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OCR (A) Unit G484 [Physics A2] key definitions Term Newtonian laws of motion Newtons 1st law

Newtons 2nd law Newtons 3rd law Momentum Impulse Perfectly Elastic Collision Inelastic collision Circular motion Centripetal acceleration Centripetal force Gravitational field strength Newtons law of gravitation Period (related to a circle) Keplers 3rd law Geostationary orbit Definition An object will remain at rest or keep travelling at a constant velocity unless an external force acts on it The net force of an object is equal to the rate of change of its momentum (net force and change are in the same direction) When two bodies interact, the forces they exert on each other are opposite and equal The product of an objects mass and its velocity The product of the force and the time for which it acts Kinetic energy is conserved- momentum and total energy are always conserved Kinetic energy is not conserved- it is transferred into other forms such as heat. Momentum and total energy are always conserved The acceleration toward the centre of the circle that holds the object in elliptical orbit. The net force acting on an object moving in a circle- is always directed towards the centre of the circle The gravitational force experienced by an object per unit mass Any two point masses attract each other with a force which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of their separation The time taken for an object to complete one orbit The square of the period ,T, of a planet is directly proportional to the cube of its distance, r, from the sun (T2 is proportional to r3) The orbit of an artificial satellite which has a period equal to one day so that it stays in the same point above the earths equator (from Earth the satellite appears to be stationary) Distance travelled by a particle from its equilibrium The maximum displacement of a particle from its equilibrium position The time taken for one complete oscillation of a vibrating particle The number of oscillations of a particle per unit time The rate of change of angle (rads-1) [= 2/T] The fraction of an oscillation between the vibrations of two oscillating particles (expressed in degrees or radians) When the acceleration of an object in an oscillating system is directly proportional to the displacement from its equilibrium position, and is directed towards the equilibrium position An oscillatory motion where the amplitude decreases over time due to energy loss The forced motion of an oscillator characterised by maximum amplitude when the forcing frequency matches the oscillators natural frequency. A system absorbs maximum energy from a source when the source frequency is equal to the natural frequency of the system

Simple harmonic motion Displacement Amplitude Period Frequency Angular frequency Phase difference Simple harmonic motion

Damping Resonance

Solids, liquids, gases and thermal physics

JR 2010

Solid (Spacing, ordering, motion) Liquid (S,o,m)

Gas (S,o,m)

Brownian motion Pressure

Internal energy Melting Boiling

Evaporation Specific heat capacity Specific latent heat Latent heat of fusion Latent heat of vaporisation Boyles law Charles law Kinetic theory of gases assumptions

Avogadro constant

Spacing: Closely packed Ordering: Regular order Motion: Vibrations about a fixed point Spacing: Closely packed (less packed than solids)- more gaps between particles than solids Ordering: Less regular order Motion: Particles can move past each other slowly compared to gases Spacing: Molecules far apart, not packed in at all Ordering: Randomly ordered Motion: Fast moving in random directions The random movement of microscopic particles suspended in a liquid or gas, caused by collisions with molecules of the surrounding medium The total force exerted over the area of a wall /surface- when applied to a gas the force is provided by the change in momentum when particles collide with the walls of the container The sum of the random distribution of kinetic and potential energies of the atoms or molecules in a system Molecules become more disordered, increase in separation between molecules, therefore electrical potential energy increases Molecules become completely separate from each other. Large increase in separation between molecules and electrical potential energy increases greatly as a result- movement becomes disorderly The process at which a liquid becomes a gas as a temperature below its melting point The energy required per unit mass of a substance to raise its temperature by 1K The energy required per kilogram of the substance to change its state without any change in temperature Energy which must be supplied to cause a substance to melt at a constant temperature The energy which must be supplied to cause a substance to boil at a constant temperature The pressure exerted by a fixed mass of gas is inversely proportional to its volume, provided it is at a constant temperature The volume occupied by a gas at a constant temperature is directly proportional to its thermodynamic (absolute) temperature Gas contains a large number of spherical particles Forces between particles are negligible, except during collisions Volume of particles is negligible compared to the volume occupied by the gas Most of the time, a particle will move in a straight line at a constant velocity. The time of collision with each other or the container is negligible compared with the time between collisions The collisions of particles with each other or with the container are perfectly elastic, therefore no kinetic energy is lost The number of particles in one mole of any substance (6.02x1023mol-1)

JR 2010

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