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Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah




Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum


Cetakan Pertama 2011 Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia Hak Cipta Terpelihara. Tidak dibenarkan mengeluar ulang mana-mana bahagian artikel, ilustrasi dan isi kandungan buku ini dalam apa juga bentuk dan dengan cara apa jua sama ada secara elektronik, fotokopi, mekanik, rakaman atau cara lain sebelum mendapat kebenaran bertulis daripada Pengarah, Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia, Aras 4-8, Blok E9, Parcel E, Kompleks Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62604 Putrajaya.


Foreword Preface Section 1 The English Language Curriculum The Year Two English Syllabus Section 2 Listening and Speaking Reading Writing Language Arts Section 3 Sample Lesson 1 Sample Lesson 2 Sample Lesson 3 Sample Lesson 4 Section 4 Assessment Checklist Glossary Acknowledgements

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The new Malaysian English Language Curriculum for Primary Schools will be introduced in stages beginning 2011 starting with Year 1. This will then be continued with Year 2 in 2012. In line with that, CDD has produced this Year 2 guidebook as a useful resource for teachers in implementing the new curriculum. CDD believes that the contents of this guidebook will help Year Two English Language teachers to get accustomed to the changes in the new English Language Curriculum and act as a valuable teaching resource. The guidebook consists of suitable suggested teaching and learning strategies and activities for teachers. It also gives teachers ideas to help them organise their daily lessons. However, teachers are encouraged not to rely solely on this guidebook only when planning their lessons as it is hoped that they will use their own creativity and initiative to plan stimulating and enjoyable lessons suitable to their pupils level and background. Last but not least, CDD would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge with gratitude the contributions made by the panel of English teachers involved in making this guidebook a reality.

Tn Hj. Ibrahim bin Mohamad Director Curriculum Development Division


This teachers guidebook serves as a guide to teachers with regard to the learning standards that should be achieved. It covers some aspects of the language skills, language arts as well as the suggested word list required to be taught in Year Two. Section 1 of the guidebook provides an overview of the English Language Curriculum while Section 2 deals with the four language skills as well as language arts. Suggested activities are presented in a 3-column table for each module. The first is the activity column where suggested activities for teachers include explanations and teaching steps. The second is the content column which includes teaching points and the suggested word list. The third is the teachers notes column which includes teaching aids/materials and other instructions for teachers. Section 3 consists of complete sample lessons. In this section, teachers will be able to see and understand how the different language skills and language arts modules are presented for each week, based on one particular theme and topic, in a coherent and cohesive manner. Finally, Section 4 provides teachers with sample assessment checklists which the teacher can use to conduct formative assessment in the classroom. These complete sample lessons are provided to help teachers plan effective and enjoyable lessons. The guidebook provides suitable and practical suggestions of teaching methods via the materials provided. However, teachers are in a better position to make appropriate and relevant decisions when planning their lessons. There is no single best way and teachers have to use their pedagogical content knowledge, experience, skills and creativity to plan their lessons in order to help their pupils learn better. Teachers should decide on a theme/topic and then select suitable listening and speaking, reading, writing and language arts activities to be used for teaching that topic. Teachers are also encouraged to use activities from the MOE Teaching courseware, the textbook and other suitable resources when planning their lessons. Assessment is an important aspect of the teaching-learning process. Continuous formative assessment is used as a means of gaining essential feedback and to keep track of pupils progress. Awareness of pupils capabilities will enable teachers to plan activities for further development. Teachers should set school based assessments for learning standards dealt with in the classroom. This guide book provides some suggestions for the acquisition of the four language skills. Teachers need to use their initiative, imagination and creativity in planning their lessons in order to extend the experiences of their pupils. It is hoped that teachers will find this guidebook useful and pupils will enjoy the activities and hence improve their English language proficiency.




AIM The English Language Curriculum for Primary Schools aims to equip pupils with basic language skills to enable them to communicate effectively in a variety of contexts thats appropriate to the pupils level of development.


By the end of Year 6, pupils should be able to:

read and comprehend a range of English texts for information and enjoyment

communicate with peers and adults confidently and appropriately in formal and informal situations

2 3

write a range of texts using appropriate language, style and form through a variety of media


appreciate and demonstrate understanding of English language literary or creative works for enjoyment

use correct and appropriate rules of grammar in speech and writing

CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Primary education is divided into two stages: Stage One refers to Years 1,2 and 3, and Stage Two, Years 4, 5 and 6. The English Language Curriculum has been designed in two strands. Strand 1 is the language focus and strand 2 is language arts. Language focus deals with language skills such as listening & speaking, reading, writing and grammar. Language arts deals with music, poetry, drama and childrens literature. As English language learning is developmental, the focus in Years 1 and 2 is basic literacy. This is done by building a strong foundation in basic literacy skills namely reading through phonics, penmanship and basic listening and speaking. Activities are contextualized and fun-filled with integration of language skills in meaningful contexts. In Year 3 and onwards, pupils will further develop the ability to speak, listen, read and write in English meaningfully, purposefully and with confidence. A grammar module is introduced from Year 3 to enable pupils develop a sound grasp of the language structures and rules of grammar. The Language Arts module has been added to the English language curriculum from Year 1 to allow pupils to engage and enjoy stories, poems, songs, rhymes and plays written in English.



LEVEL 1 (Years 1, 2 & 3)

Listening & Speaking Reading Writing Grammar (from Year 3)

Music Poetry Drama Class Readers

LEVEL 2 (Years 4, 5 & 6)

Listening & Speaking Reading Writing Grammar

Literature English at Play: Music, Poetry & Drama

CURRICULUM ORGANISATION The curriculum is modular in design and this is reflected in the organisation of the content and learning standards. In Years 1 and 2, the English language curriculum emphasises the development of basic language skills so that pupils will have a strong foundation to build their proficiency in the language. In this initial stage, there will only be four modules; namely:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Listening and Speaking Reading Writing Language Arts

From Year 3 onwards, where pupils build on the skills they have acquired in Years 1 and 2, a fifth module, Grammar, is added to the above four modules. Therefore, the modules for this stage are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Listening and Speaking Reading Writing Language Arts Grammar

The following diagram shows the conceptual framework of the curriculum model.




Fig.1 The Modular Configuration The modularity of the English Language Curriculum Standards for Primary Schools is a modularity of focus. By organising the curriculum standards under five modules (four for Years 1 and 2), pupils will be able to focus on the development of salient language skills or sub-skills under each module through purposeful activities in meaningful contexts. This modular approach does not exclude integration of skills. However, skills integration is exploited strategically to enhance pupils development of specific and specified language skills as described in the content and learning standards in a module. The approach taken in this curriculum stresses the need for pupils to develop all the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Teachers are expected to sustain a cohesive and coherent organisation between the listening and speaking, reading and writing skills. For the language arts module, teachers may plan lessons in relation to the language skills taught or they may come up with generic lessons. Teachers should incorporate the fun element in specified contexts to make their lessons meaningful.


In order to make learning more meaningful and purposeful, language input is presented under themes and topics, which are appropriate for the pupils. Three broad themes which have been used in KBSR have been retained and will be used, namely: 1. World of Self, Family and Friends; 2. World of Stories; and 3. World of Knowledge. Teachers select topics that are suitable for their pupils level of development. When planning lessons, topics for teaching are initially based on the immediate learning environment of the child. Later on, these are expanded to town, country and more distant foreign locations.

ROLE OF THE TEACHER The teacher is the role model of a language user to pupils. Pupils need to be exposed to good language in order for them to learn the language and use it for effective communication. Therefore, the teacher needs to do a lot of talking in order for pupils to listen to good language input. For this purpose, the teacher uses a variety of materials or media to enable pupils to acquire the receptive and productive skills. Fun language activities will have to be devised by the teacher in order to tap pupils interest and engage them in communication. The Standard-Based English Language Curriculum for Malaysian Primary Schools is designed to provide pupils with a strong foundation in the English language. Teachers will use Standard British English as a reference and model for teaching the language. It should be used as a reference for spelling and grammar as well as pronunciation for standardisation.

Good time management is also essential. Keeping in mind the time allocated for teaching English in SK and SJK schools is different; lessons should be organized in a manageable form in order to give pupils every opportunity to take part in language activities. In order to facilitate and maximise learning, language skills must be repeated and used constantly. Some activities have been suggested in this book. However, teachers are encouraged to design more creative and challenging tasks and activities based on the needs and interests of pupils. This is important so that appropriate activities and materials are used with pupils of different learning profiles with the intention of helping them to realise their full potential and enable them to gradually develop the ability, knowledge and confidence to use the language effectively. LISTENING AND SPEAKING SKILLS Overview Listening and speaking are seen as core skills of early literacy. As such, pupils should be taught: how to listen carefully;

to speak from the basic level of sound, word, phrase and structural sentences in various situational contexts; the stress, rhythm and intonation patterns and how to use them correctly; to recognise, understand and use not only verbal but also non-verbal communication; and oral communication practice by means of repeating, responding, understanding and applying structures of the language in order to prepare them for communication. In order to achieve the abovementioned, content and learning standards have been developed from basic listening and speaking, and then progressing to communicating in various situations effectively. Content Standards By the end of the six-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to:

1.1 pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation.

1.2 listen and respond appropriately in formal and informal situations for a variety of purposes.


understand and respond to oral texts in a variety of contexts.

The content standards above are achieved through learning standards that have been devised carefully throughout primary schooling. Learning standards have been developed from basic listening and speaking in order for pupils to grasp the sounds of the English language before learning to articulate words and phrases. This is supported with a flooding of English sounds and words by the teacher especially in cases where pupils do not have any exposure to the English language.

The learning standards begin with basic listening and speaking skills which have been developed incrementally in this manner : develop pupils phonemic awareness engage in fun learning activities such as reciting rhymes, poems and tongue twisters as well as singing songs participate in daily conversations follow and give instructions and directions able to participate in conversations talk on topics of interest Relationships are established through the ability to communicate by listening first then speaking thoughts, ideas and feelings. Pupils should aim at becoming confident speakers who can communicate clearly, appropriately and coherently in any given context using language to explore the possibilities and opportunities. Pupils need to listen carefully and respond to what others say and think about the needs of their listeners. Social conventions in listening and speaking such as turn taking, politeness and courtesy need to be observed. These are crucial especially in group discussions where viewpoints and opinions are exchanged.

READING SKILL Overview The teaching of reading skills: enables pupils to become independent readers who are able to comprehend a text effectively and efficiently. begins at the word and phrase levels before progressing to sentence recognition and reading at the paragraph level. focuses on basic literacy with the use of phonics in Years 1 and 2. teaches pupils to extract specific information from a text and respond to a text with their own ideas and opinions.

In order to achieve the abovementioned, content and learning standards have been devised progressively. The teaching of reading in the early stages begins at the word and phrase levels before progressing to sentence recognition and reading at the paragraph level. Gradually, pupils are taught to extract specific information from a text and to respond to a text with their own ideas and opinions.

Content Standards By the end of the six-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to:


apply knowledge of sounds of letters to recognize words in linear and non-linear texts.

2.2 demonstrate understanding of a variety of linear and non-linear texts in the form of print and non-print materials using a range of strategies to construct meaning.

2.3 read independently for information and enjoyment.

The content standards above are achieved through learning standards that have been devised carefully throughout primary schooling. Learning standards have been developed from recognition of sounds in order for pupils to acquire the sounds of the English language before learning to blend and segment words. This is further developed through vocabulary activities to widen pupils vocabulary. By the end of Year 6, pupils are able to read and demonstrate understanding of text for information as well as read for enjoyment.

The learning standards begin with basic literacy which has been developed incrementally in this manner : distinguish the shapes of the letters; recognise and articulate phonemes; blend and segment words; apply word recognition and word attack skills to acquire vocabulary; read and understand phrases, simple sentences and texts; and read independently for information and enjoyment.

The reading aloud strategy is also encouraged in the first two years of primary education: Teacher reads aloud a text to pupils. Implementing this strategy allows teachers to model reading. Here, articulation and pronunciation of words by the teacher have to be as precise as possible for pupils to efficiently imitate and reproduce correctly. This strategy effectively engage pupils in a text that may be too difficult for them to read on their own, hence, pupils sit back and enjoy the story.

Teachers should also carry out shared reading strategies in the classroom: During shared reading, the teacher and pupils read together, thus allowing pupils to actively participate and support one another in the process of reading. Teachers point to the text as they read slowly for word recognition and to build a sense of story.

Ultimately, the objective of getting pupils to read a variety of texts enables pupils to see how grammar is used correctly so that they can emulate them in their productive skills; speaking and writing. Reading for enjoyment and pleasure in seeking information and knowledge should be inculcated in pupils. Pupils are also trained to give their own ideas and opinions in order to become efficient readers.

WRITING SKILL Overview It is expected that by the end of Year 6 : pupils will be able to express their ideas clearly on paper in legible handwriting or to communicate via the electronic media. the focus of writing is on developing pupils writing ability beginning at the word and phrase levels before progressing to the sentence and paragraph levels. pupils who are capable must be encouraged to write simple compositions comprising several paragraphs. attention is also paid to penmanship so that even from a young age, pupils are taught to write clearly and legibly including cursive writing. simple compositions and the various steps involved in writing, such as planning, drafting, revising, and editing are taught. In the process, pupils learn the genre approach to writing as they are taught to use appropriate vocabulary and correct grammar to get their meaning across clearly.


all pupils will be encouraged to write for different purposes and for different audiences. although much of the writing at this level is guided, the amount of control is relaxed for pupils who are able and proficient in the language. spelling and dictation are also given emphasis.

To achieve the abovementioned, content and learning standards have been devised progressively. The teaching of writing in the early stages begins with pre-writing activities to develop pupils visual skills as well as develop hand-eye coordination. This is later developed to writing letters of the alphabet and copying words, phrases and simple sentences. Pupils begin constructing simple sentences with the teachers guidance and later develop to become independent writers by the end of primary schooling.

Content Standards By the end of the six year primary schooling, pupils will be able to:


form letters and words in neat legible print including cursive writing.


write using appropriate language, form and style for a range of purposes.

3.3 write and present ideas through a variety of media.

Content standards are achieved through learning standards that have been devised carefully throughout primary schooling. Learning standards have been developed progressively, from acquiring fine motor control of hands and fingers to copying


writing activities, before being taught to write with guidance linear and non-linear texts using appropriate language, form and style. The use of various media is also encouraged and pupils can create both linear and non-linear texts with guidance or independently.

LANGUAGE ARTS Overview The rationale behind Language Arts is to steer the continuous growth and development of pupils thinking and language abilities. The standards for Language Arts: cover a range of creative and literary works in English such as rhymes, songs, poems, stories and plays to activate pupils imagination and interest. allow pupils to benefit from hearing and using language from fictional as well as non-fictional sources. allow pupils to gain rich and invaluable experiences using the English language through fun-filled and meaningful activities. train pupils to be able to appreciate, demonstrate understanding and express personal responses to literary and creative works for enjoyment. Hence they will also be able to use English for both functional as well as aesthetic purposes, confidently and competently by the end of Year 6.

In order to achieve the abovementioned, content and learning standards have been devised progressively. The teaching of language arts will help pupils develop their oral and analytical skills as well as hone their creativity. Language Arts creates ample opportunities for pupils to speak in English in a very relaxed atmosphere and this will help increase pupils confidence in using the English language.


Content Standards

By the end of the six year primary schooling, pupils will be able to:


enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and songs through performance.


express personal response to literary texts.

4.3 plan, organize and produce creative works for enjoyment.

The culmination of all content standards in language arts will be shown in practice when pupils are able to come up with their very own production. By the end of Year 6, pupils will learn the art of acting out, play-acting and producing works of creativity such as drawings, poems or singing. Pupils will also learn values of cooperating with people of different race, gender, ability, cultural heritage, religion, economic, social background, and, understand and appreciate the values, beliefs and attitudes of others. Each pupil will also develop knowledge, skills and attitudes, which will enhance his or her own personal life management and promote positive attitudes.

Assessment Assessment is necessary to assess pupils achievement in terms of acquisition of knowledge, skills and the application of values through activities conducted in the


classroom. Assessment also supports pupils learning and gives pertinent feedback to teachers, pupils and parents about their development and achievement. There are two types of school-based assessment. Formative assessment is conducted during the teaching and learning process in the classroom to gauge the acquisition of skills and knowledge during the learning process. Summative assessment is usually conducted at the end of learning, usually at the end of a learning unit, month or semester whereby the focus is on the end product.




School-based assessment can be carried out during the teaching-learning process. The teaching-learning process can be conducted in or outside the classroom. Below is a diagram suggesting some types of assessment which can be carried out both in and outside the classroom:



Oral Presentations




Creative Works

Classroom observations are useful tools for teachers to assess their pupils performance. Teachers observe pupils oracy skills as they engage in conversations among peers and when they take part in oral presentations. Teachers can prepare a checklist to record their pupils progress. Perhaps, pupils can speak during the school assembly, put up a performance in front of an audience, and watch a puppet show or listen to a story. Talking about these events can help teachers assess pupils listening and speaking skills.


Assessment of reading comprehension can be carried out by setting comprehension questions. Other comprehension activities which can be used to assess comprehension are the use of graphic as well as semantic organisers, story maps, question generation and summarisation. Pupils writing skills can be assessed through written projects, tests, exams and class exercises. Teachers can also hone pupils writing skills through journal and diary writing, the production of creative works such as poems, writing scripts, dialogues as well as lyrics of songs. Creative works such as portfolios, masks, puppets, props and other creative productions produced during the language arts lessons can also be assessed. Activities conducted during language arts lessons such as singing action songs, reciting rhymes or poems, choral speaking, drama, public speaking as well as roleplay can be assessed. Assessment should also provide pupils with opportunities for self-assessment using known criteria and pupils should be given input on the evaluation process. In a nutshell, teachers should utilise a variety of assessment techniques to monitor their pupils language growth and development. The on-going process of assessing class exercises and homework should be continued. The main purpose of this is to provide immediate feedback to the pupils in guiding, motivating, correcting and refocusing their efforts. WORD LIST The list of words selected for teaching is based on common words and high frequency words that can be used repetitively in different contexts. The suggested word list can be expanded upon if pupils demonstrate an ability to acquire more words.


EDUCATIONAL EMPHASES Educational emphases reflect current developments in education. These emphases are infused and woven into classroom lessons to prepare pupils for the challenges of the real world. Multiple Intelligences

Critical Thinking

Information and Communication Technology Skills

Contextual Learning

Values & Citizenship

Mastery Learning Learning How to Learn



Creativity & Innovation

Critical Thinking Critical thinking is incorporated in the teaching and learning activities to enable pupils to solve simple problems, make decisions, and express themselves creatively in simple language.

Information and Communication Technology Skills (ICT) Information and Communication Technology Skills (ICT) include the use of multimedia resources such as TV documentaries and the Internet as well as the use of computer-related activities such as e-mail activities, networking and interacting with electronic courseware. Learning How to Learn Learning How to Learn strategies are integrated in teaching and learning activities which aims to enable pupils to take responsibility for their own learning. These skills incorporate study skills and information skills to equip them to become independent life-long learners.


