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D 735

M.E. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL/MAY 2003. Second Semester Computer Science and Engineering CP 144 INTERNET PROGRAMMING AND TOOLS Time : Three hours Answer ALL questions. PART A (10 2 = 20 marks) 1. What do you mean by Limited broadcast Address? 2. What are the basic services provided by the telnet? 3. What are the values the METHOD attribute can assume in a HTML form? Distinguish between them. 4. What is MIME? Illustrate its use with an example. 5. What are the various Mouse Events and give their functions? 6. Give the various Java Script control structures and their equivalent in VB Script. 7. What is a Thread? What are the ways this can be created? 8. Define Serialization. What are its uses? 9. Why can't we clone a Remote Object by invoking Clone method on the stub? 10.What is Meta Data? What are its kinds? PART B (5 16 = 80 marks) 11.(i) (ii) Explain briefly about URLs. (8) (8) (8) (8) Maximum : 100 marks

Explain the various search engines commonly used in Internet. (i) Explain TCP/IP Reference Model.

12.(a) (ii)

Explain the Domain Naming System. Or



Write short notes on Email.


(ii) 13.(a)

Discuss briefly about FTP and Finger Protocols. (i)


What are the objectives of using Cascading Style sheets? Briefly explain about linking of External Style sheets and Fixing the backgrounds. (8)


Write the complete Javascript to prompt the user for the radius of the sphere and call function sphere Volume to calculate and display the volume of the sphere. Use the statement. Volume = (4.0/3.0) * Math.PI *Math.pow(radius,3) to calculate the volume, The user should input the radius through an HTML text field in a <FORM> and press an HTML button to initiate the calculations. (8) Or


Explain the uses and operations of the following filters with suitable examples. (i) flipv (ii) fliph (iii) Chroma (iv) mask. (16)


(i) Write a Java program to implement Client server Concept using Datagram Sockets. (8) Explain briefly about the Character Stream class hierarchies. Or (8)



(i) (ii)

Explain Native Methods with an example. What are the problems encountered with the usage of Native methods? (8) Explain the uses of JAVA in creating, Loading and displaying an Image. (8) Explain briefly about stubs and parameter marshalling with respect to Remote Method Invocation with suitable example. (16) Or



Explain the following : (i) Javabeans(ii) JDBC. (16)

D 735

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