have been possible for me to create and present this project. I am also grateful to faculty members, who gave me permission and time to undertake this project.



This project report on SWOT analysis on SBI is beneficial for everyone who is interested in knowing about the working of SBI. This is a complete report on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the SBI and can help everyone who is interested in working of SBI.

This report is divided in 5 chapters where chapter 1 includes Introduction of SWOT ANALYSIS. Chapter 2 includes Introduction to STATE BANK OF INDIA. Chapter 3 is RESEARCH METHODOLOGY. In chapter 4 TOOLS and TECHNIQUEs are given. Chapter 5 includes CONCLUSION and RECOMMENTATION.

Title Page To whom it may concern Acknowledgement Preface Contents

Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION TO SWOT ANALYSIS Technological environment Supplier environment Economic environment Regulatory environment Political environment Socio-cultural environment International environment Market environment

Chapter2: INTRODUCTION TO SBI. History of SBI. Organizational structure Overview Vision and mission

Chapter3: RESEARCH AND METHODOLOGY Need of the study Scope Objective of study Limitation Methodology

Chapter4: SWOT ANALYSES OF BANK Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

Chapter5: FINDINGS AND SUGGESTIONS Findings Suggestions Recommendations


Strength, weaknesses, opportunity and threats (SWOT) analysis:Business firms undertake SWOT analysis to understand their external and internal environment, SWOT, which is the acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, is also known as WOTS-UP or TOWS analysis. Through such as analysis, the strengths and weakness existing in an organization can be matched with opportunities and threats operating in the environment so that an effective strategy can be formulated. An effective organizational strategy,

therefore, is the one that capitalizes on the opportunities through the use of strengths and neutralizes the threats by minimizing the impact of weaknesses. SWOT analysis is done in two parts. These are:

External threats and opportunities profile (ETOP) Strategic advantages profile (SAP)

External threats and opportunities profile (ETOP):External threats and opportunities profile (ETOP) is one of the many techniques available to structure the environment appraisal for an organization. The preparation of ETOP involves dividing the environment into different sectors and then analyzing the impact of each sector on the organization. ETOP requires subdividing each environment al sector into sub factors and then the impact of each sub sector on the organization is described in the form of a statement. For the sake of simplicity, a summary ETOP may only show the major factors. The preparation of an ETOP provides the strategists with a clear picture of which sector (and the different factors in each sector) have a favorable impact on the organization. By means of an ETOP, the organization can see where it stands with respect to its environment. Such an understanding can be of great help to an organization in formulating appropriate strategies to take advantages of the opportunities and counter the threats in its environment. Following external environment factors should be taken into consideration while preparing an external threat and opportunities profile (ETOP).

Technological environment:-

The technological environment consists of the factors related to the knowledge applied and the materials and machines used in the production of the goods and services having an impact on the business of an organization. Some of the important factors and influences operating in the technological environment are as follows: - Sources of technology - Technological development - Impact of technology on human beings

Communication and infrastructural technology in management.

Suppliers environment:The supplier environment consists of the factors related to the cost, reliability, and availability of the factors of production or services having an impact on the business of an organization. Some of the important factors and influences operating in the supplier environment are as follows:- Cost availability and continuity of supply of raw materials, sub assemblies, parts and components. - Cost and availability of finance for implementation plans and projects. - Cost, reliability and availability of energy used in production. - Cost, reliability and availability of energy used in production. - Cost, availability and the existence of sources and means for the supply of plants and machinery, spare parts and after sales services.

Economic environment:The economic environment consists of macro level factors related to the means of production and distribution of wealth having an impact on the business of an organization. Some of the important factors and influences operating in the economic environment are as follows:- The economic stage at which a country exists at a given point of time. - The economic structure adopted- a capitalistic or mixed economy.

- Economic policies- industrial, monetary and fiscal policies. - Economic planning-five year plans, annual budgets and so on.

Regulatory environment:The regulatory environment consists of factors related to planning, promotion, and regulation of economic activities by the govt. having an impact on the business of an organization. Some of the important factors and influences operating in the regulatory environment are as follows. - The constitutional framework, directive principles, fundamental rights, and division of legislative power between central and state governments.

