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Windows Into Worship April 2013 See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone.

. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come! Song of Solomon 2:11-12 Oh, how I wish these words applied to our April weather in Wisconsin! I am certainly ready for springI look forward to the first glimpse of fresh, green grass, the tulips in the neighborhood that start popping up, and the smell of the new pink blooms on the flowering crab tree in our front yard! The bikes and basketballs and sidewalk chalk come out, and we seem to spend twice as much time outside together. We love that time of year when we can feel some relief from the long, long winter months. But, it seems that this year we have been given an opportunity to practice patience as we wait for that relief to come..I just need to keep reminding myself that it will indeed be here soon! As we anticipate the coming of spring, we continue to celebrate another beautiful renewal of life the resurrection of Christ during these next several weeks of the churchs Easter season. The winter of our lives, and the rain of our spirits that we have been dwelling on during Lent has now been overcome by the glorious gift of the Son! We are overwhelmed by his love for us, and are filled with the joy of this amazing gift of life eternal. What are some things we can do with this abundance of joy while we wait? This message of Christ is meant to be shared, and as we come together for worship we are given the opportunity to join together to share this love. But, I also believe that we are called to be the kind of disciples that first witnessed the empty tomb or the newly risen Christ-they were filled with so much excitement and awe that they could not help themselves! They ran to share the good news! Who can we run to this month? Who in our lives needs a glimpse of joy or hope? Whose winter needs the relief of a warm, spring son May you feel relief when you need it so that you can experience the joy and beauty of Gods changing seasons! Gods peace to you, dear friends in Christ! ~ Laura Ramlow

Lent/Easter Church Season/Celebration April 7 Second Sunday of Easter During this Easter season, we continue to rejoice with song and words of praise for Jesus triumphal resurrection! Third Sunday of Easter

Liturgical Color White Color of joy in the resurrection

April 14


April 21 April 28

Fourth Sunday of Easter Fifth Sunday of Easter

White White .

Additional Worship Elements Holy Communion A physical sign of an unseen promise we receive Gods forgiveness in the bread and the wine Service of the Word Word = Read, preached, and sung; Gods Word made flesh in Jesus. Holy Communion Service of the Word

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