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Primary Berryman and Kennedy, Clifford. Of Course We Have To Change Remedies if We Dont Get Results. 1934. Photograph.

Library of Congress. http://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/acd1996000384/PP/ (Accessed November 8, 2012). Print. This cartoon shows that the New Deal was not only made of a few programs but many more. President Franklin Roosevelt is trying to lift America from the Depression even though he knows that it may not work but he is still trying because he wont know the outcome if he dont even try, that is he is creating more programs just in case the others doesnt work. C.K Berryman. Soak the Rich. Photograph. 1934. The Depression and New Deal. New York: University Press, 2003, 98. This source helped me a lot by how clear its idea or message was stated, the message was that people obviously didnt wanted to pay high taxes. Constitution of the United States. Photograph. http://apusb.wikispaces.com/depressi on-political+cartoons. (Accessed November 2, 2012). This source helped me understand some peoples point of view, what the picture tells is that the New Deal was trying to go into the constitution of the United States. Dust Storms in the 1930s Dust Bowl. 1937. Photograph. Goodwell, Oklahoma. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/res/div/ocp/drought/dust_storms.shtml (Accessed November 28, 2012). Print. This photograph shows that people living in the area where the dust storms occurred were living an even harder life not just because of the depression but also of the dust storms. Families had to Relocate to find Jobs.1941. Photograph. Pearl Harbor. Stock Systems. http://www.stockpickssystem.com/the-great-depression/ (Accessed November 16, 2012). By the great effect of the Great Depression families were suffering of hunger and many economical issues so they were moving to find a job or a no opportunity of lifestyle. Forgotten Women. Photograph. 1939. The Depression and New Deal. New York: University Press, 2003, 110. This source explained to me how women were treated in those days, like for example women didnt got jobs like mans or even get the same privileges.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation. American Rhetoric. http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/fdrpearlharbor.htm (Accessed November 14, 2012). The purpose of this speech is to urge congress to formally declare war on Japan. It was also to inform the nation on what had happened and to justify for his reasons upon declaring war upon the Japanese Empire. Franklin Roosevelts Address Announcing the Second New Deal. FDR library http://docs.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/od2ndst.html (Accessed December 14, 2012). In this speech President Franklin Roosevelt announces a second set of measures to fight against the Great Depression. It is also a response to criticism that the New Deal had not done enough. Great Depression: Employment Bureau. 1929. Photograph. Los Angeles. Britannica. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/media/11214/Unemployedmen-vying-for-jobs-at-the-American-Legion-Employment (Accessed October 12, 2012). Print. This picture shows how desperate people are for jobs since there were many problems during the Great Depression and high unemployment rates were one of them. Longe, Dorothea. The Ultimate...She has all the Suffering of Mankind in Her, but all the Perseverance Too. Photograph.1936.The Depression and New Deal. New York: University Press. 2003, Page 105. This source shows how much The Great Depression impacted people, how mothers felt, what were the consequences for the children. McCutcher, John Timney. Bank Failures. Print. 1932. Chicago Tribune. The Depression and New Deal. New York: University Press, 2003, 49. This picture shows that the banks were failing due to the depression many banks closed. Migrants Hitching their Way to Los Angeles. Photograph. 1937. Putting America back to work. July/August, 2010. Print. Page 15 By the huge effect that The Great Depression had on the community people had to migrate to other places to find a better opportunity of lifestyle.

Norman, Ritchie. Everybodys in the New Deal. 1932. Photograph. Library of Congress. http://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/acd1996006021/PP/. (Accessed November 8, 2012) Print. When everyone was feeling very depressed because of the problems President Franklin Roosevelt gave a speech about what he was going to do. He is trying to help the people gain confidence and courage then they can overcome the Great Depression. Peters, Gerhard. 112- Fireside Chat (Recovery Program). The American Presidency Project, John Woolley. http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php? pid=14488 (Accessed December 12, 2012). This speech is about President Franklin Roosevelt giving a talk about the purpose and foundations of the recovery programs. It described what industry, employers, and employers, and workers could do to bring economic recovery Peters, Gerhard. 37- Address to the Representatives of Industry on N.R.A. Codes. The American Presidency Project, John Woolley. http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ ws/index.php?pid=14821 (Accessed December 12, 2012). This is to the representatives of industry on N.R.A. codes telling them that what the nation seek is balance between the economic system. And that the telegram from the American Banking system Association is an illustration of their progress made that year so now they should consolidate their gains and resolve that the consolidation shall be for the continued progress and especially for the greater happiness and well being of the American people. Peters, Gerhard. 1-Inaugural Address. The American Presidency Project, John Woolley. http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=14473 (Accessed November 7, 2012). In this Inaugural Address Roosevelt is trying to gain the nations trust and bring hope to the people. He does that by persuading the people to overcome fear so that they can move on and try to revive and make America prosper. Pigs at the Trough. Photograph. http://apus-b.wikispaces.com/depressionpolitical+cartoons (Accessed November 2,2012). This shows that Roosevelt always had his favorites and by saying that he always preferred the money than the recovery. Roosevelt, Eleanor. I Want You To Write To Me. Womans Home Companion, August 1933. http://newdeal.feri.org/er/er01.htm (Accessed November 18, 2012). This talks about how Eleanor Roosevelt held exclusive press conferences with women reporters to promote jobs for women in the newspaper and media industry and also to

