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On 19th January 2013, Regina Pacis Senior High School Bogor proudly presents Megaspirit at Tennis Outdoor Bogor

Lakeside. And the guest star of that big event are Nidji, GAC, My Music Connection, ect. I think Nidji should be the guest star on Megaspirit. Its because i think that Nidji is one of the famous, popular, and also well-known band in Indonesia. Many people knows them. So we can sure that all of audience will know the guest star and also the song of Nidji. Nidji is so popular but they dont have a fans as much as people know them. And because of that, the audience will think that our school were so cool can bring the awesome guest star, which so so popular like Nidji. Nidji have been working for so long. They made a lot of hits and singles that so popular nowdays. And most of Nidjis song is so easy to remember. We can just remember the lyric or maybe the rhythm. Or if we hear their songs, we can humming (if we dont know the lyric) or just sing with the full lyric. Its just so fun if you see the band in concert singing, and you exactly know the song and sing along! Also, I think that Nidji has many fans will make us so lucky. Why? Because if the Nidji fans know that Nidji will be perform at Megaspirit, they will be come to Megaspirit and can make our tickets sold out in short time! And make us get more income from them. And because of that, many of Nidji fans will know our school. I think if they a truly fans, they will do anything to see Nidji, so the fans will buy the tickets to see Nidji. Different like the people that only know the band Nidji by the name and their fame.

Stefanie Dita Pangestu 26/XIIPA5

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