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Tips for New Teachers

The duties of an adult Sabbath School teacher or class leader are:

Being prepared. Before opening Gods Word to teach, there should be more preparation than a brief perusal on Friday night. A good habit to establish is to spend a concentrated hour on Sabbath afternoon becoming familiar with the main points of the next lesson. During the rest of the week you can dig for more material. Helping everyone feel welcome. A simple question like What has your week been like? can help members feel cared for and encourage them to let go of the worries of the week and concentrate on Bible study. A good question for guests is: Where is your church home? Responses can give you important information to help you know how best to minister to them. Keep extra Bible study guides on hand so that guests can participate in the lesson study. If your church has a fellowship dinner, personally invite them to attend or take them home with you. Facilitating sharing time. For most of your class members, the class is the primary place where they receive support and friendship. It is your responsibility to enable this to happen. During class time announcements can be made regarding class outreach and fellowship plans. Support for missing members can be arranged, including personal visits, providing a meal, or volunteering to help with housework or child care. This time of sharing opens the door for better participation in the discussion part of the class. Praying. Maintain an unending circle of prayer for your students. As the class members pray for one another, they come closer together and are enabled to bear one anothers burdens. It is important to take time to ask for prayer requests of those present. The teachers or a class member may offer prayer at the beginning and end of each class session, or the group can pray together in twos or threes. At times have a season of prayer in which everyone has opportunity to pray. Guiding spiritual growth. The most important thing for your class members to learn is the practical application of Bible truth. Sabbath School is a place to grow in Christian living. Help students make specific applications of the lesson each week in the practical issues they face every day. Key discussion questions include: What difference does this topic make in how you live your life? and How would you explain this truth to a friend who does not attend any church? Starting the class on time. Nothing is more discouraging for a Sabbath School class than to wonder where the teacher is. You should be one of the first to arrive so that you can greet the class members. In case of emergency or illness, find a substitute teacher and notify the Sabbath School superintendent that a substitute has been provided.

Copyright 2006

General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

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