discuss current issues. Eleanor also used it to get some ideas to improve the New Deal programs. Tennessee Valley Area: Pictorial Map. 1939. Photograph. Tennessee. American Memory. http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.gmd/g3962t.ct002436 (Accessed December 11, 2012). Print. This picture shows the existing and proposed dams that TVA were doing during that time. Most people lost their jobs then the TVA was a program that gave some people jobs and this was to build things. The Great Depression.1929. Photograph. U.S. http://www.thegreatdepressionfacts .org/ (Accessed November 16, 2012). Print. This picture shows how the unemployment was so common and how people had hard times finding jobs. The Great Depression. Photograph. Florida Center for Instructional Technology. usf.edu. College of Education, University of South Florida. http://fcit.usf.eduflori da/lessons/depress/depress1.htm (Accessed November 11, 2012). Print. The Great Depression shows that it was a hard era for the economy and most of the community since there was massive unemployment. The WPA posters. 1938. Photograph. Putting America Back to Work. July/August 2010. Print. Page 15. I think that the main reason for the posters were to persuade people to think positively about Roosevelts plans so that people would think that the plans that Roosevelts creating were for the good of the economy. The WPA Renewed. Photograph. 1938. Putting America back to work. July/August 2010. Print. Page 16. This picture shows the actions that were accomplished by the plans that Roosevelt proposed. Thomas, Jesse. New Deal a Square Deal for the Negro. PBS. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/primaryresources/fdr-square-deal/ (Accessed December 2, 2012). It is about whether or not the New Deal was fair to the blacks. Even though there was unfairness in the wages for some blacks but it did not apply to all of them.

Secondary A New Deal. http://www.livinghistoryfarm.org/farminginthe30s/money_13.html (Accessed November 12, 2012). This source tells me that The New Deal was a new hope for people after the devastating Depression. Armstrong, Roberts. The New Deal. The New Book of Knowledge the New Deal. Virginia Quinn McCarthy. Canada. Phillip Friedman, 2001. Page 132. The New Deal was that hope that the citizens were waiting for after many times of suffering. Brantley, Will. Womens Letters During the Great Depression. Columbia: Southern historical Association, 2001. Page 789 and 790. This source shows how women thought of the Great Depression and their opinions of President Roosevelt and his plans.

Brinkley, Alan. American Historian and Professor of History. Email Interview. November 28, 2012. This email interview gave me some knowledge about my topic that was unknown to me. Chapter 33 The Great Depression and The New Deal. http://www.coursenotes.org/ US_History/Notes/The_American_Pageant_13th_Edition_ Textbook_Notes/Chapt er_e3The_Great_Depression_and_t. (Accessed November 4, 2012). This source shows the main or most impacting issues of The Great Depression such as massive unemployment and bank failures.

Dan Richardson, Band Teacher, recorded interview, November 28, 2012. This interview helped a lot because it tells us about the plans of Franklin Roosevelt and how he expected to raise America again. FDR. http://www.livinghistoryfarm.org/farminginthe30s/money_14.html (Accessed November 7, 2012). This source shows that Roosevelt tried had to get America back to work again after a devastating Depression.

Franklin D. Roosevelt Quotes. http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/f/frankli n_d_roosevelt.html (Accessed January 20, 2013). Page 1 and 2. This site provided me with quotes by Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Garraty, John. The Great Depression. Orlando: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1986. Pages 52-100 and 128-182. What the Great Depression did to the people and how the New Deal helped.

