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Module 6 Management of Technological Resources for the Teaching and Administration of the English Language (Part III) UTEC

Faculty of Social Sciences Englishs Department

Professor: Martn Ulises Aparicio Morataya

Project 3: Teaching Perspective Inventory

Student Name: Nelson Perez Torres

Career: English

Subject: Pre-Specialization

Date: April 01st, 2013

Teacher: Lic. Martin Ulises Aparicio


TPI: Teacher Perspective Inventory this represents a different perspective on good teaching. They will help to you understand and interpret your profile. Keep in mind that these five are not mutually exclusive perspectives. Involving thousands of teachers, the vast majority hold one or (sometimes) two dominant perspectives. Many hold an additional 'back-up' perspective that is high, although not dominant. This combination of dominant and back-up perspectives allows teachers to accommodate changes in context, content, and learners. Common sense requires that no one can operate from all five simultaneously, since they represent contrasting and sometimes competing views of teaching.

Transmission: Good teaching means having mastery of the subject matter or content. Responsibilities to present the content. Providing clear objectives Good teachers are enthusiastic about their content and convey that enthusiasm to their students Apprenticeship: The apprenticeship effective teaching is a process of socializing students into new behavioural norms and ways of working. For example the experience and Good teachers know what their learners can do on their own and where they need guidance and direction. Developmental Effective teaching must be planned and conducted, and the primary goal is to help learners develop increasingly complex and sophisticated cognitive structures for comprehending the content. Nurturing is focus that a Good teacher cares about their students and their achievement is a product of their own effort. Social reform: the object of teaching is the collective rather than the individual. Good teachers awaken students to values and ideologies that are embedded in texts and common practices within their disciplines.

2. The TPI result and the description of my teaching perspective.

TPI Profile Sheet: Thank you for taking the TPI, Nelson. Your results are represented on the graph below. For information on how to interpret your results, please see the Interpretation page.

Date taken: Apr 01, 2013 Taken by: Nelson Perez My group: UBC - UBC Teacher Education Longitudinal Study The learners I'm focusing on: Graduate Level University Subject matter: English ELS Learning setting: Face-to-Face, 20-39

Beliefs Total Intentions Total Action Total

: (B) : (I) : (A)

57 58 59

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Overall Total : (T) 174


You can access a graphical display of my results here: Transmission Total: (A p) 39. My highest score was transmission, because I consider myself as a teacher who master the subject taught in a classroom as well as its contents. I take students systematically through tasks leading to content mastery, providing clear objectives, adjusting the pace of lecturing, making efficient use of class time, clarifying misunderstanding and of course answering any doubts, providing feedback and reviews, and summarizing what has been presented in class. Good teachers regarding this perspective on good teaching as indicated by the large bar on my profile sheet are enthusiastic about their content and convey that enthusiasm to their students. For many learners, good transmission teachers are memorable presenters of their content.

4. Conclusion In my own opinion, I think the TPI test is a good tool for teachers that help them understand their own views expressing them through their own beliefs, intentions and actions, and it does it in an easy and understanding profile, it provides you a clear and concise description of how the different perspectives differ from each other. The TPI also helps you share and clarify your ideas when you are drafting a statement of teaching profile, when you are expanding your knowledge on teaching, or when you are asked to review someone elses teaching.

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