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Assignment on Visual Basic Last date of Submission 12.11.12 1. Define array with syntax and example. 2.

What is Select Case? Write its syntax. 3. Explain all data types in VB. 4. What is Scrollbar? Explain the properties and methods 5. Implement the program to generate the Fibonacci series 6. Explain all looping statements in VB with simple example. 7. What do you mean by Event driven programming? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Visual Programming. 8. Explain the term Property, Method and Event. Discuss some common properties for several Visual Basic controls (i.e. Alignment, Caption, Enabled, Name, ToolTipText and Visible ). 9. Discuss the following elements of user interface i.e. Textbox, Label, Checkbox and Option button. Explain the following properties of Textbox control Locked b) MaxLength b) MultiLine c) PasswordChar d) ScrollBars e) Text. 10. WAP that will perform the following operations by using Form, Label, Textbox, and Command Controls.

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