Collect Data From A User and Set Workflow Variable Action in Sharepoint

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Collect Data from a User and Set Workflow Variable action in SharePoint Add the action Collect Data

from a User Click on data. It will open up Custom Task Wizard Add a field

Click Next accept the default option and then click Finish. Click on thisUser and specify a valid username or group. Click on Create a new variable to create a new variable which will store the id of the Task List item to give it a more meaning full name as compared to collect.

Now from action select Set Workflow Variable

Click on workflow variable and select create a new variable which will store the Full Name value of the task list item.

Now click on value and then click on fx

In the above box what we have mentioned is that we need value of Full Name field from the Tasks getting created where the Tasks : ID ( i.e. ID of the task list item) is equal to Click again on fx and specify the following

i.e. where tasks id is equal to the id of the current task item, the value for which we had stored in our first workflow variable as a part of our Collect data from user action output.

Here first we collected the id of the new task list item into first variable (Id of my task) and use that variable to get the value of Full Name field of the task based on the Tasks : ID in our second variable (full name workflow variable)

Thats it

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