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Term-End Examination December, 2008

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Maximum Marks : L00 (VVeightage 70%) A. Attempt any three questions from Section SectionB is compulsory. All questions carry equalmarks. SECTION - A 1. (u) Explain the situations conducive for Personal Selling, giving suitable examples? What do you understand by Non Verbal Communication ? How does it help in Sales Interaction ?

C\J C\J Time : 3 hours

Note: 0





Why it is essential that Salestraining be thought of as a long-term on going process? Explain the steps in the training process. As a Sales Manager, what quantitative and qualitative criteria you would use to monitor the performance of Sales force.





You are a fast growing private sector bank offering innovative credit cards through direct marketing. What type of field sales organisation would you design and why ? Explain the purpose of Sales Budget. What are the various methods of Sale Budgeting ?


Write short notes on any three of the following : (u) Prospecting. (b) Interview as a selection tool. G) (d) G) Motivation of SalesPeople. Improvingterritoryproductivity. Purpose of SalesBudget.


As a SalesManager of SAL PVT. LTD, a new company manufacturing and marketing aluminium extruded products, such as doors, windows, partition aluminium frames, etc. is targeting both the household and institutions in the domestic market. The factory is located in Karnataka. Having discussedand decided with the CEO to initially focus salesand diskibution efforts in Southern regiory consisting of Karnatak4 Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala, |ou have been assingedthe crucial task of designing the sales territories to optimally cover the aforesaid four Southern States. (") (b) (c) Questions How would you go about your task in designing the sales territories ? What major oiteria.would you keep in mind in assigning Salespersons to different territories ? Discuss some of the non-financial motivators that you can use for motivating the sales force. -oOo-

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