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Zen All of us could use some enlightenment every day With an open mind we gather information n analyze As any

structure we are built by our foundation as we say Whether we like it or not we are judged as some despise Like a house in the spring with open windows we receive We all should as my Father would say "Live and Learn" As weeds a garden of intelligence n discards those who deceive There are many compulsive liars, truth is enlightenment we discern Life is a matter of being judged by our actions not so much our words All we need to do is look at our government in all countries to be sure The so called leaders are compulsive liars much said is feed for the birds In the garden of life as we go strategic lies from some we need not endure To repeat an action expecting different results is either or insanity or ignorance There will always be those stuck in the muck and mire blindly time and again One person can help another with enlightenment and perhaps make a difference Without belittling anyone intelligence can be increased with help as with Zen 2013 I.M. Nobody

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