- Policies related to licensing, monopolies, foreign investment, and financing of industries.

- Policies related to imports and exports. - Policies related to distribution and pricing and their control. - Other policies related to the public sector, small scale industries, sick industries, development of backward areas, control of environmental pollution, and consumer protection.

Political environment:The political environment consists of the factor related to the management of public affairs and their impact on the business of an organization. Some of the important factors and influences operating in the political environment are as follow:- The political system and its features: the nature of political system, ideological forces and centers of power. - The political structure, its goals and stability.

- Political processes: the operation of the party system, election, funding of election and legislation with respect to economic and industrial promotion and regulation.

- Political philosophy, governments role in business, and its policies and interventions in economic and business development.

Socio- cultural environment:The socio-cultural environment consists of factors related to human relationship within a society; the development, forms and functions of such a relationship; and learnt and shared behavior or group of human beings which have a bearing on the business of an organization. Some of the important factors and influences operating in the socio-cultural environment are as follows: - Demographic characteristics. - Socio-cultural concerns. - Socio-cultural attitude and values. - Family structure and changes in it, attitude toward and within the family and family values. - The role and position of men, women, children, adolescents, and in the family and the society.

International environment:-

The international environment consists of all those operating at the translational, cross-cultural, and across the border level heaving impact on the business of an organization. Some of the important factor and influences operating in the international environment are as follows. Global trade and commerce, its process and trends. Global financial system, sources of financing and accounting standards. Global demographic pattern and shifts. Global technological and quality systems and standards. Global market and competitiveness. Global legal system, adjudication and arbitration mechanisms.

Market environment:The market environment consists of the factors related to the groups and other organization that complete with and have an impact on an organizations markets and business. Some of the important factors and influences operations in the international environment are as follows: - Customer or clients factors. - Product factors:- the demand, image, features, utility, functions, design, life cycle, price, promotion, distribution, differentiation, and the availability of substitutes of products or services.

- Marketing intermediary factors: levels and quality of customer services, middlemen, distribution channels, logistics, costs, delivery system, and financial intermediaries.

- Competitor related factors: the different types of competitors, entry and exit of major competition.

Strategic advantages profile (SAP)

Strategic advantage profile (SAP) is a technique uses to structure the organizational appraisal. The preparation of an SAP provides the strategists with a clear picture of the various functional areas (and the different factors in each functional area) which have a favorable and unfavorable impact on the organization. SAP provides a picture of the more critical areas, which can have a relationship to the strategic posture of the firm in future. SAP shows the strengths and weaknesses in different functional areas. Followings functional areas or organizational capabilities should be taken into consideration while preparing a SAP.

Financial Capability:They relate to the availability, usages, and management of funds, and all allied aspects, which have a bearing on an organizations capacity and ability to implement its strategies, some of the important factors influencing the financial capacity of any organization are as follows:- Sources of funds:- capital structure, procurement of capital, controllership, financing pattern, working capital availability,

borrowings, capital and credit availability, reserve and surplus, and relationship with lenders, bank and financial institutions. - Usage of funds:-capital investment, fixed asset acquisition, current asset, loans and advances, dividends distribution and relationship with shareholders.

- Management of funds: - financial, accounting, and budgeting system: management control system; state of financial health, cash, inflation, credit, return, and risk management; cost reduction and control; tax planning and advantages.

Marketing capacity:Marketing capacity factors relate to the pricing, promotion, and distribution of products or services, and all the allied aspects that have a bearing on an organizations capacity and ability to implement its strategies. Some of the important factors influencing the marketing capability of any organization are as follows:-

Products factors: - variety, differentiation, mix quality, positioning, packaging and other.

Price factors: - pricing objectives, policies, changes, protection, and advantages, among others.

Place factors: - distribution, transportation and logistics, marketing channels marketing intermediates, and so on. Promotional factors: -promotional tools, sales promotion, advertising, public relations and so on.

Integrative and systematic factors: - marketing mix, market standing, company image, marketing organization, marketing system, marketing managements, information system and so on.

