Indus Valley Worksheet

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Topic- Indus Valley Civilization

Name of the Student:_____________________________________

Grade: 6 Sec:___________

I. Fill in the blanks:

1. Seal were made of a stone called ___________________.
2. The smaller and higher section of the Indus towns were called _________________.
3. The Great Bath was made water tight by using __________ made of ____________.
4. The use of _____________ _____________ by the Harappan people is the greatest
contribution to the world.
5. An embossed emblem, figure or symbol is called _________________
6. ________________ is a waterside area containing docks used for trade.

II. Answer the following questions in one word or sentence:

1. Mention any one site discovered during the excavation of the Indus Valley
2. Mention two artifacts that have been excavated during the excavations.
3. State two reasons why the Harappan civilization is called an urban civilization.

III. Answer the following questions:

1. Mention any three recreational activities during the Indus valley Civilization?
2. Write two points to give evidence to prove that the people of Indus valley had contact
with the other civilizations.
3. Did the people of Indus Valley Civilization believe in after life? Substantiate your
answer with examples.
4. Date the following
(a) Indus civilization was discovered in_______________
(b) Indus civilization flourished around _____________B.C

IV. On the outline map of India mark the following Indus valley cities.
Mohenjodaro, Mehrgarh, Harappa, Kalibamgan, Rupar and Lothal

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