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English Class Outdoor Activity

Group : Daniel Alejandro Colindres Derick Joseth Meja Gerardo Antonio Montalvo #7 #10 #15

Miss: Edith N. Medina

Grade: 10th

Section: C

This report shows how we carry out our game, the outdoor activity, which aims to learn English in a healthy, fun and a happy way, and we all spend a good time, plus it is good distraction from everything, it's something that we don't do everyday and it's special because isn't in a classroom, doing something different to what we do every day as a project for English class.

BALL OF WISDOM What is the ball of wisdom?

The central core of the game are the words, mental agility needed to play it properly, there will be an object, no matter what it is, but we will play with a ball, the ball must be passed in a circle (hot potato), depends on the mode with which we are playing: Alphabet, things, animals, plants. The game is that the moderator throws the ball to anyone in the circle and that person must say a word and pass the ball to the person who is next to him and depends on the mode in which it plays. There are four modes: Alphabet, things, animals, plants. Alphabet: the first person says a word with the letter A: Alarm, and second person with the letter B: Bee and so on to the end of the alphabet and repeat if it is necessary. Things: the first person have to tell the first word that comes out of his mind and the next person has to say a word that must have a relation with the first, example: Wine - Grape; Hospital - Blood Animals: The first person have to tell an animal, no matter what kind of animal, and the second person will tell another animal, provided that the words are not repeated. Example: Bear - Lion - Hyena Vegetables: The first person have to tell a vegetable, no matter what kind of vegetable, and the second person says another plant, provided that the words are not repeated. Broccoli - Carrots Beets

The ball must be thrown correctly. The person will only have 3 seconds to say the word. The word may not be repeated. If the person loses, don't play anymore.

A ball A moderator

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