Delphi Class Fleet Cruiser

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Delphi Class Fleet Cruiser

Class and Type: Delphi Class Fleet Cruiser Commissioning Date: 2249 Hull Characteristics Size: 7 Resistance: 10 Structure Points: 140 Operations Characteristics Crew/Passengers/Evac: 38/135/2700 7 pwr per rnd Computers: 3 2 pwr per rnd Hangers: 2 ea with 2 UD-4L dropship 6 pwr per rnd Cargo: 8APC and 5 MBT Propulsion and Power Characteristics Jump Drive: 0 .75 ly per day 80 pwr per rnd Interplanetary Drive: 0.52/1.05 AU per day 60/85 pwr per rnd Pwr :115 / Range: 1.35 yrs Sensor System Long Range Sensors: +1 / 0.18(ship size)2x AU 6 pwr per rnd Short range sensors: +1 / 0.97(ship size)2 x 10000 km 8 pwr per rnd Navigational sensors: +1 7 pwr per rnd Weapon Systems XIM-28A Missile system Number: 8 Range: 7.77 AU Arc: All Accuracy: +2 Damage: 28 Spread: 2 Defense: -5 Prw: 6 875 MeV Particle Beam system Number: 2 Range: 115000/195000/310000 Arc fwd Accuracy: +2 Damage: 11ignores resistance Pwr: 12 MK35 57mm Railguns Number: 5 in 2 dorsal and one ventral dual mount turrets and one single dorsal mount Range: 90000/155000/215000 Arc: turett Accuracy: +1 atp/+2 aep Damage: 26 atp / 17 aep Ammunition: 100 rds atp /125 rds aep Pwr: 5 Ordinance 17 low yield tactical nuclear devices: 5 MT 6 City buster Nuclear devices: 300 MT 95 Conventionnel MA80 Mines Damage 25 Weapon Skill 5 Defensive Systems ECM Jammer : 2 to hit Point defence: Mk26 dual 25mm Phanlanx Skill 3/ +2 Accuracy Slightly Stealthy contact: multiply all sensor and weapon ranges by 0.77 Pwr: 8 Designed as fleet protection vessel and escort to carrier forces. The Delphi has largely been supplanted by the kennedy missile cruisers for fleet defense. The Delphi is still employed when extensive close abroad battle is expected, however an older and

relatively expensive design, its days are no doubt numbered. The connestoga class light cruiser is expected to perform as a lighter and less expensive alternative to the Delphi, being only slightly smaller with weapons of comparable offensive capability.

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