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Risk Identification Questionnaire

Project Name: Department: Date: [Replace with project name] [Replace with department name] [mm/dd/yyyy]

Project Manager: [Replace with name of project manager]

Prepared By
Document Owner(s) [Name] [Name] [Name] Project/Organization Role [Role] [Role] [Role]

Project Closure Report Version Control

Version 1.0 [Version] [Version] Date [Date] [Date] [Date] Author [Name] [Name] [Name] Change Description Created document. [Description] [Description]

Confidential Last printed

Risk Identification Questionnaire

ID 1

Risk Identification Has upper management approved of and committed to the project? Is your organizations current structure adequate to support this initiative? Is the organizational morale good? Are the necessary funds available and approved to make this project a success? Has a Corporate Sponsor been identified? Has a full-time Project Manager (Project Owner/Leader) been identified? Is there a good working relationship between the Corporate Sponsor and the Project Leader? Does the Project Leader have a good knowledge of both the business and the scope of the project? Have the scope of the project and the duration of the project been clearly defined? Have the project deliverables been clearly identified? Have all managers for the project been designated? Have management authority and responsibilities been clearly defined and accepted? Do all managers communicate in a timely and effective manner both up and down the organizational structure? Have the project team and their responsibilities been clearly defined and accepted?



Mitigation [Document Reviewed/Additional Information Recorded] [Comment]

Assigned To [Name]


3 4

[Comment] [Comment]

[Name] [Name]

5 6

[Comment] [Comment]

[Name] [Name]







10 11 12

[Comment] [Comment] [Comment]

[Name] [Name] [Name]








Page 2


Risk Identification Questionnaire

ID 15 16

Risk Identification Do other projects or systems depend on this project? Have all conflicting organizational objectives been identified and resolved? Is historical information available for project estimates? Are the current support facilities and infrastructure sufficient for successful completion of the project?



Mitigation [Comment] [Comment]

Assigned To [Name] [Name]

17 18

[Comment] [Comment]

[Name] [Name]

Overall Risks: High Comments: Medium Low [Replace this text with any explanatory comments.]


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