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TCAP EXTRA CREDIT (Due by April 22nd)

I will give 1 point for each problem that is correct.

Students will go to the links below and workout the problems in the TCAP practice test. They need to either print out the test and show their work for each problem on the test or they need to have a separate sheet of paper with each problem labeled and all work shown. Even if a problem can be solved in their heads, they need to write how they solved it. Points will not be given if work is not shown for the problem. 09_PracticeTest_Gr7.pdf The first problem in math starts on page 57. ONLY print off the math section. Do not print the entire test. (It is 157 pages) 12_PracticeTest_Gr7_Feb13.pdf The first problem in math starts on page 53. ONLY print off the math section. Do not print the entire test. (It is 196 pages)

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