A New Way Notes Neville Goddard

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REDEMPTION BY IMAGINATIVE LOVE If you wish to see a finer world, you must first affirm the reality of a finer

b eing within yourself. It is the ultimate purpose of my teaching to point the way to this consummation; to show how the inner you can readjust himself, as there must be a new premise of life; how to lose your soul on your present level of be ing, in order find it again on the higher level you seek. It is impossible for man to see other than the contents of his own consciousness , for nothing has existence save through his awareness of it. Always seeking a n ew incarnation, imagination is incapable of birth unless it is offered human par entage. You and I are the means by which nature is redeemed from the law of cruelty. If we decline this burden by pointing to natural law as conclusive proof, we nullif y the purpose of our lives. Through lack of faith we reject the only means by wh ich the process of redemption is affected, which is by Imaginative Love.

DRIVEN SUBJECTIVE EXPERIENCE The methods of mental and spiritual knowledge are entirely different. We know a thing mentally by looking at it from the outside, by comparing it with other thi ngs, by analyzing and defining it. But we can only know a thing spiritually by b ecoming it. Whitehead has defined religion as: That which a man does with his solitude. I shou ld like to add this thought. I believe it is what a man is in his solitude, for it is there that he is driven subjective experience. It is there that he imagines himself to be the man he desires to embody in the w orld. What we experience in our solitude, transforms itself into the image of our idea l and we are Renewed in the spirit of our mind, to put on the new man, to speak t ruth with our neighbor. The process of making a fact of being, a fact of consciousness, is by changing y our thinking. You cannot change your thoughts, however, unless you change your i deas. Thoughts are the natural outpouring of ideas, and a man s innermost ideas ar e the man himself. The end of longing is always to be, not to do. Be still and know you are that which you desire to be. Always strive after being ! External changes are useless your heart is not reformed.

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