Operations capacity:Operations capability factors related to the production of products or services, the use of material resources, and all allied aspects that have a bearing on an organizations capacity and ability to implement its strategies. Some of the important factor which influencing the operations capacity of an organization are as follows: - Production system factors: - capacity, location, layout, product or service design, work systems, degree of automation, extent of vertical integration, and others. - Operations and control system factors: - aggregate production planning, material supply: inventory, cost, and quality control; maintenance system and procedures, and so on.

- R and D system factors: - personnel, facilities, product development, patent rights, level of technology used, technical collaboration and support, and so on.

Personnel capability:Personnel capability factors related to the existence and use of human resources and skill, and all allied aspect that have a bearing on an organizations capacity and ability to implement its strategies. Some of the important factors influencing the personnel capability of an organization are as follows: - Personnel system factor: - system for manpower planning, selection, development, compensation, communication and appraisal; position of the person department within organization: procedure and standards; and so on. - Organizational and employees characteristics factors-corporate image, quality of managers, staff and workers; perceptive about and image of the organization as an employer; availability of development opportunities for employees; working condition.

- Industrial relations factors: - union management relationship collective bargaining, safety, welfare, and security, employees satisfaction and morale, among others.

Information management capability:Information management capability factors relate to the design and management of the flow of information from outside into, and within, an organization for the purpose of decision making and all allied aspect that have a bearing of an organization capacity and ability to implement its strategies. Some of the important factors influencing the information capability of an organization are as follows:- Factor related to acquisition and retention of information: - sources, quantity and timelines if information, retention capacity and security of information. - Factors related to the processing and synthesis of informationdatabase management, computer system, software capability and ability to synthesize information.

- Factors related to retrieval and usage of information: - availability and appropriateness of information formats and capacity to assimilate and use information. - Factor related to transmission and dissemination: - speed, scope, width and depth of coverage of information and willingness to accept information. - Integrative, systemic and supportive factors: - availability of IT infrastructure, its relevance and compatibility to organizational needs, up gradation facilities willingness to invest in state-of the-art system, availability of computer professional and top management support.

General management capability:General management capability to the integration, co-ordination, and direction of the functional capabilities towards common goals, and all the allied aspect that have a bearing on an organizations capacity and ability to implement its strategies. Some of the important factors influencing the personnel capability of an organization are as follows: - Factors related to the general management system: - Strategic management system, processes related to setting strategic intent, strategy formulation and implementation machinery, strategy evaluation system, management information system, corporate planning system, rewards and incentive system for top managers and so on.

- Factors related to general managers: - orientation, risk- propensity, values, norms, personal goals, competence, capacity for work, track record, balance of function experience and so forth.

- Factors related to external relationships: - influence on and rapport with the government, regulatory agencies and financial institutions; public relation; sense of social responsibility, philanthropy, public image as corporate citizen, and so on.



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State Bank of India is an India-based bank. In addition to banking, the Company, through its subsidiaries, provides a range of financial services, which include life insurance, merchant banking, mutual funds, credit card, factoring, security trading, pension fund management and primary dealership

in the money market. It operates in four business segments: the treasury segment includes the entire investment portfolio and trading in foreign exchange contracts and derivative contracts; the corporate / wholesale banking segment comprises the lending activities of corporate accounts group, mid corporate accounts group and stressed assets management group; the retail banking segment comprises of branches in National Banking Group, which primarily includes personal banking activities, and other banking business. As of March 31, 2011, the Bank had a network of 18,266 branches including 4,724 branches of its five Associate Banks.

