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Praise and gratitude to God because it is only because of God grace and guidance the writer could complete this scientific paper entitled The reason why student of SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang not interested with extracuricullar scout This paper was filed to fulfill the task from our school for SMAN PLUS 17 Palembangs BUGEMM Program. On this occasion, the author realized that this BUGEMM finished because of the kindness of many people who helped the writer to complete this paper. In this change, I would like to say thanks for all of the people who helped the writer. And they are: 1. Drs.H.Syaiful Bahri, M.M., the headmaster of SMA Plus Negeri 17 who already gave the writer a chance to write down this scientific paper. 2. Drs.Redi Wijaya, M.Erg as the advisor for the writer BUGEMM research who gives the writer many supports and guidance to complete this BUGEMM report. 3. My Parents, who gave the writer moral and material support until the writer finished this scientific paper. 4. All of the writer friends and other parties that also gave the writer support and guidance to complete this papers data.

The author is aware that this paper is far from perfect, therefore the writer respect criticism and constructive suggestion for the perfection of this paper. The writer also hopes that this scientific paper will provide such useful information for the people. And finally, if there is anything particularly wrong with words and my perspective that have no pleasure with the readers, please be understandable. May God bless all of our effort. Palembang 2012

The Author


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