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Production Schedule

Title: Final Status

Dates: February-March 2013

Canon XL1-H1a, Tripod, dolly, red head light, secondary
camera (Canon 550D)

Shooting schedule day 1- Zacks House
Time Scene Number Activity
9:00 N/A Arrival
9:00-9:30 N/A Unload equipment and preparation before
set up
9:30-10:30 N/A Set design
10:30-10:40 N/A Set up equipment
10:40-11:00 N/A Break
11:00-11:10 N/A Run through of scene with actor
11:10-11:30 1 Completed opening scene in bedroom
11:30-12:00 2 Completed scene 2
12:00-12:30 N/A Pack up equipment and Lunch
Production Team:

Zack Turofsky
Director of
Andrew Roth
Screenwriter Sam Simmons

Time Scene Number Activity
8:30 N/A Arrival
12:00-12:20 N/A Unload equipment and preparation before
set up
12:20-12:40 N/A Scene set up
12:40-1:00 N/A Set up equipment
1:00- 1:20 N/A Break
1:20-1:30 N/A Run through of scene with actor
1:30-1:50 3 Completed scene 3
1:50-2:10 N/A Pack up equipment and Lunch

Shooting day 3-warehouse

Time Scene Number Activity
9:00 N/A Arrival
9:00-9:30 N/A Unload equipment and preparation before
set up
9:30-10:00 N/A Set design
10:00-10:20 N/A Set up equipment
10:20-10:30 N/A Break
10:30-10:40 N/A Run through of scene with actor
10:40-11:00 4 First section of scene 4
11:00-11:20 4 Second section of scene 4
11:20-11:40 4 Third section of scene 4
11:40-12:10 4 Final section of scene 4
12:10-12:30 4 Filler Shots
12:30-1:00 N/A Pack up equipment and leave warehouse
Shooting day 2- School

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