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Discipline Problem Among School Students

Discipline problem is a phenomenon in every school in Malaysia. It is because the students comes from different socioeconomic background, level of cognitive, and socio emotion. The development of the community also influences the discipline problem in school. The foremost duty of the school is to teach discipline to their students because discipline is the key point of all success. The students should conduct in a disciplined manner. They should obey the rules and regulation of the school. They should obey the directions which given by their teachers. Besides that they also should make a regular habit in their day-to-day work because regularity is also a condition for discipline. They should keep their books, tools and belongings in the most disciplined order. Nowadays, the discipline problems become uncontrollable and complex not only in secondary schools but in primary schools too. In primary schools the students did not have intention to study. They go to school because of their parents expectation. They did not concentrate on their studies. Some of the students like to truant school and some group of students come to school for pass time without doing their home works. Some group of students like to ignore teachers instructions and rude with the teacher. Besides that, the students also are violent with their classmates. Example they kick and punch other student without realizing the consequences. This discipline problem will continue until the students enter the secondary school but the problem will become more serious such as skip class, sneak out, smoking, coupling, gangsters and vandalism. These problems may occur because the teachers don't care about them. Disciplinary problems among students also can happen with the influence of modernization such as the advancement of technologies, changing the life style, culture and students not abiding by religious teaching and values. The discipline level of school students in Malaysia is still under control with only two to three per cents of the more than five million students in the country involved with disciplinary problems last year, said Deputy Education Minister, Datuk Dr. Wee Ka Siong. He said parents should monitor their childrens movements to avoid the children from getting

involved in unhealthy activities, like drug addiction, truancy and other disciplinary problems. On the meeting, Datuk Dr. Wee Ka Siong said they discussed programmes which would be implemented to address discipline problems among students next year, like courses on law and enforcement for school disciplinary teachers. The government have to put efforts of school officials to implement family and community involvement activities to reduce the number of disciplinary actions and to ensure a school climate focused on learning. Using longitudinal data from elementary and secondary schools, analyses indicate that regardless of schools prior rates of discipline, the more family and community involvement activities were implemented, the fewer students were disciplined by being sent to principals offices or given detention or in-school suspension. Activities for two types of involvement, parenting and volunteering, were most predictive of reducing the percentages of students who were subject to discipline. Also, schools that improved the quality of their partnership programs reported fewer students in need of discipline. The results suggest that creating more connections and greater cooperation among the school, family, and community contexts may be one way for schools to improve student behavior and school discipline.

(554 words)

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