HISTORY:The evolution of State Bank of India can be traced back to the first decade of the 19th century. It began with the establishment of the Bank of Calcutta in Calcutta, on 2 June 1806. The bank was redesigned as the Bank of Bengal, three years later, on 2 January 1809. It was the first ever joint-stock bank of the British India, established under the sponsorship of the Government of Bengal. Subsequently, the Bank of Bombay (established on 15 April 1840) and the Bank of Madras (established on 1 July 1843) followed the Bank of Bengal. These three banks dominated the modern banking scenario in India, until when they were amalgamated to form the Imperial Bank of India, on 27 January 1921. An important turning point in the history of State Bank of India is the launch of the first Five Year Plan of independent India, in 1951. The Plan aimed at serving the Indian economy in general and the rural sector of the country, in particular. Until the Plan, the commercial banks of the country, including the Imperial Bank

of India, confined their services to the urban sector. Moreover, they were not equipped to respond to the growing needs of the economic revival taking shape in the rural areas of the country. Therefore, in order to serve the economy as a whole and rural sector in particular, the All India Rural Credit Survey Committee recommended the formation of a state-partnered and state-sponsored bank. The All India Rural Credit Survey Committee proposed the take over of the Imperial Bank of India, and integrating with it, the former state-owned or stateassociate banks. Subsequently, an Act was passed in the Parliament of India in May 1955. As a result, the State Bank of India (SBI) was established on 1 July 1955. This resulted in making the State Bank of India more powerful, because as much as a quarter of the resources of the Indian banking system were controlled directly by the State. Later on, the State Bank of India (Subsidiary Banks) Act was passed in 1959. The Act enabled the State Bank of India to make the eight former State-associated banks as its subsidiaries. The State Bank of India emerged as a pacesetter, with its operations carried out by the 480 offices comprising branches, sub offices and three Local Head Offices, inherited from the Imperial Bank. Instead of serving as mere repositories of the community's savings and lending to creditworthy parties, the State Bank of India catered to the needs of the customers, by banking purposefully. The bank served the heterogeneous financial needs of the planned economic development.


The corporate center of SBI is located in Mumbai. In order to cater to different functions, there are several other establishments in and outside Mumbai, apart from the corporate center. The bank boasts of having as many as 14 local head offices and 57 Zonal Offices, located at major cities throughout India. It is recorded that SBI has about 10000 branches, well networked to cater to its customers throughout India.

ATM Services

SBI provides easy access to money to its customers through more than 8500 ATMs in India. The Bank also facilitates the free transaction of money at the ATMs of State Bank Group, which includes the ATMs of State Bank of India as well as the Associate Banks State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur, State Bank of Hyderabad, State Bank of Indore, etc. You may also transact money through SBI Commercial and International Bank Ltd by using the State Bank ATMcum-Debit (Cash Plus) card.

SBI has five associate banks; all use the same logo of a blue circle and all the associates use the "State Bank of" name, followed by the regional headquarters' name:

State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur State Bank of Hyderabad State Bank of Mysore State Bank of Patiala State Bank of Travancore

Earlier SBI had only seven associate banks that constituted the State Bank Group. Originally, the then seven banks that became the associate banks belonged to princely states until the government nationalised them between October 1959 and May 1960. In tune with the first Five Year Plan, emphasising the development of rural India, the government integrated these banks into the State Bank of India system to expand its rural outreach. There has been a proposal to merge all the associate banks into SBI to create a "mega bank" and streamline operations.

The first step towards unification occurred on August 13, 2008 when State Bank of Saurashtra merged with SBI, reducing the number of state banks from seven to six. Then on June 19, 2009 the SBI board approved the merger of its subsidiary, State Bank of Indore, with itself. SBI holds 98.3% in State Bank of Indore. (Individuals who held the shares prior to its takeover by the government hold the balance of 1.77%.) The acquisition of State Bank of Indore added 470 branches to SBI's existing network of 12,448 and over 21,000 ATMs. Also, following the acquisition, SBI's total assets will inch very close to the 10 trillion mark. The total assets of SBI and the State Bank of Indore stood at 9,981,190 million as of March 2009. The process of merging of State Bank of Indore was completed by April 2010, and the SBI Indore branches started functioning as SBI branches on August 26, 2010

Non-banking subsidiaries

Apart from its five associate banks, SBI also has the following non-banking subsidiaries: 1. SBI Capital Markets Ltd 2. SBI Funds Management Pvt Ltd 3. SBI Factors & Commercial Services Pvt Ltd 4. SBI Cards & Payments Services Pvt. Ltd. (SBICPSL) 5. SBI DFHI Ltd 6. SBI Life Insurance Company Ltd. 7. SBI General Insurance

