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Use the conjunctions in the brackets to join the sentences together.

1. Ian was just an ordinary man in the street. He discovered his dogs special ability.
2. He was playing with his dog, Ranger, one day. He found that ranger could count.
3. He had tested Ranger for many days. He decided to get Ranger to perform
before an audience. (after)
4. Hence, he brought Ranger to the hotel. He worked in the hotel. (where)
5. He talked to the manager. He convinced her about Rangers special ability. (and)
6. She marveled. Ian counted and Ranger barked the corresponding number of
times. (as)
7. She then arranged for a small platform at the lobby. They could perform there for
the hotels guests. (where)

8. Ian and Rangers performance attracted many people. Word spread far and wide.
9. The performance became a daily routine. A news crew visited the hotel. (soon
10. From that day onwards, many people visited the hotel. They wanted to see Ian
and Rangers interesting performance. (in order to)
11. Ian bought a car. Cars are very expensive nowadays. (in spite of)
12. Ian did not have to work at the hotel anymore. His wife also did not have to work
at the hotel. (Neither nor)

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