Values and Citizenship The values contained in the Standard Based Curriculum for Moral is incorporated into the English language lessons. Elements of patriotism and citizenship is also emphasised in lessons in order to cultivate a love for the nation and produce patriotic citizens. Creativity and Innovation Creativity and innovation is the ability to produce something new in an imaginative and fun-filled way. Pupils display interest, confidence and self-esteem through performance and producing simple creative works. Entrepreneurship Fostering an entrepreneurial mind set among pupils at their young age is essential in this new world. Some of the elements that are linked with entrepreneurship are creativity, innovation and initiative, which are also attributes for personal fulfilment and success. Mastery Learning Mastery Learning will ensure that all pupils master the learning standards stipulated in the Standard Based Curriculum. Mastery Learning requires quality teaching and learning in the classroom and teachers need to ensure that pupils master a learning standard before proceeding to the next learning standard. Multiple Intelligences The theory of Multiple Intelligences encompasses eight different intelligences human beings possess. These intelligences are essential in order to maximise teaching and learning in the classroom. . Constructivism Constructivism will enable pupils to build new knowledge and concepts based on existing knowledge or schema that they have. The teacher assists pupils to acquire new knowledge and solve problems through pupil-centred active learning. Contextual Learning Contextual Learning is an approach to learning which connects the contents being learnt to the pupils daily lives, the community around them and the working world. Learning takes place when pupils are able to relate the new knowledge acquired in a meaningful manner in their lives.


Whats in store for Year Two pupils? The Year Two English Language Syllabus
THE LISTENING AND SPEAKING SKILL The listening and speaking skills are taught together for effective communication, as these skills are inter-related and dependent on each other.

pupils need to be exposed to good language with the teacher being the role model

uses a variety of materials or media to enable pupils to acquire the receptive skill of listening and the productive skill of speaking

expose pupils to rich language input in accordance to Standard British English (SBE) as well as getting pupils to talk and communicate effectively

The listening and speaking lessons would familiarise pupils to the sounds around them. In these lessons pupils need to: a) tune into sounds (auditory discrimination), b) listen and remember the sounds (auditory memory and sequencing), and c) talk about the sounds (developing vocabulary and language comprehension). These can be attained through fun language activities conducted in or outside the classroom that include nature walks, using musical instruments, songs, chants, rhymes, body percussion and even listening to a story. The suggested activities recommended in this section could be used in a variety of lessons by adapting and adopting them in order to teach the sounds of the English language. This skill is the onset to providing a broad and rich language experience for pupils to learn language by engaging in enjoyable learning activities.


THE READING SKILL The reading component aims to develop progressively, pupils ability to read and comprehend a paragraph of 5-8 simple sentences.
pupils phonemic awareness will be developed by means of phonics

apply knowledge of letter sounds to recognize words in reading texts, which is an essential and useful early reading skill

use songs, rhymes, poems, stories, pictures and games to make phonics instruction more enjoyable

teachers should allow pupils to use phonics, and make meaningful connections and encourage them to pronounce and articulate the sounds in a non-restrictive and joyful environment.

The processes of blending and segmenting for reading and spelling are made enjoyable and easy for pupils to understand and apply. Lessons and activities should focus on particular phonemes and make these phonemes familiar to pupils. Then, provide enough practice so that pupils can identify the phonemes in words. For early practice, teachers could help pupils to recognize the phoneme at the beginning of words before progressing to having them recognize the phoneme elsewhere in the word. For this, illustrations may be very useful. Teachers are encouraged to be creative and to explore ways of language play available to help pupils become familiar with the phonemes. The benefits of language play are numerous. Language play involves having fun with the sounds of words, creating new words, and exploring and creating language patterns through rhymes, chants, alliteration and repetitions.


THE WRITING SKILL The writing module for Year 2 reflects the progression of skills ranging from writing words, phrases, to simple sentences in neat handwriting, to the ability to write simple sentences using a variety of media with guidance.

ability to write words, phrases and simple sentences in neat, legible print

ability to write numerals in numeral and word form

ability to spell and write simple sentencs with guidance.

ability to create simple non-linear texts using a variety of media with guidance.

As pupils begin to read, they will be able to copy words, phrases and sentences correctly as well as complete other writing tasks by matching, rearranging words and completing lists and messages. When pupils are ready, more difficult writing tasks such as writing sentences with the correct spelling and punctuation can be incorporated. This activity can be conducted in the classroom by introducing parallel writing and then moving on to constructing simple sentences. Pupils are also taught to create simple non-linear texts using a variety of media.


LANGUAGE ARTS The introduction of the language arts module encompasses the production aspect of the skills learnt during the listening and speaking, reading and writing modules.

enjoy and appreciate language using stories, poetry, rhymes and plays

encourage pupils to perform a song or rhyme or role play a story learnt using their creativity in a fun-filled, non-threatening and enjoyable environment

The main focus of this component is language in action in a fun environment where pupils engage in multi-sensory learning according to their learning abilities.




The listening and speaking skill is crucial for social communication at home, at school, as well as in the community. However, this skill is often neglected or given minimal emphasis during English lessons. In order to develop this skill, teachers have to provide their pupils with various opportunities to listen and to talk about a range of subjects which may include topics on personal interests, school work and even current affairs. It is hoped that the learning standards will offer teachers some ideas on how they could provide opportunities for pupils to engage in various listening and speaking activities at Year Two. The Listening and Speaking Content and Learning Standards for Year 2 are as follows: Content Standards Learning Standards 1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary 1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus schooling, pupils will be able to given with guidance : pronounce words and speak (a) environmental sounds confidently with the correct stress, (b) instrumental sounds rhythm and intonation. (c) body percussion (d) rhythm and rhyme (e) alliteration (f) voice sounds (g) oral blending and segmenting 1.1.2 Able to listen to and enjoy simple stories. 1.1.3 Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes or sing songs. 1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance. 1.2 By the end of the 6-year primary 1.2.1 Able to participate in daily conversations: schooling, pupils will be able to (a) exchange greetings listen and respond appropriately in (b) make polite requests formal and informal situations for a (c) express apologies variety of purposes. (d) talk about oneself (e) introduce family members and friends (f)express a simple apology 1.2.2 Able to listen to and follow: a) simple instructions in the classroom. b) simple directions to places in the school. 1.2.3 Able to give: a) simple instructions in school. b) simple directions to places in school. 1.3 By the end of the 6-year primary 1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate schooling, pupils will be able to understanding of oral texts by: understand and respond to oral a) answering simple Wh-Questions texts in a variety of contexts. b) giving True/False replies In this module, all Learning Standards for Listening and Speaking have been dealt with extensively. However, teachers are encouraged to plan lessons and activities on their own according to the level of their pupils. The activities provided here are merely suggestions. It is with high expectation and anticipation that teachers of Year 2 English would be able to plan and carry out Listening and Speaking lessons creatively and innovatively.


Learning Standard 1.1.1 Able to learn and respond to stimulus given with guidance: (a) environmental sounds ACTIVITY TRY ME CONTENT Suggested Sounds TEACHERS NOTES Suggested Material

1. Walk around the 2. 3. 4.

5. classroom. Pupils listen and identify the sound heard e.g. tapping sound of shoes. Select pupils to walk around with shoes provided by the teacher. Make other sounds and pupils identify them. Pupils do the actions.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

tapping of shoes crumpling of papers dragging chairs/ tables knocking on doors dropping objects on the floor

Prepare: suitable shoes that produce a tapping sound.

GET TO KNOW ME 1. Play recorded sounds. 2. Pupils listen and guess the sounds. 3. Show pictures and objects. 4. Play recorded sounds again. 5. Pupils identify the sounds heard and pick the correct pictures.

Suggested Sounds

Suggested Material

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

raking spraying screeching of brakes glasses breaking scooping sand


1. pictures of
objects/realia: rake spade fire extinguisher car glasses

2. recorded sounds and

the required pictures. e.g.

Note: Teachers are encouraged to use other suitable sounds.



Suggested Questions 1. Where is the duck? 2. Where is the horse? 3. What is the cat doing? 4. What is the bird doing? 5. What is the hen doing?

Suggested Material

1. Pupils listen to the jazz


1. recorded jazz chant 2. pictures

e.g. 1. duck wading 2. horse galloping 3. cat scratching 4. bird pecking 5. hen flapping

2. Recite with actions and

pupils follow. 3. Show pictures and ask WH questions. 4. Pupils recite and do the actions.

Jazz Chant Where is the duck? Wading in the water. Where is the horse? Galloping in the farm. What is the cat doing? Scratching on the wall. What is the bird doing? Pecking on the tree. What is the hen doing? Flapping its wings. The duck, the horse, the cat, the bird and the hen are having fun.


Learning Standard: 1.1.1 Able to learn and respond to stimulus given with guidance: (b) instrumental sounds ACTIVITY THATS MY SOUND! CONTENT Suggested Instruments 1. tick- tock 2. triangle 3. tambourine 4. castanet 5. recorder 6. melodian TEACHERS NOTES Suggested Material

1. Divide pupils into 2. 3. 4. 5.

groups. Distribute musical instruments to each group. Play a musical instrument without pupils seeing it. Pupils identify the sound and play the same instrument. Repeat the activity with other instruments.

Prepare the musical instruments.


Suggested instruments 1. tick-tock 2. triangle 3. tambourine 4. castanet Jazz Chant Music, music, music Music everywhere On my left On my right In front of me Behind me Music, music, music music everywhere

Suggested Material

1. Divide pupils into four 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

groups. Distribute musical instruments. Stand in the middle of the class. Play an instrument. The group with the same instrument follows. Repeat with other instruments. Say the jazz chant and pupils play the instruments.

Prepare the musical instruments

Instructions for the class:

1. group on the left plays

the tambourine 2. group on the right plays the triangle 3. group in front of teacher plays the tick-tock 4. group behind the teacher plays the castanet.


Suggested Instruments

1. Divide pupils into

groups. 2. Play the game. 3. Repeat the game with

Suggested Material Musical instruments

1. 2. 3. 4.

recorder tick-tock melodian tambourine



other instruments.

How to play the game: 1. A pupil from each group will be the wolf. Another pupil will be the mother hen. The rest of the pupils are her chicks, each holding an instrument. 2. Teacher plays an instrument. Wolf identifies the chick with the instrument and tries to catch it by tagging it. 3. Mother hen tries to protect its chick.

5. Once caught, the chick

switches position with the wolf.


Learning Standard: 1.1.1. Able to learn and respond to stimulus given with guidance: (c) body percussion ACTIVITY FOLLOW ME! CONTENT Suggested Actions TEACHERS NOTES

1. Say and show the 2. 3. 4. 5.

actions. Pupils follow. Call a pupil to say and do the actions. The other pupils follow. Repeat with other actions.

1. Stamp your foot

I am stamping my foot

2. Sniff with your nose

I am sniffing with my nose. 3. Clap your hands I am clapping my hands. 4. Slap your thighs I am slapping my thighs.


Suggested Sentence Patterns 1. These are my hands. (clap your hands) 2. These are my fingers. (snap your fingers) 3. These are my feet. (stamp your feet) 4. These are my thighs. (slap your thighs )

Suggested Material

1. Each group is given a

set of 4 jigsaw puzzles.

1. sentence strips 2. jigsaw puzzle

of the following body parts: 1. hands 2. fingers 3. feet 4. thighs

2. Pupils arrange them to

form pictures. 3. Pupils say the sentences and do the actions.

Suggested Dialogue Teacher: Who puts the nose in the big red box? Siti : Ali puts the nose (sniffing sound) in the big red box. Ali : Who me? Siti : Yes you. Ali : Couldnt be. Siti : Then who? Ali : Abu puts the nose (sniffing sound) in the big red box. Abu : Who me?


Ali : Abu : Ali : Abu :

Yes you. Couldnt be . Then who? Meena puts the nose(sniffing sound) in the big red box. Meena : Yes, yes, yes its me [Pupil with the cut-out mentioned is out of the game and will say Yes, yes, yes its me


Learning Standard: 1.1.1 Able to learn and respond to stimulus given with guidance: (d) rhythm and rhyme ACTIVITY GIVE ME MORE CONTENT Suggested Words TEACHERS NOTES Suggested Material Required pictures Other words with medial // and /u:/ sound: hook foot wood good boot root hood wool moon food

1. 2. 3. 4.

Put up pictures. Talk about the pictures. Recite the rhyme. Stress on words with medial sound //. 5. Pupils say the words aloud. 6. Pupils are asked to give other words with medial sound //.

1. 2. 3. 4.

cook book look took Suggested Rhyme Farook is a cook. He likes to cook. He took a book. To have a look.


Suggested Words Required pictures

1. Recite a rhyme. 2. Pupils repeat. 3. Stress on words with

final sound /i:/ as in the graphemes ee and ea. 4. Pupils say the words aloud. 5. Pupils tap to the beat when saying the rhyme. 6. Give more words with the final /i:/ sounds as in the graphemes ee and ea.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

bee free tree coffee sea tea Suggested Rhyme

I see a bee, Flying free from tree to tree, I like coffee, I like tea, I like to eat by the sea.


Learning Standard: 1.1.1 Able to learn and respond to stimulus given with guidance: (d) rhythm and rhyme ACTIVITY RHYME ALONG CONTENT Suggested Rhyming Words TEACHERS NOTES Suggested Material

1. Pupils identify the 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

pictures. Display word cards. Say the words. Pupils put the word cards on the pictures. Say the sentences. Pupils fill in the blanks with rhyming words. Say the sentences in groups.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

bone, cone nose, rose line, nine glide, slide pipe, wipe rope, rode Suggested Sentences

1. pictures 2. word cards


bone 1. There is a cone next to

the bone.

2. She smells the rose

with her nose.

3. Robbie has a rope and

he rode on a pony.

4. All the nine trees are in

a line. 5. The snakes glide under the slide. 6. Lets wipe the pipe and paint it white.




Learning Standard: 1.1.1 Able to learn and respond to stimulus given with guidance: (e) alliteration ACTIVITY SAY IT RIGHT CONTENT Suggested Words TEACHERS NOTES Suggested Material

1. Put up a composite 2.
picture. Emphasise on the phoneme /s/. e.g. ssssliding sssskipping sssskating Recite the rhyme and pupils repeat. Clap in rhythm. Say ssss and tell the pupils to watch each others lips as they say ssss. Pupils identify the words starting with s.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

sliding skipping skating Selvy Soo Chin Siti Suggested Rhyme Soo Chin, Selvy and Siti are in the playground, Soo Chin is sliding down, Selvy is skipping round and round, Siti is skating all around, Laughing, merrily, What a happy sound!

Prepare: a composite picture that illustrates the rhyme





Suggested Words

Suggested Material Pictures of objects that begin and do not begin with the /k/ sound.

1. Put up pictures. 2. Emphasise on the /k/ 3. 4. 5. 6.

sound. e.g. The candle is on the cake. Say the sentences. Pupils repeat. Point to the picture and pupils name it. Suggested Sentences Identify objects that do 1. The candle is on the not begin with the /k/ cake. sound. 2. The cat is near the cow. Identify objects that 3. The comb is in the coat. begin with the /k/ sound.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

comb cake coat cat cap cow


Learning Standard: 1.1.1 Able to learn and respond to stimulus given with guidance: (e) alliteration ACTIVITY JOLLY ME CONTENT Suggested Words lollipop lip licking lunch limes little TEACHERS NOTES Suggested Material 1. pictures as suggested in the word list 2. mirrors

1. Say l and tell the pupils 1. to look into a mirror. 2. 2. Identify the pictures. 3. 3. Pupils say the words. 4. e.g.: lollipop 5. Emphasise on the /l/ 6.
sound. 4. Recite the jazz chant. Clap in rhythm. 5. Pupils follow. 6. Divide pupils into three groups. Carry out a competition.

Suggested Jazz Chant Little Lily likes lollipops. Little Lily likes licking limes. Little Lily likes her lunch with lollipops and limes.

Instructions for the competition:

Pupils give words with initial /l/ sound. The group that has the most words beginning with the /l/ sound is the winner.


Learning Standard: Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance: (f) voice sounds ACTIVITY SOUND LIKE ME CONTENT Suggested Sounds of Animals TEACHERS NOTES Suggested Material

1. Show some toy 2.

animals. Play the recorded sounds of the animals shown and the pupils imitate. Put the toys into a box. A pupil picks a toy from the box. The others make the sound of the animal shown. The activity is repeated with other toys.

3. 4. 5. 6.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Goats bleat Cows moo Cats mew Snakes hiss Owls hoot Frogs croak

1. recorded sounds of animals 2. toy animals

Note: Teachers may use pictures to substitute the toys.


Suggested Objects and Their Sounds

Suggested Material Realia or picture of:

1. Show pupils a camera. 2. Snap a photo and ask 3. 4.

pupils the sound made by the camera. Do the actions of clicking and pupils follow. Pupils take turns to do the action of clicking the camera and others say click, click, click. Repeat the activity with the other two objects. Some pupils sing the song while the rest make the relevant sounds.

1. Clicking of camera 2. Clashing of cymbals 3. Clanging of pots and

pans Suggested Song (to the tune of Are You Sleeping?) Click 8x Clash - 6x Clang 12x Click, clash, clang - 2x

1. a camera 2. cymbals 3. pots and pans


5. 6.

Lyrics of the song: Are you sleeping? [2X] Brother John, [2x] Morning bells are ringing, [2x] Ding Dong Bell! [2x]


Learning Standard: 1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance: (g) oral blending and segmenting ACTIVITY LETS GET TOGETHER CONTENT Suggested Words TEACHERS NOTES Suggested Material Letter cards e.g.

1. Distribute a letter card

to each pupil.

2. Say a word and pupils

with the correct letter cards come out and arrange themselves accordingly. 3. The rest of the class say the sounds of the letters shown and say the word out loudly. e.g. /p/ // /t/ = pot 4. The activity is repeated with the other words. 5. Put up sentences. 6. Read and pupils follow.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

pot cot hot dot lot not got tot Suggested Sentence Patterns

p o t

1. 2. 3. 4.

The pot is hot. The tot is in the cot. It is not a dot. He has got a lot.


Suggested Words

Suggested Material Pictures as suggested in the word list e.g.

1. Recite the jazz chant. 2. Pupils follow. 3. Reinforce oral blending

and segmenting of words by showing pictures. e.g. /p/ // /n/ /l/ // /p/ /h/ // /t/

1. pin tin bin fin 2. sit hit pit fit 3. zip lip hip dip
Suggested Jazz Chant The pin is in the fin. The fin is in the tin. The tin is on the bin. I can hit. I can sit. I can fit. In the pit. This is my lip. This is my hip. Lets go for a dip.



Suggested Words

Suggested Material

1. Divide pupils into


2. Give each group a box 3. 4. 5.

with word cards. Music is played and the box is passed around. A pupil takes out a word card from the box when the music stops. The pupil segments the word. If incorrect, he or she is out of the game. e.g. rat - /r/, //, /t/ Repeat the activity.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

rat, cat, fat , bat, hat bit, hit, pit, kid, lip pot, hot, tot, jog, top bus, cup, rug, mug, pup pen, ten, hen, pet, bed

1. boxes of word cards 2. music



Learning Standard 1.1.2 Able to listen to and enjoy stories. ACTIVITY STORY TRAIN 1. Show a puppet/toy and talk about it. 2. Put up a series of pictures and question pupils based on the pictures. 3. Tell a story and pupils listen. 4. Question and answer session based on the story. 5. Remove the pictures. 6. Divide pupils into groups. 7. Each group is given a similar set of pictures. 8. Retell the story. 9. Pupils hold the pictures and arrange themselves according to the story. CONTENT Suggested Story Pipit The Bird This is Pipit. It is a bird. It cannot fly. It lives in a nest. One day, Pipit fell from its nest. It hopped around. It was looking for its mother. Pipit met a duck. Pipit asked, Mr Duck, can you teach me to fly? Mr Duck said, I cannot fly. I can swim. Pipit walked away. Pipit met a rabbit. Pipit asked, Mr Rabbit, can you teach me to fly? Mr Rabbit said, I cannot fly. I can hop. Pipit walked away. Pipit met a parrot. Pipit asked, Mr Parrot, can you teach me to fly? Mr Parrot said, Yes, I can fly. I can teach you to fly. Pipit learned to fly. Pipit flew with the parrot. Pipit could fly back to its nest. Pipit was very happy. Pipit thanked Mr. Parrot.
Reference: Zuraidah Che Zin(2000).Pit Pit Learns To Fly.Bestari Series.Anzagain Sdn.Bhd.

