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Teacher Candidate: Aaron Spencer Grade Level: 5th Grade Title: The Journeys End
CONTEXTUAL FACTORS (classroom factors) Contextual Factors:
Mrs. J.'s 5th grade Classroom P.V.E.S. L.C.S.D Nevada 18 Students 10 Boys, 8 Girls 16 Caucasian, 1 Hispanic, 1 Pacific Islander 0 English Language Learner (ELL) students 0 Students with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) 0 Students with physical or learning disabilities 0 Students classified gifted & talented (GATE) 0 Students classified as special needs

Classroom environment: The Classrooms desks are arranged into 4 groups. (2 groups contain 4 students desks, and 2 groups contain 5 desks.) Elmo & Whiteboard

WALK-AWAY (As a result of this lesson, what do I want the students to know, understand, and be able to do?) Nevada Social Studies Standards Content Standard H2.0 - Nation Building and Development - Students understand the people, events, ideas, and conflicts that lead to the evolution of nations, empires, distinctive cultures, and political and economic ideas. Grade 5 Benchmark:
H2.5.1 Describe motivations for and expeditions of exploration of the Americas. (SIOP 3) content

Content Standard H1.0 - People, Cultures, and Civilizations - Students understand the development, characteristics, and interaction of people, cultures, societies, religion, and ideas. Grade 5 Benchmark:
H1.5.3 Discuss the interactions of early explorers with native cultures. Content Walk-Away: We will review the significance that Lewis & Clarks Expedition had on the forming of this nation. Language Walk-Away: We will discuss the benefits and negative side effects that the Lewis & Clark Expedition had on the country, discovery, and the Native American people.

ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE (What evidence do I need to


show the students have learned the Walk-Away?)

Formative Evidence (checking for understanding throughout the lesson): Mix Pair Share Discussion Guided Reflection Smart board memory Activity Heads down thumbs up .
(SIOP 24 & 25)

tions (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.)

N/A (Will fill in after meeting class Spring 2013)
(SIOP 19) N/A until meet students and plan.

Content & Language Walk-Away Evidence (Summative): End of Unit Test

(SIOP 24)Ample speaking opportunities throughout lesson (SIOP 25) Throughout lesson students will be engaged 90-100% of the time.


Modifications/Accomodations (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.). Note: Provide a brief

description for each. Do not simply list SIOP 4,5,12, etc.

Introduction-State Objectives & Walk-Away(s): Show them the objective on the PowerPoint. Have them read the objective with me.
(SIOP 1)Content

Content Walk-Away (SIOP 1) We will review the significance that Lewis & Clarks Expedition had on the forming of this nation.

Language Walk-Away (SIOP 2) We will discuss the benefits and negative side effects that the Lewis & Clark Expedition had on the country, discovery, and the Native American people.

(SIOP 2)Language

Activate/Building Background Knowledge For the last 6 days we have been learning about how this nation was affected by the Louisiana Purchase. Because of the acquisition of this land, President Jefferson asked both Lewis & Clark to form an expedition to explore this new found portion of the United States of America. (SIOP 8) Today we are going to review some of the influential people of the trip, as well as discuss how we should view what Lewis & Clark accomplished. Think over these last few days. What were some of the details you enjoyed the most? Did anything standout that was especially important to you individually? (SIOP 7)
(SIOP 7) link to self (SIOP 8)link concepts

If so what made the learning moment so special?

(SIOP 14)scaffold (SIOP 21)activities language

Lets get up and have a mix pair share. (SIOP 14, 21)

Formative assessment: Mix Pair Share these questions with students around the classroom. Have students share ideas their partners discussed. (SIOP 15,17) Make sure to allow time for

multiple pairings. (SIOP18)

Modification/accommodations: There are 0 students with ELL, IEP, or GATE needs.

(SIOP 15) variety questions (SIOP 17) group students (SIOP 18)wait time

Focus Lesson (I do it) *There will be no I do It for the review today. Instruction will be group oriented due to the fact everything is review. Collaborative/Cooperative (You do it together) Display review pictures of key people the class has learned about this week. (SIOP 9,27) Jefferson, Bonaparte, York, Sacagawea, Clark, Lewis, Louisiana, Louisiana Purchase, France, & Spain. Revisit the Matching game, where students will split into teams (SIOP 17) and uncover pictures and information cards about each person or place. Have the students read the information cards each time they are uncovered, to ensure the students are receiving multiple exposures to the information. (SIOP 5,12,13)
Summative Assessment: Smart Board Drag and Match (SIOP 4,20) (the pictures and descriptions of all10 people are displayed on the Smartboard for the students to work as a team to match.) This will show if they understand who each of these people are. Modification/accommodations: There are 0 students with ELL, IEP, or GATE needs.

(SIOP 9)vocabulary (SIOP 27) review vocab (SIOP 17) group students

(SIOP 12) variety teaching techniques (SIOP 5) content for all levels (SIOP 13)student strategies

(SIOP 4) supplementary materials (SIOP 20)hands on

Guided Instruction (We do it) Have the students form a circle with their chairs at the end of the room. Guide the(SIOP 6, 11, 30) students in discussion (SIOP 16)concerning these questions: Were the explorers of the Lewis and Clark Expedition brave? (Why or Why not?) In what ways did this exploration have a positive effect on our nation? How were the Native Americans that were discovered effected ?(long or short term) Was it worth it for President Jefferson to acquire the land in the Louisiana Purchase? These are just a few of the questions (SIOP 21, 22) that will be discussed with the class in the Guided Reflection. Thank the students for their participation after the activity. (SIOP 29)
Formative Assessment: Guided reflection. Ask the students in depth questions that are more opinion based than based on memorization type questions Modification/accommodations: There are 0 students with ELL, IEP, or GATE needs.

(SIOP 11)explain tasks (SIOP 6)authentic activities (SIOP 30)assessment (SIOP 16)interaction

(SIOP 21) language activities (SIOP 22)integrate language (SIOP 29)feedback

Independent (You do it alone) The end of unit test will be administered upon completion of the lessons summarization. It is the same as the pretest that the students took before chapter 1 was taught.
Summative Assessment: End of Unit Test/Post-Test Modification/accommodations: There are 0 students with ELL, IEP, or GATE needs.

Comprehensible review of content and vocabulary Restate Success learning in Objective/ Walkaway. Bring slide up with objective again. (SIOP 23, 28) Have the class read it chorally.

(SIOP 23)support objectives (SIOP 28)review content

Formative Assessment: Heads down thumbs up to see if the students feel they have mastered the information. Modification/accommodations: There are 0 students with ELL, IEP, or GATE needs.

Discuss with the students: (SIOP 10) We have learned about the people involved in one of the most important explorations in the history of the United Stated of America. The men and woman involved risked everything to face the unknown. They did so to give our nation the information needed to allow our nation to explore. While the Louisiana purchase has been of great benefit to the majority of Americans, it had a negative impact on many of the Native American tribes. This was not due necessarily to the Lewis and Clark Expedition, but rather the settlers that came to settle the new lands of America Summative Assessment: Have students now take the end of Unit assessment. Modification/accommodations: N/A (Will fill in after meeting class Spring 2013)

What do I need to remember to do? Manage time wisely today! Give positive feedback to build up students confidence Materials to have ready? PowerPoint with objectives, vocab, and questions prepared. Post-test Smartboard matching game

Approximate time needed for lesson? 45 Minutes

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