Current Board of Directors:After the end of O. P. Bhatt's reign as SBI Chairman on 31st March, 2011, the post was taken over by Pratip Chaudhuri, who is the former Deputy Managing Director of the International Division of SBI. As on 4th August, 2011, there are twelve members in the SBI Board of Directors, including Subir Gokarn, who is also one of the four Deputy Governors of the Reserve Bank of India. The complete list of the Board members are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Pratip Chaudhuri (Chairman) Hemant G. Contractor (Managing Director) Diwakar Gupta (Managing Director) A Krishna Kumar (Managing Director) Dileep C Choksi (Director) S. Venkatachalam (Director) D. Sundaram (Director) Parthasarathy Iyengar (Director) G. D. Nadaf (Officer Employee Director)

10.Rashpal Malhotra (Director) 11.D. K. Mittal (Director) 12.Subir V. Gokarn (Director)

ACEIVEMENTS:1. Lipper Award-The Lipper India Awards 2008. 2. ICRA-Mutual Fund Awards 2008 3. Outlook Money-NDTV profit Awards. 4. AwaaZ Consumer Awards 2007

5. Largest Bank in India 6. Bank that has more than 16000 branches in India (more than 26000 if we include associate banks) 7. Bank with the most number of ATMs in India - 21000 (more than 45000 if we include associate banks) 8. The 29th most reputed company in the world according to Forbes 9. The oldest commercial bank in operation in the Indian subcontinent 10. The Indian bank with most number of overseas branches (131 across 32 countries)


The epoch of individuality is Concluded and it is the duty of reformers to initiate the epoch of Association. Collective man is Omnipotent upon the earth he treats.

Objectives of our Association:

We believe in National Developments, Regional Developments and quick implementation of National Policies. We believe in growth with profitability of our Bank Consistent with National Policies. We believe in the welfare of our membership and have full faith in the development of Hr for the speedy growth of the Bank. We believe in efficiency in the functioning of Bank at all levels and better customer service at all times.

We believe in industrial democracy is running of the Bank with participation in managing at all levels. We oppose injustice of all kinds in the Bank. We oppose inefficiency of all kinds at all levels in the Bank. we oppose irregular practices of all kinds at all levels in the Bank. we oppose corruption of all kinds at all levels in the Bank. we oppose anti-national and anti-regional administrative practices in the Bank.



Bonding and Integrity Ethical conduct Periodic disclosure Confidentiality and fair dealing Compliance with rules and regulations

Products and Services:SBI offers Corporate and Retail Internet Banking Products and Other Value Added Services Select a link in the list to view details of a specific product. Products

Advantage (Khata) Advantage Plus (KhataPlus) CINB (Saral) Privilege (Vyapaar) Freedom (Vistaar) Electronic Vendor Finance Electronic Dealer Finance Direct Debit E-Collection


Access to multiple users Account view / Statement Funds Transfer Third party funds transfer (RTGS/NEFT) Demand Draft request Utility Bill Payment Bulk transaction through file upload Direct and indirect tax payment SMS/Email alerts User hierarchy with discretionary access/rights to accounts MIS reports Host to Host integration

Demat View facility



Market Cap (Rs. in Cr.)

P/E (TTM) (x)

P/BV (TTM) (x) 1.99 1.44 1.37 1.23 1.12 1.07 0.83 1.25 1.17 0.77 0.73 1.14 1.05 0.96 0.87


ROE (%)

ROCE (%)

D/E (x)

St Bk of India Bank of Baroda Punjab Natl.Bank Bank of India Canara Bank Union Bank (I) IDBI Bank Indian Bank Allahabad Bank IOB Oriental Bank Central Bank Andhra Bank Syndicate Bank Corporation Bank

144,964.77 32,568.71 30,539.77 20,851.17 20,152.07 12,602.09 10,500.97 9,869.67 9,480.57 7,607.37 7,498.23 7,420.09 6,840.87 6,735.82 6,231.09