TEACHERS NOTES Suggested Material Sets of picture cards based on the story used The group leader distributes a picture to every member in the group.



Suggested Questions Questions: 1. What animal is this? 2. Where does it live? Suggested Story ROSE RED Rose Red lived with her mother. They lived in a small house. One day, a black bear came to the house. The bear stayed with them. They were happy. After two days, the bear went back to the forest. One day, Rose Red saw an angry old man. He could not move. His long beard was caught in a bush. He shouted for help. Rose Red helped him. She cut his beard with a pair of scissors. The old man was very angry. He shouted at Rose Red. Rose Red ran away. On her way home, Rose Red met a handsome young man. He was the bear who had stayed with them. The old man had put a spell on him. The spell was broken when his beard was cut.

Suggested Material A picture based on the story.

1. Bring a picture of a

2. Ask questions based on 3. 4. 5.

the picture. Tell a story titled Rose Red. Divide pupils into small groups. Each group is given a box with some items relevant to a specific character in the story. Pupils choose a member and dress him or her up as the character. The group members take turns to describe the character.


Note: Teacher can extend the activity by asking the pupils: 1. Why was the old man angry? 2. How did the prince become a bear?




Suggested Story Azril and Azrul are brothers. Azril is ten years old. Azrul is eight years old. They live in an old wooden house. They live together with their parents, grandparents and their younger sister, Ayuni who is five years old. Their father, Pak Abu goes to the sea to catch fish every day. Sometimes, Pak Kaduk, who is Pak Abus father follows him. Mak Minah, their mother is a housewife. She cooks and cleans the house. Their grandmother, Mak Siti helps her.

Suggested Material

1. Ask questions about

pupils family members.

1. the required pictures 2. a family tree


2. Tell a story. 3. Divide pupils into pairs. 4. Each pair is given a set
of pictures to complete a family tree based on the story. 5. Pupils make their own family tree.









Suggested Stories 1. Mousedeer and The Crocodile 2. Jack and The Beanstalk

Suggested Material

1. Play the story. 2. Divide pupils into four

groups. 3. Give a set of pictures to groups A and C respectively. Give a set of sentence strips to groups B and D respectively. 4. Pupils have to find their partners. (pictures to sentence strips) 5. Then, pupils rearrange themselves in the correct sequence. LETS ARRANGE

1. pictures 2. sentence strips

Groups A and C - pictures Groups B and Dsentence strips

Suggested Story THE ANT AND THE GRASSHOPPER Mr Grasshopper lived in a

Suggested Material

1. Show pictures of an ant

and a grasshopper.

2. Talk about the pictures. 3. Divide pupils into

1. the required pictures 2. story strips 3. recording of the story


4. 5. 6. 7.

groups. Each group is given a worksheet with story strips. Pupils cut out the strips and paste them in the correct sequence. Play the recording of the story. Pupils listen to the story and check their arrangement of the story.

bush. He was hopping around happily. Mr Ant lived in a nest. He was busy collecting food. He asked Mr Ant, Why are you so busy? Mr Ant replied, I am saving food for the rainy days. Mr Grasshopper laughed at Mr Ant. He hopped away happily. After a few days, it started to rain. Mr Ant stayed in his nest. He had a lot of food to eat. Mr Grasshopper could not find any food. He was wet and hungry. He went to Mr Ants nest. He knocked on the door. Mr Ant invited him in. He gave Mr Grasshopper some food. Mr Grasshopper felt very ashamed. He thanked Mr Ant for giving him food.



Learning Standard: 1.1.3 Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes or sing songs. ACTIVITY MIME ME CONTENT Suggested Actions TEACHERS NOTES Suggested Material

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Play the song. Put up the lyrics. Read and pupils repeat. Sing the song. Divide pupils into groups. 6. Each group is given a different set of phrase cards with action words. 7. In turns, each group comes forward and sings the song while some of its members mime the actions based on the phrase cards.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

brush our teeth wash our hands spread the butter carry our bags arrange our books walk to school read our books

1. recording of song 2. lyrics 3. sets of phrase cards

Suggested Song [Tune of: Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush] This is the way, We brush our teeth, (3x) This is the way, We brush our teeth, so early in the morning. This is the way, We wash our hands,(3x) This is the way, We wash our hands, So early in the morning.


Suggested Song Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes, (2x) Head and shoulders, knees and toes Eyes, ears, mouth and nose. Other Songs: 1. Simple Simon 2. Sing A Song Of Six Pence 3. Mary Had A Little Lamb

Suggested Material

1. Play the song. 2. Sing together. 3. Divide pupils into

groups. 4. Give each group a line from the song to sing. First group starts singing the song, followed by the other groups in sequence. 5. Ask pupils to increase the tempo of the song. 6. 7. Repeat the activity.

1. recording of song 2. lyrics



Suggested Rhyme Two little black birds, Sitting on a fence, One named Peter, One named Paul, Fly away Peter, Fly away Paul, Come back Peter, Come back Paul.

Suggested Rhyme Pictures based on the rhyme e.g.

1. Put up the rhyme. 2. Read the rhyme. 3. Pupils repeat the rhyme
in groups and as a class. 4. Divide pupils into groups. 5. Give each group a set of pictures. 6. Pupils have to cut out the pictures and paste them to create the scene for the rhyme. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?


Suggested Rhyme Pussy cat, pussy cat Where have you been? I have been to London To see the queen Pussy cat, pussy cat What did you do there? I frightened a little mouse Under the chair Suggested Rhyme Baa, baa black sheep, Have you any wool? Yes sir, yes sir, Three bags full, One for my master, One for the dame, One for the little boy Who lives down the lane. Suggested Improvised Rhyme Cluck, cluck white hen Have you any eggs? Yes sir, yes sir, Three baskets full, One for my master,

Suggested Material

Appendix 1

1. 2. 3. 4.

Display the rhyme. Read with the pupils. Remove the rhyme. Pupils complete worksheets by pasting the pictures correctly.


Suggested Material

1. Display a rhyme. 2. Read and pupils follow. 3. Divide pupils into


1. word cards 2. a rhyme/song

4. Give an envelope with

word cards to each group. 5. Pupils will create a similar rhyme/song using word cards.


One for my dame, One for the little boy Who lives down the lane.

For more rhymes and song teachers can refer to:


Learning Standard: 1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance. ACTIVITY ACT IT OUT CONTENT Suggested Words sleep walk yawn talk listen sit stand TEACHERS NOTES Suggested Material

1. Place a magical box on 1. the table with picture 2. cards in it. 3. 2. Say the magical words 4. Abracadabra and wave 5. the magic wand. 6. 3. A pupil comes forward 7.
and picks up a picture card. He/ She says and does the action. 4. The rest of the class follows. 5. Place a composite picture (Appendix 2) on the board and ask pupils what actions are seen. 6. Pupils answer and paste the word cards on the composite picture.

1. picture cards based

on the words chosen 2. a composite picture [Appendix 2] 3. words cards e.g.



sit stand


Suggested Poem This is my father , Short and steady. Stanza1 (Gr 1) This is my mother, Singing a song, Stanza 2 (Gr 2) This is my brother, Tall you see. Stanza 3 (Gr 3) This is my sister, With a doll on her knee.

Suggested Material:

1. Show a picture of a
family and play a recording of the poem. 2. Say the poem line by line and pupils repeat. 3. Divide pupils into 4 groups. Each group recites one stanza. 4. Groups take turns to recite the different stanzas.

1. a composite picture of a
family (Appendix 3) 2. a recording of the poem


Stanza 4 (Gr 4) And this is the story about my happy family. Stanza 5 (All groups)


Suggested Words Suggested Material

1. Place a composite 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
picture on the board. Pupils say what they see and teacher lists the words. Put up sentence strips. Read the sentence strips and pupils follow. A pupil reads the sentence strips and others follow. Pupils complete worksheets.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

food drinks girls boys teacher blackboard saree Suggested Sentences

1. Composite Picture
(Appendix 4)

2. Sample pictures
(Appendix 5 and 6)

1. The teacher is wearing

a saree.

2. There is a lot of food

and drinks on the table.

3. A girl is talking to her

teacher. WHAT AM I? Suggested Questions 1. What does it eat? 2. Where does it live? 3. What colour is its fur? 4. Is it wild? Suggested Material picture cards

1. Show pictures of 2. 3.
animals. Ask questions about them. Class is divided into groups. Each group is given an envelope of pictures of animals. Group leader picks a picture card and describes the animal. The rest of the group will guess the animal. Repeat using other pictures.





Suggested Text Teachers Day This is my class. Today is 16th May. The class is having a party. There are many pupils. A girl is talking to her teacher. Her teacher, Mrs Ratnam is wearing a saree.

Suggested Material

1. Put up a picture. 2. Teacher provides the

first sentence about the picture seen. 3. Pupils continue by taking turns to make a sentence each to describe the picture. 4. Repeat using other pictures.

1. a composite picture
(Refer to Appendix 6)

Note: Accept any possible answers given by the pupils.


Learning Standard: 1.2.2 Able to participate in daily conversations: (a) exchange greetings ACTIVITY LETS SING CONTENT Suggested Song [Tune of: Happy Birthday] Selamat Hari Raya x3 And how do you do? Repeat using: Happy Deepavali Happy Chinese New Year Merry Christmas Selamat Hari Gawai TEACHERS NOTES Suggested Material Pictures of gestures e.g.

1. Sing a song with

suitable cultural gestures. 2. Pupils sing to one another and do the gestures.


Suggested Dialogue Teacher : Hello, Im Mr Kangaroo. Pupils : Hello, Mr Kangaroo. How do you do? Teacher : Im fine. Thank you. Pupils : Goodbye, Mr Kangaroo. See you tomorrow. Teacher : Goodbye. Repeat using: Mr Tiger, Mr Orang Utan, Mr Bear, Mr Peacock, Mr Rabbit

Suggested Material

1. Place a dialogue on the

board. 2. Wear a mask (kangaroo) and greet the pupils according to the dialogue. 3. Pupils answer based on the dialogue. 4. Pupils repeat the activity using different masks.

1. masks of animals 2. a dialogue chart


Learning Standard: 1.2.1 Able to participate in daily conversations: (b) make polite requests ACTIVITY MAY I? CONTENT Suggested Words Things in the classroom: 1. ruler 2. pencil 3. eraser 4. book 5. crayons 6. coloured pencils 7. chalk 8. duster TEACHERS NOTES Suggested Material

1. Pupils listen to a 2. 3.

4. 5.

recording of making requests. Pupils repeat after teacher requesting for various objects. Pupils are divided into groups. Each member of the group is given a picture card. Suggested Sentences Every group member takes turn requesting for 1. May I borrow a pencil? objects. 2. Can you lend me your Pupils respond pencil? accordingly in their 3. Here you are. respective groups. 4. Thank you. 5. Youre welcome. 6. Im sorry, I dont have one. Suggested Sentence Strips Father, may I have this shirt? Can I have these socks and shoes? Yes, you may. May I go to the library? Yes, of course.

1. recording 2. picture cards


Suggested Materials

1. Paste pictures of
objects all around the class. 2. Prepare sentence strips for each picture on making requests and place them on the table. 3. Pupils [in pairs] find the correct strips to match the pictures. 4. Pupils take turns to request and reply aloud.

1. sentence strips 2. picture cards



Learning Standard: 1.2.1 Able to participate in daily conversations: (c) express apologies ACTIVITY FIND MY PAIR CONTENT Suggested Sentence Strips A: Did you bring my football? B: Im sorry, I forgot to bring it. A: Ouch! You stepped on my toes. B: Im sorry. I didnt mean to. A: You broke my table lamp. B: Im sorry. It was an accident. TEACHERS NOTES Suggested Materials sentence strips

1. Take pupils to the

field/hall to play this game. 2. Pupils are divided into 2 groups. Each member of the group is given a sentence strip. Group 1 is given sentence strips on requests. Group 2 is given sentences on the replies. 3. When the teacher gives the cue, pupils start to find their pair by saying their sentences aloud. 4. The winner of the game will be the first pair with the correct match. STATUE GAME

1. Play music and pupils

dance to the tune. 2. When the music stops, pupils remain still. Choose two pupils to come to the front. 3. One of them picks up a picture from the box. Pupils role-play the situation of expressing apologies based on the picture. 4. Other pairs repeat with various situations.

Suggested Dialogue A: Did you bring my football? B: Im sorry, I forgot to bring it. A: Ouch! You stepped on my toes. B: Im sorry. I didnt mean to. A: You broke my table lamp. B: Im sorry. It was an accident. Other situations: - knock into each other - lost the ruler - spilt the drink

Suggested Material Pictures e.g.

Forgot to bring the football

Stepped on my toes

Broke the table lamp


Learning Standard: 2.2.2 Able to listen to and follow: a) simple instructions in the classroom Activity FOLLOW ME Content Suggested Instructions Teachers notes

1. Pupils follow teachers

instructions. e.g. Raise your left hand. Pupils do the action. 2. Pupils who do the action incorrectly are out of the game. 3. Repeat the instructions until the last pupil remains standing.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Bend your knees. Point to your nose. Raise your left hand. Raise your right hand. Touch your shoulders.


Suggested Instructions

Suggested Material Instrumental music

1. Pupils stand in straight

rows. 2. Play music. 3. Give instructions. 4. Pupils do the actions.

1. Put your hands on your 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

waist. Nod your head. Look right. Look left. Shake your body. Raise your left hand. Raise your right hand.



Suggested Instructions

Suggested Material Note: Teacher can vary the instructions.

1. Provide a blank piece of

paper to each pupil.

1. Draw a big circle. 2. Draw two big round


2. Give instructions to draw a

face. 3. Pupils follow instructions and draw accordingly.

3. Draw a small nose. 4. Draw a small mouth. 5. Draw two ears.



Suggested Instructions Put your right hand in Take your right hand out Hokey-Pokey Put your right hand in, Take your right hand out, Put your right hand in, And you shake it all about, Do the hokey-pokey, And turn yourself around, Thats what its all about.

Note: Substitute with:

1. Take pupils outdoors. 2. Form a circle. 3. Give instructions and

pupils do the actions.

4. Sing the song and pupils

follow. 5. Pupils sing the song and do the actions.

1. 2. 3. 4.

left hand right leg left leg whole self


Suggested Instructions

Suggested Material

1. Put up a picture of a
donkey without its tail on the board. 2. A pupil is blindfolded and given a picture of a tail. 3. Another pupil gives instructions to the blindfolded pupil to reach the donkey. 4. The blindfolded pupil

1. Take three steps to the

front. 2. Turn left/right. 3. Go straight. 4. Stop.

1. the required picture 2. the instructions

(Instructions can be varied) e.g.


pastes the tail on the donkey. 5. Repeat with other pupils.

Note: Teachers may use other animals. Suggested Instructions Suggested Material Ingredients: 1. bread 2. butter 3. jam Substitute jam with kaya peanut butter honey


1. Divide the pupils into

groups. 2. Each group is given the ingredients. 3. Give instructions on how to prepare the sandwich. 4. Pupils listen and follow.

1. Spread the butter on a

slice of bread.

2. Take another slice of

bread and spread some jam on it. 3. Put both slices together. 4. Serve it on a plate.


Learning Standard: 1.2.2 Able to listen to and follow: b) simple directions to places in the school Activity WHERE DO YOU GO? Content Suggested Instructions Teachers notes Note: Directions can be given to one group at a time or to all the groups at the same time.

1. Divide pupils into groups. 2. Each group forms a train. 3. Give instructions on

4. The group follows the

directions making the choo-choo sound.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Go straight Turn left Turn right Go round Stop


Suggested Instructions

Suggested Material

1. Pupils sit in a circle. 2. Play the music and pupils

pass the parcel until the music stops. 3. The pupil who has the parcel picks a paper from the parcel and reads aloud the instructions. 4. Pupil follows the instructions. e.g. Turn around and walk like a duck to the door.

1. Jump like a frog to the 2. 3. 4. 5.

blackboard. Fly like a bird to the staffroom. Hop like a kangaroo to the next class. Gallop like a horse to the office. Move like a car to the toilet.

1. music 2. poison parcel 3. instructions



Content Suggested Song (Tune of: London Bridge Is Falling Down ) Class : Take three steps to your right To your right (2X) Take three steps to your right And turn left Where are you, my friend? My friend (2X) Where are you, my friend? Tell me now. Pupil : I am at the canteen canteen ( 2X) I am at the canteen, Oh, my friends.

Teachers notes Suggested Material Signposts e.g.

canteen staffroom

1. Place signposts in various

corners of the classroom.

2. A pupil will stand at a

certain part of the class. 3. The pupil will move to the directions as given by friends in a song. 4. Repeat activity.



Note: Teach the song before the activity


Learning Standard: 1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts heard by: a) answering simple Wh-Questions Activity AT THE GARDEN Content Suggested Jazz Chant A: Who has a garden? (2X) Who has a garden, my friend? B. Minah has a garden.( 2X) Minah has a garden, my friend. A: What flowers? ( 2X ) What flowers does she have? B: She has roses, she has orchids, sunflowers and hibiscus. A: When does she water them? ( 2X) When does she water the flowers? B: She waters them in the evening, (2X), She waters the flowers in the evening. JAZZ CHANT Suggested Jazz Chant Class: Who are you? (2X) Pupil : I am Ahmad. (2X) Class : What are you wearing? (2X) Pupil : Im wearing a shirt. Im wearing a pair of trousers. Class : Where are you going? (2X) Pupil : Im going to the canteen. (2X) Suggested Material Jazz chant Note: Replace the underlined words with other suitable words. Teachers notes Suggested Material Composite picture of a garden

1. Put up a picture of a 2.
garden. Ask questions based on the picture. e.g. What flowers can you see? What is the colour of the roses? Chant with pupils. Divide the pupils into two groups. Pupils chant.

3. 4. 5.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Put up the jazz chant. Chant and pupils listen. Repeat and pupils follow. A pupil comes to the front. The other pupils ask questions as in the jazz chant. 6. Pupil answers. 7. Repeat activity with other pupils.



Content Suggested Rhyme Class : Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar? Ali stole the cookie from the cookie jar. Ali : Who me?

Teachers notes Suggested Material Picture e.g.

1. Pupils sit in a circle. 2. Put up a big manila card 3. 4. 5. 6.

showing a boy putting his hand into a cookie jar. Ask the pupils: What is the boy doing? Who is the boy? Explain the activity. Call a pupil to put his face into the hole in the card. Pupils say the rhyme.

Class: Yes, you. Ali : Couldnt be!

Class: Then, who? Ali : Tan stole the cookie from the cookie jar.


Suggested Questions 1. Where does it live? 2. What does it like to eat? 3. What is its colour? 4. How many legs does it have? 5. How does it move?

1. Put picture cards of

animals into a box.

2. A pupil comes forward to

pick a card. (Pupil must not show the card to the class.) Other pupils take turns to ask questions. The pupil answers the questions. Pupils try to guess the animal. Repeat the activity.

Suggested Material Prepare: 1. picture cards of animals e.g.

3. 4. 5. 6.

