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Ansys to Hypermesh Since the pre-processor of ANSYS is very good.

Many users like to create their geometry in Ansys and then convert this to the application they wish to use, say DYNA3D or Abaqus. To do this we would put our Ansys file into Hypermesh. We can do this in one of several ways. 1. Export element data only Using the pre-processor menu (shown below) click on archive-model (ringed here) and then write.

This creates an ascii input file that can be read into Hypermesh. This file contains information about nodes, elements and loads only. You can also issue the cdwrite command. Type help, cdwrite for more information.

The file can then be read into Hypermesh using the standard import functions (see Hypermesh overview documentation). 2. Export surfaces If you issue a standard cdwrite command it will also write an iges file for you. However you can specifically write an iges file using the igesout command. This command can be found from the utility menu under file then export. The menu for this command is shown below. It has the standard Ansys filtering nomenclature.

The file can then be read into Hypermesh using the import function in that software (see Hypermesh overview).

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