18.88 6.77 6.55 9.40 6.01 7.82 5.91 5.52 5.50 7.96 6.20 10.34 5.19 5.21 4.15

17.07 16.64 16.07 17.62 14.95 16.03 13.51 13.61 15.44 16.83 13.64 15.94 14.08 16.64 16.07

12.6 23.5 24.5 17.3 26.4 20.9 15.8 23.0 21.0 14.8 17.2 19.5 23.2 17.6 21.9

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Research Methodology

Need of the study:The present study will be helpful to know about the strength and weaknesses of the organization. This study helps the management of the company in identifying the areas of the financial strengths and to pinpoint weaknesses to take corrective action. So it is very important to study the financial performance of the companies to understand the financial position of the company. To study the financial performance of the company, analysis and interpretation of the financial statement is done as following.

Scope: Provides all the crucial company information required for business and competitor intelligence needs.

Contains a study of the major internal and external factors affecting the company in the form of SWOT analysis as well as a breakdown and examination of leading product revenue streams.

Data is supplemented with details on the companys history, key executives, business description, locations and subsidiaries as well as a list of product and services and the latest available company statement.

Objective of the study: To acquire knowledge about the functional as well as the managerial aspects of the Company.

To gain and acquire knowledge about the origin and History of the Company.

To understand and study the various departmental functions in the Organization.

To assess and evaluate the efficiency of the Organization.

To observe the Organizational Structure, Hierarchies, Levels etc


This present study is conducted with the following limitation:-

The period of study is restricted only to five years. Because of limitations of time and money this study could not studied in detail.

The study is confined only to the financial aspect of SBI. Only the secondary sources of data are used for the study, which have their limitation.


Sources of data:Secondary sources are the main sources of data and the study is based on the same. Most of data have taken from the published record and annual report. The other sources of information such as office records, and annual reports. The other sources of information such as office records, published and unpublished, official website has constituted a substantial sources of data.





High awareness of brand among consumers. Benefits of large scale operations. Innovative promotions and advertising initiatives. Research and development potential. Management talent of international quality. Dedicated and well coordinated human resource. Company has a sophisticated quality control system. Its corporate social responsibility. Market leader in India. Wide distribution network. Government owned.


Not much emphasis on aggressive selling. Minor hindrances. Hierarchical management Lags modernisation


Merger of associate banks with SBI Opportunities for public sector banks New branches and ATMs. Expansion on foreign soil.


Advent of MNC banks. CRM. Private banks venturing into the rural. Employee strikes. Cut throat competition.



From this project it is found that SBI advance project having the first
place in the markets of some part of India. There is a great opportunity of compete with other banks and to retain its customers by providing advance products .


has been found that all of the SBI customers are satisfied with all its customers. repayment period of advance product.

Many of these customers are satisfied with low interest rate and longer Most of the consumers prefer to take loan from SBI Response from customers care are so good and clear. Many of the consumers have no time to call the customer care so they are
unable to know about the advance products of SBI.

Most consumers has shifted from other banks advance products to SBI
due to its hidden charges , high interest rates and less repayment period.


employees are more concerned with advance products than private employees. processing and quick processing are some of the reasons for selection SBIs advance products over other banks.

Less paper work , attractive interest rates, transparency, simple and fast



Costumer awareness programs are required so that more and more consumers can be attracted towards its products and sevices. If there are any type of hidden charges than they must be disclosed to the consumers before giving the loans . SBI must take some steps so that consumers can get there loans in time like phone verification etc. SBI should be more concerned physical verification than phone verification so that there will be no frauds. For better services new products must be required. Customer cares must be more concerned about fast settlements of consumers problems. Before charging any money the bank should concern the customers first. Agents should be tained and well educated. Bank must disclose all the material facts among the customers. Bank should increase repayment period for loans. Special schemes should be launched to influence customers and agents both. SBI should be more focused on retaining existing customers.

Bank must take feedbacks of customers regarding features of products from time to time.


There should be more time period for repayment of loan. Education loans should be provided to private colleges also which do not comes under AICTE or any kind of university. SBI should take steps to solve customer problems immediately. Agents should be well educated and trained to convince the people. Loan sanction dates should be according to customers conveniences. A customer awareness programme should take place in rural India also.


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