2. the questions


Activity DIALOGUE 1. Pupils listen to a dialogue. 2. Ask questions based on the dialogue. 3. Display the dialogue on the board. 4. Pupils take turns to roleplay the dialogue.

Content Suggested Text Rani: Hi, Lina. Lina :Hi, Rani. Where did you go for the holidays? Rani: I went to Langkawi with my family. Lina: How did you go there? Rani: By aeroplane. Lina : When did you go there? Rani : I went there last Monday. Lina : What did you do there? Rani :I went up the cable car. It was very exciting. I also went shopping. Lina : That sounds great. Oh! I have to go now. See you. Bye. Rani: Bye.

Teachers notes Suggested Material

1. pre-recorded text 2. dialogue 3. sample

questions Note: Change words to vary the information.


Learning Standard: 1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts heard by: b) giving True/False replies

Activity AM I RIGHT?

Content Suggested Topics

Teachers notes

1. Take pupils around the

school. 2. Point to any object and say, This is a . e.g. Point to a car and say, This is a motorcycle. Pupils answer : False. This is a car. 3. Repeat with other objects.

1. 2. 3. 4.

objects in the school animals places people


Suggested Statements

Suggested Material Four large flash cards ( two for each group). e.g.

1. Divide the class into two


2. Read out a statement. 3. 4. 5.

6. e.g. An elephant has a trunk. A pupil from each group picks the correct flash card. Pupil shows the card to the rest of the class. Other pupils respond by saying if the card picked is right or wrong. Points are given if the answer is correct.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

An elephant has a trunk. A cat has a beak. A bird can fly. A cat chirps. A lion roars.

Statements are based on any topic for the week.



Suggested Content

Suggested Material Composite picture of a farm. Note: Number and types of animals can be changed based on the picture chosen.

1. Put up a picture of a farm. 2. Ask questions based on

the picture. e.g. How many cows can you see? 3. Sing the song Old Mac Donald and pupils follow. 4. Sing the first two lines of the song and state the number of animals e.g.: Teacher :Old Mac Donald has a farm, Class : E-I-E-I-O Teacher : And on that farm he has two cows. Class: False 5. Repeat with other animals from the picture.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Animals on the farm: three cows five ducks two horses eight chickens ten fishes


Suggested Story

Suggested Material Suitable questions

1. 2. 3. 4.

Play the story. Pupils listen carefully. Replay the story. A pupil answers the question as given in the CD. 5. Other pupils shout out True or False.

The Clever Mousedeer (Refer to the English Language Year 2 (SK) Teaching Courseware CD 3 - Lesson 64)


Suggested Statements

Suggested Material

1. Divide class into two equal


1. A cow has four legs.

(True )

1. sentence strips 2. flash cards

Note: True or False flash cards must match the number of statements prepared.

2. Each pupil in Group A will

have a different statement. 3. Each pupil in Group B will have either a True or False card. 4. Pupils in Group A will read their statements as they walk.

2. A rose is green in
colour. (False ) Note: Statements can be based on topics taught previously.


5. Pupils in Group B will

shout True or False and stand with their correct partners.

6. When all have found their

pairs, each pair comes out and reads their statement and answer aloud.


Appendix 1

Cut and paste the correct picture.

Pussy cat, pussy Where have you been? I have been to London To see the


pussy cat

What did you do there? I frightened a little Under the


Appendix 2



Choose the correct sentence.

Appendix 3

3 1 2


Appendix 5


Appendix 6



By the end of Year Two, pupils should be able to apply knowledge of sounds of letters to recognize words in order to begin reading and then move on to more complex skills using a range of strategies to construct meaning from the text read. The ultimate goal of the reading component in primary school is to produce pupils who will be able to read independently for information and enjoyment. Pupils of Year 2 will have to acquire the sounds to be learnt as stipulated in the learning standard 2.2.1 before they reinforce the new sounds learnt to form words learnt by blending these sounds. Pupils learn how to spell by segmenting words and then move on to read phrases and sentences.

The learning standards covered in Year 2 are as follows:

CONTENT STANDARD 2.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to apply knowledge of sounds of letters to recognize words in linear and non-linear texts. 2.1.1 LEARNING STANDARDS Able to recognize and articulate initial, medial and the final sounds in single syllable words within given context: (a) (b)
/e/ (ai ) /a:/ (ar) / / (ear) /e/ (ay) /I/ (oy) /w/ (wh) /e/ (a-e) /i:/ (ee) /:/ (or) /e/ (air ) /a/ (igh) /:/ (ur) // (ure) // (oa) // (ow) /:/ (er) /i:/ (ea) /:/ (aw) // (oe ) // (o-e) /:/ (au) /u:/ (u-e) //,/u:/ (oo) /I/ (oi)

(c) (d) (e)

/a/ ( ou)
/:/ (ir) /f/ (ph) /i:/ (e-e)

( ie) /u:/ ( ue) /ju:/ (ew ) /a/ ( i-e)

(f) (g)


Able to blend phonemes into recognisable words and read them aloud. Able to segment words into phonemes to spell.




By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to demonstrate understanding of a variety of linear and non-linear texts in the form of print and non-print materials using a range of strategies to construct meaning.


Able to read and apply word recognition and word attack skills by : a) matching words with spoken words b) reading and grouping words according to word families. Able to read and understand phrases in linear and non-linear texts. Able to read and understand simple sentences in linear and non-linear texts. Able to read and understand a paragraph of 5 8 simple sentences. Able to apply basic dictionary skills using picture dictionaries. Able to read simple texts with guidance: a) fiction b) non-fiction






By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to read independently for information and enjoyment.


As in Year One, pupils will be taught to articulate the phoneme(s) to be learnt by pupils of Year Two as stipulated in the learning standard. The following sounds are to be learnt in Year Two.


Grapheme Phoneme

Possible Actions


Hands on the waist and say ei as /eI/ if in anger.




Show you teeth and say ee /i:/



igh Place palm on the chest and say I





oa Palms up, shake your body and oe say au / /




Place hands above head, tap once / / and say u

oo Place hands above head, shake your head and say u.. ue /u:/ u-e


ar /a:/ ear Open your mouth wide and say aa

or Draw a big circle (anti-clockwise) aw in the air and say or.






Put your finger on the temple and say er





Join two peace signs and say w



Action of bird flying and say f



Point to a friend and say you.



Fan your hand in front of your nose and say eear




Hold your jaw and say air



Form a u with both hands, spread them like a flower blooming and say uwer



Pinch yourself and say aw



Hop like a kangaroo and say oi


These phonemes are to be taught in sequence as stipulated in the learning standard 2.1.1 (a) (g). The sounds presented in the table above are not in They have been classified

chronological order as found in the learning standard.

according to phonemes and have various graphemes, which represent a particular phoneme. graphemes. For example the phoneme /eI/, is represented by the grapheme ai, a-e and ay which are present in the following words rain, race and day. The phonemes learnt can be introduced using various teaching strategies such as singing songs, telling stories, reciting rhymes, playing games as well as drilling in order to reinforce the learning of these phonemes. Teachers should tell pupils that the phonemes might represent different

Phonemes taught in Year One are reinforced in Year Two before teaching phonemes to be learnt in Year Two as stipulated in the learning standards. following are the phonemes learnt in Year One: The

Grapheme Phoneme s /s / ss (voiceless)

Possible actions

1. Form a cobra head with your hand. 2. Trace the letter s in the air and, say s

c t /t/ (voiceless)

Tap two fingers on the desk and say t


/p/ (voiceless)

Place four fingers in front of your mouth and say p

/n/ (voiced)

Touch the tip of your nose and say n

/m / (voiced)

Lick an ice-cream and say m

/d/ d (voiced)

Drumming action and say d

/g/ (voiced)

1. You are cold, clutch your hands and shiver 2. Say ggg


c k ck

/k / (voiceless)

Action of flying a kite and say k

/r/ (voiced)

Be a lion and say rrr

1. Place your palm in front h /h/ (voiceless) of your mouth 2. Laugh haha

/b/ (voiced)

Action of balloon bursting and say b

/f/ (voiceless) Action of bird flying and say f



l /l/ (voiced) Raise both arms upright and say ll..


g j

/d/ (voiced)

Jump and say j.

/v/ (voiced)

Show the peace sign and say v.

Join two peace signs and say w /w/ (voiced) w.

/ks/ (voiceless)

Cross your hands and say ks..


/gz/ (voiceless)

Slash x and say gz..

/j/ (voiced)

Nod and say yeh

/z/ (voiced)

Trace z in the air and say z..


Action of a duck flapping its q /kw/ (voiced) wings once and say qua

1. Action of a moving train ch with both arms /t/ (voiceless) 2. Say ch.




Finger on the lips and say sh..



// (voiceless)

Show the thumb and say th.

// (voiced)

Point with the thumb and say th.

Action of mosquito buzzing ng // (voiced) around ears and say ng.


The short vowels are as follows :

Grapheme Phoneme

Possible actions

Imagine a spider crawling up your arm and say eh // a 1. Cross your arms on your chest // 2. Say er and lift your


/ /

Show your teeth and say e.

// o





clockwise) in the air and say o


Walk like an elephant and say e /e/ eh


Look up and say uh

The long vowels are as follows : Grapheme Phoneme Possible actions

Open your mouth wide and say a /a:/ aaa


Draw or




clockwise) in the air and say



Show your teeth and say ee..

Word List for Year 1 and 2 (according to phonemes learnt) Grapheme Phoneme Suggested Words




Suggested Words


/ / /



Suggested Words

a / // / /

/ a / a /




Suggested Words


Learning Standard: 2.1.2 Able to blend phonemes into recognizable words and read them aloud. TEACHERS NOTES Materials onset cards rime card picture cards Onset Cards
b c s g t d p

ACTIVITY Forming Words 1. Place pictures with the grapheme oa in a big box. 2. Pick a picture and name it aloud stressing the phoneme //. 3. Pupils repeat the word individually / in groups. 4. Prepare onset and rime cards based on the word list. 5. Place the cards on the table. 6. Pick pupils at random to select the correct onset and rime cards based on the picture. 7. Pupils blend and read the word aloud.

CONTENT Word List boat coat soap goat toad

Rime Card




Roll a word 1. Show pictures with the grapheme ee . 2. Say aloud the word , stressing the phoneme /i:/. 3. Pupils repeat. 4. Divide pupils into groups. Provide three cube sets for each group. 5. Taking turns, pupils roll cubes 1 - 3 to form words based on the picture. 6. Pupils say the words aloud and write the words that they have formed.

Word List sheep teeth tree weep feet sleep

Materials picture cards cubes template - Appendix 1 contents of onset cube (1) sh, t, tr, w, f, sl

contents of rime cube (2) ee

contents of onset cube (3) - p, th, t *can use erasers as cubes. *this activity can be turned into a competition.




ACTIVITY Word Chain 1. Demonstrate the action for the phoneme /: /. 2. Pupils repeat a few times. 3. Show pictures and name them. 4. Pick pupils at random and hang the cards around the pupils necks. 5. Teacher says a word. e.g. saw. 6. Pupils with the respective letter cards will stand side by side to blend the word. 7. Pupils repeat the word.

CONTENT Word List saw paw draw prawn crawl e.g

TEACHERS NOTES Materials letter cards picture cards

pr cr p dr

aw n l s

Match Me Right 1. Demonstrate the grapheme i e through a song. 2. Pupils repeat. 3. Show picture cards and blend the phonemes. 4. Pupils repeat individually or in groups. 5. Put up picture cards on the wall with the onset cards. 6. Pupils match the rime cards to the correct picture cards. 7. Pupils read the words.

Word List kite five prize mice rice hide Song chart (Tune of Clementine) I like to fly kites (3x) In the sky I have five kites (3x) As my prize I see five mice (3x) Eating rice When they see me(3x) They run and hide

Materials picture cards Onset Rime Cards cards A B

m h k f r pr

ice ide ite ive ice ize


ACTIVITY Word Spinner 1. Demonstrate the action and sound for the phoneme /eI/. 2. Pupils repeat. 3. Show pictures and say the word. 4. Blend the onset and rime cards. 4. Pupils repeat. 5. Put up a word spinner. 6. Pupils take turns to spin. 7. Pupils blend the onset and rime letters to form correct words. 8. Pupils read the words.

CONTENT Word List thigh light fight night right bright

TEACHERS NOTES Materials Picture cards Word spinner template Appendix 2 Onset cards A Rime cards B

th l f n r br t



Learning Standard: 2.1.3 Able to segment words into phonemes to spell.

ACTIVITY Separate Me

CONTENT Suggested Words :


1. Demonstrate segmentation of a snake, bake, tape, word. cake, lake, make, race, a. Read the word. date, spade b. Pupils repeat. c. Say the phonemes.

e.g. a-e : snake - /s/, /n/, /e /, /k/

2. Distribute grapheme cards randomly to the pupils. 3. Teacher says a word. 4. People with the related graphemes come to the front to form the word. 5. Teacher says the phoneme and the pupil with the related grapheme card raises it. 6. Teacher repeats the activity with other words.

Jumping On The Puddles

1. Show a word. 2. Say the word aloud and separate them into segments. 3. 4. e.g. girl - /g/ /:// /l/ Pupils repeat after the teacher. Create puddles across the classroom floor, each puddle featuring a grapheme. Teacher says a word and picks a pupil at random to demonstrate. Pupil says the phoneme as he/she jumps on it. Repeat the steps for all the words suggested.

Suggested Words : girl, bird, thirsty, skirt, shirt, first

Appendix 3

5. 6. 7.


ACTIVITY Break the Code

1. Divide class into 2 sections. 2. In one section create a reward zone. e.g. sweets in a box 3. Another section; pupils stand in groups of 5-6. 4. Teacher shows a word card. 5. Each group reads the word aloud. 6. Pupils break the code by saying the phonemes aloud in order to take the reward. e.g. Teacher : bow Pupils : /b/ //

CONTENT Suggested Words:

cow, town, how, bow, owl, flower, power


Word Boxes

Suggested Words:

Materials letter cards

1. Divide pupils into groups. sea, pea, meat, read, 2. Distribute boxes of letter cards to eat each group. 3. Show the picture and say the word. 4. Pupils segment the sounds and say the word. e.g. /m/ /i:/, /t/ 5. Each group take turns to segment the word. 6. Repeat the steps with each word on the list.



1. Show the picture and the word. e.g.

CONTENT Suggested Words:

alphabet, dolphin, elephant, telephone, photo

Appendix 4

dolphin d o l ph i n

2. Teacher says the word aloud and segments the word. 3. Pupils repeat after the teacher. 4. Put up the word cards on the wall. 5. Pupils segment the words. 6. Repeat the steps with each word on the list.


Learning Standard: 2.2.1 Able to read and apply word recognition and word attack skills by: a. matching words with spoken words. ACTIVITIES Listen and Choose 1. Pair the pupils. 2. One pupil will be given a set of picture cards and the other will be given a set of word cards. Teacher says out a word. The pupil who has the correct picture card will put it up followed by the pupil with the correct word card. CONTENT Word List: goat coat float boat toad road TEACHERS NOTES Materials Word cards Picture cards goat coat float boat toad road

3. 4. 5. 6.

Read and Find 1. Distribute worksheets to pupils. 2. Pupils are asked to read the words. 3. Pupils use colour pencils to trace the dotted lines from the words to the pictures.

Word List: goat coat float boat toad road

Materials colour pencils worksheets Appendix 5

Assemble Me Dear 1. Each group will be given a picture puzzle in an envelope. 2. Each group will have to assemble the picture correctly on a manila card. 3. The assembled picture will have to be pasted on the board together with the correct word and pupils say it out loud. 4. The fastest group wins the game.

Word list: girl bird skirt shirt first third

Materials pictures cut into pieces envelopes word cards


ACTIVITIES Bingo 1. Teacher prepares a few sets of bingo cards with the same words in different arrangements. 2. Distributes the sets to the pupils. 3. Give instructions how to play. 4. Teacher picks words randomly from a box. 5. Say it out loud. 6. The first pupil to complete the words in a straight line is the winner.

CONTENT Word list: blue glue true high night light wheel whale birthday car balloon sir

TEACHERS NOTES Materials bingo sets box word cards blue glue true whale car light sir high night

glue car night blue true high Materials Worksheets Appendix 6

sir light true

Get Me Right 1. Distribute worksheets to the pupils. 2. Teacher reads out a word according to the word list. 3. Pupils listen and circle the correct word. 4. Repeat the steps for the other words.

Word list: chew crew screw drew blew flew


Learning Standard: 2.2.1 Able to read and apply word recognition and word attack skills by : c. reading and grouping words according to word families.

Put Me Where I Belong 1. Put up the word chart. 2. Drill the pupils with the words. 3. Call pupils at random to read the word shown and place it in the correct column.(Final / :/ and / ju:/) 4. Repeat the activity until all the words are correctly placed.

Word list : screw new blew drew saw jaw draw straw

Materials word chart (Appendix 7)

Crazy Poems 1. Display a poem on the board. 2. Ask pupils to repeat the poem after the teacher. 3. Distribute worksheet that has two columns: (animals and clothing). 4. Ask pupils to group the words and write them in the correct column. A cow goes to town, In a gown, Then passes a toad, In a coat, Ha! Ha! Ha! Laughs the goat, In a rowing boat, Shirt for sale, Skirt for sale, Yells the bird, With the yellow tail.

Materials poem chart worksheets Appendix 8


Learning Standard: 2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases in linear and non-linear texts.

Jazz with me... 1. Chant aloud. 2. Pupils read the phrases with the phoneme /aI/ aloud after the teacher. 3. Say the words with the phoneme /aI/ louder while chanting. 4. Put up Chart A 5. Pupils complete the chant with word cards.

Jazz Chant What a fright Turn to your right Keep a sight Switch on the light Keep it bright Say good night Say it right Chart A What a ____ Turn to your ____ Keep a ____ Switch on the ____ Keep it ____ Say good ____ Say it ____

Materials Jazz chant, chart, word cards Another jazz chant : Mother bakes a cake It is a chocolate cake She puts it on a plate She cuts a piece of cake She gives a piece to Jade Jade takes the cake To share it with Miss Kate Sorry its too late It falls into the lake

Butter Cake 1. Sing the song (Happy Wanderer Tune) 2. Teacher says aloud phrases with the phoneme /eI/ while flashing the phrase cards. 3. Pupils repeat after teacher. 4. Stress the phrase: a butter cake 5. Paste phrase cards with missing letters on the board. 6. Pupils complete the phrases with letter cards of a and e.

Song : Butter Cake I love to eat a butter cake that my mother loves to bake The butter cake my mother baked with a candle on the cake Butter cake, Butter cake, Butter cake ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha Butter cake and the big piece is for me

Materials Song chart Word cards; cake, bake, lake, date, take, plate Phrase Cards

a butter cake bake a cake a butter c_k_

b_k_ a c_k_


It s Story Time 1. Teacher reads the story. 2. Stress on the phoneme: /a:/, / aI / 3. Get pupils to repeat the words. 4. Read the Big Book with the pupils. 5. Read with correct pronunciation and intonation. 6. In groups, pupils arrange sentences to form the correct story (teacher can carry it out as a competition to make it fun.)

Short Story The night was dark. Knight heard a bark. He switched on the light. He had a fright When he saw a duck. What a BIG BIG duck. The duck chased Knight. Knight went to hide. Oh what a fright.

Materials Prepare phrase cards Prepare a Big Book

Draw a series of pictures.

