Symptom Chart

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Unusually sad and irritable mood Loss of enjoyment and interest in activities Changes in appetite and possibly weight

loss or gain Difficulty concentrating or making decisions Difficulty sleeping, or over sleeping Feelings of unwarranted guilt or worthlessness Excessive lethargy or agitation Unexplained irritability Social withdrawal and poor communication Preoccupation with death or suicide School refusal Outbursts of complaining or shouting Substance abuse Difficulty maintaining relationships Increased risk-taking behaviour Threatening to hurt themselves Looking for ways to kill themselves Feeling of hopelessness Rage or revenge seeking Making comments such as when Im gone... Dramatic mood changes Feeling trapped and like theres no way out Suddenly careless about personal grooming Evidence of physical harm, including bruises, scars, cuts or burns Wear long sleeves or bulky clothing all the time, even when inappropriate Refuse to reveal skin for activities, such as physical education Express thoughts of self injury or emotional distress in writings or artwork Illogical talk Breath smells of alcohol Glassy or red eyes, sniffly or runny nose Dieting behaviours Vomiting or laxative use Binge eating Changes in food preferences, such as cutting out an entire food group or replacing meals with fluids Avoidance of food and lying about food consumption Pre-occupation with food, body shape, exercise or weight Sensitive to comments made about food, body shape, exercise or weight Suspiciousness Inappropriate emotion, or lack of emotion Feels like self or others are acting differently in some way Odd ideas Unusual perception of sensory experiences (smell, sound, colour)

Warning Signs/Symptoms

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