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VOTE rev. dr.

ryan shook
East Austin where the logic is never sound There is an election but the choice of language is apparently wrong Although we live in America, the land of the free The parking is not on the sidewalk next to the street The elected officials well qualified as a reverend and a doctor Their inability to speak the native tongue is quite the shocker The owners of the house, clearly in the past were convicted I would bet the value of this house, they might get evicted

nolan green

someone should have taken a better photograph.

A SIMPLE POEM for a pretty front porch

Nathan Barrera

Our pretty front porch has healed hearts so unbroken. Its played back the rumors of words so unspoken And blocked off the rain or the sun when its shining And echoed so sweetly our sweet baby's crying. This wood does us well, and it hasn't failed, yet, To hear our old news and scold presidents To talk of the street and our grass that needs mowing And watch with such pride, the kids, how they're growing For so many years, here, we've gathered communions That end with soft dawns and start with noon suns To each generation we've handed that torch To gather with laughter And love And patience On our pretty front porch.

The woman who helped him out of the van reached into the passenger seat and retrieved a pitcher of water, closed off at the top and filled to the brim. As she handed the man the water, I walked back into my own house, and contemplated what to do with the rest of my day.

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