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1. Go Go to and and type type LZ code LZ964, into LZ965, LZ1389, or LZ966 1. to LZLZ963, code_____ the search bar

into the search bar 2. Watch the lesson and take notes, the form Stop, below. Stop, rewind, 2. Watch the lesson and take notes, using using the form below. rewind, and re-watch each video as many as you want. and rewatch as times many times as you want. 3. Complete the guided practice videovideo on theon back ofback this page. 3. Complete the guided practice the of this page. 4. Turn your notes into your teacher. 4. Turn your notes into your teacher.

Name: Date:

What is this lesson about?


Mistakes to Avoid

Core Lesson (Write or Draw Pictures)

Guided Practice Notes (before seeing teacher demonstrate) Guided Practice Notes (after seeing teacher

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