Read Me Aloud 1. Teacher reads a short story. 2. Read the phrase cards shown. 3. Stress on the phoneme /i:/ 4. Get pupils to repeat. 5. Pupils read the story with correct pronunciation and intonation. 6. Call pupils randomly. Teacher gives a card to a pupil (e.g: A sad king) 7. Ask the pupil to read the phrase silently and do the actions in front of the class. 8. The rest of the pupils guess the phrase.

Short Story Once there was a king and a queen. The queen did not have a child. They were very sad. Years later, the queen had a baby girl. Everyone was happy. So, they held a party. Then came a witch. She put a spell. She put a curse on the baby. Soon, the princess fell in a deep, deep sleep.

Materials Teachers can prepare a big book for the story. Prepare phrase cards: sad king sad queen a beautiful queen a baby girl sleeps an ugly witch a sad king a sad queen


Learning Standard: 2.2.3 Able to read and understand simple sentences in linear and non-linear texts. ACTIVITY Read and match Duplicate the Appendix 1. Distribute worksheets to pupils. 2. Pupils read the sentences and match them to the pictures. 3 . Pupils read the sentences aloud in small groups. Appendix 9 CONTENT TEACHERS NOTES

Read and match Duplicate the Appendix 1. 2. Teacher puts up parts of sentences. Pupils read the sentence parts in small groups. Pupils match the sentence parts. Pupils read the completed sentences aloud. Appendix 10

3. 4.

Read and paste Materials 1. 2. Distribute a composite picture to each pupil. Put up a chart containing sentences on the board. Pupils read the sentences. Pupils cut out the objects and paste them on the picture. Pupils exchange their work and check. Sentences on the chart. 1. The ball is under the cupboard. 2. The books are on the table. 3. The doll is in the pail. 4. The lamp is on the table. composite picture chart containing sentences. Appendix 11

3. 4.



Jigsaw puzzle Duplicate the Appendix 1. Divide the pupils into groups of three. 2. Distribute a jigsaw puzzle to the groups. 3. Pupils assemble the jigsaw puzzle to form a picture. 4. Pupils flip over the picture and read the sentences given. Appendix 12a and 12b

Word Maze 1. Pair up pupils. 2. Distribute handouts containing word maze to the pairs. 3. Pupils find four sentences from the maze. 4. Pupils colour the sentences. 5. Pupils read the sentences aloud. Teacher can prepare different sets of word maze. Appendix 13


Learning Standard: 2.2.4 Able to read and understand a paragraph of 5- 8 simple sentences.

Get Me Right


Duplicate the Appendix

1. 2. 3.



Teacher tells the story. Divide pupils into groups. Distribute worksheet with incomplete paragraphs and the envelope containing the sentence strips. Pupils complete the paragraph with the correct sentence strips. Pupils read the completed paragraph in groups.

Appendix 14

Read and Do Instructions: 1. Distribute a handout with instructions on making a paper puppet. 2. Pupils read the instructions. 3. Pupils follow the instructions and do the paper puppet. (Option: Pupils can use the paper puppet to role play.) Take an envelope. Draw two eyes. Draw a nose and a mouth. Colour the face. Cut the sides of the envelope. Paste them as ears. Materials envelopes glue colour pencils scissors


Read and Transfer 1. Put up a chart containing a passage about Azlans family. 2. Distribute an empty family tree. 3. Pupils read the passage and complete the family tree.


Pupils should have prior knowledge of family tree. Appendix 15

Read and Sequence Duplicate the Appendix. 1. Pair up the pupils. 2. Give a map to each group. 3. Distribute a set of sentence strips to each group. 4. Pupils read the sentences and sequence them in a paragraph. 5. Pupils read the arranged sentences aloud. Prepare the sentence strips. Appendix 16

Read and Play 1. Divide pupils into groups of four. 2. Distribute the board game, dice and tokens. 3. Explain the rules. 4. Pupils read and play the board game.

Rules: If the pupil answers correctly, he /she is allowed to move two steps forward. If he / she fails , the pupil has to move a step backward. Appendix 17


Learning Standards: 2.2.4 Able to read and understand a paragraph of 5-8 simple sentences. 2.2.5 Able to apply basic dictionary skills using picture dictionaries. TEACHERS NOTE Appendix 18 and 19 Prepare a mouse hole. Use a cardboard or hardboard.

ACTIVITY Peeping Mouse


A Mouse Tale 1. Show action of peeping through a mouse hole and name the objects seen in the classroom. 2. Show picture cards and and ask questions about it. 3. Put up the chart. Read the sentences describing the pictures. 4. Drill the keywords. 5. Distribute worksheets. 6. Pupils read the sentences. From the mouse hole I peep out, To see if Kitty is about. I see Kitty sitting on a seat, I see Kitty eating a piece of meat. I eat the cheese, And then I sneeze. Kitty hears the sound, And she turns around. From the mouse hole I can see, Kitty looking at me.

2. Prepare picture cards. - a cat on a chair eating a piece of meat. - a mouse eating a piece of cheese - a mouse sneezes - a cat on a chair turning its head - a cat looking at the mouse.


Learning Standards:
2.3.1 Able to read simple texts with guidance: a) fiction b) non-fiction 2.2.5 Able to apply basic dictionary skills using picture dictionaries ACTIVITY Fix Me Right 1. Put up the chart. Read the text. 2. Distribute worksheets. Pupils work in groups to complete the worksheet. 3. Teacher reads the text line by line. Pupils pick and paste the cut -outs on the board 4. Teacher reads and pupils follow. 5. Pupils read aloud in groups and individually. CONTENT TEACHERS NOTE Materials Worksheet Appendix 20 Prepare cut-outs parts of a tree as in Appendix 21

This is a mango tree. It is a big tree. It has a trunk and long roots. It has big branches with many leaves. The leaves are green. It has a lot of fruits. They are mangoes. They are sweet.

Hibiscus and Roses 1. Show pictures or real flowers (roses and hibiscus) and ask questions about them. 2. Read the text and pupils repeat. 3. Distribute worksheets. Pupils work in groups to complete the worksheets. Pupils need to use dictionaries to help them arrange the words alphabetically. 4. Pupils read the text. What is this? This is a red hibiscus. It is our national flower. It has five petals. The petals are big. What are these? These are roses. Roses are beautiful The leaves are small. They have thorns.

Materials Pictures Appendix 22 Worksheet Appendix 23


Learning Standard: 2.3.1 Able to read simple texts with guidance : a) fiction b) non-fiction TEACHERS NOTES

ACTIVITY Seek and Circle 1. Pupils get into 4 groups according to their birthdays. 2. They are given word cards of words from the story Sleeping Beauty. 3. Pupils put the word cards into the labeled boxes/baskets. 4. Teacher calls out pupils at random and asks them to check and see if the pupils have sorted out the cards correctly. 5. Then, pupils read out the words. 6. Teacher screens the story of Sleeping Beauty. Pupils read aloud together with the CD / teacher. 7. Teacher distributes the task sheets. 8. Pupils work in four groups. Pupils read the text and circle the words that have the phonemes learnt.


Groups: January March April June July September October December Word cards : queen, there, sleeping, beauty, girl, everyone, fairy, etc. Boxes labelled with the graphemes : ee, ea, ir, e-e, o-e, etc.

Teacher helps with their birth months, maybe refer to the Pupils Attendance Register.

Teacher must prepare the word cards based on the story in the CD.

Teacher can prepare small boxes or even little baskets with the labels.

Source : English Year 2 (SK) Teaching Courseware CD 4 Lesson 74 (e-Book). Graphemes : ee, ea, ai, e-e, o-e, etc.

Teacher prepares laptop, LCD & screen.

Teacher prepares task sheets for the pupils as in Appendix 24.


Story Comes Alive 1. Pupils are divided into groups of sports houses, e.g. : red, blue, yellow and green. Teacher distributes envelopes with cut out pieces of pictures from Sleeping Beauty. Pupils have to assemble the jigsaw puzzle and talk about the picture. Screen the story and the pupils read aloud together with the CD / teacher. Then, pupils talk about the main characters in the story. Teacher prepares the four jigsaw puzzles, cuts them according to the lines and puts them into four envelopes. Appendix 25 Teacher prepares laptop, LCD & screen. Teacher prompts the pupils with simple questions.


Pictures from Sleeping Beauty Source : English Year 2 (SK) Teaching Courseware CD 4 Lesson 74 (e-Book). Eg : Name the people in the story.




Lets Go Round & Round 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Teacher screens the song The Wheels On the Bus. Pupils sing along together. Teacher screens the reading lesson of Going Places. Pupils read together with the CD / teacher. Teacher asks pupils to read the text aloud. Divide pupils into four groups according to vehicles such as bicycle, car, motorcycle, lorry, bus, train, aeroplane etc. Pupils act out the vehicles with sound effects.

Source : English Year 2 (SJK) Teaching Courseware CD 1 Lesson 4. Source : English Year 2 (SK) Teaching Courseware CD 4 Lesson 78 (e-Book). Word list : bicycle, motorcycle, car, lorry, bus, train, aeroplane

Teacher prepares laptop, LCD & screen.

Teacher stresses on the words learnt. Teacher corrects the pupils pronunciation.



Appendix 1


Appendix 2


Appendix 3

Jumping Over Puddles Create puddles across the classroom floor. Each puddle features a grapheme. Pupils say the phonemes as they jump on it.



Appendix 4

Wall Words Put up the grapheme cards on the wall. Teacher says a word. Pupils say the phonemes, take out the grapheme cards one at the time while saying it aloud.


d n


Appendix 5

Read the word and trace it to the picture.







Teacher can also choose to make this a matching activity (i.e. dotted lines)


Appendix 6

Listen and circle the correct word.


























Appendix 7


Appendix 8

Crazy Poems Animals Clothing


Appendix 9


Appendix 10

My father works

a long neck.

They like

a kind man.

A giraffe has

in a hospital.

The doctor is

to catch fish.

*Teachers are free to construct own sentences.


Appendix 11


Appendix 12a



Appendix 12b

1. Ali went for a picnic. 2. He went there with his family. 3. He ate sandwiches and noodles. 4. He also fed the ducks.


Appendix 13

c k t y s i t g w n f a b o q o t h e r e k s m a g n m r w a l k a o

m s v o n t j p m o k i e i s a k e h e h e t o i v f

x p o h h e c a n t h u e r a m a g z k a s a q j d t h e a n h

d r h a i r g a e b a u n n g o f s y s i s v n h g a t e d k u c

f j l m e g y o u t e e i x

g u b z s t a k e r


Appendix 14


A lion and a mouse lived in the jungle.

Then the lion let it go. A lion and a mouse lived in the jungle

They became a good friends.

Sentence strip

One day, the lion caught the mouse.

The mouse asked the lion to let it go. One day, a hunter caught the lion.

The mouse saved the lion.


Appendix 15

Azlans Family Tree


Azlan is my best friend. There are seven people in his family. His father is Encik Ramli. Puan Siti is his mother. His grandfathers name is Encik Karim. His grandmothers name is Puan Minah. He has a brother. His name is Halim. His sisters name is Timah.


Appendix 16



Lorong Sihat


Appendix 17



Appendix 18

From the mousehole I peep out, To see if Kitty is about. I see Kitty sitting on a seat, I see Kitty eating a piece of meat. I eat the cheese, And then I sneeze. Kitty hears the sound, And she turns around. From the mousehole I can see, Kitty looking at me.



Appendix 19

A. Find the word that comes first in the dictionary. Circle it.

1. peep



2. meat



3. sneeze



B. Find the word that comes last in the dictionary. Circle it.

1. peep



2. meat



3. sneeze




Appendix 20

Find these words in your dictionary and write down what page they are in.

1. trunk ______________

2. root


3. branch ____________

4. leave ______________

mangoes ____________


Appendix 21


Appendix 22

What is this? This is a red hibiscus. It is our national flower. It has five petals. The petals are big.

What are these? These are roses. Roses are beautiful. The leaves are small. They have thorns.


Appendix 23 A. Use your dictionary to help Kitty arrange the words alphabetically. 1.

rose beautiful leaf

_____________________ _____________________





hibiscus petal big

_____________________ _____________________




B. Give suitable answers to the questions below. 1. What page does the b section start in your dictionary? Page _________ 2. Which word comes first, big or beautiful? ________________

3. Give the meaning of the words below : small ____________ beautiful ___________


Appendix 24 Work in groups. Read the text. Circle words with the phonemes that you have learnt.

One day, the princess saw a door. She opened the door. She saw a woman. The woman was

A hundred years went by. Roses covered the palace. One

day, a prince came riding by. The prince went into the palace. saw the princess. He

the old fairy. But the princess did not know that.

The princess hurt her finger. She cried out and fell. The old fairy laughed and went away. people found the princess. carried her to her room. The They

Once, there lived a king and a queen. The queen did not have a child. They were very sad. Many years went by. had a baby. Then, the queen It was a girl!

Everyone was happy.


Appendix 25






Pupils learnt penmanship and started basic writing in Year 1. Therefore, by Year 2, it is hoped that they would have developed good motor skills and other pre writing skills such as penmanship. Year 2 pupils are now expected to write neatly and legibly words, phrases, simple sentences as well as punctuate correctly. With guidance from the teacher, pupils would be able to write and present their ideas through a variety of media. The Writing Content and Learning Standards for Year 2 are as follows: Content Standards 3.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to form letters and words in neat legible print including cursive writing. Learning Standards 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print: a) words b) phrases c) simple sentences 3.1.2 Able to write numerals in neat legible print: a) numeral form b) word form 3.2 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to write using appropriate language, form and style for a range of purposes. 3.2.1. Able to complete with guidance: a) simple messages b) posters 3.2.2 Able to write simple sentences with guidance. 3.2.3 Able to punctuate correctly: a) capital letters b) full stop c) question mark 3.2.4 Able to spell common sight words. 3.3. By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to write and present ideas through a variety of media using appropriate language, form and style.
3.3.1 Able to create simple non-linear texts using a variety

of media with guidance : a) posters b) signs

Although most of the learning standards have been dealt with in this module, teachers are encouraged to plan lessons and activities on their own and incorporate them into their lessons. The activities provided here are merely suggested ones. Teachers are encouraged to think `outside the box, be creative and innovative when devising lessons.


Learning Standard: 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print: a) phrases b) simple sentences ACTIVITY THINGS IN MY PENCIL CASE 1. Prepare a treasure box with objects in it. 2. Divide pupils into groups. 3. Pupils from each group take turns to pick an object from the box and show it to the class. 4. The other group members write the name of the object shown on a piece of paper in their respective groups. 5. The group with the highest score is declared the winner. CONTENT Things in my pencil case: - a pencil - a sharpener - a ruler - an eraser - a pair of scissors - a bottle of glue TEACHERS NOTES Prepare: related pictures / realia


ACTIVITY KIMS GAME 1. Put up a covered chart of colourful things on the board. 2. Distribute a worksheet each. 3. Take out the cover of the chart. 4. Give pupils sufficient time to look at the chart. 5. Once again cover the chart. 6. Pupils complete the given worksheet.

CONTENT Things in the classroom:

TEACHERS NOTES Note: May use other suitable realia.

Sample worksheet

a _____ _________ a _____ _________ a _____ _________ ___ _____ _________ ___ _____ _________ e.g. a red bag


ACTIVITY WHAT HAVE YOU? 1. Distribute a few objects to the pupils. 2. Sing the song What have you? 3. Pupil 1 sings the answer and tags his/her friend to continue. 4. Pupils complete worksheet.

CONTENT Suggested Song (Tune of : Are You Sleeping?) Teacher sings: I have a pencil, I have a pencil, What do you have? What do you have? Pupils sing: I have a ruler, I have a ruler, What do you have? What do you have? Sample worksheet: Complete the text.

TEACHERS NOTES Note: Pupils to substitute underlined words

1. I have a pencil, I have _____ ________.

2. I have a ruler, I _____ __ ______.

3. I have ___ _______, I _____ ____ _______


ACTIVITY HOW AM I DIFFERENT? 1. Pupils talk about their parents occupations. 2. Put up pictures of occupations. 3. Pupils identify the occupations displayed. 4. Pupils complete worksheet.


TEACHERS NOTES Note: May use other occupations

policeman wears a blue uniform police station patrol car 1. Samad is a __________ 2. He ________ 3. He works in the ___________ 4. He drives a __________ _____

Farid fireman wears a helmet and boots a fire engine fire station

1. Farid is a __________ 2. He ________ 3. He drives ___________ 4. He works at the ________________.


ACTIVITY CHOOSE AND COMPLETE 1. Put up a composite picture and talk about it. 2. Put up an incomplete text based on the picture shown. 3. Show an incomplete text based on the picture shown. 4. Pupils complete the text.

CONTENT Sample picture:


Based on the picture, complete the text below.

Ali and Ah Meng are good friends . Today they are at the playground. It is a hot day. They are playing swing.


Learning Standard: 3.1.2 Able to write numerals in neat legible print: a) numeral forms b) word forms ACTIVITY A VISIT TO UNCLE BOBS FARM 1. Put up animal picture cards around the class. 2. Give out worksheets to pupils. 3. Pupils walk around to count the number of animals in each picture to complete their worksheets. 4. Pupils write down the numbers in numerals and word forms. Sample worksheet: 5. The first pupil to complete and get them correct is declared the winner. e.g. 2 2 two _____ cats rabbits CONTENT TEACHERS NOTES Note: May use other pictures and numbers

6 4
_____ goats


Learning Standard: 3.1.1 Able to write numerals in neat legible print: a) word form ACTIVITY BREAK THE CODE Example: 1. Paste picture cards on the board. 2. Pupils name the pictures. 3. Write the first letter for each picture. 4. Pupils break the code and the numerals are spelt. 5. Give worksheets to pupils. 6. Pupils break the code. * * * * * * CONTENT TEACHERS NOTES Picture cards.





Sample worksheet:

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __

___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___


ACTIVITY THE CHOO CHOO TRAIN Sample: 1. Divide pupils into groups.



Prepare word cards to form sentences. Choo Choo train

Given numeral: 2. Give each group 5 wagon-shaped cards with words written on them. 3. Pupils construct a sentence, placing each word in a wagon to form a choochoo train. 4. The fastest group is declared the winner. 5. After that, all pupils are asked to write down the five sentences that have been constructed by the groups.

Sample sentence: Susan has six blue shirts.


ACTIVITY THE STORY WRITER 1. Divide pupils into groups. 2. Give each group a picture puzzle. 3. The group members assemble the picture and paste it on a card. 4. Pupils write simple sentences to describe the picture.



Example: Picture puzzle

Prepare: picture puzzles

Puzzle picture: A farm

1. This is Pak Dollahs

farm. 2. There are eight chickens on his farm. 3. There are ten cows under a tree.


Learning Standard: 3.1.1 Able to write numerals in neat legible print: a) numeral form b) word form ACTIVITY FIND ME IF YOU CAN 1. Read the sentences. 2. Pupils solve the puzzle by decoding the numbers that represent the letters of the alphabet. 3. The first pupil to decode the sentence is declared the winner.
20 8 5 6 1 20



The python is hiding in Uncle Bobs farm. Break the code and find what he did.








The answer: The fat python ate five ducks and two goats.












