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Bill Number: XXXX Final Vote: Author: Brad Krocheski, Tomin Kozhimala & Jaywin Malhi Senate Secretary: Martha Pool Dean of Student Life: Dr. Lisa S. Webb Student Senate Chair: Ted Belden

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A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE LACK OF ATMs WHEREAS Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) are important because they provide students the ability to have convenient access to personal finances, and that SMU carries only one ATM, belonging to Bank of America, in the Hughes-Trigg Student Center, and that the current ratio is not logistically sound, as there are approximately 10,000 students on campus with a diverse array of bank providers who are left to utilize only one machine, and that SMU recently signed a five-year contract, valid until 2016, with Bank of America, making it the sole bank provider for Hughes-Trigg and thereby preventing the addition of other companies ATMs in this building, and that the Fall 2011 Student Concerns Survey, administered by the Student Concerns Committee and completed by over 1,400 respondents, indicates that 87% of students are in favor of more ATMs from major banks on campus and 27% of students use Chase Bank, the second-most used bank by students, that SMU purchase and make available a Chase Bank ATM in Fondren Library for the use of students, faculty, staff and visitors.






Respectfully Submitted, Brad Krocheski Dedman II Senator Tomin Kozhimala Asian-American Senator Jaywin Singh Malhi Student Concerns Chair

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