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English Oral Assessment 1 Ideal Student

Generally the student who is ideal is adjudged or considered as an asset to the institution he belongs. An ideal student achieves success in life by using time properly. An ideal student hardly forgets about the value of time and does not fleet time carelessly. He builds up his body and mind within the limited span of time in the educational institution. He does not reduce the work available to him and utilises his time in the best possible way. An ideal student distinguishes between what is fair and what is foul and accordingly plans his life. An ideal student does not put off any piece of work till tomorrow which he can do today. An ideal student never neglects his studies and is never unmindful of the lessons imparted to him by his teachers. An ideal student is attentive to his studies. He comes to his class in time and never intends to miss the lessons. An ideal student cultivates punctuality from the very boyhood. He is disciplined and does not apply his own method in all things. He avoids things that are injurious and not lugubrious for his idealism. Further he tries to know the what, how and why of things to become a useful member of society. He is obedient and studious and devotes a greater portion of his time to study with enormous zeal and interest. An ideal student is self-reliant who makes his own judgment and powers in facing difficulty. He goes through a great variety of books, magazines, periodicals, newspapers to enlarge his vision of knowledge. An ideal student is never disrespectful to the elderly ones and he is very amiable. He is kind hearted and helps others in time of their need. He is scrupulous, honest, truthful and industrious. An ideal student is never intemperate or haughty and bears a smile on his face as he talks to others. He is practical and hardly swayed away by emotions. He does not forget the mission of life in the midst of pleasures and enjoyments. He makes sincere efforts for achieving good things in life. An ideal student practices to live on a simple diet, to wear simple dress and always thinks of the wellbeing of others. He wins the heart of others by his gentleness and politeness. The spirit of service to humanity never deserts him. He is attracted by the idea of a saintly man with nobility of character. He participates in many extracurricular activities conducted in the institution where he reads. The habit of diligence is the most important element in the life of an ideal student. He does not make friendship with the lazy and wicked students. He cultivates good habits and avoids forming bad ones. He is guided by the elders and draws the attention of one and all.

English Oral Assessment 2


Amrit: A very good morning to my English teacher Pn. Harbans and to all my fellow classmates. Navinjit and I are going to discuss a very common topic making headlines on our newspapers recently. Obesity is a serious issue these days. What do you think Navinjit? Navinjit: That is true is Amrit obesity is a very common problem these days. And this problem is actually causing our younger generation to be weaker and much sloppier. Amrit: I have to agree with you Navinjit people these days have no time to exercise. They would rather stay indoors and spend more time in front of their computer and spend more time on facebook. Navinjit: Yes Amrit, our current generation is quiet materialistic, to them money bring them more happiness than health itself which often leads them to working for longer hours for overtime. As you have already mentioned Amrit this causes people to spend less time exercising thus making them less healthy. Amrit: Did you know that in extreme cases some people as they get older they get bed ridden because latter on in life these people whom dont exercise tend to get life threatening disease like stroke, cancer, back problems and many other names which we have never heard of before. Navinjit: Oh Amrit I didnt know all this. Such a waste isnt it these people they work so hard so that they can have more money but in the end they end up spending far more money on themselves than anyone else. It is sad that they didnt realize that health is wealth and by the time they actually realize it I guess it would be too late by then. Amrit: Besides that obesity also causes other problems like the difficulty to reproduce. Now this is quite an issue because our primary function as human beings is to reproduce thus to keep the survival of our species. If this phenomenon continues we human will become extict one day and this could the end of us. Navinjit: Obesity is quite a serious issue and we must remind ourselves about it from time to time. But Amrit did you know that with the help of new and improved medication and medical techniques reproduction is still possible. An example if a couple cannot have a baby maybe due to some medical complications this couple could not have a baby if it was 20 years ago but now with medical advancement this is possible. The point is that people these days are running away from their responsibilities as humans and are avoiding it by using modern methods.

Amrit: So are you suggesting that we should not use medication whenever possible? Navinjit: Yes medication is not the natural way of doing things. Amrit: Thats right Navinjit did you know that a majority of people whom depend on medication suffer from physiological effect later on in life as they grow older. This can also occur to people whom are not in a good shape because these people tend to be jealous on others whom have a healthier figure. In our modern culture where sexy and slim is considered beautiful obese people tend to get left out of the community and is often looked down on. In some extreme cases when people with such diseases cannot face the community because they feel embarrassed of themselves they tend to kill themselves and avoid any type of social contact which includes getting married. Navinjit: So I believe the conclusion is that obesity is an issue that should be solved as quickly as possible to avoid further complications. I believe if we live healthily and eat a balanced diet we can avoid being obese in the first place and this problem would not have occurred at all.

Oral Test Assessment 3

Darren: A very good morning to Pn. Surita our English Language teacher and to all our fellow classmates. I am Darren Tan together with my group members Louis, Amrit and Ronald are presenting a discussion about the disadvantages and advantages of credit cards. Ronald walks into the class pretending to be in a situation such as in a mamak stall. Ronald: Hello guys. Friends you can order anything today the treat is on me. Louis: Why Ronald why are you so speedy today? This is quiet unusual. Ronald: Its no big deal guys I just got my credit card today. Amrit: Ronald thats great news. Darren: Yeah Ronald but you have to be more careful and responsible because a credit card has many disadvantages. Louis: True Darren, but a credit card has also many advantages. Amrit: Louis can you name us some advantages. Louis: Sure. Did you know that with a credit card you dont have to carry cash and this can save space in your wallet. Amrit: Yeah that might be true Louis but when you lose your wallet the credit card is gone as well. Plus a credit card can also easily be misplaced as it is light and just a thin piece of plastic. Ronald: Not to worry Amrit you can always tell the bank to hold the transactions of your card when it is stolen. Darren: But dont you think it will be too late if the thieve acts fast enough before the bank can take any action on your card. Louis: When you come to think about it a credit card can also be very useful during emergency situations especially when you are in a tight spot such as emergency medical expenses. Amrit: I agree with you on that Louis but a credit card can also cause people to spend more money than they can actually afford. We have to always keep in mind that we are actually borrowing money or shall I say credit first which we have to pay the sum back later with interest. Darren: Yeah plus did you know that the bank charges you with more interest over time. For example if you used your credit card to purchase something 2 months ago the interest develops and in the end you end up paying more than you should. Louis: Well that is a problem which can occur even when youre trading with cash. This is a problem which is often caused by the persons spending mentality and should not be blamed on the credit card.

Amrit: Did you also know that these credit card banks always offer reward programs in order to get you spending more money than intended. Such instance is the usual 70% more bonuses if you spend more than a specific amount of money on a specific day. Ronald: This should not be a problem as Im a very responsible person and very matured as well. Plus with a credit card I can purchase things online such as plane tickets and also get great offers on sales which are only available to be bought online. Amrit: Ronald but that not the end there are viruses which might be in your computer without your realizing waiting for you to type in your credit card number which will be then misused by some other people for their own benefit at your expense. Darren: Amrit is right these methods are more commonly known as hacking where a spyware would be installed on to the victims computer to collect data waiting for the victim to type in their important data which will be then misused for their cause. Roanld: Dont worry my friends for that I have installed an antivirus to keep me safe for all of these threats. Louis: I believe it is safe to say that a credit card has its own benefits and disadvantages but that often depend on the person using it. Darren: Yeah thats true but just make sure to be careful Ronald. Ronald: Of cause Im always careful as usual.

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