Learning Standard: 3.2.1 Able to complete with guidance: a) simple messages ACTIVITY DEAR MAMA Example: 1. Divide pupils into groups. 2. Give 3 variations of the same message to the groups. 3. Read the message to the pupils. 4. Pupils complete the given message. 5. Group leaders read out the completed message. Sample A Dear mama, Please buy me a _____ ____ of orange juice, a _____ of chocolate, a _______ of sweets, a ________ of biscuits and ______ apples. I need these for my camp next week. Thank you. Jet Li Teacher can have variations for: - buy things from canteen - buy stationery from bookshop CONTENT TEACHERS NOTES

Sample B Dear mama, Please buy me a bottle of ____________, a bar of ________, a packet of _________, a tin of ___________, and ____________ apples. I need these for my camp next week. Thank you. Jet Li


Sample C Dear mama, Please buy me a bottle of _______, a_______ of chocolate, a packet of _________, a________ of biscuits and ______ ______. I need these for my camp next week. Thank you. Jet Li.


Learning Standard: 3.2.1 Able to complete with guidance: a) posters ACTIVITY FRUITS 1. Put up information of three different fruits. 2. Each pupil draws a poster of one fruit using the information given. Papaya RM 2.00 each Orange CONTENT TEACHERS NOTES

Watermelon RM8.00 each Green

Mango RM 2.50 each Yellow

Sample poster:

Name: _____ Price: _____ Colour: _____


Learning Standard: 3.2.1 Able to complete with guidance: a) posters ACTIVITY PET FOR SALE 1. Divide pupils into groups and distribute word cards. 2. Distribute posters of 3 animals and a comparison table. 3. Pupils complete the table using word cards. 4. Pupils complete a worksheet.


TEACHERS NOTES Word cards with: - name of animals - price - colour - food - home Poster (Appendix 1)




Sample worksheet:

Dear Mummy, May I please have a __________ for a pet? It costs only RM ___________. It is __________. I can feed it ______________. We also need a _____________ for it. Please? Jacky


Learning Standard: 3.2.2 Able to write simple sentences with guidance: ACTIVITY GLORIOUS FOOD 1. Pupils talk about the food they like. 2. Distribute worksheets for pupils to complete. 3. Pupils name the food they like and state why they like it in sentences. 4. Pupils complete worksheet. CONTENT Fill in the blanks. 1. I like to eat ______ because ________. 2. You like to eat _____ because ________. 3. ________ likes to eat ________ because ________. 4. ________ likes to eat ________ because ________. TEACHERS NOTES





WHAT ARE YOU DOING? 1. Put up Ritas time table. 2. Pupils talk about Ritas daily activities based on the time table. 3. Pupils complete the worksheet.

Example: Ritas time table

Mon School Bathe & lunch Piano class Math tuition Jogging Dinner Study hour Tue school Bathe & lunch English tuition French class Swimming Dinner Study hour Wed school Bathe & lunch Art class Nap hour Jogging Dinner Study hour Thur school Bathe & lunch Nap hour Video game hour Jogging Dinner Study hour Fri school Bathe & lunch TV hour Nap hour

8.0012.30 12.302.00 2.003.30 3.305.00 5.007.00 7.008.30 8.3010.00 10.00

Swimming Dinner Study hour

zzzsleeping time.zzz

On Monday, Rita has her piano lesson. On Tuesday, Rita ___ __________________. On Wednesday, ____ _________________.

On ______________ _________________

On ______________ _________________ On _____________ _________________


Learning Standards: 3.2.2 3.2.4 Able to write simple sentences with guidance. Able to spell common sight words. ACTIVITY WRITE AND DRAW 1. Read out the sentences. 2. Pupils listen and write out sentences read. 3. Pupils draw pictures based on what they have written. Sample worksheet: CONTENT TEACHERS NOTES

1 2 3 4

I have a round face. I have a big nose. I have two small eyes. I have a big mouth.


Learning Standards: 3.2.3 Able to punctuate correctly: a) capital letters b) full stop Able to spell common sight words. ACTIVITY WHATS WRONG? 1. Display a text and read it out. 2. Display a similar text with missing or incorrect punctuation and spelling errors. 3. Pupils identify missing or incorrect punctuation and spelling errors. 4. Pupils rewrite text with correct punctuation and spelling. CONTENT Sample text: TEACHERS NOTES


Sample worksheet: Wrong spelling Correct spelling



Rewrite the story ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________


ACTIVITY WHAT ARE THESE? 1. Display pictures of fruits. 2. Place word cards below each picture. 3. Pupils construct simple sentences with correct punctuation using the word cards.

CONTENT Sample worksheet: Label the pictures. Then, complete the sentence based on each picture.

TEACHERS NOTES Prepare: word cards - apple - sweet - grapes - juicy

__________________ This is an apple. It is sweet.

____________ These are grapes. They are juicy.


Learning Standards: 3.2.2 3.2.4 Able to write simple sentences with guidance. Able to spell common sight words. ACTIVITY CREATE NEW WORDS Example: 1. Put up the word refrigerator. Refrigerator 2. Divide pupils into groups. 3. Pupils create new words from the given word. 4. Pupils make simple sentences based on the new words they have created. go rat CONTENT TEACHERS NOTES



Sample sentences: 1 I see a rat.

2 I walk to school. 3 I go to the market. 4 Please get me the book.


Learning Standard: 3.2.2 Able to write simple sentences with guidance. ACTIVITY LIKES AND DISLIKES 1. Display pictures of hobbies. 2. Ask pupils what they like to do. 3. Pupils state what they like and dislike doing. CONTENT TEACHERS NOTES

4. Distribute worksheets to

Example: I like cycling. I dislike playing football.

Sample worksheet: Tick () or () and make sentences.

( ) I like cycling.

I dislike playing football.


Learning Standard: 3.3.1 Able to create simple non-linear texts using a variety of media with guidance: a) posters TEACHERS NOTES

ACTIVITY LOST KITTEN 1. Tell a story. 2. Distribute worksheet. 3. Pupils create a lost and found poster. 4. Repeat story if necessary.

CONTENT Sample worksheet:

Name: ____________ Type: _______ Colour of fur: ________ Colour of eyes: ______ Tail: ___________ Owner: ____________ Contact number: _____

Sample story:


ACTIVITY THE TOTEM 1. Talk about an event in school. 2. Divide pupils into groups. 3. Pupils create a poster for an event in their school. 4. Provide information to be included.



SPORTS DAY SK SRI UTAMA DATE: _____ TIME : _____ PLACE: _______________


Learning Standard: 3.3.1 Able to create simple non-linear texts using a variety of media with guidance: a) signs ACTIVITY DRAW ME 1. Display signs that pupils can see in the school. 2. Write simple instructions on the board. 3. Pupils draw signs for the instructions with guidance. Suggested instructions: Keep quiet! Do not litter! Do not step on the grass! CONTENT TEACHERS NOTES

Keep quiet!


Learning Standard: 3.3.1 Able to create simple non-linear texts using a variety of media with guidance: a) posters ACTIVITY POSTER or ADVERTISEMENT 1. Take pupils to the school canteen. 2. Talk about food sold at the canteen. 3. Pupils create a poster to show food sold in the canteen and label them. CONTENT TEACHERS NOTES

Sample poster: Food in the canteen


Learning Standard: 3.3.1 Able to create simple non-linear texts using a variety of media with guidance: a) posters b) signs ACTIVITY ROAD SAFETY 1. Talk about road safety. 2. Place picture cards of road signs around the classroom. 3. Distribute worksheets. 4. Pupils draw road signs and colour them. CONTENT MATCHING ROAD SIGNS TEACHERS NOTES


Appendix 1


Language Arts is a new component designed to create appreciation and enjoyment amongst pupils as they learn language. This experience should be fun filled and used as a means to create confidence in pupils to use the language without inhibitions. As such, learning standards have been designed for pupils to achieve the above mentioned goals. Following are the learning standards for language arts for Year Two:



4.1 By the end of the 6year primary schooling, pupils will be able to enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and songs through performance.

4.1.1 Able to enjoy action songs and jazz chants through non-verbal response. 4.1.2 Able to sing action songs and recite jazz chants with correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.

4.2 By the end of the 6year primary schooling, pupils will be able to express personal response to literary texts.

4.2.1 Able to respond to: a. book covers b. pictures in books c. characters with guidance.

4.3. By the end of the 6year primary schooling, pupils will be able to plan, organize and produce creative works for enjoyment.

4.3.1 Able to produce simple creative works with guidance based on: a) action songs b) jazz chants c) stories 4.3.2 Able to take part with guidance in a performance based on: a) action songs b) jazz chants c) stories

As this is a new component, activities for all learning standards have been covered in this section. However, teachers are encouraged to use their own creative ideas to conduct lessons in the classroom as well.


LEARNING STANDARD: 4.1.1 Able to listen to and enjoy action songs and jazz chants through non-verbal response ACTIVITY Stuck! Pupils do actions according to the lyrics while standing in a spot. 1. Pupils stand in a spot and do the required actions as demonstrated by the teacher. CONTENT Suggested Action Song: Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush Here we go round the mulberry bush The mulberry bush [2x] Here we go round the mulberry bush So early in the morning This is the way we wash our face Wash our face [2x] This is the way we wash our face So early in the morning This is the way we brush our teeth Brush our teeth [2x] This is the way we brush our teeth So early in the morning This is the way we have our bath Have our bath [2x] This is the way we have our bath So early in the morning This is the way we comb our hair Comb our hair [2x] This is the way we comb our hair So early in the morning TEACHERS NOTES Suggested actions: Here we go round the mulberry bush [clap your hands in a circular motion] We wash our face [action of washing face with both hands] We brush our teeth [action of brushing teeth] We have our bath [action of having a bath] We comb our hair [action of combing hair]


ACTIVITY Hooked! Pupils do actions according to the words while standing in a spot. 1. Pupils stand in a spot and do the required actions as demonstrated by the teacher.

CONTENT Suggested Jazz Chant: Orange Shake Shake an orange, shake an orange Shake, shake an orange, Shake. Peel an orange, peel an orange Peel, peel an orange, Peel. Slice an orange, slice an orange, Slice, slice an orange, Slice. Chop an orange, chop an orange, Chop, chop an orange, Chop. Eat an orange, eat an orange, Eat, eat an orange, Eat.

TEACHERS NOTES Prepare oranges or any other suitable fruits to match the jazz chant Suggested actions: Shake an orange [clenched fist in a shaking motion] Peel an orange [action of peeling the skin of an orange] Slice an orange [action of slicing an orange] Chop an orange [action of chopping an orange] Eat an orange [action of eating an orange]

Recorded song. Lets move! Pupils do actions according to the lyrics while moving around in groups. 1. Pupils do the required actions as demonstrated by the teacher while moving around in tempo. Suggested Action Song: Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush Suggested actions: Here we go round the mulberry bush [clap your hands in a circular motion] We wash our face [action of washing face with both hands] We brush our teeth [action of brushing teeth] We have our bath [action of having a bath] We comb our hair [action of combing hair]


ACTIVITY Lets Jazz! Pupils do actions according to the words while moving around. 1. Pupils do the required actions as demonstrated by the teacher while moving around in tempo.

CONTENT Suggested Jazz Chant: Orange Shake

TEACHERS NOTES Recorded song. Prepare oranges or any other suitable fruits to match the jazz chant Suggested actions: Shake an orange [clenched fist in a shaking motion] Peel an orange [action of peeling the skin of an orange] Slice an orange [action of slicing an orange] Chop an orange [action of chopping an orange] Eat an orange [action of eating an orange]

Lets Line Dance! Pupils line dance while listening to the song. 1. Pupils stand in lines. 2. Teacher teaches basic dance steps. 3. Pupils learn and dance.

Suggested Action Song: Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush

Recorded song. Suggested dance steps: 1. Step right, step right, clap 2. Step left, step left, clap 3. Step forward, step forward, clap 4. Step back, step back, clap Teachers may use other suitable songs and steps.


LEARNING STANDARD: 4.1.2 Able to sing action songs and recite jazz chants with correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.

Lets Cheer Pupils sing the action song with correct pronunciation and tempo. 1. Teacher sings action song with correct pronunciation and tempo using phrase cards to show actions. 2. Pupils listen and sing with correct pronunciation. 3. Divide class into two groups. One group shows a phrase card and the other group does action while singing.

Suggested Action Song: Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush Here we go round the mulberry bush The mulberry bush [2x] Here we go round the mulberry bush So early in the morning This is the way we wash our face Wash our face [2x] This is the way we wash our face So early in the morning This is the way we brush our teeth Brush our teeth [2x] This is the way we brush our teeth So early in the morning This is the way we have our bath Have our bath [2x] This is the way we have our bath So early in the morning This is the way we comb our hair Comb our hair [2x] This is the way we comb our hair So early in the morning

Lyrics and phrase cards. Phrase cards
wash our face

brush our teeth

have our bath

comb our hair

Suggestion: Use other songs for variation: e.g: If youre happy... Old McDonald... Hokey Pokey...


ACTIVITY Lets Chant Pupils recite jazz chants with correct pronunciation and tempo. 1. Teacher recites jazz chant with correct pronunciation and tempo. 2. Pupils listen and recite with correct pronunciation.

CONTENT Suggested Jazz Chant: Orange Shake Shake an orange, shake an orange Shake, shake an orange, Shake. Peel an orange, peel an orange Peel, peel an orange, Peel. Slice an orange, slice an orange, Slice, slice an orange, Slice. Chop an orange, chop an orange, Chop, chop an orange, Chop. Eat an orange, eat an orange, Eat, eat an orange, Eat.

TEACHERS NOTES Prepare lyrics and phrase cards. Phrase cards

peel an orange

slice an orange chop an orange eat an orange

Use other fruits suitable for this chant.

Lyric Tag A pupil tags a friend to continue his or her recitation of the lyrics or words of an action song or jazz chant. 1. Divide pupils into groups. 2. Pupil 1 recite line 1 of the action song or jazz chant learnt. 2. Then, pupil 1 tags pupil 2 to recite line 2 of the same action song or jazz chant learnt.

Suggested Action Song: Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush Suggested Jazz Chant: Orange Shake

An object that the pupils can use to tag a friend e.g. bean bag, toy hammer.

Use other suitable songs or jazz chant.


ACTIVITY Echo Wall Pupils listen and repeat the lines of the jazz chant in an echo form. 1. Divide pupils into groups. 2. Teacher recites the first line and points to a group at random to echo what has been said. 3. Pupils repeat the activity in their groups to complete the chant.

CONTENT Suggested Jazz Chant: Orange Shake

TEACHERS NOTES Use other suitable jazz chants if necessary.

`Boria Pupils sing the song with correct pronunciation. 1. Teacher sings the song line by line and the pupils follow. 2. Teacher incorporates actions while singing. [boria style]

One Malaysia Tune of: Malaysia Baru We are friends, we live in harmony Everyone from villages and cities We are one big happy family Malaysia, our beautiful country. Together, we are one Malaysia Together, we make better tomorrow Together, we are a great nation Tell the world we are proud to be Malaysians.

Lyrics of the song. Use any other suitable songs or performance styles.


LEARNING STANDARD: 4.2.1 Able to respond to: (b) pictures in books (c) characters with guidance. ACTIVITY Total Recall Pupils talk about a story with the help of picture cues. 1. Put up picture cues. 2. Tell the story to the pupils. 3. Teacher jumbles up the pictures. 4. Pupils rearrange pictures according to the story. 5. Pupils talk about story with guidance. Pick Me! Pupils talk about a chosen character. 1. Pupil picks out the figurine of a character from the fairy tale. 2. Pupil talks about that character with guidance. I Am.. Pupils role play characters from the fairy tale. 1. Pupils pick a prop related to a character from the fairy tale. Suggested fairy tale: Cinderella Suggested fairy tale: Cinderella Figurines of characters: Appendix 2I Teacher may use other suitable fairy tales Teacher may use recording of story CONTENT Suggested fairy tale: Cinderella TEACHERS NOTES Picture cues. Appendix 1 Pictures taken from

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Props :

Cinderella Fairy Godmother Prince Stepmother Stepsisters Mice

1. a wand 2. a mask 3. a crown 4. a shoe

2. Pupils role play that character.

5. a cane


ACTIVITY Bubble Up Pupils draw a bubble chart based on a character from a fairy tale. 1. Pupils pick a character from a fairy tale. 2. Pupils discuss the characters personality traits with their group members. 3. Pupils then fill the bubble around the character with the characters personality traits.

CONTENT Suggested fairy tale: Cinderella Example of personality traits: Cinderella - pretty - hardworking - obedient - kind Stepmother - mean - cruel - lazy - bad

TEACHERS NOTES Bubble chart for the characters from the fairy tale. Appendix 4

May I Know? Pupils interview a character from a fairy tale. 1. Pupils are paired. 2. Pupil 1 is the reporter and pupil 2 is the chosen character. 3. The reporter will interview the character with guidance

Suggested fairy tale: Cinderella

Sample of interview questions Appendix 3a Appendix 3b Pupils may reverse roles. Make use of any characters from the fairy tale


LEARNING STANDARD: 4.3.1 Able to produce simple creative works with guidance based on: a. action songs b. jazz chants c. fairy tales ACTIVITY Paper Dolls Pupils create costumes for the characters from the fairy tale. 1. Pupils are given the figurines of the characters from the fairy tale. 2. Pupils create costumes and props for the characters. 3. Pupils dress up the figurines. CONTENT Suggested fairy tale: Cinderella Puteri Gunung Ledang Puteri Santubong TEACHERS NOTES Figurines and stationery. Appendix 2

My Creation Pupils create their own book cover for a fairy tale. 1.Pupils choose a fairy tale and create the book cover for it.

Any fairy tale.

Manila cards, coloured pencils and scissors.

My Little Friends Pupils make puppets of the characters found in the fairy tale, jazz chant or action song. 1. Divide the pupils into groups. 2. Pupils are given materials to make the puppets.

Characters from the fairy tale Cinderella: Stepmother Stepsister Prince Cinderella Mice

Suggested materials to be used for making puppets. Examples: ice cream sticks cotton wool glue stockings gloves paper bags buttons egg shells


ACTIVITY Lets Party Pupils create an invitation card to a party. 1. Pupils are shown a sample of an invitation card to a party. 2. Pupils create their own invitation card.


TEACHERS NOTES Sample invitation card. Appendix 5 May use ICT to prepare cards.

My Fairy Tale Car Pupils create their own version of a carriage made out of a pumpkin. 1. Pupils are given a pumpkin template. 2. They design their own carriage using the template. 3. They exhibit their carriage in the classroom.

Sample of the carriage from Cinderella.

Pumpkin template. Appendix 6 Remind pupils to bring their own props Display other samples of carriages.

My Desk Mat Pupils are required to create their own desk mat based on the characters or props from a fairy tale or jazz chant or action song. 1. Pupils choose a character or prop from a fairy tale or jazz chant or action song. 2. They create a desk mat based on the character object chosen.

Sample characters/ objects from a fairy tale: Cinderella carriage pumpkin glass slippers prince

Materials for the desk mat: - drawing paper or manila card - coloured pencils - crayons - glue - scissors - stickers - coloured paper Use other techniques to create desk mat.


LEARNING STANDARD: 4.3.2 Able to take part with guidance in a performance based on: a. action songs b. jazz chants c. fairy tales ACTIVITY Readers Theatre Pupils perform a fairy tale with expression. 1. Pupils are given the dialogue of a fairy tale. 2. Pupils are divided into groups and assigned a role each. 3. Pupils perform the fairy tale orally according to the role assigned to them. CONTENT Sample dialogue for Readers Theatre TEACHERS NOTES Dialogue for Readers Theatre Appendix 7 Teacher may use other suitable dialogue

Puppet show Pupils stage a performance using the puppets that they have created. 1. Pupils are given the dialogue for the puppet show. 2. Read through script with pupils. 3. Pupils are trained for their presentation. 4. Pupils perform the puppet show.

