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Name : 1.Arief ridho kusuma 2.

Danu adi brata Class : XII-IPA8 Frameworks Issue : should ban students for bringing their car ? Argument pro : 1. Traffic jam problem 2. Showing the different of social status Arguments can : 1.way for them to go to school easily 2. Helping students bring their stuffs

Recommendation: 1. if only the situation & condition not support students to go school without car, they could bring it . 2. They must by traffict rules, dont disturb another vehicles 3. Have self-aware & dont show off.

Nowad ays, lot of students from SMAN 1 Samarinda driving car go to school, that creates lots problem as the consequene . in this case, school committed as stack holder has to do something related to the issue by banning students to bring their car to school that of course rises many pros & cons side Some people who agree whit it said that, the traffic jam problem has been increasing rapidly ofter lots of students bring their car , that of course disturb another road users Other comment with the same point of view assume by bringing that kind of axpensive vehicle just to go school will show the difarha .of social status so much. Which is something that school should not hach their students about. We have to avoid them from that social phenomenon sin a weare dialing with unstabil youth. In the other side of prespective , people think that by bringing car, those students could go tp school easily especially for those who have busy parents who cant drive them to school , or dont have driver but have car left, so why dont they just use it ? As the exthtion , with car as big & wide vehicle could help them bring their stuffs to school . maybe they are having project that nees huge tools, so by bringing car , it can help them directly & improve their study performance as well At the end , after we combinged so many opnions we can make up our mind about what we should do next . allowing students to bring their car can be done, but it deepends on the situation & condition of that students self what he/ she really cant go to school without the car or not , then even if they bring it they must traffic ruks , got the driving lisen , dont disturb other vehiks at lost silf aware from students themselves is really needed to prevent social inequalities , and please dont show off

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