Gedney, Mona. The Story of the Great Depression. Hockessin: Mitchell Lane Publishers, Inc., 2005. This book is about when the stock market crash businesses failed, banks closed, people lost their homes, and thousands depended on soup lines across the country then Franklin Delano Roosevelt promised the people of the United States a new deal and in 1932 he was elected president and after that the New Deal was created and it shaped the country in many ways. Even though the government struggled to help the people and to keep the economy stable but in the end only a world war was able to end the Great Depression.

Grant, Reg. Why did the Great Depression Happen. New York: Gareth Stevens, 2011. Pages 10-37. This book gave notes about how and why the Great Depression occurred.

Lewis, Nancy. New Deal. Margret Rung. Chicago: World Book, Inc., 2008, Page 200-203. This book gave lots of basic detailed information about the goals about the New Deal, why it was created and how it works. McCarthy, Abigail. The Miracle Man of Several Minds May 5, 1995. Page 9. This source shows that after the great depression there was no hope until Roosevelt came and changed the economy and many things with his plans. Nasaw, David. From the Bottom up. The Nation, March 18, 1991, Page 348. This source shows how Roosevelt brought America from the bottom up after the great depression.

New Deal. History.com. http://www.history.com/topics/new-deal (Accessed September 16, 2012). The notes taken from this site includes some of the events that took place during the First Hundred Days. Besides that I had notes about the Second New Deal, which had more aggressive series of federal programs. New Deal Programs and Timeline. http://livingnewdeal.berkeley.edu/resources/time line/ (Accessed January 20, 2013). It had many New Deal programs listed in different categories from the earliest date to the last. New Financial Laws. http://www.livinghistoryfarm.org/farminginthe30s/money_1 5.html (Accessed November 7, 2012). This source shows that Roosevelt as a president he wanted to get America back to work and by doing financial laws he would use that money for his plans such as the WPA. OFarrell, Brigid. Restoring Workplace Democracy. Washington, DC: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc., 2010. Page 333and 334. After the Great Depression America, was devastated and Roosevelt wanted to get out of that devastation as soon as possible. Powell, Jim. How FDRs New Deal Harmed Millions of Poor People. Cato Institute. http://www.cato.org/publications/commentary/how-fdrs-new-dealharmed-millions-poor-people (Accessed December 12, 2012). This site is about how the critics thought about the new deal how instead of helping the citizens it brought more problems. Jim Powell explains that the Depression of the 1930s would have been a brief disaster if it hadnt been for the national tragedy of the New Deal. The Great Depression and New Deal. 1929-1940s. http://iws.collin.edu/kwilkison/ Onlinel302home/20th%20Century/DepressiopnNewDeal.html (Accessed November 4, 2012). The Great Depression created massive issues and therefore President Roosevelt came up with a plan which is The New Deal, The New Deal helped recover from the devastation of the Great Depression.

The New Deal. http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h1851.html (Accessed October 10, 2012). This was about Herbert Hoover, the birth of the New Deal, the first and second Hundred Days, who paid for the New Deal, response from the Supreme Court and the opponents of the New Deal. It also had information about the election of the 1936 and how the Great Depression ended. Timeline of the Great Depression. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/ features/timeline/rails-timeline/ (Accessed October 1, 2012). This site showed me many events that occurred during the Great Depression. The events presented were from October of 1929 to November of 1940. Trueman, Chris. The New Deal. History Learning Site. http://www.historylearning site.co.uk/new_deal.htm (Accessed October 8, 2012). This site listed the explanation of several acts and agencies. It also has some information such as that the basis of the New Deal was made up of the many acts that were formed during Roosevelts first Hundred Days and that years later many acts were claimed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. Wagner, Ann. 1934: The Art of the New Deal. Jerry Adler. http://www.smithsonian mag.com/arts-culture/1934-Picturing-Hard-Times.html (Accessed December 12, 2012). As the Federal Emergency Relief Act, began to put a few dollars into the pockets of hungry workers, the question whether to include artists among the beneficiaries came up. Harry Hopkins, who was in charge of work relief, settled the matter. And thus the Works of Art Project (PWAP) was created. What happened in 1933. http://www.thepeoplehistory.com/1933.html (Accessed January 20, 2013) It gave me notes on events happening around the world in 1933. World Events 1930-1939. http://archives.mountaintimes.com/history/1930s/world.p hp3 (Accessed January 19, 2013) This site has information of some events happening that shaped the world from 1930 to 1939. WPA (Works Progress Administration) http://www.livinghistoryfarm.org/farmingin the30s/money-16.html (Accessed November 7. 2007)

The WPA was part of The New Deal, it was a plan that Roosevelt created to help recover.

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