Sample dialogue for the puppet show

Dialogue for the puppet show. ( Appendix 7) 1. Pupils are divided into two groups: a. Puppeteer b. Dialogue reader 2. Arrange pupils in choir formation facing the audience. 3. Each pupil holds a copy of the dialogue. 4. Pupils read their parts according to their assigned characters. 5. The puppeteer manipulates the puppets according to the dialogue.


ACTIVITY Ode to Cinderella Pupils perform the jazz chant given. 1. Divide pupils into groups. 2. Display the jazz chant. 3. Pupils read aloud. 4. Pupils are trained for the performance. 5. Pupils perform the jazz chant. Lets Put Up A Show Pupils perform action songs in groups. 1. Pupils are divided into groups. 2. Pupils practice for the performance. 3. Pupils perform the song with their own actions.

CONTENT Sample Jazz Chant

TEACHERS NOTES Lyrics for the jazz chant. Appendix 8 Use other suitable fairy tales if need be.

Sample Action Song: Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush

Lyrics of the action song or other suitable action songs

Pantomime Pupils perform a pantomime of an action song or jazz chant. 1. Pupils are divided into two groups. 2. Group 1 reads the action song or jazz chant aloud. 3. Group 2 mimes the corresponding actions.

Sample action song: Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush Sample jazz chant: Orange Shake

Action song or jazz chant Use other suitable action songs or jazz chants


Appendix 1


















Appendix 2






Appendix 3


Appendix 4a Sample: An Interview with Cinderella

Interviewer: _______________________

Cinderella: ______________________

Ask Cinderella these questions. Write her answers.


What is your name?


Where do you live?


Who do you live with?


What do you do at home?


Where are your stepmother and stepsisters?


Appendix 4b

Sample: An Interview with Cinderella Ask Cinderella these questions. Write her answers. 1. Who are your friends?


2. Do you like your stepsisters?

3. Do you like to go to parties?

4. Where did you meet the Prince?

5. What does your fairy godmother carry?


Appendix 5 Sample: An Invitation to the Party

Invitation for



Appendix 6


Appendix 7


Appendix 9

THE WARNING Cindy, Cindy, Cindy, Cindy, Cinderella dear Wakey, wakey, hurry, hurry They are near. Cindy, Cindy, Cindy, Cindy, Cinderella dear Hurry! Hurry! Or youll hear. Wheres my tea? Wheres my dress? Have you polished my boots? Have you made my bed? What do you mean, not yet? Cindy, Cindy, Cindy, Cindy, Cinderella dear Wakey, wakey, hurry, hurry They are here.



Sample Lesson 1
Focus: Theme: Topic: Content Standard Listening and Speaking World of Self, Family and Friends F.R.I.E.N.D.S Pin-Up

1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be

able to pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation. 1.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to listen and respond appropriately in formal and informal situations for a variety of purposes.

Learning Standard

1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with

guidance: (f) voice sounds 1.2.2 Able to listen to and follow: (a) simple instructions in the classroom. By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to follow simple instructions given. 30/60 minutes Realia [camera], pictures, drawing paper, glue, sticky tape


Time Teaching Aids

Activity 1. Show pupils a camera.

Teaching and Learning Strategy Use camera or mobile phone.

Notes Prepare: - camera or mobile phone/ toy camera or model of a camera Elicit the sound click

2. Snap a photo and ask pupils to mimic the sound made by the camera. 3. Do the actions of clicking and pupils follow. 4. Pupils take turns to do the actions of clicking the camera and others say click, click, click. 5. Introduce the song line by line. Pupils repeat. 6. Pupils sing the song and do actions. 7. Repeat the activity by the pupils clicking at

Listening Mimic

Kinaesthetic Activity

Responding to peers

Drilling through fun and play Musical Intelligence Repetition and reinforcement Repetition and reinforcement

Song lyrics [Appendix 1] Action: clicking a camera


each other while singing. 8. Divide pupils into groups. Pupils do the action of taking photos of group members. 9. Give each pupil the Friendship Pin-up. Pupils interview their friends and complete the worksheet. Pupils can sketch a simple portrait of their friends based on given instructions.

Kinaesthetic Activity

Visual Spatial

Friendship Pin-Up [Appendix 2] (Reserve the new friend column for Language Arts Activity) Suggested instructions: 1. Draw a big circle in the box. 2. Draw two small circles as eyes. 3. Draw a triangle as a nose. 4. Draw a line as a mouth. 5. Add the hair. Display the Friendship Pin-ups.

10. Collect the Friendship Pin-up. Assessment: 1. Pupils are able to interact with each other. 2. Pupils are able to complete the task. Remedial: 1. Pupils join dotted lines to complete the sketch of their friends. Enrichment: 1. Pupils talk about their friends based on the information gathered.



Friendship Pin-Up [Appendix 2b]

Question and Answer Interpersonal

He/She is ________. He/She is eight years old. He/She likes ___________. He/She likes to eat _________. * Pupils can talk about any information gathered.


Focus: Theme: Topic: Content Standard

Reading World of Self, Family and Friends F.R.I.E.N.D.S Pin-Up

2.2 Pupils will be able to demonstrate understanding of a

variety of linear and non-linear texts in the form of print and non-print materials using a range of strategies to construct meaning.

Learning Standard

2.2.1 Able to read and apply word recognition and word attack
skills by: (b) reading and grouping words according to word families. 2.2.2. Able to read and understand phrases in linear and nonlinear texts.


Time Teaching Aids

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: a. read and understand simple phrases b. gather information 30/60 minutes My Friend chart, pupils Friendship Pin-Up, worksheet, charts

Activity 1. Teacher invites pupils to talk about their friends. 2. Read phrases on the chart and pupils follow. 3. Put up word list: colour. Pupils read and say with guidance. 4. Put up word list: food. Pupils read and say with guidance. 5. Pupils get into their respective group from the first lesson. Distribute pupils Friendship Pin-Up and writing paper. Pupils ask their three friends about their favourite colours and food based on the word lists.

Teaching and Learning Strategy Listening and Speaking Guided reading Recall Previous knowledge Recall Previous knowledge Identifying details

Notes Refer to the Friendship Pin-Up Appendix 3a & 3b Word list: colours [Appendix 4] Word list: food [Appendix 5] Pupils Friendship PinUp

6. Pupils jot down the gathered information on the worksheet.

Verbal linguistic

Worksheet [Appendix 6]


7. Pupils read out information gathered. 8. Collect Friendship PinUps and worksheets. Assessment: 1. Pupils are able to gather required information. 2. Pupils are able to complete the task. Remedial: 1. Teacher guides pupils to read the phrases on Appendix 3. Enrichment: 1. Pupils gather more information about their friends chosen for their Friendship Pin-Up.

Repetition and reinforcement

Select pupils randomly. Staple worksheet to Friendship Pin-Up of each pupil.


Identify and read

Appendix 3

Question and Answer Interpersonal

Suggested further information: hobbies


Focus: Theme: Topic: Introduction:

Writing World of Self, Family and Friends F.R.I.E.N.D.S Pin-Up This lesson focuses on writing. Pupils should be able to copy with correct spelling and punctuation.

Content Standard

3.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be

able to write using appropriate language, form and style for a range of purposes

Learning Standard Objective

3.2.1 Able to complete with guidance:

(b) posters By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to: a. write simple phrases b. use correct spelling and punctuation 30/60 minutes My Friend chart, pupils Friendship Pin-Up, charts, worksheet

Time Teaching Aids

Activity 1. Put up My Friend chart. Ask questions about My Friend.

Teaching and Learning Strategy Recall Question and answer

Notes My Friend Chart [Appendix 3] Suggested questions: 1. What is your friends name? 2. How old is she? 3. What is her favourite colour? 4. What is her favourite food? Friendship Pin-Up [Appendix 2]

2. Distribute Friendship Pin-Up and written notes. Pupils transfer information from written notes to their Friendship Pin-Up for their three friends. 3. Put up a chart. Read and pupils follow. 4. Distribute worksheet. Pupils complete. 5. Collect Friendship PinUp.


Guided reading Recall Previous knowledge

Chart [Appendix 7] Worksheet [Appendix 8]


Assessment: 1. Pupils transfer information correctly. 2. Pupils write with correct spelling and punctuation. Remedial: 1. Pupils copy phrases from the word list. Enrichment: 1. Pupils decorate their Friendship Pin-Up.


Write neatly

Visual Spatial

Teacher may provide coloured papers for decoration.


Focus: Theme: Topic: Introduction:

Language Arts World of Self, Family and Friends F.R.I.E.N.D.S Pin-Up This lesson focuses on language appreciation. The main focus of this lesson is to get pupils to respond and recite jazz chants with correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.

Content Standard

4.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able
to enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and songs through performance.

Learning Standard Objective

4.1.2 Able to listen to and sing action songs and recite jazz
chants with correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation. By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to recite a jazz chant with the correct pronunciation and rhythm. 30/60 minutes Alien toy, Pupils Friendship Pin-Up

Time Teaching Aids

Activity 1. Chants jazz chant with the alien toy. 2. Divide pupils into two groups: friendsters and aliens. 3. Put up jazz chant. Recite the jazz chant. Pupils follow in their respective groups. 4. Pair a friendster with an alien. Randomly select a few pairs to chant.

Teaching and Learning Strategy Modelling

Notes Modulate voice to show two different characters

Reading aloud

My New Friend [Appendix 9]

Determine the pairs to make sure they are new friends to each other. [they must not be already in each others Friendship Pin-Up. Say aloud

5. Pupils chant in pairs.

6. Distribute Friendship Pin-Up. Pupils

Verbal Linguistic

Friendship Pin-Up [Appendix 2]


complete it with information of their new friend. 7. Display the Friendship Pin-Up.


Appendix 1


Appendix 2a

Friend 2 Friend 1



Appendix 2b




Appendix 3a

My Friend


Appendix 3b


Appendix 4

Word List : Colours


Appendix 5

Word List

: Food


Appendix 6

Name : ______________
Friend 1 Name Age Favourite food Favourite colour Friend 2

Class : _______

Friend 3

Friend 4


Appendix 7


Appendix 8

Complete the sentences correctly. Friend 1 1.


Appendix 9

My new friend


Sample Lesson 2
Focus : Theme : Topic : Content Standard : Listening & Speaking World of Stories The Ant and The Dove

1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be

able to pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation.

Learning Standards :

1.1.2 Able to listen to and enjoy simple stories. 1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance. By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to : i. say words which contain the phoneme / /. ii. name characters in the story. iii. respond to simple questions based on the story. 60 minutes Pictures ( Picture Cards / PowerPoint)

Objectives :

Time : Teaching Aids :

Activity 1. Show pupils an ant in a container and a picture of a dove.

Teaching & Learning Strategy Contextual Learning by drawing pupils previous knowledge.

Notes A container with an ant and a picture of a dove.

Sample questions : 2. Ask questions. Question & Answer session 1. What is this? 2. Is it big or small? 3. Where can you find it? 4. What is the colour? 5. Can it bite? 6. How do you feel if it bites you? 3. Tell the story : The Ant and The Dove Story-telling Picture cards/PowerPoint Presentation : The Ant and The Dove (Appendix 1)


4. Ask questions based on the story and pupils respond.


Sample questions : 1. What are the animals in the story? 2 What happened to the ant? 3. Who helped the ant? 4. Who wanted to get the dove? 5. How did the ant help the dove?

5. 6. 7.

Point to the words with the phoneme / /. Articulate the sound /u/ and pupils repeat. Repeat words.

Repetition through drillling

boat, bow, arrow, no , Joe Show pupils the mouth movement.

8. Divide the pupils into 5 6 groups and give each group a set of pictures. 9. Pupils pick out pictures that show the words with the phoneme /u/.

Reinforcement and play


fun Picture cards (Appendix 2)

Assessment : Able to read the focus words correctly. Observation Remedial : Reinforcement through drilling Work with pupils who have difficulty saying the focus words. Enrichment : Get pupils to name and draw the characters in the story.

Appendix 3


Focus : Theme : Topic : Content Standard :

Reading World of Stories The Ant and The Dove

2.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be

able to apply knowledge of sounds of letters to recognize words in linear and non-linear texts. 2.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to read independently for information and enjoyment.

Learning Standards :

2.1.1 Able to recognise and articulate initial, medial and the final sounds ( phonemes ) in single syllable words within given context: a) oa 2.1.2 Able to blend phonemes into recognisable words and read them aloud. 2.3.1 Able to read simple texts with guidance: a) fiction

Objectives :

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to : i) pronounce and blend words with the phoneme /u/ correctly. ii) identify words with /u/ sounds. iii) read a short story with guidance.

Time : Teaching Aids :

60 minutes Pictures ( picture cards/ PowerPoint; word cards )

Teaching & Learning Strategy Activity 1. Show the cover of the Recalling story.

Notes Cover of The Ant and the Dove using picture cards / power point. Sample questions : 1. What is the name of the story? 2. What happened to the ant? 3. Who helped the ant? 4. What happened to the dove ?

2. Ask questions.

Question & Answer session


3.Display the story and read the story aloud. Pupils repeat after teacher.

5.How did the ant help the dove? Reading aloud with correct Picture cards/PowerPoint articulation and pronunciation. Presentation : The Ant and The Dove

4. Highlight words with the phoneme /u/. Read the words and pupils repeat. 5. Put up letter cards of the words with the /u/ sound.


boat, bow, arrow, no, Joe


oa ow rr o oe

6. Articulate the sounds to blend the words. Pupils follow.

b a n

ow ww

7. Pick a few pupils and hang the letter cards around their necks. 8. Say out the words and pupils with the respective cards come forward and stand side by side. 9. Distribute a worksheet with some sentences from the story. 10. Pupils colour the box Practice which has words with the /u/ sound. Assessment : Pupils complete a Observation worksheet by identifying words with the phoneme /u/. Remedial : Guide pupils to read the Reinforcement through drilling story with correct articulation and Practice and reinforcement.

Prepare letter cards with strings attached.


Appendix 4


pronunciation while focussing on the phoneme /u/. Enrichment : Pupils use picture cards Practice given and take turns to tell the story in a group. Appendix 2


Focus : Theme : Topic : Content Standard :

Writing World of Stories The Ant and The Dove 3.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to form letters and words in neat legible print including cursive writing. 3.1.1 Able to write neat legible print : b) simple sentences By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to phrases to write simple sentences. 60 minutes Pictures ( Picture Cards / PowerPoint)/worksheet match

Learning Standards :

Objectives :

Time : Teaching Aids :

Activity 1. Put up a song chart. 2. Show the story to pupils and call out pupils randomly to read.

Teaching & Learning Strategy Notes Recalling story through fun Appendix 5 and play Integrate reading skill Can read individually / as whole class (*use power point/picture cards) Reinforcement of the phoneme / /. Sample questions: T : What did the leaf look like? P : The leak looked like a boat. T : What was the hunters name? P : The hunters name was Joe. T : What did Joe have in his hand? P : Joe had a bow and an arrow in his hand. T : What did the ant shout? P : The ant shouted, No! No ! No!

3. Ask questions on the sentences with words that have the phoneme / /.


4. Distribute worksheets to pupils. 5. Pupils match phrases to form sentences and write them down. Assessment :


Appendix 6

Pupils write simple Observation & Correction sentences correctly. Remedial : Pupils match sentences with the pictures. Application Enrichment : Pupils construct sentences based on the words given. Application

Appendix 7

Appendix 8


Focus : Theme : Topic : Content Standard :

Language Arts World of Stories The Ant and The Dove

4.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able
to enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and songs through performance. 4.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to plan, organise and produce creative works for enjoyment.

Learning Standards :

4.1.2 Able to recite jazz chants and sing action songs with correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation. 4.3.1 Able to produce simple creative works with guidance based on c) stories 4.3.2 Able to take part with guidance in a performance based on a) action songs

Objectives :

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to : i) produce masks for the characters in the story. ii) perform an action song.

Time : Teaching Aids :

60 minutes pictures (picture cards/ PowerPoint) , manila cards, scissors, colour pencils

Activity 1. Display the song. 2. Pupils sing along with the teacher with appropriate actions. 3. Divide class into three groups. 4. Each pupil in the group is given a mask template. Group 1 : ant Group 2 : dove

Teaching & Learning Strategy


Reinforcement through fun and play.

Appendix 5

Prepare mask templates for the characters. (Appendix 9 )


Group 3 : hunter 5. Pupils draw out the mask individually on a manila card, colour and cut it out. 6. Display song again. 7. Pupils stand in groups and put on masks while singing the song with actions. Performance Guide pupils with the actions.

Creative works.

Assessment : 1. Observe pupils hands on activity. 2. Observe students ability to sing with correct pronunciation. Observation


Appendix 1












Appendix 2








Appendix 3




Appendix 4





Appendix 5


Appendix 6


1. _________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________


Appendix 7


Appendix 8



_________________________ ___

_________________________ ___




_________________________ ___


_________________________ ___ 263

Appendix 9




Sample Lesson 3
Focus Theme Topic Content Standard Listening and Speaking World of Knowledge My Beautiful Body 1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation. 1.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to listen and respond appropriately in formal and informal situations for a variety of purposes.

Learning Standard

1.1.3 1.2.2

Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes or sing songs. Able to listen to and follow : (a) simple instructions in the classroom


Time Teaching Aids

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: i) listen to and sing the song Ten little fingers in correct rhythm ii) listen to and follow simple instructions correctly 60 minutes word cards , cassette and player

Activity 1. Blindfold a pupil. Ask the other pupils to create sounds using their body parts.

Teaching and Learning Strategy Kinaesthetic activity

2. The blind folded pupil will guess the sounds made. 3. Introduce body parts to the pupils orally. Pupils listen and repeat.

Listen and make interpretations

Notes Teacher can show the other pupils the sounds that they can create by doing the actions. eg. whistling , snapping the fingers Sounds of clapping of hands , stamping of feet and others. Teacher points to the body parts when introducing the various parts. Parts of the body: eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hands and legs Parts of the body: eyes , nose , mouth , ears, hands and legs

Listening Repetition

4. Point to the parts of the body and pupils name them.



5. Pair up the pupils. Pupils practise asking and answering questions related to body parts. 6. Show word cards and pupils read them.

Listening and speaking

Sentence Patterns Q : What is this? A : This is a nose.

Reading aloud

Word cards eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hands and legs Song : Ten Little Fingers (Appendix 1)

7. Play a recorded song on tape. Pupils listen and sing along with action. 8. Play the game Simon says . in the class.

Listening and singing

Following instructions

Instructions : a) Point to the nose. b) Clap your hands. c) Close your eyes. d) Open your mouth. e) Lift your leg.

Assessment : a) Pupils name the body parts shown by teacher. b) Pupils ask and answer questions related to body parts. c) Pupils do the action during the game Simon says Remedial : a) Peer teaching - Pupils take turns to name the body parts shown by their partner. Enrichment : a) Pupils draw and label the parts of a body.

Observation Observation

Activity 4 Activity 5


Activity 8




Focus: Theme: Topic: Content Standard

Reading World of Knowledge My Beautiful Body 2.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to apply knowledge of sounds of letters to recognize words in linear and non-linear texts. 2.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to demonstrate understanding of a variety of linear and non- linear texts in the form of print and non-print materials using a range of strategies to construct meaning.

Learning Standard

2.1.2 Able to blend phonemes into recognizable words and read them aloud. 2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases in linear and nonlinear texts. 2.2.3 Able to read and understand simple sentences.


By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: i) blend phonemes into correct words and read them aloud. i) read and identify at least three phrases in a jazz chant. ii) read and understand sentences in the jazz chant. 60 minutes picture cards , word cards , grapheme cards , chart

Time Teaching Aids

Activity 1. Pupils sing the song Ten Little Fingers.

