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CIS410 Information Systems & Technology

Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile Commerce

Opening Case
Mobile Payment Systems
Who are the major players? Who will benefit most? Who will win the battle? How will it change the way people buy things in the future?

Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile Commerce

Spring 2013

What is this Case About?

Management of Hardware/Software/Networks/People/Policies/Processes for Acquisition/Storage/Retrieval/Processing/Distribution of Data/Information/Knowledge for Effectiveness/Efficiency of an organization

Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile Commerce

Spring 2013


Wireless Technologies

Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile Commerce

Spring 2013

Wireless Devices
Major advantages
Small Sufficient computing power Internet connection

Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile Commerce

Spring 2013

Capabilities of Wireless Devices

Cellular telephony Bluetooth Wi-Fi Digital camera Global positioning system Organizer Scheduler Address book Calculator E-mail access Short Message Service Instant messaging Text messaging Music player Video player Web browser Internet access QWERTY keyboard

Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile Commerce

Spring 2013


History of Cell Phone

From the first phone to smartphone

Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile Commerce

Spring 2013

Tacos, Trucks, and Tweets

Korean Taco on Twitter
Taking advantage of wireless and social networking technologies

Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile Commerce

Spring 2013

What is this Case About?

Management of Hardware/Software/Networks/People/Policies/Processes for Acquisition/Storage/Retrieval/Processing/Distribution of Data/Information/Knowledge for Effectiveness/Efficiency of an organization

Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile Commerce

Spring 2013


Wireless Transmission Media


Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile Commerce

Spring 2013

Wireless Networks & Internet Access

Short-Range Wireless Networks
Bluetooth Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Near-Field Communication (NFC)

Medium-Range Wireless Networks

Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi)
Access Points (Hotspot) Network Interface Card (NIC)

Wireless Mesh Networks (use of multiple Wi-Fi access points to create a wide-area network)
11 Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile Commerce Spring 2013

Wide Area Wireless Networks

Cellular Radio Network


Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile Commerce

Spring 2013


Cellular Telephony
1st generation (analog) systems to 4th generation high-speed broadband systems


Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile Commerce

Spring 2013

WiMAX Helps People of Northern Thailand

Long-Range Networks in Rural Areas
How does it work? Why WiMAX instead of wired lines?


Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile Commerce

Spring 2013

What is this Case About?

Management of Hardware/Software/Networks/People/Policies/Processes for Acquisition/Storage/Retrieval/Processing/Distribution of Data/Information/Knowledge for Effectiveness/Efficiency of an organization


Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile Commerce

Spring 2013


Mobile Computing
Five value-added attributes of mobile computing:
Ubiquity Convenience Instant connectivity Personalization Localization of products and services


Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile Commerce

Spring 2013

Mobile Commerce
Primary drivers of mobile commerce
Widespread availability of mobile devices No need for a PC The cell phone culture Declining prices Bandwidth improvement

Mobile commerce opportunities

See Mobile Commerce Guide 2012 by Sybase 365


Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile Commerce

Spring 2013

Mobile Commerce Applications/Services

Most popular mobile commerce applications
Location-Based Applications and Services Financial Services Intrabusiness Applications Accessing Information Telemetry Applications


Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile Commerce

Spring 2013


Location Based Applications

Using location info
Shopping from Wireless Devices Location-based Advertising (see example) Location-based Services


Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile Commerce

Spring 2013

Financial Services
Mobile applications for financial services
Wireless Electronic Payment System Mobile Banking Wireless Bill Payments Mobile Wallet Micropayments


Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile Commerce

Spring 2013

Other Mobile Applications

Accessing Applications
Mobile Portal Voice Portal

Telemetry Applications
Telemedicine Automobiles Find My iPhone


Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile Commerce

Spring 2013


Pervasive Computing
Also known as ubiquitous computing
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)


Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile Commerce

Spring 2013

Wireless Security
Major threats to wireless networks
Rogue access point War driving Eavesdropping RF (Radio frequency) jamming


Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile Commerce

Spring 2013

Whats Next?
Week 10 Lecture 2:
Remainder of Chapter 8 Presentation 6: A Mobile Application for Home Depot (p.241) Quiz 6: Chapter 8 Lecture


Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile Commerce

Spring 2013


Mobile Commerce & Pervasive Computing


Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile Commerce

Spring 2013

Protecting Open Wireless Network at BYU

Brigham Young University Hawaii Campus
Provided open wireless access to students

Open wireless access

No identification No authentication No access control How to protect your wireless network?


Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile Commerce

Spring 2013

What is this Case About?

Management of Hardware/Software/Networks/People/Policies/Processes for Acquisition/Storage/Retrieval/Processing/Distribution of Data/Information/Knowledge for Effectiveness/Efficiency of an organization


Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile Commerce

Spring 2013


Whats Next?
Presentation 6 Quiz 6

Week 11:
Chapter 9 Web 2.0 and Social Networks Presentation 7: Marketing with Facebook (p.261-262) Quiz 7: Chapter 9 Lecture


Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile Commerce

Spring 2013


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