Teaching and Learning Strategy Recalling and reinforcement

Notes Teacher can play the song on tape if the pupils cant recall the rhythm. (Appendix 1) Teacher needs to prepare picture cards of : round, mouth, loud, scout, blouse Word List : round, mouth, loud, scout, blouse

2. Show picture cards and pupils name them.

Recalling Vocabulary

3. Point out the phoneme for the grapheme ou from the words. Pupils say aloud the phoneme

Phonics Pronunciation

4. Pupils read the words again as shown by

Reading Practice

Teacher drills the pupils to read the words while


teacher while stressing on the phoneme. 5. Stick jumbled up grapheme cards on the board. Call pupils randomly to form words using the cards while teacher says the phoneme. 6. Pupils read the words formed, stressing on the phoneme learned. 7. Put up a chart with the jazz chant. Read aloud and pupils repeat the chant. 8. Divide the pupils into two groups. Pupils read the jazz chant in groups. 9. Pick out a phrase from the chant and say it aloud. Pupils repeat it. Blending sounds

stressing on the phoneme taught. Grapheme cards: eg.

r ou n d

Teacher needs to prepare grapheme cards for the words in the word list. Practice Reinforcement

Chanting Kinaesthetic activity

Jazz Chant : What I Have (Appendix 2)


Reading phrases

Phrases ; round eyes big mouth sharp nose Teacher can help the pupils to identify the phrases.

10. Pupils identify the other phrases in the chant and read them aloud. 11. Distribute worksheets to pupils. Pupils complete the task.

Identifying and reading

Teacher duplicates the worksheet and explains the task to the pupils. Worksheet (Appendix 3)

Assessment: a) Pupils read sentences from the sentence cards. b) Pupils complete the task in their worksheet. Remedial: a) Reinforce words with the phoneme //. Enrichment: a) Pupils solve a crossword puzzle.


Teacher needs to prepare sentence cards. (Appendix 4)

Written assessment Word List: round , mouth , loud , scout , blouse Duplicate crossword puzzle accordingly. (Appendix 5)


Focus Theme Topic Content Standard

Writing World of Knowledge My Beautiful Body 3.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to form letters and words in neat legible print including cursive writing. 3.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to write using appropriate language, form and style for a range of purposes. 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print: b) simple sentences 3.2.2 Able to write simple sentences with guidance. By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to write at least five simple sentences with correct spelling and punctuation. 60 minutes jigsaw puzzle , LCD projector

Learning Standard

Objective Time Teaching Aids

Activity 1. Divide the pupils into six groups. Distribute jigsaw puzzle of a body part to each group. 2. Pupils assemble the jigsaw puzzle and name them. 3. Distribute worksheet to the pupils. Read aloud the phrases. (as found in Appendix 2)

Teaching and Learning Strategy

Notes Teacher has to enlarge 6 different pictures of body parts and cut them into jigsaw puzzles. Teacher can reward the first group that assembles the jigsaw puzzle. Teacher needs to read the phrases loudly and clearly. Options : Teacher can also record the phrases on a cassette. Worksheet (Appendix 6) Teacher can put up some of the drawings on the board. (Appendix 6)

Solving jigsaw puzzle


4. Pupils write the phrases on worksheet. Pupils draw the parts of the face. 5. Pupils write sentences using the phrases given by the teacher. Go around and check the pupils work.

Writing Drawing


Teacher should check the spelling and punctuation in the sentences. (Appendix 6)


6. Project the jazz chant What I Have on the screen. Pupils read the jazz chant in groups of five. 7. Pupils work in their groups and come out with three more stanzas for the jazz chant. Check the groups work. 8. Pupils chant the stanzas written by them.

Chanting Kinaesthetic activity

Jazz Chant : What I Have (Appendix 2)


Chanting Kinaesthetic activity

Teacher goes around and helps the groups that have difficulties in their task. eg. two small eyes two long legs two strong hands Teacher can do this activity as a competition. The most creative group wins the competition. Teacher needs to prepare worksheet. (Appendix 7)

Assessment: a) Pupils write sentences using the words given. Remedial: a) Pupils rearrange jumbled up words to form sentences. Enrichment: a) Pupils complete a worksheet grouping the actions to the correct body parts



Teacher prepares a worksheet with jumbled words.

Grouping Writing

Duplicate the worksheet accordingly. (Appendix 8)


Focus: Theme: Topic: Content Standard

Language Arts World of Knowledge My Beautiful Body 4.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and songs through performance. 4.1.1 Able to enjoy action songs and jazz chants through non- verbal response. By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen to and enjoy action songs and jazz chant through performance. 60 minutes charts

Learning Standard


Time Teaching Aids

Activity 1. Mime a few actions and ask pupils to name the actions. 2. Put up a chart with the song If You Are Happy. Pupils read the lines of the song in groups/ individually. 3. Divide pupils into six groups. Pupils work in groups and create four more stanzas for the song. 4. Pupils perform the song in groups. 5. Pupils recall and recite the jazz chant. 6. Pupils sing the song.

Teaching and Learning Strategy Miming

Notes Actions : Touching the knees Jumping up Song : If You Are Happy And You Know It (Appendix 9)

Reading Singing

Creating stanzas for the song

Appendix 9


Whole class activity

Jazz Chant: What I Have (Appendix 2) Song: Ten Little Fingers (Appendix 1)

Whole class activity


Appendix 1



Appendix 2



Appendix 3

WORKSHEET Fill in the blanks


Appendix 4



Appendix 5

. Complete the crossword puzzle below.


Appendix 6

1. _____________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________ 4. _____________________________________________ 5. _____________________________________________

1. _____________________________________ 2. _____________________________________ 3. _____________________________________ 4. _____________________________________ 5. _____________________________________


Appendix 7




Appendix 8




Appendix 9



Sample Lesson 4
Focus Theme Topic Content Standard Listening and Speaking World of Self, Family and Friends Find the Way 1.2 Pupils will be able to listen to and respond appropriately in formal and informal situations for a variety of purposes. 1.2.2 Able to listen and follow: (b) simple directions to places in the school. By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen and follow simple directions to places in the school. 30 / 60 minutes chart, picture cards, dice

Learning Standard

Objective Time Teaching Aids

Activity 1. Put up numbered picture cards on the board. Pupils throw a dice and name the pictures according to the number.

Teaching & Learning Strategy Oral Response Fun learning Playing a game

Notes Picture cards of places in the school. e.g. canteen, office , etc.

Assessment Observe pupils ability to listen and follow simple directions. Remedial Repeat the chant with pupils. Guide them to follow directions. Enrichment Pupils are divided into two groups. Group 1 : ask questions Group 2 : answer



Jazz chant

Team work

Use the jazz chant given. Each group takes turns to ask and give directions. e.g: Group 1 How do I go to the canteen? Group 2 Go straight, turn right.


Focus Theme Topic Content Standard

Reading World of Self, Family and Friends Find the Way 2.2 Pupils will be able to demonstrate understanding of a variety of linear and non-linear texts in the form of print and non-print materials using a range of strategies to construct meaning. 2.1.1 Able to recognise and articulate initial, medial and final sounds (phonemes) in single syllable words within given context: (a) [igh] 2.1.2 Able to blend phonemes into recognizable words and read them aloud.

Learning Standard


By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to recognise and read words with the sound [igh] in the intial, medial and final position. 30 / 60 minutes chart, word cards

Time Teaching Aids

Activity 1. Chant and pupils listen.

Teaching & Learning Strategy Listening

Notes Chart ( Appendix 2)

2. 3.

Chant line by line. Pupils repeat. Introduce phoneme /aI/ with its action and sound. Pupils follow. Blend the set A to igh and then to set B cards.


4. Practice Word cards high right right thigh night bright


set A

set B

th l h


t t t t t

n r br

Pupils recite the jazz chant with the [igh] words.


Appendix 2

Assessment Pupils articulate the sound [igh] in single syllable words. Remedial Guide pupils with chant. Enrichment 1. Use the word spinner. 2. Pupils take turn to spin. 3. Pupils blend the onset and rime letters to form correct words. 4. Pupils read the words.



Appendix 2


Appendix 3


Focus Theme Topic Content Standard

Writing World of Self, Family and Friends Find the Way 3.1 Pupils will be able to form letters and words in neat legible print including cursive writing. . 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print: a) words b) phrases

Learning Standard


By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to identify the places in the school and follow the directions given correctly.

Time Teaching Aids

30 / 60 minutes picture cards, symbol cards, phrase cards, worksheets


Teaching & Learning Strategy Recalling


1.Pupils identify places in school. Drill pupils with direction phrases using symbols.

picture cards of places in school. symbol cards


Phrase cards: turn right, turn left, go straight 2. Pupils match the words to pictures in the worksheet given. Drilling Appendix 4 Worksheet 1

3. Pupils label the pictures with the given words. Assessment: Pupils complete the worksheet.


Appendix 5 Worksheet 2


Appendix 6 worksheet 3 Appendix 7 worksheet 4


Remedial: Pupils complete the worksheets. Enrichment: Pupils study the map to complete the task consolidation Appendix 9 worksheet 6 drilling Appendix 8 worksheet 5


Focus Theme Topic Content Standard

Language Arts World of Self, Family and Friends Find the Way 4.1 Pupils will be able to enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and songs through performance.

Learning Standard

4.1.2 Able to listen to and sing action songs and recite jazz chants with correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation. By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to perform jazz chant in front of the class. 30 - 60 minutes chart


Time Teaching Aids


Teaching & Learning Strategy Reciting Appendix 1


1. Recite the jazz chant with pupils. 2 Divide the class into four groups. Guide the groups to prepare for their performance.

Group/ class performance

Assessment Observe pupils performance.


Choose a winner.


Appendix 1 JAZZ CHANT


Appendix 2


Appendix 3


Appendix 4 Worksheet 1








Appendix 5 Worksheet 2 Choose and write.














Appendix 6 Worksheet 3 Rearrange the letters


_________ ________

______ _______ _ _


Appendix 7 Worksheet 4

Read and label











Appendix 8 Worksheet 5

__________ __________ and _____________ ______________

__________ __________ and _____________ ______________

__________ __________ and _____________ ______________

__________ __________ and _____________ ______________


Appendix 9 Worksheet 6

Look, think and write.





1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance : ( Put a if the pupil is able to master the skill based on the activities given )

1.1.1 ( a) environmental sounds Act. 2 Act. 3 Act. 1 Act. Act. 2 3 Act. 1 Act. Act. Act. Act. 2 3 1 2 Act. 3 Act. Act. Act. 1 2 3

1.1.1 ( b ) instrumental sounds

LEARNING STANDARDS 1.1.1 ( c ) 1.1.1 ( d ) 1.1.1 ( e ) body rhythm and alliteration percussion rhyme 1.1.1 ( f ) voice sounds


Act. 1

Act. 2

Act. 3

Act. 1

1.1.1 ( g ) Oral blending and segmenting Act. Act. Act. 1 2 3

Note : Teacher can modify the form based on the number of activities to be evaluated.


1.1.4 Put a if the pupil has mastered the activity. Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance


Name of Pupil





* Teacher can add in more activities for assessment if necessary.





2.1.2 Able to recognize and articulate initial, medial and the final sounds ( phonemes ) in single syllable words within given context : ai ee igh oa oo ar or ur ow oi ear Remarks


SAMPLE LEARNING STANDARDS CHECKLIST FOR READING 2.1.2 Able to recognize and articulate initial, medial and the final sounds ( phonemes ) in single syllable words within given context : air ure er ay ou ie ea oy ir ue aw








2.1.2 Able to recognize and articulate initial, medial and the final sounds ( phonemes ) in single syllable words within given context : wh ph ew oe au a-e e-e i-e o-e u-e Remarks


SAMPLE LEARNING STANDARDS CHECKLIST FOR READING No. Name 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.2.1 ( a ) 2.2.1 ( b ) 2.2.4




LEARNING STANDARDS 3.1.1 (a) 3.1.1 (b) 3.1.1 (c) 3.1.2 (a) 3.1.2 (b) 3.2.1 (a) 3.2.1 (b) 3.2.2





3.2.3 (a)

3.2.3 (b)

3.2.3 (c)

3.2.4 (a)

3.3.1 (a)

3.3.1 (b)




LEARNING STANDARDS 4.1.2 4.2.1 (a) 4.2.1 (b) 4.2.1 (c) 4.3.1 (a) 4.3.1 (b) 4.3.1 (c) 4.3.2 (a) 4.3.2 (b) 4.3.2 (c)





1. literacy ability to read and write 2. literary works texts with a style of writing used in literature 3. creative works products or works which are created through imaginative and new ways 4. penmanship the art of writing by hand 5. learning profiles learning styles 6. assessment evaluation or appraisal 7. phoneme smallest unit of speech 8. phonemic awareness ability to hear and manipulate individual phonemes 9. blending joining individual sounds to letters to form words 10. segmenting breaking down individual letter sounds to sound it accurately 11. gross motor skills abilities required to control large muscles of the body for running etc 12. fine motor skills coordination of small muscle movements 13. kinaesthetic intelligence skillful ability to contol ones bodily motions and handle objects 14. body percussion using the body to produce sounds 15. alliteration repetition of consonants in any syllables 16. sight words - high-frequency words which are commonly used


Advisor : Tn Hj. Ibrahim bin Mohamad

Chief Editor: Dr Lee Boon Hua Dr Mohamed Abu Bakar Pn Diana Fatimah Ahmad Sahani Authors : Pn Jagdeesh Kaur Gill Cik Regina Joseph Cyril En. Rabindra Dev Prasad En. Rosdy Wahid Cik Ewe Choy Choo
Pn Christine Gnanasothy Sivilingam SK Bandar Sunway, Petaling Jaya Pn Sharon a/p Savarimuthu SK Seri Selangor, Subang Jaya Pn Kwa Jin Nee SK Taman Putra Perdana, Puchong Cik Marlene a/p P. Fernando SK Permatang Badak, Kuantan En Faizul Mohamed SK Padang Garong 1, Kota Bharu En Mohamad Yusoff b. Ahmad SK Methodist, Malim Nawar Pn Siti Rohani Mohd Noor SK Serting Hilir Kompleks, Bandar Seri Jempol En Lai Pak Siong SJKC Katholik, Melaka Cik Suen Sau Chun SJKC Ave Maria Convent, Ipoh Pn Tanggam a/p Karuppiah SK Relong, Kuala Lipis Pn Kanmit Kaur a/p Gurbachan Singh SK Wan Ibrahim, Kuala Lipis Pn Rozieana Lucy bt. Abdullah SK Pahit Gerik, Hulu Perak Pn Hemalatha a/p N. Govindasamy SK Perwira, Teluk Intan Pn Subashini a/p A. P. Menon SK La Salle (2) Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur Pn Usha Rani a/p Reginald SK Bukit Raya, Hulu Langat, Cheras Pn Subathira a/p Selvanayakam SK Dato Onn Jaafar, Subang Jaya Pn Latifah bt. Abdul Latiff SK Bandar Tasik Kesuma, Beranang Pn Noor Ashikin bt. Hashim SK Seri Besout, Sungkai En Barathidasan a/l Muniandy SK Kebun Sireh, Bukit Mertajam Pn Jeya shanthi a/p N. V. Arumugam SK Tanjong Malim, Tanjong Malim 315


Pn Poonkuzhali a/p Palaniandy SK Seri Amar, Johor Bahru Cik Mageswary a/p Raja Ratnam SK Mahmud, Raub Pn Vasantha Devi a/p N. Raja Ratnam SK Batu Kikir, Batu Kikir Pn Nor Zihana bt. Jamaludin SK Putrajaya P8 (1), Putrajaya En Nagarajan a/l Veloo SJKT Permatang Tinggi, Simpang Ampat, Bukit Mertajam Pn Siti Shakilah Nirmala bt. Abdullah SK Sri Tangkak, Tangkak Pn Baleswari a/p A. Balasubramaniam SK Sultan Ismail, Kemaman Cik K. N. Rema a/p K. K. Narayanan SK Ayer Puteh, Kemaman Cik Vivegi a/p T. K. Rajagopal SK Ujong Pasir, Melaka Pn Saratha a/p Sri Kandan SK Puchong Jaya, Puchong Pn Gloria Marsh SK Taman Rasah Jaya, Seremban Editors: Cik Mageswary a/pRaja Ratnam SK Mahmud, Raub Pn Kwa Jin Nee SK Taman Putra Perdana, Puchong Cik Marlene a/p P. Fernando SK Permatang Badak, Kuantan Pn Wong Mee Ping SJKC Serdang Baru 1, Seri Kembangan Pn Kan Siew Fong SJKC Serdang Baru 1, Seri Kembangan Pn Usha Rani a/p Reginald SK Bukit Raya, Hulu Langat, Cheras Pn Tanggam a/p Karuppiah SK Relong, Kuala Lipis Pn Kanmit Kaur a/p Gurbachan Singh SK Wan Ibrahim, Kuala Lipis Pn. Poonkhuzhali a/p Palaniandy SK Pasir Puteh (P), Kelantan Pn. Sarah Matilda Jayaprabha a/p David SK Taman Mount Austin, Johor Baru En Gobalakrishnan a/p Mahaletchumanan SK Dato Kamaruddin, Behrang Stesen En Amarjit Singh a/l Dushan Singh SK Perlok, Sungkai En Nagarajan a/l Veloo SJKT Permatang Tinggi, Simpang Ampat, Bukit Mertajam Pn Lailee bt. Shahabudin SK Chuah, Seremban Pn Niza bt. Wahab SK Petaling (1), Kuala Lumpur Pn Kumari Nirmal a/p Jagiri Ram SK Sri Subang Jaya, Subang Jaya Cik Ida Maria bt. Amiruddin SK Jalan Empat, Bangi 316

Cik Vivegi a/p T. K. Rajagopal SK Ujong Pasir, Melaka Pn Jeya shanthi a/p N. V. Arumugam SK Tanjong Malim, Tanjong Malim Pn Fatima Nathan a/p Nagiah SK St. Mary, Kuala Lumpur En Muhammad Syuhaidi Ohira b. Abdullah SK (LKTP) Chemomoi, Bandar Bera En Lai Pak Siong SJKC Katholik, Melaka En Yeap Kah Soon SK Methodist (ACS), Ipoh Pn Latifah bt. Abdul Latiff SK Bandar Tasik Kesuma, Beranang Pn Noor Ashikin bt. Hashim SK Seri Besout, Sungkai Pn Jane Cecilia Edward SK Silibin, Ipoh Pn Rozieana Lucy bt. Abdullah SK Pahit Gerik, Hulu Perak Pn Gloria Marsh SK Taman Rasah Jaya, Seremban Pn Siti Rohani bt. Mohd. Noor SK Taman Rasah Jaya, Seremban En Mohammad Siraj b. Abdullah SK Penjom, Kuala Lipis Pn Angelina Jemat SK Putrajaya Presint 9(1), Putrajaya En Louis Marie Neubert Ambrose SK Menjalara, Kepong Pn Helena Ong Ah Nyuk SK Semerah Padi, Kuching Pn Geraldine Mary Rose a/p Hubert Coray SK (2)Simpang Lima, Klang Pn M. Susilah a/p Moorthy SK Lanar, Kuala Lipis Pn Diana Fatimah Ahmad Sahani Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum Pn Jagdeesh Kaur Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum Cik Regina Cyril Joseph Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum En Rosdy Wahid Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum Cik Ewe Choy Choo Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum Pn Zaiton Majid Bahagian Buku Teks, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia


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